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War Novel Response #1

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 In the book sand queen by Helen Benedict in the beginning of the story it seems like an introduction to Kate & Naema and what their relationships and lives are like.  Kate seems to be alright and adjusting well in the beginning and seeing new things and meeting new people. Naema just gets thrown right into the mix fast and becomes a huge part of the story. Kate drove through a lot of places to get where she was and went through quite the adventure. 


Since it's only the beginning the only conflict is the heat damage happening there. The event that leads into that is the fact that they are in the desert. Also the sergeant is not being the nicest or most respectful and the main event that falls into that is that people are being immature and slacking off , messing around and not taking this time seriously. People think just because things aren’t happening at the moment that they don’t need to prepare.


(Benedict PG5) “It's the biggest frigging spider ive ever seen in my life. From one hairy leg to the other, the whole things as long as my forearm ``I saw imagery in that quote because they perfectly described what was going on and what it looked like with good detail. 


(Benedict PG 6) “Dirty gray sand stretches as far as i can see” in that i see hyperbole because it exaggerates and stretches the truth. 


(Benedict PG15) “Before anyone could stop me, i ran and unbolted it” i saw character and some pov because there seemed to be some conflict and troubles that she had to run away from. I also saw pov because it's her way of seeing it and she's the one telling us the way that she saw what happened to her . 


(Benedict PG 19) “You have killed our sons' ' I see that as an understatement . It's an understatement because of the way the author wrote it. This seems as though nobody had a care in the world besides the parent(s) . It seems as though this death wasn't a big deal to anybody.

I feel like Kate only joined the army to impress her parents and yes to honor them. I am predicting that it won't end up  going too well for her because war is so traumatizing and awful.  

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  1. “He felt as if he were tied down and couldn't answer it yet he felt as if he had to answer it. The bell sounded as lonesome as Christ ringing out in the bottom of his mind waiting for an answer” (Trumbo 9). Plot, P.O.V., hyperbole, imagery, 


  1. “He froze all over stiff and rigid like a dead cat. There was something wrong with this pricking and pulling and friction heat. He could feel the things they were doing to his arm and yet he couldn't rightfully feel his arm at all” (Trumbo 26). P.O.V., character, hyperbole, imagery


This quote shows pov and character because it shows what it was like for him to find out he has lost an arm. He could not see, when you can't see your arm that was there the last time you saw it, your brain may still think it's there. His describing the feeling of finding out he lost an arm is repeated in the story when he finds out about other things.


  1. “I can’t lie here forever like this until maybe years from now I die. I can’t. Nobody can. It isn't possible” (Trumbo 64). P.O.V., character


  1. “Bill Harper was a lucky guy. Bill Harper had got Dianne and then he had been killed” (Trumbo 54). Plot, P.O.V., understatement, paradox


This shows Joe’s thoughts while he is thinking about his past. He says that Bill is lucky to 

have died and compared to what joe is currently going through, that's probably true. It would be better to have died, maybe even happy, knowing you have a girl waiting for you at home than to have woken up and found out all that joe has. 


The main message of this section of the book is that war never truly ends. 


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Joe has a lot of memories that are displayed while he is unconscious. He dreams of his family, his friends, his lover, and a lot of past events in his life. He thinks about how he was never meant for war. He falls in and out of sleep, still running through his memories. When he awakes he finds portions of himself missing, his eyes, ears, mouth, his arms, his legs, and he has a hole that spans from his neck to his forehead.

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In A farewell to arms the narrator, named Lieutenant Henry and his surroundings during World War I, in the small village in Italy there is a cholera epidemic which kills seven thousand soldiers so they retreat to a small town named Gorizia where Henry is teased at the mess hall because he does not talk with women. Then the lieutenant takes his leave. The men say he should visit places like Palermo, Capri, Rome, Naples, or even Sicily but he has other ideas. Henry accompanies his friend Rinaldi to visit Miss Barkley at the British hospital. This is where Henry meets the beautiful nurse Catherine.

Sometimes in the dark we heard the troops marching under the window and guns going past pulled by motor-tractors.” (Hemingway 1) Imagery, this moment shows the havoc and chaos occurring during this time, they were relaxing in their home and just outside the window there are guns and soldiers going past.

"It doesn't finish. There is no finish to war. . . . War is not won by victory. . . . One side must stop fighting. Why don't we stop fighting?" (Hemingway 50 - 51) This quote really digs deep into war and how there is no end nor winner to war, both sides have casualties and grudges are held, this leads to an endless cycle of death and destruction. Character, this quote shows how Passini views war, there is no victor.

