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2. Group G—KDelano25

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In my book Rez Ball by Byron Graves, Tre Brun has dreams of leading his school's team to a state championship for basketball and making it to the NBA. He had an older brother who died in a car accident who was the leader of the team. Almost everyone knows him as Jaxon’s younger brother, except Khiana who came to the school recently and are spending a lot of time together. Tre works really hard for the sport he loves and just needs to make varsity for the first time. Team selections come around and he does not make varsity. A couple of days later 2 of his teammates get busted for drinking and Tre gets his chance on varsity. The first game he struggles with the plays and fouls out. A few games later they are playing Minneapolis, a team way above them, and Tre leads them to beat them. The next game they play Nevis and they are dominating, Tre goes in at the end of the game to secure the win and ends up beating his brother's all time scoring record. The next game Tre has a scout from the University of Minnesota, dealing with bad refs he starts a fight and gets a technical foul.


In What Marrying an Immigrant Taught Me About Cultural Bias by Kyle Quinn, He talks about how people treated his wife differently just because she was not from the US. He brings up at one point how they were both treated at the BMV until the teller found out that he was a US citizen. “So we start to present the documents the first of which was her temporary green card and the moment the BMV rep saw that green card the reaction we got was shocking. She got up out of her chair began to raise her voice and in a very quick and accusatory way started demanding additional documents including mine which we hadn’t yet presented.”(Quinn). The way that Tre gets treated when he gets pulled over is treated awfully similar to how Kyle Quinn’s wife gets treated at the BMV. They were treated differently just because of where they were from. “You also have zero reason to believe that we would have any drugs on us, rather than racially profiling us for being from the reservation,” (Graves 37). Cultural bias is really prevalent in this quote and at this point in the novel. 


In Why Children of Immigrants Experience Guilt and How To Cope by Sahaj Kaur Kohli. She talks about how children experience guilt with their parents for not living up to their expectations. They also feel as if they are not enough for their parents' trouble of moving to the US. She also talks about how to talk about differences in beliefs and expectations you might have that differ from your parents. “It's really important to question the guilt. It's important to identify your parent's beliefs and values and then explore your own and see how they overlap.” (Kohli). The biggest difference between the TedTalk and Rez Ball is that instead of talking to his parents about expectations, he internalizes them and doesn't mention them to his parents. I believe he does this to make him strive harder for what he wants. “He’d cross people over so bad they’d fall over, then hit a jump shot on them. Only one to ever be as good as him was your brother.” (Graves 75). His family mentions that his dad was one of the best and how his brother was able to beat him. Tre wants to live up to the expectations of being a great basketball player, but he also wants to exceed the expectations. 

Where have you seen in your book a character pass judgment on someone else unfairly? Or where have you seen a character be asked unfairly to deal with the emotions of another character?

For participants: 

-Never use a peer’s real name, only use their username

-Respond to the question based on your book, not your personal opinion

-If the question doesn’t directly apply to something that appears in your book, be clear about what you’re seeing instead

-Make sure to include a summary of your book so far

-Include a quote with the proper citation to give context to your answer

-Reply to one other participant in this group

-Acknowledge your lead’s reply to your response with a comment that clarifies information, offer a question to them about their book, or simply give a thumbs up

To exceed: Reply to three other people in this group, or two in this group and one in a group you weren’t assigned

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In my Novel The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz there is a family of 3, Oscar De Leon, his mother Belicia De Leon, and his older sister Lola De Leon. Oscars is an overweight nerd who is obbsessed with science fiction and fantasy novels, he is also obbsessed with falling in love as well as the curse that has plauged his family for years. As Oscar has grown he has gotten bigger and more of a nerd he struggles with not being able to get a girlfriend, he also struggles with his family because his mom and sister fight a lot, especially after his mom develops cancer, which eventually drives his sister to run away. Oscars has two best friends Al and Miggs, Al and Miggs have no trouble getting girls and they make Oscar feel insecure about it. "He realized his f**cked-up comic-book-reading, role-playing-game-loving, no-sports-playing friends were embarrassed by him."(Diaz 29) Oscar finally realizes that his friends are embarrassed to be seen with him because of the way he looks and the things that he is interested in after they go out and get girlfriends and then tell Oscar they wouldn't like him.

