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#2 Stubbs White 4---gclair24

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In the Ted talk titled Why Children of Immigrants Experience Guilt, she talks about how children with immigrant parents have guilt and how to identify it and to cope with it. She mostly talks about how guilt is a warning sign and how to identify the values that make you feel guilty and how you're going to deal with it. 

In the Novel Under the Sky by Joseph Kim is dealing with guilt because his mother took his sister to china, Joseph was thinking she was going to return in a couple months. He would have given her a proper goodbye and hug if he knew she wasn't going to return. His mother sold his sister in China and then later returned because she got arrested in China. He is grieving because he misses his sister and it haunts him that he didn't hug her.   

Based on your book, Is your character in your novel experiencing guilt due to grief from situations they couldn't control? What was the cause of this? Consider their parents, friends, other family members. 


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In the Novel "home is not a country" Nima has been through a lot. she is experiecing gulit, reality, and grief. Nima's dad died before she could meet him. she has a hard time getting over the fact that she wont be able to have a father daughter relationship like most people have. Ever since her dad died, Nima mother isnt the same. Nima has found out by her mother that her and her dad were invovled in an issue with the police. “Her eyes in some faraway place that hurts her “thy were officers, they stopped us in the car & wanted to touch me, there were so many of them, teeth shining in the dark, banging on the car windows with their guns.. Your father he would not unlock the doors”” (Elhillo pg. 88). Nima's mother said "there wasnt anything I could do". Nima had a hard time hearing this and being ok with it. she hasnt stopped grieving over her father since she didnt get a chance to meet him. Her mother is sad, very dull and isnt as happy as she used to be. 

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I agree because In my novel Joseph is also dealing with the guilt of his dad dying, unlike your character my character was able to meet and grow up with his dad. hes still grieving about the death of his dad and is also grieving over the disappearance of his sister. Joseph will forever grieve over the moments he had with his dad and when his family was whole, he thinks backs on those moments a lot. When he had a nice warm mat to sleep on and home cooked meals from his mother and watching his favorite TV show then going out and reacting the episode with his friends. he misses those moments but most of all he misses his father that died. 

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to gclair24

in my book, "Don't ask me where I'm from" Lili does feel grief about her father being deported. Her father went to a job but didn't come back by the time he was supposed to. Lili and her mother were getting worried about it until her mother found out that he got deported. Lili's mother was not telling Lili and kept it to herself. Later on, Lili's father's grandparents came down. That's when she found out about her dad. she then could not stop worrying and feeling bad about what had happened. " Was he coming back? Could he come back? What if he never came back?... My brain was in overdrive." (Leon 72).

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I agree mostly to this because in my Novel, Josephs mother went to china with his sister to look for "work". as they are gone in China for a couple weeks and as his mother is in China, she sells her daughter, Josephs sister to a man for 1000 wong which is 200 dollars. His mother gets arrested in China by the Chinese police and sent to Jail back in North Korea. She was released on a warning and then later Joseph found out his mother had sold his sister and she was still there in China. 

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in my book "girl in translation" Kimberly does have moments of grief where she misses her father who had passed away before they immigrated to the U.S. she thinks about her father a fair amount and how she wishes he could be there with them in the times when they need him the most" Ma wrapped her arms around me and held me tight throughout an episode of I Love Lucy, as if she was the one seeking comfort from me, and I wished harder than ever that Pa were here to help." (pg 18-19)  

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I agree and relate to this so much because my character Joseph his father had passed away due to a disease and starvation, he thinks about the times and the family moments he had with his dad and the times all of his family were together.  he grieves over his father mostly because he knew he was disappointing him before he died, he wasn't there for the last few breaths of his because he was gone to get help. he grieves over the fact he left his fathers side instead of staying and watching him die. 

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In the second part of Out of Nowhere by Maria Padian, Tom has now challenged Alex Rhodes to a bet. If Chamberlain, Tom's school, wins against Maquoit, Alex Rhode's school, Tom will get to put " You Rock Chamberlain!" on Maquoit's spirit rock. If Maquoit wins, Tom will go to Maquoit by himself and write whatever they want on it in front of most of the school. The only thing Tom forgot, was that their scheduled game against Maquoit was right in the middle of Ramadan, a holiday on the 9th month of the Islamic calendar when all the Muslims fast. “‘Because our next game against Maquoit is scheduled for the second week of October. Right smack in the middle of Ramadan.’” (Padian, 111). This means that all of Chamberlain's Muslim players, the biggest, Saeed, won't have their normal energy because they won't have eaten in half a month. Tom decides he might ask them to break their fast. Chamberlain goes on to play Whitter, the school they played first game, and won 5-2. His relationship with Myla becomes more serious, officially calling themselves dating. After Tom watches a track meet at a local school with his friend Mike, he sees a Muslim racing and realizes their religion pushes them, making them strong even during a fast. He decides then he won't ask them to break their fast. Alex Rhodes was at the Whitter game and saw Chamberlain's success. Tom meets with him at Starbucks. Tom accidentally tells Alex what age Saeed said he might be, 20. Giving Alex and his father the perfect evidence to get Saeed kicked off the team. 

This is where Tom experiences guilt. Later, Saeed is temporarily off the team because his age was being discussed. Tom knows this was his fault and has a ton of guilt towards himself. Now his friend might not be able to play soccer, his favorite sport, because he spilled the beans.

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what if Saeed never told his age? would he still be on the team? 

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Yes, he would be on the team if Saeed never told his age because then the final decision would come to his green card, which says he's 18. But Tom ruined that for him by telling Alex Rhodes. 
