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#3 Chick Red 1---kparker24

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In this speech “What’s missing from the American immigrant narrative.” This girl talks about how she was left alone while her family was being pushed back into mexico. Even though she didn't go back to Mexico she knew that she would make it right for her and her younger brother, “Now I'm super lucky to be in a place where I can be there for my little brother so that he feels confident and prepared to take on whatever he chooses to do next.” (Gutierrez)


In the book Enrique's Journey by Sonia Nazario this young kid named Enrique was separated from his mom at the age of 5. When Enrique got older he then decided to make a big decision in his life and to train hop to the United States. He got caught 6 times and on the 7th try he made it to a camp a river away from the United States. Him and his mom have an unexpected reunion by the help of his girlfriend that he left at home for this whole journey but Enrique got caught and sent back to Honduras.He talks about how he feels about his mom, “I just want to be by her side even if it's for a short while”(Nazario 188).

Based on this and what you know from your own book, what does it take for immigrants to experience success?


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-Respond to the question based on your book, not your personal opinion

-If the question doesn’t directly apply to something that appears in your book, be clear about what you’re seeing instead

-Make sure to include a summary of your book so far

-Include a quote with the proper citation to give context to your answer

-Reply to one other participant in this group

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A short summary of my book is that it’s about Somali refugees that come to a small town in Maine. Lots of them join the soccer team and they are very good at it. This causes lots of tension since people think that they are stealing spots on the team. For an immigrant to become successful it takes lots of hard work and determination. There will definitely be lots of times where you won’t be happy and it will be very hard but it is possible. Being an immigrant you have to go through a lot of hardships in life. One example of that is discrimination. Oftentimes people think differently of immigrants. An example of this I found in my book is “Folks get nervous when a bunch of black men gather to play soccer every evening on fields near their houses.” (Padian 254) But if you make it through all those troubles you can find success. 

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I agree with you even through rough time you can still be successful 

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My book relates to yours because in both books the immigrants have to work really hard to become successful after immigrating to a new place. It can be very hard to fit in and be able to create a stable life, but like you said they just have to work really hard and they will be able to succeed at some point. 

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My character faces the same challenge of discrimination. Kids at school make fun of her and call her slurs because shes korean. 

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Was there any success in the end of the story? Im hoping that the immigrants eventually saw some acceptance in the community.


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My book is A Pho Love Story by Loan Le. This book, so far, talks about the challenges two kids have with their parents. Both families are from Vietnam and have immigrated to America. This book describes the challenges that both kids face when it comes to being good enough for their parents. The characters are Linh and Bao. Bao doesn’t feel that he can be good enough for his parents but doesn’t know how to tell them how he feels, along with Linh who has struggled to fit her parent's standards when it comes to life after high school. As the books has gone on Lihn and Bao have become closer, although Lihn and Bao have been fighting and arguing a lot and ended up not talking for a while.  Their families have always hated each other has long as they could remember, but they are tired of being pulled apart because of them. Lihn and Bao are now trying to figure out the real reason both families don’t like each other. Linh and Bao ended up getting into a fight because of their arguments with their parents and stopped talking completely. Although Linh and Bao weren’t talking at the moment she both realized how much they have grown from each other. Linh ended up painting a mural for a restaurant, and Bao got a piece of his writing published in the newspaper. Once they realize that they are good for each other and want to make everything work they decided to once and for all figure out why the families hated each other so much. In the end lying was the biggest factor for all of the issues that had occurred in both families' lives. Once the truth was out everything started getting better. 

In my book it took a lot of support for the immigrants to experience success. Bao grew up and never really knew what he wanted to be until he met Linh. Linh showed him that he is an amazing writer and because of this it allowed him to realize that he can go very far with his writing if he tries. This also goes the other way too. “Ali sits next to me, looking unusually somber. ‘See, the thing with Linh is that she was alone for a while. Not physically, but alone inside her head. I’m a journalist and she’s a painter and though they’re both creative things, she never really had someone on that level with her. But you, Bao, you made her open up a little. Her art has changed. It’s transformed. It’s been freed.’ Ali pauses. ‘I’ve never seen her that happy, and it’s because you walked into her life. I’m grateful for that… I’m not just talking about Linh who’s changed. You’ve become the writer you’re meant to be.”... (Le 343). This quote explains that because of the friendship these two immigrant kids made allowed them to have great success in the things they loved to do. 

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this is similar to my book in the way that there are two characters that help each other in some sort of way by love 

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My book "Out Of Nowhere" by Maria Padian is about a high school senior named Tom. He's the team captain of the Chamberlain High school soccer team with a bunch of new to the area Somali refugees who are amazing at soccer. Between religion and the Morale of the star player Saeed and his family, their reputation was hurt by the end of the book and they had to move to a different state. In this process Tom gained a huge amount of respect for the Somali immigrants and even though he lost a good friend, he has plenty of life experience to stand up for others in his community. "'She's getting off... with nothing! Absolutely nothing . and she had ruined Samira. Coach, this sort of shit is bad."(Padian 305)

It's hard for Immigrants to have success in my book because people are constantly after them about something. For example Saeed got stuck in a snow storm going to a travel soccer game, he was missing for over a day and the police immediately thought he ran away to become a terrorist. There was a little bit of success when the soccer team beat the rival team, but soon after the other team started attacking Saeed on being to old (his green card said 18 but it wasn't a confident number). In order to succeed they have to speak good English and have to break away from strict Muslim rituals which nobody can do.

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Your book relates to mine because in my book it explains how different Vietnamese families have a difficult time being able to live a normal life without having to deal with the hatred and drama from other people. It can be very challenging to be able to fit in and achieve success but it's important to keep working hard and eventually good will come out of it. 

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I like how you pointed out that there may be some success but not a lot of it therefore you got to enjoyit for the time being 

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It really is too bad that they had to move at the end of the book, but it's the reality and not every story can end the way we want. I really was hoping it would finish well.

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In my book Almost American Girl by Robin Ha my character feels Hopeless, Shes lonely, sad and doesn't know why her Mom had to get married and move to America and drag her along. She was the new kid no one liked and she was different from everyone else, she was Korean. She then had a new class and met a Girl named Jessica. She is Korean also, they became friends and both shared lots of interests. "Do you want to come over to my house on Saturday and watch Anime?" (Ha 170) This was the greatest success Chuna My character, had since she moved. She finally found a friend. 

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that almost sounds like my book but when my main character named Enrique his mom moved to america he was left behind

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your character was left behind and mine feels like a part of her was left behind. they are similar in that way