My legs felt warm and wet and my shoes were wet and warm inside. I knew that I was hit and leaned over and put my hand on my knee. My knee wasn’t there. My hand went in and my knee was down on my shin. I wiped my hand on my shirt and another floating light came very slowly down and I looked at my leg and was very afraid.” (Hemingway 55-56) Imagery, this quote has strong imagery, you can imagine him doing these things, you can feel the feelings he must have had.

You will be decorated. They want to get you the medaglia d’argento but perhaps they can get only the bronze. . . . Because you are gravely wounded. They say if you can prove you did any heroic act you can get the silver. Otherwise it will be bronze. Tell me exactly what happened.” (Hemingway 63) Character, this quote accentuates how brave 

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Lieutenant Henry's unit relocates to a nearby settlement, but the fighting in the surrounding mountains goes on. Henry reveals to his pal that he has fallen in love with nurse Catherine Barkley. Catherine protects him by giving him a St. Anthony medal. Henry is aware that he does not love Catherine, despite everything. He and the ambulance drivers are in the trench where a bomb goes off. He is taken to a wound-dressing station, where a British doctor attends to his shattered leg. A priest reassures Henry that the conclusion of the fight is not an unsalvageable effort, but he is aware that he too struggles with faith. Henry contracts a serious illness as a result of the surgery.


1. “The drops fell very slowly, as they fall from an icicle after the sun has gone.” (Hemingway 61) — Imagery, character, pov


2. "’ Why did you join up with the Italians?’ ‘I was in Italy, … , and I spoke Italian."’ (Hemingway 22) — character


3. “... then it came the chuh-chuh-chuh-chuh – then there was a flash, … and a roar that started white and went red and on and on in a rushing wind.” (Hemingway 54) — Imagery, Onomatopoeia

This quote helps show what henry went through and was feeling when the bomb went off. After the bomb went off, he could see or hear and then he felt as though he was dying because he couldnt breathe. This helps put into perspective what happens in war and what they go through when on the battlefield.


4. “ i unwound the puttee and while i was doing it i saw there was no need to try and make a tourniquet because he was dead already. I made sure he was dead.” (Hemingway 55) — Understatement, pov

This quote helps show that even though you wish to help someone in the line of action, sometimes they are to far gone and there is no helping them no matter how much you try to. Its hard to mourn when you are in the crossfire so trying to move on and go help or find others is the best option and deal with emotions later.

the overall message of the story so far is that War is scary, unforgiving, filled with death, messy.

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“ I unwound the puttee and while I was doing it I saw there was no need to try and make a tourniquet because he was dead already. I made sure he was dead.” (Hemingway 55)

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Billy Lynn's Reflex


In the first part of this book it is going back and forth between the Dallas cowboys game and the war. Billy is a 19 year old that went to war in Iraq after 9/11 had happened in the United states. The News had gone to battle with the ¨Bravo'' to record the war being in place. After they had accomplished the battle against Iraq they had two weeks off, and were sent back to America. 

 Quote 1 )¨ there are ten of them in the limos plush passenger bay, the eight remaining soldiers of Bravos Squad, their PA escort Major Mac, and the movie producer Albert Ratner, who at the moment is hunkered down in blackberry position.¨ (fountain 3)  When reading this quote it is Point of View. Giving me an idea of the situation that Billy is in while in the limo, who he is with and the way these people are sitting. Quote 2 ) ¨ What's happening now isn't nearly as real as that, eating this meal, holding this fork, lifting this glass, the realest things in the world these days are the things in his head.¨ Understatement is being shown in this quote by the way the thinking is going on in this quote. The feeling he is having of only the realest thing to him are his thoughts. Understatement is what is happening in this quote that adds up to imagery. Quote 3) ¨You listened and read and watched and it was just, so, obvious, what had to be done, a mental tic of mantra that became second nature as the war dragged on. Why don't they just… Send in more troops.¨ ( Fountain 39) The description of Imagery in this quote . Brings back to the feeling and thought that he had at the time of the war. Reflecting on what happened and almost contemplating what had happened. Wishing that someone else had got sent to the war. A different group, and a different reality. Quote 4) ¨ Billy gets how shitty the place makes him feel, the quick sink of depression in his gut, but he thinks it's just an allergic reaction to rich people.¨ (fountain 51)  This is a Metaphor. Having this sick and unwelcoming feeling in his gut of these wealthy people that he gets when he's around them. Almost using the, and their wealth, their privilege as a reason that he doesn't feel in the best state. Putting the blame on them for his personal sickness. The war was a hard and devastating event that had happened to Billy and the Bravo company. When you're put in Billy's point of view you get a reflection on his PTSD. Giving me an idea about how things happen in the head of someone with trauma. When being put in the mind of someone who has gone to war you imagine yourself in the place that they are at, and what they are doing. Reflexing on the cause of war and how it is happening.

