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#3 Chick Red 1---mcastonguay24

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Elizabeth in the Ted Talk “What’s missing from the American immigrant narrative” grew up in Mexico and was forced to grow up and figure out her life and her own success on her own with her younger brother and also help him to fund his success. She learned that as a community we should come together more to help each other, but her main point in the ted talk is to help yourself and get your oxygen mask before helping someone else and getting them theirs. Meaning help yourself first then others.

In Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok, Kim goes to a new school and makes a new friend, Annette. One of Kim’s teachers singles her out for her lack of understanding of English, which is difficult until Annette helps boost her confidence. Kim gets accepted to an expensive private school with financial support. This causes a riff between her and her aunt, who had a child that wasn’t accepted to the same school, despite them being better off financially. In the end Kim ends up better financially off then anyone and achieves her own success by becoming a very successful surgeon.

These two topics are connected through children of immigrants/young immigrants and having to work hard for what YOU want, not necessarily your family. Elizabeth in the Ted Talk “What’s missing from the American immigrant narrative” she says “In case of an emergency, put your oxygen mask on first before helping those around you…it meant that immigrants couldn't and would never be able to fit into any one narrative” (Gutierrez 5:10) In this quote Kim is talking about her and Ma's new house. Witch in this case is being thought of like their new oxygen mask and taking off the old dirty one. She says that in some time she would be able to help Matt and Park too. “If you want, you and Park can come with me. It may take me some time, but someday I'll take you away from all this.” (Kwok 272)


Should you always put on your own oxygen mask first or not? To what extent should people go to help those around them?


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you should always put your oxygen mask first because then you can help others after because then you will be able to help everyone and not just those who you can get to at the time we can see this in one of the conflicts of the third part of my book out of nowhere by Maria Padian when one of the kids drives in the middle of a snow storm and gets into an accident and thrown from the car and nearly dies. "'time to go' he said 'a hot shower and warm bed await'" after waiting in the hospital for nine hours the main character has to leave so that he isn't sleeping when he should awake and be better himself because he can't help his friend if he can't stay awake.

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after the quote the citation is (Padian 273) 

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Very interesting, our books have some similarities. After he put on his own oxygen mask was his friend able to do the same for himself or did his friend help him out afterwards? 

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thank you for the feed back

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the friend helped him out after by being there for him when he help in the up coming days

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This relates to my book because in mine it explains how it is important to be there for each other and have each others backs, because it bring success. If Bao hadn't stuck with Linh and helped her get through the hard times she wouldn't have become the amazing painter he knew she could be. 

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I like the idea of puting of the oxygen mask both for your and sbonner24’s post. It seems like it was very helpful for both of your characters.

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Was this person a close friend?

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My book "Out Of Nowhere" by Maria Padian is about a high school senior named Tom. He's the team captain of the Chamberlain High school soccer team with a bunch of new to the area Somali refugees who are amazing at soccer. Between religion and the Morale of the star player Saeed and his family, their reputation was hurt by the end of the book and they had to move to a different state. In this process Tom gained a huge amount of respect for the Somali immigrants and even though he lost a good friend, he has plenty of life experience to stand up for others in his community. "'She's getting off... with nothing! Absolutely nothing . And she had ruined Samira. Coach, this sort of shit is bad."(Padian 305)

Tom is a great example of someone with his Oxygen mask on, as a team captain he's a leader and a role model, he goes to the community center and helps young Somali kids with homework and entertains them while their parent aren't around. His actions are a little above and beyond and he really did spend as much time as he could helping others

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I like how your book really shows how above Tom went to help others but still put himself first before helping. 

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I like how you and I picked different parts of the book to talk about because we are doing the same book.