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That is definitely a rough life Oscar has. In your book you say that Oscars two friends Al and Miggs get girlfriends. You mention that his friends go out and get girlfriends and then tell Oscar that they wouldn’t like him. Are you referring to the friends' girlfriends not liking him?

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I really like how you went a route where it was not based on ethnicity, rather how you went to someone that he considers his friends. I'm curious, because of how bad he gets treated by his "best friend", what made them friends in the first place? or did they also consider him a best friend or was Oscar just used as a sort of punching bag for them?

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they all became friends because they were all alike and they all liked the same things ecpessially girls but then his friends realized that Oscar was weird and he could not get along with girls as well as they did 

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In my book Rani Patel In Full Effect by Sonia Patel it talks about a young Indian girl in Hawaii. Rani is bullied and teased for who she is. She lives with her mom and dad, who are in an arranged marriage. One day Rani is out and catches her father cheating, which was something she has suspected without proof.  This event turned her life upside down, and she shaved her head in response. Rani’s father, Pradip is a terrible person, who has abused her and caused suffering to the family. Pradip emotionally abuses the mother which makes her constantly want to end her life. Growing up Rani has always fixed their marriage problems, and stopped her mother from ending her life countless times. During these times, her dad sat watching, doing nothing. Rani knows this is a situation she can't fix. The mother  has always obeyed her husband, done all the work, and overworked herself. She never stood up for herself, choosing silence. However the father comes home and says he wants the girl he’s cheating on her with to come and live with them. After Rani and Pradip have an argument for the first time about the situation. The mother finally stands up for herself and says she wants a divorce and tells him to get out. The father continues to try and get his way, by confronting Rani in the store she works at. Instead of having a civil conversation with his wife. Pradip with his new lover chose to emotionally manipulate Rani in public. He ends up almost hurting her, but Mark steps in. Mark is an older man whom Rani has practically fallen in love with. Pradip also gets family members that live outside of Hawaii to call Rani. The family members are also trying to manipulate and convince her father to move back in with his new lover.  However Rani doesn’t fall for any of these tricks. She ends up cutting off all hope she has with her father. Hope he will change, love her and his wife, and be a good dad. 


In my book my character is asked unfairly to deal with her fathers emotions, and problems. Her father, Pradip was having an affair, and was kicked out of the house. Instead of pleading to his separated wife he goes to his daughter. Pradip pleads with her to try and convince her mother to let him and his “new lover” live with them. “He interrupts me and shouts, “Rani, you owe me this! All this-,” he says propelling his hands in every direction. “ All this is for you. Everything I’ve done is for you.” He seems to catch himself and settle down. “Now, go tell mom that Wendy and I can move in.”’ (Patel 125) Pradip tries to put his problem on his kid instead of facing it. He tries to manipulate Rani. He wants her to ask her mom to let him move back in with his new love. Even after he cheated when he was kicked out. Rani doesn’t deserve this unfair emotional burden. Rani is still struggling to accept her fathers horrible actions. She doesn’t deserve his emotional baggage of his mistakes.

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Posts: 22

in my book Oscar also has to deal with family issues regarding his mother because she has cancer and his sister is no help in the situation so he has to carry a lot of that weight along with him 

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This is quite the situation they have found themselves in. Because most of this goes on while Rani has to deal with all of this, and I'm wondering how this affects just her? I know that you said that she can not fix the situation but does she feel that shes wants to fix the situation? or does she feel like she wants nothing more to do with her dad anymore?

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Rani personally is upset by this situation. After all that has happened, she has lost hope with her father. In the book she makes scissors with her hands and cuts an imaginary string. The string represents the last hope with her father. In her eyes her dad has gone too far and she is sick of how she has been treated. So she wants nothing to do with her dad anymore.
