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#3 White 3----tdrouin24

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In the TedTalk What’s missing from the American immigrant perspective, speaker Elizabeth Camarillo talks about being an American immigrant and how being on her own helped her and helped her family later on in life, “But being able to have that self-control is sometimes the only way that we are able to help those around us.” (Camarillo) so she wanted to tell people it is okay to make the decision to go off on your own to benefit your life and others around you. 

In the novel Out of Nowhere, the Character Saeed is an immigrant from a country completely taken over by warfare, he travels with his family but often times he is minding his business staying out of things that could get him in trouble, “‘I, uh, always play.’ He shrugged again. As if the outrageous soccer he’d just demonstrated on the field was no big deal.” (Padian 6) I like this quote a lot because it is showing that Saeed is just in his own lane, not over the top even though he is outstanding and easily the best the school has ever seen at soccer. In the end him and his family get away from the discrimination in the town from Saeed being his own person.  

Does your character being alone benefit them more or having support from others? Use your Novel to explain your answer.

For participants: 

-Never use a peer’s real name, only use their username

-Respond to the question based on your book, not your personal opinion

-If the question doesn’t directly apply to something that appears in your book, be clear about what you’re seeing instead

-Make sure to include a summary of your book so far

-Include a quote with the proper citation to give context to your answer

-Reply to one other participant in this group

-Acknowledge your lead’s reply to your response with a comment that clarifies information, offer a question to them about their book, or simply give a thumbs up

To exceed: Reply to three other people in this group, or two in this group and one in a group you weren’t assigned

8 Replies
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So far in my story my character has had a lot of support, from peers and "family" there"s a girl who he is helping with medical issues, and in return she is giving him a friend. The character has most of his benefits from the support around him.“Can i have a do over” “Only if i can too” “Meet me at the garden in five” “Okay” (pg.172) This is a conversation between The character and his "girlfriend". He has friend and she is helping him by supporting him.  

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Posts: 25

It seems it was good that your character got that help from his peers and family around him. Even though my character Saeed likes to separate himself from other kids, he receives help from one on of his peers Tom who helps him with his school, and his sister who helps him with the English culture in general. 

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our characters seem to have some things in common and things that are different, thank you for responding.  

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Posts: 36

Good point, very relatable. my character gets support from peers aswell

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My character does better when he has support from other people. Saeed (The character in my book) Gets help from another character tom, tom helps him with homework, soccer and speaking English. When tom helps Saeed with his homework it shows that this character is getting help.¨were there only 26 letters in the alphabet? I started counting on my fingers: A,B,C,D… ¨tom are you listening?¨ (pg 153) So far the book has been about saeed and tom. saeed is learning english and is a somali immigrant. tom is an american boy and attends the same school as saeed. Tom gets in trouble with law and has to help saeed with homework and school. at the end of the book they become good friends and end up good.

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Posts: 25

I can see how your character Saeed needed that help from his peers and how it had benefited him. If you look at it from a different perspective, even though he receives help from his peers, Saeed likes to separate himself and be alone. You can see this when he brings himself to and from soccer practice. Good response

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Posts: 36

thank you for the good points. I can live the rest of my life satisfied knowing you responded to my reply. ? ? 

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Posts: 9

It was an "amazing" point made we will all live our lives better knowing that Tdrouin24 responded 