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Summary- When Jason was little he had a weird fascination for spoons, his mom used this as an easy way to bond with him. Jason's mom runs a lot and intensely to simulate what Jason is going through and she uses this running and a way to almost cope with him being gone in the military. During the novel Jason mentions picking the military over other college careers because emotions are hard for him. Jason's mom  is very worrisome about jason. After everyone found out Jason was officially presumed dead and lost everyone from the town, retired ranger, old man and many more that were concerned for Jason and about his mom and mourning his death.  

“The quiet nights now give him time to think through accumulated emotions and all those years in which he'd tried not to express them. He doesn't like to spend too much time thinking about them; it's one reason he's chosen a far less cerebral path” (Carpenter, 32)

Terms- Character, understatement, 

“...when he is underwater, when he is swimming and opposed to performing a task, Jason lets his mind wander…these concentrated thoughts allow him to forget the physical pain.”  (Carpenter 43) 

Terms-plot, character

if he survives. That was the subtext of her fears. And very soon she would learn that every choice and every moment and every thing in the military, and in the lives of family members who waited back home for their fathers and mother's and brothers and sisters and son's and daughters and lovers, was infused with the same fear.“ (Carpenter 44) 

Terms- pov, understatement, plot

“One irony of Jason being gone was that, unlike other mother's who perhaps saw their son's more often, these letters were a look into the soul of a boy becoming a man. She knew each time she saw him throughout those years of training he would be changed slightly, yet forever. The letters prepared her. He was slipping away.“ (Carpenter 72) 

Terms- plot, character, pov

Moments that seemed important or significant to me was Jason and his mom would bind their relationship by playing imaginary games in the woods together. Another significant moment is when Jason's mom got the call that Jason was alive and that she needed to get on a train right away to go see him after thinking he was dead. One of the “roll backs” tells Jason that 3 of the most important “management’ things are. Expectations management, pain management, and anger management, expectations management is basically getting you through the day, pain management is getting you through the movements, and anger management is getting through not having privacy and not being treated like a human being.

My evidence chosen addresses the message about war because it's showing how his mom struggled through having her son away and the roller coaster of not knowing his safety. 

“One irony of Jason being gone was that, unlike other mother's who perhaps saw their son's more often, these letters were a look into the soul of a boy becoming a man. She knew each time she saw him throughout those years of training he would be changed slightly, yet forever. The letters prepared her. He was slipping away.“ (Carpenter 72)  This quote helped me better understand that his mom is in reality struggling with having her son away and not seeing him. She compares this to other mothers that maybe get to see their son more often and how she's basically watchinghim grow into a boy to a man with her not there and it hurts her to see him changing so much without her. She feels like this makes her feel like Jason is slipping away from her. 

if he survives. That was the subtext of her fears. And very soon she would learn that every choice and every moment and every thing in the military, and in the lives of family members who waited back home for their fathers and mother's and brothers and sisters and son's and daughters and lovers, was infused with the same fear.“ (Carpenter 44) This quote is her comparing her situation with Jason and not seeing him and much with other females going through similar situations as her and how everything their son's or daughters or whoever is very impacted their families from what they do and that these families of these soldiers are at home filled with fear at all times for their kids or loved ones. 

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We start the story with Conrad on a plane on his way back from Iraq. Well on the plane back home we here about some of the things he saw well in the military we also see a bit of how the war effected him. After they land we get to learn a bit about Conrad’s mom and dad we learn that Conrad’s mom didn't really know much about the war growing up. After we learn a bit about his mom we learn how Conrad told his parents he was joining the marines when he tells his parents we learn that his dad was against war. We also learn that his mom tried to convince him not to go, After learning about all that we go back to present time in the present time we see his first interaction with his parents. We also get to see him be alone for the first time, when he is alone we get to hear his internal thoughts about his girlfriend who might not even be his girlfriend anymore. After he is alone for the first time we get to see his go out to dinner with his parents, during that time we get to see how the war has effected the way he deals with every day life. After his first day back we get to see him come back to his parent's house where we hear a little bit about the war. The next day is where we see his brother and sisters, his brother Ollie tells him about how he is thinking about joining the military but Conrad doesn't won't him to. We also hear about how Conrad and his girlfriend meet and how Conrad missions effected their relationship. We end the first third of the book with Conrad going to see his girlfriend in New York. 

“Even if he saw them, he’d see them in a different context, part of a different year.” (Robinson 36)-plot, character, POV 

This helps show that war has changed Conrad a lot, and he knows it. Conrad knows life is going to be different now that the war is done, it's going to be harder for him. This quote helps you understand that Conrad might be facing problems later in the book. This also helps to show what Conrad thinks life is going to be like when he gets back to normal life. With different POV we wouldn’t know what Conrad was thinking about his life. 


