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#2 Stubbs White 3----pmaloy24

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The Ted talk, Why children of immigrants experience guilt -- and strategies to cope by Sahaj Kaur Kohli is about how children of Immigrants, can often feel a sense of guilt from feeling like they aren't living up to their parents' expectations of them. A lot of kids feel obligated to work harder to meet these expectations and when they feel like they can't they feel like they are letting their parents down. “Many children of immigrants feel a chronic sense of guilt for letting their parents down, for not being enough, for being too American, for seeming ungrateful” (Kohli 0:53). 

In I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika L. Sánchez is about a young girl named Julia whose parents are immigrants from Mexico and they moved to Chicago. Julia struggles a lot with depression especially after her sister died. She has a lot of guilt connected with her sister's death and how her parents blame her. She feels like she can’t meet her parents' expectations and she will never be like she will never be the perfect Mexican daughter unlike her sister who was. “...My parents want me to be a person I don’t  want  to  be.  I  love  my  mom,  but  she  drives  me  crazy. I understand that she’s upset about my sister—we all are—but I feel so suffocated. I’m nothing like Olga, and I never will be. There’s nothing I can do to change that”’ (Sánchez 216).

Based on this, does the character in your novel feel  pressured by their parents? Why do you think our character’s parents put so much pressure on their kids, especially as an immigrant? If your character does not feel pressure from their parents, are they pressured by other people?


Rules for participants: 

-Never use a peer’s real name, only use their username

-Respond to the question based on your book, not your personal opinion

-If the question doesn’t directly apply to something that appears in your book, be clear about what you’re seeing instead

-Make sure to include a summary of your book so far

-Include a quote with the proper citation to give context to your answer

-Reply to one other participant in this group

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My character Saeed is pressured by others to give how old he is and where can came from and he wanted to leave but he did give how old he is and where he came from. Saeed what very hesitant about giving them his age because he doesn't know his age so he said he was 18 years old and he didn't mind giving where he came from because it's a part of his life.

“Saeed, said hesitantly because he wasn't sure whether to walk out with us or answer the question,”(Padian pg.220)

“John wrote this down. Then he looked up. :” and how old are you, Saeed” (Padian  pg.220)


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Pressure can come form so many different places. Who were the people Pressuring Saeed, and why did they want to know this information?

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The person pressuring Saeed was named john, and he is a part of the soccer team. the information he wanted was because john thinks Saeed is too old to play soccer at the high school level

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shes being pressured by her mom and her aunt, her mom wants her too become something great and her mom is sacrifcing alot of stuff sao kimberly will become something great, her mom is doing it out of love because she wants her too become more then what she was. her aunt doesnt want her to succeed more then the own aunts child nelson, shes kinda being manipulative, shes "helping" them. in reality her help really isnt that much help, got them a job in a factory. paid very litte, take out more then half the money, very unsafe. her aunt also provived them with an apartment but has no heating, broken glass, mice and roaches. the building complex is also gonna be torn down by goverment. aunt knew but didnt tell them and still put them into the apartment. kimblerly feels like her aunt is her too stay in the horrible area for the rest of there lifes because she doesnt want them too be more successful then her. she married the american man which then led her too being in charge of all these factories, her son got put into private schools. 

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This was a really good point, very well organized. You did a good job describing her mom and describing her lifestyle.

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I had a similar issue in my book with Julia's parents wanting her to have it better then they have it and be able to get paid more, even though she doesn't agree with what they want for her and she wants to become a writer. They are often manipulative towards her and often guilt tripping her to get her to do what they want. 

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In my novel one of the main characters Tom gets pressured a lot from his uncle. His uncle is a blue collar worker that expects a lot out of Tom. ¨Am I the only person in this family that doesn't have there head up there ass? Did you not watch along with the rest of the world, when those towers went down.¨ This quote shows that his uncle pressures Tom to work hard by using foul language. In my book so far the main character Tom plays soccer and is trying to help a Somalian immigrant play soccer. He ends up hanging out with his friend Donnie and they get in trouble with the police. Tom is forced to do 100 hours of community service and is forced to help Saeed with homework.

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Why do you think Toms Uncle pressures him so much? Do you think Tom will ever say anything to get his uncle to stop? What dose his uncle expect for him to do?  

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Posts: 36

I think toms uncle expects a lot out of him thats why he pressures him. I dont think tom can say anythin to make his uncle stop because his uncle is stubborn. his uncle expects him to work and act like him
