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3. Group B---nlemay25

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Has your character experienced guilt or expectations from another character that they overcame or let go of? How has your character grown or shown that they can move beyond the difficulties in their life? 

In the Ted Talk “Why children of immigrants experience guilt—and strategies to cope,” Kholi is a mental health therapist and helps children of immigrants to talk about their experiences. She talks about the difference between the cultures or way of life between immigrant parents and their children.Kholi said that  “Many children of immigrants feel a chronic sense of guilt for letting their parents down, for not being enough, for being too American, for seeming ungrateful.”(Kohli).This Ted Talk is a great example of growing or getting over guilt because Kohli has helped quite a bit of kids get over their tough thoughts of guilt. 

In my book Breathe and Count Back from Ten by Natalia Sylvestor. Victoria and her family moved from Peru to Florida. Victoria has had hip dysplasia since she could remember and has had many surgeries and operations to try to make it more tolerable. She has met a boy at her apartment complex named Alex who moved from Houston, Texas. She has just recently found out that she most likely will be getting a hip replacement at the beginning of her senior year and right when she started her new job at the mermaid cove. She feels quilted because she wants her parents to be proud of where she has come, but they don't approve and she just wants to be happy. Veronica feels  “The unbearable regret of knowing it's your fault that their sacrifice wasn’t worth it.”(Sylvester 51). This shows how she felt at the beginning of the novel, but she has grown and learned to not overthink the guilt that she has. She started to believe that she was enough, “It's mine. My choices. My comfort. My decisions.” (Sylvestor 63). This shows her growth because she started to believe that she could make her own choices and decisions.


For participants: 

-Never use a peer’s real name, only use their username

-Respond to the question based on your book, not your personal opinion

-If the question doesn’t directly apply to something that appears in your book, be clear about what you’re seeing instead

-Make sure to include a summary of your book so far

-Include a quote with the proper citation to give context to your answer

-Reply to one other participant in this group

-Acknowledge your lead’s reply to your response with a comment that clarifies information, offer a question to them about their book, or simply give a thumbs up

To exceed: Reply to three other people in this group, or two in this group and one in a group you weren’t assigned

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In my book Written in the stars by Aisha Saeed Naila is forced to marry a guy she doesn't want to marry and is forced to live with their family now. the family does not like her. she feels guilty for meeting up with Saif because her new family expects her all her attention to go to her new husband but Saif came to take her home but there's a huge risk of her sneaking out at night to talk to him."do you know what a huge risk you took? us being seen together?"(Saeed 249)

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My book is similar because Veronicas parents don't want her to date or be in any proximity of boys because of what they caught her doing the summer before. She has been sneaking around with a boy who moved to her neighborhood from Texas, his name is Alex. Her dad found out about her being in a pool with a guy and didn't tell her mom and said "Your lucky I'm not telling her . she has enough to worry about without having to think about you getting yourself pregnant."(Sylvestor 107).

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In my Novel “the poet X” by Elizabeth Acevedo is the character Xiomara Batista. Her Parents expect her to have good grades and they want her to be religious. She can't complete these expectations because she wants to be different. Her best friend Caridad is religious and has good grades in school. The following quote shows that her parents want her to be like Caridad "I should hate Caridad. she's all my parents want in a daughter. She's everything I could never be."

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in my book Written in the stars by Aisha Saeed she also feels the same way of how her parents want her to be just like her cousins I agree with your quote and how she feels

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Xiomara Batista sounds like the character Veronica in my book because they both want the opposite of what their parents want for them. They both just want to live their life without being stressed about trying to live up to their parents expectations.

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wow jballstaedt this is very questionable behavior for your character to do. does your character ever run away from home? 

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In my book Border Child by Michel Stone, it shows a family, Hector and Lilia, who lost their child, Alejandra, while trying to cross the border into America from Mexico, which they get deported back to Mexico shortly after losing Alejandra. It shows their struggle to find Alejandra, where Hector finds someone who gives information about where she could be, and he starts taking on other jobs to get enough money to pay for the bus fares to go north to find Alejandra. As Hector continues to find and take on jobs to help pay, he finds a fishing job offered to him, where the boss eventually offers Hector a job that would pay much better, where he would have to pick up coolers with unknown contents and bring them back to shore, Hector suspects that this job is involved with criminal activities, but he takes it anyway due to needing the money. After a little while Hector finally gets the money to travel and tells the boss that he is going to be leaving. As Hector travels to the north he reaches Matamoros, which is where the orphanage that had Alejandra is located, when he arrives at the orphanage with information they take a blood sample to verify that Alejandra is his child. After his relation to Alejandra was confirmed they tell him all the information they have, where Hector learns that Alejandra was adopted by a Mexican couple living in America, who had renamed Alejandra to Esther. After Hector learns this he asks to schedule a meeting with them, and after talking with the other parents, he realizes that they love Alejandra just as much as he and Lilia do. After the meeting Hector seemingly decides that Alejandra would be better off living in America, which is where the book ends.