“A pulse started in Conrad's head.” (Robinson 41)—character, POV

This helps show what Conrad is feeling. With Conrad's POV we get to see what he has going on in his head, if we were to have been in a different POV we would not have known what was going on in his head. Another thing that this shows is now that's Conrad out of war he can't just sit there in a restaurant and have a normal conversation, he continues to worry about things. 


“ ‘what does Claire say about it?’… ‘she’s fine with it.’ he nodded this was not entirely true……but anyway they hadn’t broken up over it.”(Robinson 23) — plot, understatement 


“ He was waiting for something to click into place. In the military you had orders, and a task. Now what he had to do was keep moving.” (Robinson  38) - character. 


The overall message in this part of the story is war effects the future 

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 Fobbit by David Abrams, is a Iraqi war comedy the first section (1-123 pg.) goes over the setting of a forward operating base. Shown around the base and getting introduced to several characters with humorist implications of events. The people are described as being fearful as the explanation for why they aren’t in the direct line of fire. The ending of this section shows a letter home to family just simplifying to wanting black socks and a specific kind of fruit.


  1. “Going to war could be a real pain in the ass.” (Abrams 3)
  2.  “What if we send him back out there with another bottle of water, one we’ve poisoned? The terrorist drinks it and then we’re done for the day. Everyone can go home happy.” (Abrams 31)-- Pov, understatement 

Captain Shinkle understates the situation impling there is only one terrorist causing the war and thinking it to be simple enough to take them out with a poisoned bottle of water. 


  1. “This is a ding-dang war, gentleman, and don’t you ding-dang forget it.” (Abrams 77)

4.“They don’t call it the graveyard shift for nothing Sar’nt,” (Abrams 43)--POV, understatement 

 The jumpiness of being in war by Specialist Carnical being pushed off as “the graveyard shift” gives shading to Carnical showing her thoughts about the situation they’re in and the defense mechanism of humor that will show up repeatedly throughout the book. 

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Add literary terms to all quotes. Add an overall message about war. 

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 Fobbit by David Abrams, is a Iraqi war comedy the first section (1-123 pg.) goes over the setting of a forward operating base. Shown around the base and getting introduced to several characters with humorist implications of events. The people are described as being fearful as the explanation for why they aren’t in the direct line of fire. The ending of this section shows a letter home to family just simplifying to wanting black socks and a specific kind of fruit.


  1. “Going to war could be a real pain in the ass.” (Abrams 3)-- Understatement
  2.  “What if we send him back out there with another bottle of water, one we’ve poisoned? The terrorist drinks it and then we’re done for the day. Everyone can go home happy.” (Abrams 31)-- Pov, understatement 

Captain Shinkle understates the situation impling there is only one terrorist causing the war and thinking it to be simple enough to take them out with a poisoned bottle of water. 


3.“This is a ding-dang war, gentleman, and don’t you ding-dang forget it.” (Abrams 77)-- understatement 

4.“They don’t call it the graveyard shift for nothing Sar’nt,” (Abrams 43)--POV, understatement 

 The jumpiness of being in war by Specialist Carnical being pushed off as “the graveyard shift” gives shading to Carnical showing her thoughts about the situation they’re in and the defense mechanism of humor that will show up repeatedly throughout the book. 

Overall the story is all about war isn’t fair.

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The book starts with Joe having a dream/flashback to his previous life before his war injury. At first he doesn’t know what’s wrong with him until he slowly starts to figure things out after some healing. He realizes that he was hit with a mortar shell and becomes blind and deaf. Along with losing his arms and legs due to injuries. Through reading you realize he’s in a constant state of either being awake or dreaming but he can’t tell which one he’s having. In one of those dreams we learn about Joe’s journey into entering the war. He had a girlfriend named Kareen who really did not want him to go to war but he worked himself up and talked himself into thinking that he was doing the right thing not fleeing the draft.  

“There’s a silver lining through the dark cloud shining”(Trumbo 37).-Metaphor 

“I can’t breathe but I’m breathing. I’m so scared I can’t think but I’m thinking. Oh please please no. No no. It isn’t me. Help me. It can’t be me. Not me. No no no”(Trumbo 64).-Alliteration 

“He froze all over stiff and rigid like a dead cat”(Trumbo 26).-Simile 

This quote helps demonstrate how he felt when he was in his conscious state of mind. He knew that the doctors were doing stuff to him but he wasn’t sure so he became scared. I found this quote to be a simile because he is comparing himself directly to a dead cat using the word “like”

“What do you care about making the world safe for democracy”(Trumbo 24).-Understatement  

Joe hasn’t realized everything that is wrong with him but he knows that he is hurt really bad. Now that he knows he is in some sort of coma state from the war he’s starting to regret that he ever even went to war. He talks alot about how he really didn’t even know what the war was about and that all he wanted to do was stay home with Kareen. I think this quote is an understatement though. Because WW1 wasn’t just about making sure democracy stays present. The causation of us entering WW1 was much more centered around them attacking our allies and eventually sinking our own ship in the British Isles. So I feel that Joe had kind’ve understated what war is all about. 

