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1. Group A - mpontbriand25

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In the Ted Talk 3 Questions to Ask Yourself about The US Citizenship by Jose Antonio Vargas, discusses how the US struggles with immigrants and how they came here. He discusses how everyone should not know their past or where they came from. US citizens and immigrants should be equal, they should be redefined in this day and age. “What do immigrants know before coming to the US”(Vargas 6:02). 

In the novel Watched by Marina Budhos, Naeem also deals with being different from others because he is from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Naeem got himself mixed up with the cops and they asked him to be a watcher at the mosque crawler. The cops took advantage and made fun of Naeem’s culture because they know he comes from a poor neighborhood, and is not from America.  “I can hardly breathe now. My teeth hurt. This is a test, only this time, I’m not confused. I know exactly what he’s asking of me”(Budhos 44).

Does a character in your book also get profiled or judged for being different?


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-Respond to the question based on your book, not your personal opinion

-If the question doesn’t directly apply to something that appears in your book, be clear about what you’re seeing instead

-Make sure to include a summary of your book so far

-Include a quote with the proper citation to give context to your answer

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In my book Out of Nowhere by Maria Padian is about a small town in Maine flooding with Somali refugees looking for a better way at life. The soccer team gets a jolt of inspiration and outstanding play from their new students who are very talented at the sport. The four Somali guys have a hard time with communication because they're non-English speaking, and that is a struggle for the teammates because communication is key.

A character who is judge is Saeed, they said "He was kind of skinny you noticed. like you could make out the skeleton just beneath the surface." Judging him on his appearance and wondering if even eats. 

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Hi, Igreenwood25. 

How did Saeed react to this comment, "He was kind of skinny you noticed. Like you could make out the skeleton beneath the surface". I see they judged him on his appearance, but how did he take it personally? 

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In my book Your House Will Pay by Steph Cha, there is a specific race group that gets targeted. People wrongly accuse black people of being criminals. "You can be an unarmed black boy, and someone can just come in and kill you with the full blessing of the law." (Cha 18).

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Hi, Edrake25. 

I agree with this response because the question addresses the characters well. How they are being targeted because of their specific race. People think they are criminals because they are black. Definitely shows how they are being profiled just because of their ethnicity. 

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I have something similar in my book too, One of my main characters Jose, is dealing with him being a Jew and the Nazis not liking him and the Nazis took away his dad and threatened to bring them to a concentration camp for being Jewish.

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This is a thing that I see in my book too. In my book Tre got pulled over and was searched for no reason just for being from an Indian Reservation. They did nothing wrong and the officer assumed that they did. How does being accused of being a bad person affect your character? Does this put him down or empower him in some way?

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Added: A quote that shows this in my book is "We don't have any drugs on us. You also have zero reason to believe that we would have any drugs on us, other than racially profiling us for being from the reservation." (Graves 37). It was a new thing to these kids to see how differently they were treated.

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In my book Refugee by Alan Gratz it focuses on 3 different characters, Josef, Mahmoud, and Isabel who are all dealing with different scenarios. In my book Josef is living in Germany during the holocaust, he is a 12 year old boy and hes laying down getting ready for bed, and his house gets raided by the Nazis, Josef gets thrown on the floor next to his 6 year old sister, and his dad got arrested for practicing the Jewish law. Josef tried to fight to get his dad back but they threatened to take him to a concentration camp and they couldnt do anything about his dad getting taken away. My next character is Mahmoud, Throughout what i’ve read he is dealing with the Syrian government attacking their own civilians, its gotten to the point to where the civilians are fighting with other civilians and its a constant battle. Mahmoud’s house is destroyed and after that they try to escape. My last and final character is Isabel, from what ive read she is dealing with a corrupt government after the fall of the Soviet Union. Her family and their neighbors are trying to escape by boat and go to the USA. They trades items that they couldnt bring on the boat for gasoline and they prepared to go to the USA.


A character that is getting judged is Mahmoud and Kahlil, and my quote shows this, “Mahmoud had been going to meet his best friend, Khalid. Down a side street just like this one, Mahmoud found Khalid getting beaten up by two older boys.”(Gratz 16) The reason there is conflict is because he's Syrian and the rebels, and Soviets all have conflict because they were in a war so they weren't liked by the other groups.

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I agree with what was said in this response, I agree with this for the reason that people as a society look at foreigners indifferently, and make assumptions of what them and their country represent as a whole.

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Hi Cdalessandro25, 

How did 12 year old Josef feel after his dad got taken by Nazis to a concentration camps? 

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Hello mpontbriand25,

He was very upset that his dad got taken away and 6 months later he ended up seeing his dad get released from the concentration camp but they had to leave Germany immediately.

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In my book "Out of Nowhere" by Maria Padian, it talks about a young man named Tom Bouchard. Tommy was born and raised in Anniston, Maine. And goes to a predominantly white school with very little diversity. Tommy plays Soccer for his school and has made himself a household name with his soccer team. Tommy also has a girlfriend named Cherisse, Cherisse is a shallow and whiny girl, who in addition, Is a narcissist who wants his undivided attention 24/7. Tommy has a best friend named Donnie, who is a loser willing to get a high off of anything. In the mist of negative energy, there is a spark of light when a young man named Saeed, a refugee from Somalia who is a prodigy at soccer. Saeed and his family are in the growing statistics of Muslim refugees settling down in Anniston, though not exactly welcomed there in the light of 9/11. To make matters worse, the mayor of Enniston had a letter published in the local paper asking Somalis to tell other Muslims to not come to Enniston. 

A moment in this story where someone was being judged for being different was when Tom said "No, it's just... you're small." (Padian 49) to a girl named Myla. Because Tom thought Myla was small for her age, he assumed that just because she was shorter, that there was not a possibility that she was a college student.

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Hi, Mkauffman24, 

How does Saeed feel that he is Musilm and he isn't welcome in the town of Anniston? How does his family react? Do they still live there if they aren't welcome?