In my book Hector feels guilt for wanting to re-adopt Alejandra from the parents that had adopted her, because he learns that they love and care for Alejandra just as much as him, and how they were unable to have any children. He also feels guilt for Lilia, because he ends up traveling home without Alejandra which Lilia was awaiting the return of. However it isn't clear if he overcomes this guilt or not because the book ends shortly after, but he did overcome the difficulties that came with the search for Alejandra after he made the decision to have Alejandra stay in America, because it would give her a better life. "Mr. H. adored her, and as hard as that acknowledgement kicked him in his gut, Hector knew the man's love for Alejandra, . . . was painfully genuine." (Stone 236)

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My book is different than yours in many aspects. Veronica feels guilt and so do her parents, but its not to that extreme. she feels guilt because she wants to follow her parents expectations, but she also wants to live the average American lifestyle like her peers. 

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In my book Rani Patel In Full Effect by Sonia Patel it talks about a young Indian girl in Hawaii. Rani is bullied and teased for who she is. She lives with her mom and dad, who are in an arranged marriage. One day Rani is out and catches her father cheating, which was something she has suspected without proof.  This event turned her life upside down, and she shaved her head in response. Rani’s father, Pradip is a terrible person, who has abused her most of her life and caused suffering to the family. Pradip emotionally abuses the mother which makes her constantly want to end her life. Growing up Rani has always fixed their marriage problems, and stopped her mother from ending her life countless times. During these times, her dad sat watching, doing nothing. Rani knows this is a situation she can't fix. The mother  has always obeyed her husband, done all the work, and overworked herself. She never stood up for herself, choosing silence. However the father comes home and says he wants the girl he’s cheating on her with to come and live with them. After Rani and Pradip have an argument for the first time about the situation. The mother finally stands up for herself and says she wants a divorce and tells him to get out. The father continues to try and get his way. Pradip also gets family members that live outside of Hawaii to call Rani. The family members are also trying to manipulate and convince her father to move back in with his new lover. He also confronts Rani in the store she works at. Instead of having a civil conversation with his wife. Pradip with his new lover chose to emotionally manipulate Rani in public. However Rani doesn’t fall for any of these tricks. She ends up cutting off all hope she has with her father. Hope he will change, love her and his wife, and be a good dad. Pradip ends up almost hurting her, but Mark steps in. Mark is an older man whom Rani has practically fallen in love with. They end up going out. Unfortunately for Rani, Mark ends up being a former druggie. He ends up getting back into drugs, and sexually assaults Rani. She has gone through these difficult circumstances alone. Eventually she was able to build a relationship with her mother and tell her everything. However, when going through everything she did, Rani had no supporters and tackled everything on her own. In the end she cuts her father out of her life and finds love again with a guy named Pono. 


In my book, Rani has experienced guilt that she has overcome. Rani felt guilty because growing up she always solved the arguments between her parents. The dad always being the reason why they fought. She always stopped her mother from hurting herself and help her dad find a way to apologize. When her dad, Pradip was caught cheating, she felt guilty. Rani had a hard time excepting she couldn’t fix it this time. However over time, seeing how her father was acting, she lost the guilt. “My dad never admitted to being wrong about anything. Never took responsibility for his actions.” (Patel 255) She excepted that her father would never change. Rani knew che couldn’t feel guilty when he would never change. So she cut off all hope with him.

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Veronica felt like this, but not in the same way. she felt as though she was the reason her parents were always stressed about money and things of that aspect because she has had hip problems since she was young, her parents had to pay for her surgeries and doctors visits out of pocket.

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In my book Gabi, A Girl in Pieces by Isabel Quintero, it talks about a Girl named Gabi and her life as a Senior in high school being a bigger girl, having a beautiful but pregnant best friend, a gay best friend who just got kicked out, a meth addict dad, and a mexican mom. Through all these struggles and side problems for Gabi she still tries to overlook them. Gabi doesn't dwell on these problems or try to make them seem happier than they are. Throughout this book Gabi goes through even more struggles when her father overdoses in their garage. This has a big impact on Gabi and takes a lot for her to cope with her fathers death While still trying to please the rest of her friends and family. 

In my book Gabi has experienced lots of expectations from her mother that she has to overcome about not becoming 'to american'. Through the book Gabi has had to overcome lots of difficulties and it has made her grow lots!

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My book is drastically different than yours, Veronica's parents are strict and expect a lot of her. She has hip dysplasia and often the surgeries come out of no where and it is hard for her to cope with that. 

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in my book How it all blew up by Arvin Ahmadi the main character in my book is Amir, towards the end of the book Amir is faced with his parents and has to overcome the guilt of running away from his family. this a very important part in the book because Amir has gone through all this trauma and grief and now has to face the source of it again and ask for forgiveness and redemption."How many Iranian gay kids do you know whose parents are okay with it?" (Ahmadi 255) this quote shows towards the end of the book that this is what Amir has to go through.