We don’t quite know yet what Joe’s complete message about war in the first third of the novel. We read early on that he knows that he was injured in the war and now greatly regrets ever joining. Then a little later we read about a flashback to the day before he had to get on the train and leave Kareen behind. Through that process you could tell that he really didn’t wanna go to war. But he kept telling himself quotes from famous US leaders as a way to try and motivate himself. I think he did that because at that time before he got injured he believed that doing the right thing and going to war was what he was supposed to do even if he didn’t want to.

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In A farewell to arms the narrator, named Lieutenant Henry, and his surroundings during World War I, in a small village in Italy there is a cholera epidemic that kills seven thousand soldiers so they retreat to a small town named Gorizia where Henry is teased at the mess hall because he does not talk with women. Then the lieutenant takes his leave. The men say he should visit places like Palermo, Capri, Rome, Naples, or even Sicily but he has other ideas. Henry accompanies his friend Rinaldi to visit Miss Barkley at the British hospital. This is where Henry meets the beautiful nurse Catherine.

Sometimes in the dark, we heard the troops marching under the window and guns going past pulled by motor-tractors.” (Hemingway 1) Imagery, this moment shows the havoc and chaos occurring during this time, they were relaxing in their home, and just outside the window, there are guns and soldiers going past.

"It doesn't finish. There is no finish to war. . . . War is not won by victory. . . . One side must stop fighting. Why don't we stop fighting?" (Hemingway 50 - 51) This quote really digs deep into war and how there is no end nor winner to war, both sides have casualties, and grudges are held, which leads to an endless cycle of death and destruction. Character, this quote shows how Passini views war, there is no victor.

My legs felt warm and wet and my shoes were wet and warm inside. I knew that I was hit and leaned over and put my hand on my knee. My knee wasn’t there. My hand went in and my knee was down on my shin. I wiped my hand on my shirt and another floating light came very slowly down and I looked at my leg and was very afraid.” (Hemingway 55-56) Imagery, this quote has strong imagery, you can imagine him doing these things, and you can feel the feelings he must have had.

You will be decorated. They want to get you the Medaglia d’argento but perhaps they can get only the bronze. . . . Because you are gravely wounded. They say if you can prove you did any heroic act you can get the silver. Otherwise, it will be bronze. Tell me exactly what happened.” (Hemingway 63) Character, this quote accentuates how brave 

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In Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk, what is happening in the beginning of the book is that Billy and Bravo are back home from the war to go on a victory tour. The guys are supposed to be doing something there. It could be being on TV, part of the Halftime Show with Beyonce, but nobody really knows. We find out that Billy had two choices to make when he was younger: go to jail for getting rid of his sister’s ex fiance’s by chasing him with a crowbar or to join the military, which he joined.  

  1. “Maybe it’s the weather that brings them down, all this early-winter gloom, or maybe performance anxiety or just plain weariness, the burden of knowing much will be required of them today.” (Ben Fountain 11) — character, understatement, imagery 


This quote helps me show that the guys could be having anxiety, ptsd, or not prepared for how much they will be doing today. Truly, they were happy at first to be there but the quote of them being brought down might be a realization to them. The quote also did me good by showing me how we could’ve gone more into how it might be more than just the weather, performance anxiety, or them not knowing what they’ve gotten into. It could be for other reasons, like ptsd, trauma, or depression. 


  1. “...parkas and caps stamped with the blue, dangly earrings or other forms of team bling, some have little Cowboys helmets painted on their cheeks.” (Ben Fountain 23) — imagery, character, p.o.v.


  1. “...this enormous dark object windmilling her way and it’s the sound she remembers more than anything, the whoof whoof whoof of its rotary vortex like the flapping wings of the angel of death.” (Ben Fountain 17) —imagery, understatement, onomatopoeia, metaphor


  1. “terrRr, Eye-rack, Eaaaar-rock, Sod’m, freedoms, nina leven, nina leven, nina leven hero sacrifice, sooh-preeeeme sacrifice Bush Osama values dih-mock-cruh-see.” (Ben Fountain 38) —onomatopoeia, understatement, juxtaposition, plot.


