For my short story, I chose “The Wave That Takes Them Under” by Brian Turner. The first quote I chose was, “‘Do what I can?’ Reyes tilts his head and tries to shake the sand grains out of his earlobe. ‘Right. Do what I can. Sure’.” (Turner 55). The literary term that I feel goes along with this quote is understatement. By using understatement it allows the reader to understand what is happening in this quote but not all of the emotions that are being felt during this moment in time. Along with this by adding understatement to this story it allows the reader to know the specific facts about what is happening to Reyes but leaving out all of the emotions that he is currently experiencing. The second quote I chose was, “The old band turned away… as deep into that blue unlivable world as his body could go.” (Turner 58). The literary term that I feel goes along with this quote best is imagery. Imagery helps the reader understand the specific physical details of what's happening. Because this story uses a lot of understatement, adding imagery into the text allows the reader to still understand everything that's happening and connect to the book without feeling the emotions that the characters are feeling.
These literary terms help the reader understand the author’s perspective of war is that war can cause a disconnect with one’s emotions. By adding understatement to the story it allows the reader to understand what Reyes is going through but to a certain extent. It sets the mood making it seem like there is a lot happening to Reyes at that moment in time but he can’t really do anything about it so he leaves it be. Along with this leaving out the emotions allows for more imagery to be added in. Adding to this, Imagery addresses a lot of the story. Showing the reader what Reyes is going through and the sandstorms and seeing the dead man allows the reader to connect with the story more and helps the reader understand what Reyes is doing at war, without getting into his emotions. So I believe the overall message about war is that war can cause people to disconnect with their emotions.
For “When Engaging Targets, Remember” by Gavin Ford Kovite, my first quote I chose was “You crouch down low, popping up for a quick scan every fifteen or twenty seconds. You might miss the telltale lumps of a roadside IED that didn’t detonate, but this also means you’d avoid taking the blast in your face if it does'' (Kovite 160). The literary term I feel goes along with this best is imagery. By adding imagery into the book it allows the reader to be able to see what is happening in the story or in this case it allows the reader to see what the soldier is thinking. The second quote I chose was “You shot them, regardless. You accept this, at first, as an unfortunate happenstance that is sort of the by-product of a landscape in which every enemy appears by design to be civilians…It will become small hard nut of guilt and self-pity that you carry around, and that will, in subtle ways, color your opinions about yourself and the government and the people around you”(Kovite 170-171). The literary term I think goes best with this quote is perspective. By adding perspective into the story it allows the readers to be able to further understand what the soldier is thinking and experiencing. Along with this, it also adds some emotion and feeling into the text by allowing the reader to understand what he is going through and how he is mentally dealing with it.
These literary terms help me understand the author's perspective of war by allowing the reader to imagine what is happening and what the soldiers are thinking while at war. Along with this by adding some perspective into the story it allows the readers to feel what the characters are feeling in the way of what they are mentally feeling and in some parts physically feeling. This allows me to understand that the overall message about war is that in war you have to defend yourself and make hard decisions. I feel that this is the overall message about war for this story because it explains how the soldier had to make decisions about whether or not he should do something. An example of this is when he was deciding between shooting the BMW or letting it by and risking it hitting the tankers. This story shows a lot of decision making throughout the whole thing.
By allowing the reader to choose what happens in the story can change the whole timeline of the story. If the soldier did’t shoot the BMW and it was a bomber car it could have killed a whole bunch more people, so by allowing the reader to make the decision it can change how the story ends. In conclusion by allowing the reader to choose their own adventure it allows the story to go in a different directions making the authors perspective completely change.