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#3 White 3----athibeault24

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In the ted talk Don't feel sorry for refugees---believe in them by Luma Mufleh it talks about  how Luma Mufleh is a daughter of an immigrant and she had to flee her own home country Jorden to go live in the United States were she gave up her Jorden citizenship. And how  63 million people have been forced from their home do to war.  Then she  went to college in the United States. She traveled around to find a place that she can call home  where she ended up finding a place in North Carolina. “I didn't feel like I had a home. I was no longer a Jordanian citizen, but I wasn't American, either. I felt a kind of loneliness that is still hard to put into words today”(5:36 Mufleh). This is after she had to give up her Jordanian Citizenship. 

In the novel  Out of Nowhere By Maria Padian  the main characters are Tom, Saeed, Myla, Donnie, Alex Rodes. It talks about kids that play soccer that wanted to beat Maquoit which they did. It also talks about all the kids that come from Somalia that had to move from their home country to war. And they struggle with trying to fit in or have a hard time trying to understand English where the school is so under-equipped with the correctly trained people to help.   And Saeed's sister Samira had to figure out how to fit in with American culture but also be in rules of her own culture “Here’s the thing: she was trying to figure out the new rules as well. Trying to figure out what was religion and what was culture. Haram versus Hala. In a strange new world where she was trying to fit in as a new American but also as a good Muslim”(Padian 270).  With the pressure of trying to fit in she did not feel like she was at home. 

In your book did your character have a hard time trying to fit in or assimilate to their “new” home?

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In my story, my character didn't really have a hard getting in a home but staying where he is, might be the issue. he has the federal police trying to find reasons to send him back to El Salvador.“ I assume you know, phoenix, that this is terrible for your case. There are thousands of young men seeking asylum from El Salvador right now…… only a hand full will be granted it, and i can assure you that the ones who engaged in gang related torture will not be among them” (pg.148) they are trying to send him back. but there people who aren't really helping his case. 

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Like your character In my book there trying to get Saeed off the soccer team because he is the only reason the were able to beat Maquoit because of his skill that he learned from Somali when he lived the played soccer instead of going to school.   So are books both have the issues of people wanting to get people kicked out of something.

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This is true, thank you for responding 🙂

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In my book there isn't anyone trying to bring them back to Mexico but they are always afraid that someone will try to send them back or try to arrest them because the parents crossed the border illegally. 

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I am not your perfect Mexican Daughter is about a girl named Julia. She is the daughter of immigrants that came from Mexico and then moved to Chicago. Julia is the type of person who will talk back and start arguments. After her sister's death Julia started investigating her sister because of some items she found in her room, along the way she learns about some other things like the struggles her parents had crossing the border. Julia also struggles with depression especially after her sister died, there is a lot of guilt in the family connected to her sister's death and she ends up blaming herself for it and at one point her mother ends up blaming her for it. Julia feels like she can never be the perfect Mexican daughter compared to her sister who was.

Although my character Julia is not an immigrant her parents are and in the book we hear about their struggles, their town was full of war that has not fully gone away still. ‘“Again? I thought this had ended,” she says. “Why, God, why?” (Sánchez 277)Tía Fermina rubs her back and tries to calm her down, but  Mamá  Jacinta  whimpers  and  cries.” So they left and on the border they were robbed and while her mother was assaulted on the border her father couldn't do anything about it and was forced to watch. Julia was never told about this and only found out about this when she was visiting family in Mexico. She later learned that her mom was pregnant with her sister after this encounter. Although the book does not go into detail about what happened after this we do know that her mom works cleaning people's houses and her father works in the factory. I think after the events that they have been through it was hard for them to live after. Her father also used to be an artist and gave it up when they came to america needless to say their lives were never the same after they came to America.  

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In my book Saeed's was not the first one in his family that immigrated his Sister and mother moved over to the United States first because Saeed was located with his uncle in a different part of the country they allowed for them to leave Somalia but they had to leave Saeed there. but he did get to come over to Maine His family did get a better understanding of English. and they got to understand the culture. 