This quote helps me understand the PTSD of Billy and the soldiers. The words started to form into words that are like, 9/11, freedom, save them, hero, sacrifice, etc. The words meant all something to war which shows the characters going through PTSD. It’s important to the story because it shows they’re all still struggling through this war. We could’ve known more in this moment too on what he was seeing, or feeling. 


The overall message of this section of the novel is that it’s hard to just simply get past war without having any trauma, anxiety, mental health issues, and PTSD. It shows that soldiers out there are struggling and see and hear different things in situations.

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War Novel Reading Response #1


Summary of MASH Part 1: The story is about three army doctors serving their time in Korea as America tries to liberate the South from the North. We start off by meeting Radar O'Riley, a young man who just graduated from High School. He is a Corporal in the Army and in charge of communications for the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH). We then meet Capt. Pierce aka Hawkeye and he is the main character. Later on we meet John McIntyre. A chest surgeon from Boston. He and Hawkeye become best friends.  

Quote 1: “Ease off on those tapes, and let’s see how much it bleeds,” said Trapper. He had to place one extra suture, and then there was no more bleeding”(Pg.70). I chose Imagery here because I can imagine them in the O.R. operating and all the blood pouring out. But then they place an extra suture and the bleeding stops.

Quote 2:  “ Christ Henry,” Hawk added, “if you get rid of him, some head-shrinker will just give him shock treatments and probably send him to another outfit. We can give him some shock treatments right here!”(Pg.48). I chose POV here, Hawkeye is giving his view of a situation so clearly it’s POV

Quote 3: : Trapper John traveled a fast right to Frank’s jaw, and Frank dropped on the sand floor like a poleaxed steer” (Pg.59). Simile

Quote 4:  “ She was Major Margaret Houlihan, new Chief Nurse, and one June morning she emerged, not out of a scallop shell like Botticelli’s venus, but out of a helicopter” (Pg.60). Simile 

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In the book Mash by Richard Hooker, Chapters 1-7 Hawkeye, and Duke are on their way to 4077. When they arrived they were late by a couple hours and the Cernol was not happy with them.Then they  almost lost the Painless pole to suicide who gose through depressaion every month. Captain Frank Burns gets sent back to the  states after starting a fight with Captain 

  1. “I don’t Know where I’ve been, but wherever it was I sure as hell won first prize”(Hooker 54). This Can be seen as Character. 
  2.  “ At That moment Colonel Henry Blake Colonel Henry Blake  entered, and what he saw was enough to do it. He saw Captain Pierce sitting peacefully with a cup of coffee and a cigarette. He saw Captain Burns, on the other side of the room, pick up the coffee pot and hurl it at Captain Pierce, who ducked.(Hooker 64,65). Pov, Character 
  3. That  evening The Painless Pole entered The Swamp and sat down. He was given a drink , which he accepted with indifference.  “I thought you guys oughta know,”he announced. “Know what?” “I’m going to commit suicide.”(Hooker 47). This could be Juxtaposition.  This quote  helped me see that war could have an effect on people in different ways. Even if they know that they are not right they still affect the mind. 
  4. Trapper, you remember how we used to wonder what a kid like Ho-Jon might do if he had a chance to get an education? “Yeah,” Trapper answered dully. “If we squeeze him through, I’m going to get him into Androscoggin College”(Hooker 68).  Character, Pov.  This quote helps show me that Captain Pierce cares about the people that would help him and would help get them to a better place. It also helps show the Character.

The message of the book so far is: Everyone in war can affect the way they behave  to get through the war. 

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Hyperbole: “It was hot. So hot that he seemed to be burning up inside and out” (Trumbo 40) The boys were hot while working on the railroad 


Imagery: “ Shale City seemed like the prettiest town in the world that night. The sky was pale blue and there were about a million stars shining. The trees were all black-green and a cool breeze was playing through them.” (Trumbo 51)

Understatement: “He was also pleased that the weather was warmer. He was sleeping in the park and that was a wonderful thing.” (Trumbo 68)

Jose was a new worker who took over for Larry, he slept outside in the park.


Simile: “He looked at Pinky Carson like a dog that has been betrayed by his master.” (Trumbo 75)

War helps you appreciate what you have before it is taken away from you.

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“All this happened, more or less. The war parts, anyway, are pretty much true.” (Pg.1) Vonnegut

“Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time.” (Pg.22) Vonnegut

“Billy described his friends from Tralfamadore” (Pg. 28) Vonnegut

“There was a big German attack.” (Pg. 42)


Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut is a strange book to say the least. It is a story of a man in Germany or that's how it starts until he time travels in the first chapter and then at the beginning of the next chapter he meets aliens and then he travels back. The book uses many literary terms here are some from the book using quotes. 

“Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time.” (Pg.22) Vonnegut  “There was a big German attack.” (Pg. 42)  These are the two quotes best for showing understatement in the book. It feels that is an understatement due to him writing as just a line and not explaining it more. The first quote being unstuck in time is a large understatement for what he was about to go through with all the time traveling nonsense and The Tralfamadore. It all happens because of the way he processes the memories of his about the war. The same thing happens with the second quote. It’s a large understatement just saying there was a big German attack. A lot happened in that attack that they just used that one line to represent what happened in that time.

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Update your summary to be at least 4 sentences that include details from the book. Talk about the main characters, conflict and main events. 

Fix citations to include the author's last name and the page number. Should look like (Vonnegut 22) for all quotes. Make sure to attach literary terms to all four quotes, even though you only need to explain two. 

Add an overall message about war. 

Create new post with updated formatting and resubmit the assignment on Google Classroom. 

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Summary: 19 year old Kate Brady wanted to join the army. Little did she know she was going to be a soldier in a forgotten desert in Iraq guarding a makeshift American prison. There, she meets Naema, a smart, Iraqi medical student who's father and little brother have been taken by American soldiers. Naema discretely helps Kate at the prison, and in return, she gets information regarding her brother and father. Kate has to get through the daily struggles of duty, but being a woman she is in equal danger as she has to fight off the predatory men in her unit. Naema suffers through starvation, bombs, and the loss of her family. 


“You gotta be a bitch or a slut around here, everybody knows that, and since you won’t be a bitch…you’ve only got one choice left. That’s why the men chase you so bad. They all want to get in your pants, Sergeant Movie Star included. But you won’t put out, so they’re pissed.” (Benedict 56)--Perspective, character, understatement. 


This quote showed the kind of environment Kate is dealing with. It shows perspective because of how women are treated unfairly and unkindly just because they are women. They have to either be mean enough to make them get away or let them sleep with them just to maybe make it stop. Why should women have to act a certain way just so they can be treated with respect and not be scared to get use the bathroom by herself…”Because if you’re a female it’s too fucking dangerous to go outside for a piss” (Benedict 60).


“Katie? The man leans forward again, his elbows on his knees. “Look at me, please?” She hesitates. But then she lifts her head and eyes his warily. “You’re home now, remember? The war’s gone. You’re not with those people anymore. It’s over now, you’re safe.” The man does have the same soft face as Tyler, the same pleading, cinnamon eyes. Same flop of brown hair over his brow, too. But he’s doing something Tyler never would have done. He’s lying.” (Benedict 64)--Imagery, character, pov/perspective


This quote shows perspective because we have no idea who this character is that’s talking to Kate. They are anonymous to the reader. It seems like Kate doesn’t even know what is happening or who this man is. It’s as though she is waking up or dreaming. This quote is some sort of foreshadowing because he says “you’re home now” as if it is towards the end of the book and Kate’s journey. 


“All soldiers are the same to her, whatever their uniforms, whatever their justifications. All are murderers.” (Benedict 65)

“Granny Maryam is not well. The shock of the soldiers storming into her house and taking Papa and Zaki has affected her mind…she won’t eat anything but the thinnest of gruels. She refuses to get up except to visit the outhouse…and she calls again and again for Grandpa, even though he’s been dead those twenty years.” (Benedict 65, 66)

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Add literary terms (no explanations, just what literary terms you can see) for your last two quotes. Add an overall message about war. 

Reply to this post and resubmit on Google Classroom when done. 

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  1. “because I have no left arm. My left arm. I wonder what they've done with it.” (Trumbo 3) this quote is him alone is his thoughts wondering about himself and he realizes that he doesn't have a left arm this is an example of pov because he is in his own mind talking about what happened to his arm this helps me better understand the story because it helps me imagine being in his place waking up and not knowing what happened to him and where his arm went 
  2. “He was awake even though he couldn't see. He was awake even though he couldn't hear a thing” (Trumbo 1) this quote also shows character development  because he is awake and conscious yet he cant hear or see anything and he realizes this.
  3. “Somewhere just below his hip joints they had cut both of his legs off. No legs.:” (Trumbo 5)  this quote shows is the narrator narrating his thoughts about him trying to figure out where his legs were amputated this is and this is showing imagery because he is figuring out were his legs were cut 
  4. .” The water was lapping over his eyes and nose and mouth and he was sputtering from it” (Trumbo 5) this quote is him in a dream having a nightmare due to him being laid unlevel which feels like he is drowning this quote is showing imagery because it helps the reader understand what he feels like this helped me understand his scenario because he dreams about drowning 24/7 and ive had a similar thing although i was just face down in a pillow it helped me understand how awkward and uncomfortable it is.

thematic statement 

War is a dangerous place with high risk and low rewards

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Add a four sentence summary. 

