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3. Group D - nperrier25 (teacher 3 replacement)

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In the Novel How It All BLEW UP  Amir, the main character is a 18 year old muslim boy. He has to deal with the expectations of his family and the fear of telling them he is gay. In the book Amir feels like he is in another world away from his family because there is something splitting them apart. He can't tell them. They will hate him. This is why the best Ted talk to connect to this book is The dark side of subjunctive by Phuc Tran. Phuc talks about how his life growing up is expected well from his parents and he has to go for something greater in life. His father is very judgmental. Phuc talks about how he is a rebellious high schooler, “I played in a punk band, I skateboarded, I worked at a gas station, I ran away from home, I got in a fight, I smoked pot, it was kind of like this Asian kid had been photoshopped into a John Huges' movie. (Laughter) But instead of being the punchline to a dick joke, this Asian kid wanted to be a leading man.” (7:53, Phuc tran). In the novel Amir is also on the same page as Phuc. He ran away from home “I let out a deep sigh. And then I watched through the rearview mirror as my house shrank smaller and smaller, until it disappeared.”(17 Ahmadi) this was because he couldn't face the reality of telling his parents or getting outed by the school bully.

What adversities does your character face in your novel? How do they deal with these adversities?

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In my book, The Only Road, by Alexandra Diaz, a 12 year old boy and his 15 year old girl cousin flee Guatemala to live with the boy's brother in Texas. The girl’s name is Angela, and the boy’s name is Jaime. Jaime’s cousin, Angela’s brother, Miguel, is killed after refusing to join a local corrupt gang, called the Alphas. The Alphas then give Angela a letter saying her and Jaime have to join them in return for Miguel refusing. Jaime and Angela’s family arrange for them to flee to America, by truck, bus, train, and bribery, to live with their brother in a land where they will have a life. They face lots of challenges along the way, meet lots of friends and enemies, and are currently hopping trains in Northern Mexico to try to reach the border. My characters face lots of adversities throughout the novel. They struggle with finding food to survive, they run from immigration officers and gangs, they are discriminated against, and they struggle with their own mental health during the trip. They deal with this pretty well, all things considered. They find strength in their religion, the faith of their family, and their friends. 


"Jaime sent another prayer, this one to San Francisco and Miguel. Please take care of this crazy boy" (Diaz 184).

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That's great @cdavis25 your character really does relate to my character in the way that they run away to find something they've been looking for.

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This is lovely @cdavis25, I think our characters have a few things In common. Like fleeing to the US to escape where they were from and having some trouble times on the way.

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My book Exit west by Mohsin Hamid is about two lovers trying to stay safe in a war that is taking place in and outside their city. In some parts of the novel there is times when the main characters face a lot of adversities which is expected when you are in a war zone most of your time. They face adversities like discrimination by others, violence, trying to stay together. "That night a rumor spread that over two hundred migrants had been incinerated when the cinema burned down." (Hamid 163) This quote shows what type of adversities are happening during the novel.  

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wow, mlevassuer-robbins25 your character really went through some trauma. 

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@mlevasseur-robbin25 this is pretty close to the relationship aspect of my book. like my book your characters have some advertise but throughout it all they try to be there for each other and support one another throughout everything.

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The cinema burning down sounds traumatic. Did your character experience any more adversity from that? Any more stress?

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In my book The Radius Of Us by Marie Marquadt I have two main characters Phoenix and Gretchen, they both have to deal with extremely difficult adversity's through there journeys. Phoenix is a teenage boy who grew up in a extremely violent city and goes through immense amount of struggles and wants to escape. His journey to escape is hard on him and his little brother. “No lookin' back.... You just do the right thing now.” (178 Marquadt) The boys release once they cross that boarder everything will change for there family's and themselves. 
