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3. Group E--llanglois25

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In The Ted Talk “Don't feel sorry for refugees” by Luma Mufleh it talks about Americans needing to believe in immigrants and immigration and not put them down. Giving them food and clothes helps them but it makes immigrants feel like less of a human. Migrants are plenty capable of surviving; they just need to be believed in. Luma helped organize a soccer team for refugees in her area. In her coaching she has said to them,“Go.  And don't come back until you’ve played. Don't ever think people are beneath you or that you have nothing to learn from others”(Mufleh)

The Brief Wondrous Life Of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz, Oscar a nerdy overweight kid, had very low self esteem and the desire and passion for love. Growing up he struggled to get the confidence to talk to girls, most often being rejected if he did. This only made his desire grow stronger. Later on in the story Oscar goes to the Dominican Republic on a trip with his family, he meets this girl that he instantly falls in love with. He had really liked this girl and his passion for her was tremendous, he would do anything for her. Oscar had to go back home to New Jersey and he could not stop thinking about her. Oscar's friend Yunior for money to get an apartment when he gets back to New Jersey. Oscar had gotten money and did not use it for an apartment; he immediately booked a flight back to the Dominican Republic. Oscar had never had Confidence but this girl gave him So much confidence he felt as though he had powers. Oscar gets to Ybons house, the girl that he is in love with, and she opens the door and tells him he needs to leave immediately. She is now married to a gang leader, Oscars proceed to try and pursue her, learning where she goes to try and talk to her. She would run into him at the bar that she goes to and give him notes telling him he needs to leave before he gets hurt, but of course Oscar didn't listen. Oscar had taken a taxi back to see his grandmother one day when the taxi had been hijacked by the gang's henchmen. They had taken the car to the cane field and beaten Oscar until he had eventually died. His family had to fly out to the Dominican Republic and eventually had a funeral where on close family had gone.“It was like being at the bottom of an ocean, she said. There was no light and a whole ocean crushing down on you. But most people had gotten so used to it they thought it normal, they forgot even that there was a world above.”(Diaz 157)

Immigrants need to be believed in and not helped. If Oscars had been believed in and not felt as though he wasn't good enough because he was an immigrant from young and not alone his whole childhood he would have had confidence inorder to pursue a relationship.

When is a time that your character was not believed? How did that impact their confidence?

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-Never use a peer’s real name, only use their username

-Respond to the question based on your book, not your personal opinion

-If the question doesn’t directly apply to something that appears in your book, be clear about what you’re seeing instead

-Make sure to include a summary of your book so far

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To exceed: Reply to three other people in this group, or two in this group and one in a group you weren’t assigned

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In the Book The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri is a book about the mother Ashima is pregnant and tries to leave the hospital without naming him because of culture. The doctor says that can’t be done and they give him the name Gogol which is a pet name. Gogol then receives his “good name” Nikhil which is his more official name. Kids start making fun of Gogol’s name.   Gogol changes his name to Nikhil. He then goes to Yale for architecture. Then his father tells him why he was named Gogol. Everyone in the family moves away from each other. Everyone moves back to Boston because of his fathers death. Gogol is depressed and is then told by his mom to go on an arranged date. Where he meets a girl he knew from past Bengali events. Gogol later marries her and starts working on architecture. Gogol does not like his wifes friend and is jealous of them. Their love starts falling out and his wife becomes unfaithful and gets caught by a small lie. Gogol goes to his home and goes to his old room to his old closet. He found the book his dad gave him made by the author Gogol Nikoli. That is when he finally connects to why his dad named him Gogol. "To read the book he had once forsaken, has abandoned until now." (290 Lahiri) This how he never believed about his father on naming after the author of the book was a good thing. Till after he had lived life and seen that it was the first thing he gave him. He then believes his father gave him that name for a good reason. 

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I can see how Gogol finding the book that he was named after can be impact on his life. Did Gogol finding this book help him understand why his dad named him after the author. did that change his look on it, did his confidence go up? did he still want to change his name?

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Hi llanglios, After he had found the book he just came to terms with his name he gained no confidence he just accepted and knows that his original name will disappear because he had already changed his name.

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Gogol finding the book definitely changed his life in a way, and now he believes his father after not believing him. Oscar doesn't believe Ybon when she says to leave before he gets hurt, and he ends up dying. if Oscar had believed Ybon, he would at least have the ability to have confidence. 

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In my book The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz, Oscar fell in love at first sight when he went to The Dominican Republic. He saw this beautiful girl who gave him the confidence he had always wanted, because growing up he was fat, couldn’t get a girlfriend, and was a nerd. This girl changed a lot in Oscar, so much so that he went back to the Dominican Republic to find Ybon already married a gang leader while he was gone. Oscar saw her at the bar coincidentally, and Ybon slid him a note saying to get out before he gets hurt, which couldn’t have been more true. Oscar's taxi was hijacked by one of the gang members, and Oscar was beaten to death. If Oscar had believed in this situation that he meant no harm, his life would’ve been saved. His confidence goes down when he’s not believed, but in this case, it was life and death. “If you didn't grow up like I did then you don't know, and if you don't know it's probably better you don't judge.” (179 Diaz) 

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This story sounds sad. Did Oscar experience any regret or guilt after leaving the Dominican Republic the first time and not closing things with her? 

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Yes, he probably did regret not going for his chance when he had it. that's why he went back hoping that chance was still available, unfortunately though, it wasn't.

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Hi Creynolds, did finding out that Ybon was married impact Oscar and his confidence greatly or was it just when he wasn't believed? 

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Hey creynolds25, I see how you connect this to "not feeling believed". Do you think that Oscar had ever been believed in, did this make him lose his confidence or did he already lose it?

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Hello, and no I don't think anybody believed in Oscar besides Oscar himself, so when Oscar lost that confidence in himself, no one was there to pick him up. this was an already lost confidence. 

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Hi creynolds25, I believe are character is similar in the fact that they had no confidence and find a person to believe in to get there confidence in themselves.

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Sway With Me by Syed m. Masood is a book about an Indian boy named Arsalan, he is considered weird by his peers because of how he dresses, acts, and talks. Arsalan was almost raised all his life by his great grandfather and that in part is what makes him weird. He very soon goes to an Indian match maker's daughter, Beenish, or beans for short, for help getting a girlfriend. She agrees but only if he dances with her in a dance competition. My character has not been not believed before but he has been hurt by people many times in his life. because he's been hurt so many times he has very little trust in people, so during the time Beans was trying to get him to dance with her, Arsalan ends up thinking she's doing everything just to mess with him, he got this idea from beans friend Diamond who said something out of context that made Arsalan believe this because of his insecurity's and lack of confidence he developed through his childhood because of the way his father abused him. "I'm used to people hurting me, I just assumed that's what you were trying to do as well."

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Did Arsalan end up dancing with her or did he stop because he wasn't insecure / lacked to trust people.

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He was able to move past his insecurity, and he did dance with her


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This sounds very traumatic for Arsalan. Does he end up getting his confidence back? How does this happening impact his development through the rest of the book?

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He slowly is able to build his confidence up from the help of Beenish and her friend Diamond through the rest of the book.

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In my book "The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros the main character Esperanza has trouble connecting with her own personal identity and her peers. She really is never believed by children her age because they think she is odd. She ended up paying people to be her friend. "Don't talk to them, says Cathy. Cant you see they smell like a broom" (Cisneros 14). 