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The first third of the novel involves Joe thinking back about his fathers death. And then it jumps and he is remembering about him swimming in a ditch.  He eventually realizes he is deaf and cannot hear. Joe is lying in his hospital bed and realizes his arms and legs are gone.

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The book is about a man named billy who fought in a war in Dresden in 1967. A war that caused him to be captured in a slaughterhouse that he later escaped from. Forward in time, he has a normal life until he looked at the barber quartet and was captured by aliens. This causes him to travel back in forth in time to figure out what's going on.

“You’ll pretend you were men instead of babies,...those other glamorous, war-loving, dirty old men.”( Vonnegut 14) Paradox, P.O.V., Hyperbole

“And what do the birds say? All there is to say about a massacre, things like “Poo-tee-weet?” (Vonnegut 19) Understatement, Metaphor, Onomatopoeia
This quote helped me understand the misunderstanding for birds as he mocks their tweet which is why I choose onomatopoeia. Still, the fact that he has an annoyance makes me think about him experiencing a massacre and hearing birds chirping after the massacre. I chose understatement due to the fact that the word Dresden keeps coming up, which could probably be a place or a person that may have been involved in the war book.

“‘You know what I say to people when I hear they’re writing anti-war books?’ ‘No. What do you say, Harrison Starr?’ ’I say, ‘why don’t you write an anti-glacier book instead?’’” (Vonnegut 3), plot, P.O.V., juxtaposition.
The overall conversation is about the idea of writing a book but they are discussing different topics, which would be juxtaposition. Harrison star does not like the topic of an anti-war book because he thinks its an equivalent to removing glaciers. The plot of the quote symbolizes the start of his anti-war book, it clearly shows how he wanted to start a novel. The novel’s topic is anti-war, so that must mean that he was either involved in a war or generally did not like it.

“‘When a tralfmadorian sees a corpse, all he thinks is that the dead person is in bad condition in that particular moment,... I simply shrug and say what the tralfmadorians say about dead people, which is ‘so it goes’’”. (Vonnegut 27)

My message about war is that its death that reminds you of the actions you've done to others.

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“All this happened, more or less. The war parts, anyway, are pretty much true.” (Pg.1) Vonnegut

“Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time.” (Pg.22) Vonnegut

“Billy described his friends from Tralfamadore” (Pg. 28) Vonnegut

“There was a big German attack.” (Pg. 42)


Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut is a strange book to say the least. It is a story of a man in Germany or that's how it starts until he time travels in the first chapter and then at the beginning of the next chapter he meets aliens and then he travels back. The book uses many literary terms here are some from the book using quotes. The book describes what happens to him but it sounds more as though that he is making it up due to trauma compared to this all being real. 

“Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time.” (Pg.22 Vonnegut) It feels that is an understatement due to him writing as just a line and not explaining it more. The first quote being unstuck in time is a large understatement for what he was about to go through with all the time traveling nonsense and The Tralfamadore. It all happens because of the way he processes the memories of his about the war. “There was a big German attack.” (Pg. 42 Vonnegut)  The same thing happens with the second quote. It’s a large understatement just saying “There was a German attack”. A lot happened in that attack that they just used that one line to represent what happened in that time. It made the book show what can happen to the person's psyche in the war.

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When Duke Forest and Hawkeye Pierce met, they first thought they wouldn’t get along since they were from different regions of the country. But after a long quiet Jeep ride they kicked off a conversation and realized they were pretty similar. They got to their tents and drank a lot. The reason there was a lot of tension was because they thought they were different because one was from up north and the other was from down south. Even though in the long run they found similarities and ended up getting along very well.

  1. “Most of the doctors who worked in Mobile Army Surgical Hospitals during the Korean War were very young, perhaps too young, to be doing what they were doing.” (hooker 5)--Plot, imagery.

  1. “As they sat there, looking down the road, flanked by the rice paddies skimmed now with November ice, they passed the bottle back and forth and talked.” (hooker 13) imagery, plot, 

This quote helps show you that everyone is human. Even now these two guys were from completely different regions of the country they realized they were very much alike.

  1. “Among other things, the two, functioning as if they hadn’t been working across the table from each other for years,..”(hooker 18) 

  1. “During the quiet period that had settled upon the western Korean front, few shots had been fired in anger, and the only casualties had resulted from jeep accidents and from soldiers invading minefields in search of pheasant and deer.” (hooker 23) -- plot, 


This quote is about how war is violent. Even though they were not fighting for a long stretch there were still lots of casualties.  There was people dying in jeep accidents and people who were just trying to have fun where dying in mine fields

A lot of the very beginning of the novel was about how they thought they could never get along since one was from New England and one was from the south. They got over that real fast and now they're working like they have known each other for life.

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