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2. Group G - rdavis25

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In the Ted Talk, “Why children of immigrants experience guilt and strategies to cope.” By  Kaur Kohil he discusses how to be different although sometimes it comes with good and bad guilt. In this speech he expressed how having guilt as an immigrant is a difficult thing to overcome and he gave examples such as immigrant children who struggle with doing american things instead of continuing to do their cultural daily things and not wanting to make their relatives upset. “Immigrants never feel good enough and there is always some sort of guilt no matter if it's healthy or not.”(6:43 Kohil)  In the Novel, The surprising power of a good dumpling by Wai Chim, there is a chaotic family with a daughter named Anna Chiu who has her hands full with her younger siblings due to her moms mental illness and her dad always working. She then finds a distraction from a new delivery boy named Rory and begins to feel like a “normal” teen. ““That’s all he thinks is wrong with Ma, that if she was busy enough, she wouldn’t have time to be sad and afraid.”( 46 Wai)  Due to her mom being so ill and not staying busy to keep her mind off things, Anna feels guilty for working with her dad at the chinese restaurant who doesn't see how bad things are for her mom. She feels guilty for not staying home helping her mother overcome her issues. During your Novel does your characters ever experience guilt due to immigration barriers?


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In my novel The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz, Oscar and his family struggle with this ancient curse that he believes has been brought up on his family. They don't really struggle with any immigration barriers or struggles, however Oscar and his sister struggle with their mother who works 2 jobs and is a hard person to connect too. Oscars mother develops breast cancer and that's when his mother and his sister start to fight a lot, after alot of fighting it eventually drives his sister to run away. "All my life I'd been swearing that one day I would just disappear. And one day I did."(Diaz 61) This is when his sister finally ran away after thinking about it for a long time. I would say that their biggest struggle is within the family and connecting to each other and living in peace. 

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In my novel, The surprising power of a good dumpling by Wai Chim, the daughter also has the same issue with not being connected to her mother due to her moms mental illness and lack of motivation. It seems like our books are alike in certain ways like struggles with parents and illness. The daughter in my novel also wants to escape her home and become a " normal teen" instead of always being the maid, instead of running away she began working at her family's restaurant more often. This family is also not connected and tend to do there own things without any communication. 

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In my book Rani Patel In Full Effect by Sonia Patel it talks about a young Indian girl in Hawaii. Rani is bullied and teased for who she is. She lives with her mom and dad, who are in an arranged marriage. One day Rani is out and catches her father cheating, which was something she has suspected without proof.  This event turned her life upside down, and she shaved her head in response. Rani’s father, Pradip is a terrible person, who has abused her and caused suffering to the family. Pradip emotionally abuses the mother which makes her constantly want to end her life. Growing up Rani has always fixed their marriage problems, and stopped her mother from ending her life countless times. During these times, her dad sat watching, doing nothing. Rani knows this is a situation she can't fix. The mother  has always obeyed her husband, done all the work, and overworked herself. She never stood up for herself, choosing silence. However the father comes home and says he wants the girl he’s cheating on her with to come and live with them. After Rani and Pradip have an argument for the first time about the situation. The mother finally stands up for herself and says she wants a divorce and tells him to get out. The father continues to try and get his way, by confronting Rani in the store she works at. Instead of having a civil conversation with his wife. Pradip with his new lover chose to emotionally manipulate Rani in public. Rani feels guilty knowing she can’t do anything. She also feels irritated at her fathers audacity to come crawling to her. Pradip ends up almost hurting her, but Mark steps in. Mark is an older man whom Rani has practically fallen in love with. Pradip also gets family members that live outside of Hawaii to call Rani. The family members are also trying to manipulate and convince her father to move back in with his new lover.  However Rani doesn’t fall for any of these tricks. She ends up cutting off all hope she has with her father. Hope he will change, love her and his wife, and be a good dad. She feels guilty that she’s lost hope with her father. Knowing there is nothing in her power anymore that she can do. She can’t sew what has been ripped a long time ago.


In my book my main character Rani doesn’t deal with guilt due to immigration barriers. She was dealing with guilt due to her family problems. Though she is getting over this guilt. Growing up, Rani has always been the peacekeeper between her parents. Now she knows she can no longer do that. Rani knows there is no saving her family this time. With that she is pushing away the guilt. However her father still expects her to deal with it. He wants her to feel guilty again. “Oh. I get it now. That’s why he’s here. He wants me to feel sorry for him. That he’s depressed and anxious. That he has to take pills. And the pills messed him up and made him have an affair. And that, since it’s not his fault, I’ll agree to convince mom to let him move back in. With Wendy.” (Patel 125) Her father, Pradip, is a manipulator. He wants her to feel guilty so she will do as he says. Although Rani doesn’t feel guilty this time. She knows there is no point in feeling guilty anymore. Pradip has no remorse for anything he has done. He isn’t guilty so should she be guilty. She had done nothing wrong.

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Posts: 9

Wow! This novel that you are reading seems to have a lot of detail and different issues than mine. Although Randi does not deal with guilt due to immigration barriers and does with her family issues how do you believe the novel would change if her parents did not continue to push guilt on her and let her be? How do you think the connection would be with her father in the future if she did not cut off all hope/ connection? 

Posts: 20
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Rani would feel more free, and less pressured if guilt wasn’t pushed on her by her parents. I also think that Rani would still have a connection with her father. Even though she wouldn’t forgive him for cheating. If her father took responsibility for his actions and accepted the consequences. The two could have a mutual relationship, maybe even a loving one. All hope wouldn’t be completely cut off.
