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#3 Young GBrant

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In the Ted talk A safe pathway to resettle for migrants and refugees Becca Heller talks about how immigrants must make sacrifices and move away from their home for their futures, their safety, and their families because of this, sacrifices must be made. “They were separated from their mother when they were all forced to flee from their home in Eritrea when they were children. The kids were left behind because if she tried to get them back they could have gotten hurt or worse” (Becca Heller)


In the novel The Tyrant's Daughter by J.C Carleson a book about a family running away from the aftermath of the dad of the family’s  crimes. “Hurry up! Hurry up! He’d been yelling at Mother as she tried to pack more and more suitcases. There’s no time for any of that.” this shows that they are trying to run away from something for their safety and because of that they need to leave things behind (Carleson 37).  While they are safer they do miss their old life. 


Based on your book what are the sacrifices that an immigrant character made? (such losing contact with family or friends, a home, and objects) Were these sacrifices worth it?


For participants: 

-Never use a peer’s real name, only use their username

-Respond to the question based on your book, not your personal opinion

-If the question doesn’t directly apply to something that appears in your book, be clear about what you’re seeing instead

-Make sure to include a summary of your book so far

-Include a quote with the proper citation to give context to your answer

-Reply to one other participant in this group

-Acknowledge your lead’s reply to your response with a comment that clarifies information, offer a question to them about their book, or simply give a thumbs up

To exceed: Reply to three other people in this group, or two in this group and one in a group you weren’t assigned

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In Out of Nowhere, by Marie Padian there's a character named Tom. In the story it takes place in a small city where they are taking in Somalian immigrants. A lot of them play on the soccer team and as the team team captain, Tom has to adapt to people coming in and has to help them integrate. "They consider dogs to be unclean animals. If they touch a dog, they have to wash seven times, or--' Give money to seven orphans, or feed a poor man seven days,' I filled in for her" (Padian 163). Not only that but Tom learns a lot about the culture and what the people are like. He puts up time in the learning center to help these immigrants learn. All though he was forced to be there he still finds his passion for it. He gives up his girlfriend to because she is super petty and discriminates which he doesn't stand for. All these things he gives up in order to help out. These sacrifices are worth it for him because he is doing what he can to help.

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I like how Tom likes to help immigrants learn and make this country a better place. Would Tom defend all of those immigrants from other bully's or racist people? Or would he become a bystander?

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how old is tom

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In the novel North of Happy, Carlos had to endure losing a sibling. His sibling named Felix loved to travel and try many different restaurants, but unfortunately he passed away. Carlos was very upset about this happening and he could not stand being home where he and his brother tried to live. So Carlos decided to go to America to try Felix's favorite restaurant. When Carlos got there he was having fun but he misses his home country and home cooked meals. "What now? There's nothing here for me anymore. There is no cake left, nothing to have or to eat." (Alsaid 273). The only reason going to America made these sacrifices worth it is when he met Emma and fell in love. If it weren't for Emma Carlos would have been back in America much sooner. 

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did they leave America after falling in love?

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also how does his brother die? I like that Carlos cared about his brother so much that he left his home to try his favorite foods in america

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In Out of Nowhere by Marie Padian you see many family losses as well. The character Saeed who is an immigrant has lost many friends in the war in his native country. So this great losses has made it even harder to immigrate into the new state.
