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2. Group B - kmcinnis25

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In the Ted Talk “Why Children of Immigrants Experience Guilt-- and Strategies to Cope” by Sahaj Kaur Kohil she talks about how children of immigrants usually feel guilty for not living up to the family's culture or having better access to things then they did when they were younger. “letting their parents down for not being enough, for being too American,for seeming ungrateful.” (Kohil) She talks about how this is a warning sign and how it's not bad to have guilt, it's a way to find help to cope. In the novel Written in the Stars by Aisha Saeed, Nailas also feels guilty for not being enough for her family. She wants to live her own life and not have her parents make her decisions about who she marries. She tries to cope by pushing things away and not thinking about it. “I push out the images of my parents, their reactions when they discover I'm gone” (Saeed 130). Do your characters in your book also struggle with guilt and not feeling good enough? How does this show in your novel?


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-Respond to the question based on your book, not your personal opinion

-If the question doesn’t directly apply to something that appears in your book, be clear about what you’re seeing instead

-Make sure to include a summary of your book so far

-Include a quote with the proper citation to give context to your answer

-Reply to one other participant in this group

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To exceed: Reply to three other people in this group, or two in this group and one in a group you weren’t assigned

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The Novel “the poet X” by Elizabeth Acevedo is about a girl with the name Xiomara Batista. She lives in Harlem, New york. Her parents are strict and dominican. Her Parents are really religious and don't really support her. She is talking about her feelings and her view on things. She feels guilty that she can’t complete the expectations of her parents. My book talks about, that Xiomara doesn't feel good enough for her parents. Based on my book a quote that relates is about Xiomara and her friend "I should hate caridad. she's all my parents want in a daughter. She's everything I could never be." That quote shows me that she feels quilty that she can't be like her parents want her to be. 

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in my novel naila also feels like she should be like her cousins and how her cousins are just want her parents want in a daughter

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In my book Veronica also feels guilty because she cant meet her parents expectations.

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in my book How it all blew up by Arvin Ahmadi the main character in my book is Amir, he is faced with the dilemma of telling his Arabic parents that he is gay. Amir ends up running away because he is afraid of getting outed to his parents, he flees to Rome to start a new life. The story jumps back and forth in time from Amirs perspective of his time in Rome and to the interrogation room with the us government. So, kmcinnis25 yes my character in my book does fall under some of the same events that happened in your book. "I had been staring at the text on my phone for a full minute. I know your gay" (Ahmadi 100)

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I agree our books are similar in the sense that they both feel the need to run away from their issues.

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The Character in my book, Xiomara Batista is also scared to tell her parents that she doesn't want to be like her parents expect her to be.

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In my book Gabi, A Girl in Pieces by Isabel Quintero, it talks about a Girl named Gabi and her life as a Senior in high school being a bigger girl, having a beautiful but pregnant best friend, a gay best friend who just got kicked out, a meth addict dad, and a mexican mom. Through all these struggles and side problems for Gabi she still tries to overlook them. Gabi doesn't dwell on these problems or try to make them seem happier than they are. Throughout this book Gabi goes through even more struggles when her father overdoses in their garage. This has a big impact on Gabi and takes a lot for her to cope with her fathers death While still trying to please the rest of her friends and family. My character Gabi experiences guilt because of her mother. Gabis mom puts pressure on her to embrace her Mexican heritage while still going to an American high school. “I mean, this is America and the twenty-first century, not Mexico one hundred years ago. But, of course, I can't tell my mom that because she’ll think I'm bad. Or worse: trying to be white.” (Quiterpo 7) This quote  shows an example of when Gabi has to change what she wants to do so she doesn't feel guilty or hurt her mother's feelings. 

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our books are similar in the fact that both of the parents are from another culture and they want them to stay in that culture and they have to change there ways.

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My book Border Child by Michel Stone, shows a family, Hector and Lilia, who lost their child, Alejandra, while trying to cross the border into America from Mexico. It shows their struggle to find Alejandra, where Hector finds someone who gives information about where she could be, and he starts taking on other jobs to get enough money to pay for the bus fares to go north to find Alejandra. As Hector continues to find and take on jobs to help pay, he finds a fishing job offered to him, where the boss eventually offers Hector a job that would pay much better, where he would have to pick up coolers with unknown contents and bring them back to shore, Hector suspects that this job is involved with criminal activities, but he takes it anyway due to needing the money. After a little while Hector finally gets the money to travel and tells the boss that he is going to be leaving, this is where I left off in my book.

In my book Lilia feels constant guilt because of losing Alejandra while crossing the border, while not knowing if Alejandra is dead or alive, or if Alejandra would still love her because in her eyes she was abandoned by Lilia. “. . . but that her suffering has been immeasurable, her scars too deep for me to knead out . . . How can we pick up the pieces and be a family,  a mother and daughter, if I’ve failed her in irreparable ways, ways that will define her, ways that have broken her?” (Stone 172)

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what if they end up finding each other do you think her feelings will stay the same

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I don't think Alejandra will still love Lilia the same because Alejandra's last memory of Lilia was right before she was seemingly abandoned and given to someone else, even though Lilia will always love Alejandra because it is her child.

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In my book Breathe And Count Back From Ten by Natalia Sylvestor is about a seventeen year old girl who moved to America from Peru when she was eight. Her parents don't fully understand how teenagers in the US act. She just got a new job as a mermaid at Mermaid Cove, but her parents don't know that she's a mermaid; they think that she works in the office at the cove. She found out that  when their green cards arrived they spelled her name wrong, and it would need to be fixed. She forged her mothers signature on the paperwork for her new job because she didn't think her mom would approve.

Veronica doesn't feel as much guilt as her parents. Her parents both kept secrets from Veronica that could affect her life tremendously. Her parents both talked to her doctor about a hip replacement without her even being present. Her parents feel guilty because Veronica found out before they could tell her and they feel bad that she had to hear it from him. “ Once, years ago, my parents told me I'd need a hip replacement someday. They said it was so far into the future I shouldn't bother worrying about it, like it was a meteor souring billions of miles away. Now it's closing in on me…”(Sylvester 100). Her parents felt guilty because they were trying to not make Veronica feel the way she is currently feeling, but she ends up feeling that way anyway. 

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our books are similar in how the parents feel guilty not telling their kid and how the parents in my book feel guilty for not taking her back to Pakistan every year.
