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War Novel Response #3

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In the third half of the book there is a guy named Oliver that coaches Trapper, Hawkeye and the others to play football to win a bet to make enough money to go back home. While they are playing football they hide oliver aka spearchucker until the second half and make money bets. Oliver also scouts out the other team and he realizes they have 3 professional football players but once they notice it's two late.

¨I´ll go with you, Spearchucker said I can't stand the sight of suffering, either.¨ this shows the character of Spearchucker because he doesn't like the sight of suffering and either has a weak mindset or has seen some messed up stuff in his past. This helps me outstand how people that have been in war can have a weak mindset or stomach and thats why there is a lot of people that are in the military commit suicide. 

¨Spearchucker loafed the ball into the line twice the referee fired off his army .45 and they trooped of the field.¨ this shows imagery because how people play football today you can see how they put the ball down but back in the day they didn't have a whistle so they shot a .45 as the whistle. This helped me understand how the game of football from then to now has changed a lot 

¨Great Henry was shouting from the sideline Great defensive play.¨ This shows Henry's character and how into the game he was and is a team player. 

¨Because i'm a great mahout im an elephant boy that's all I ever wanted to be but because the elephants like me so good the people all hate me.¨ This is an example of paradox because while he thinks the elephants love him they could just and maybe the people just look at him differently. 


War is serious in the moments it needs to. War is not just and image its a memory that can torture you if you let it. War is also based on you perspective 


This novel was very back and forth between multiply people it was a little challenging to follow all the peoples characters but i managed to do it there where only the same I like the book because the people where in so many different place doing different things than war I wouldn't recommend this book to people that dont like confusing back  and forth conversation. 

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Posted by: kparker24

¨(Hooker 182)


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Summary - An American Nazi propagandist speaks to the weary malnourished prisoners that were in the slaughterhouse. And tries to convince them to join his Free American corps to fight on the Russian front. He promises them food after the war. Billy is unconscious and time-traveling and oblivious to his wife's car accident and her passing. When Billy first regains consciousness, everyone thinks that he is a vegetable. Billy then tells the professor that is lying in the bed next to him about how he was in Dresden for the firebombing. It’s 1968 and Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. are dead and the body counts from the Jungle war in Vietnam are all over the evening news. 

“Down in the locker were a few cattle and sheep and pigs and horses hanging from iron hooks” (Vonnegut 165) Imagery, P.O.V

“There was a fire-storm out there. Dresden was one big flame. The one flame ate everything organic, everything that would burn” (Vonnegut 178) Metaphor, Imagery, Personification


This quote helps to better understand the book better because after all the war that was going on after it’s all said and done Dresden burned to the ground and almost everyone was dead, but the soldiers just went on with their day and went to a motel. 


“The sun was an angry little pinhead. Dresden was like the moon now, nothing but minerals” (Vonnegut 178) Simile, metaphor, Personification

“The horses’ mouths were bleeding, gashed by the bits, that the horses’ hooves were broken so that with every step meant agony” (Vonnegut 196) Imagery 


This quote helps me better understand war because war is a horrible thing and it's gory and nobody wants to deal with it like the animals that are being slaughtered. It's horrible and people don't want to deal with dead things but people and things die all the time every day and it's something we can't control. 

The overall message of this part of this portion of the book is that war is horrible but when it happens people still have to go on with their day. 

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Summary- In the third and final part of the novel Eleven days Jason tells us that men in the military don't really get into love and relationships while in the military. As Jason's mom is on the plane to go see her son and dad shows up and is alive when everyone thought he was dead for years and years because he was a spy and couldn't tell anyone where he was or what he was doing. They flew together to go see Jason and when they got there Jason was too weak to live longer. 

This quote shows character, because they explain in the novel that instead of stating duties and jobs of these men, they tell the families a less worrisome name for what they are doing so that the families worry less. They perceive it as if they say something more realistic that mother's wouldn't let their sons go into the military.  “But then no one wanted the mother's to know too much because then they would never let their sons become soldiers or sailors. And so rather than say anything else, he simply explains to her that there is very little she can understand, that she must trust that the operators know what they are doing.“ The literary term shown is repetition, character, and metaphor. (Carpenter 198 & 199)

“He wanted to play golf, poorly, and run around the local reservoir. He wanted to make spaghetti with clams, and eat it while watching college ball. He wanted to do all the little things that people did.” (Carpenter 234) this quote is Jason explaining how in the military you don't get to do things the same or even the same things now and they got to do it when they were home and he's missing the things he used to do at home and it makes him miss being home more. The literary term is prospective. This quote helped me better understand the novel because Jason tells us about being away from home and the things that he misses that may seem small but feel a lot bigger when you go without them and miss them.

“The total time of preparation for this moment--not the years of training but the split-second assessment following a actual accounting of the space, the threats, the presence of unknowns--was an instant: less than the time it takes to dress a child for school, or to make a round of pancakes, or to walk a bride down the aisle to her groom.” (Carpenter 247) This quote is putting into perspective how time is conceived in the highly stressful situations that they are trained for years to be able to do but can still feel so unreal and be traumatizing. The literary terms here are perspective, character, and repetition. This helped me better understand the novel because this is putting us in Jason's shoes and how he is feeling about being in the moment of a stressful mission. 

“Everything then that crossed her mind concerning wars was political or theoretical. It was inconceivable to her that one day she would return to this place to bury her child, a war hero.” (Carpenter 260) This quote is Jason's mother struggling to process that she is burying her son, she never thought she would once be burying him. This shows the literary term character, plot, and perspective. 

The most emphasized message about war through these literary terms is that not just the people that are in the military are affected emotionally. My views on the message about war have changed coming into this third of the book because how she handled herself after realizing she flew all these hours because they thought they found him alive for her to get there and he was dead really changed how she carried herself for the rest of the book. I did not like how the book moved from thing to thing. It made it hard to stay interested in the book, but finding literary terms was easy and shown clearly in the novel. I would only recommend this book to future students if they can keep up with the steady moving events. 

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 Conrad decided that he wanted to turn his life around. He wants to start classes so that he can go to grad school in the next year .He starts with taking a math class. Conrad later went back to the VA hospital to make an appointment.Conrad later got his scores back for his tests and they were not good scores. One of the last things that happens is Conrad finally gets in to see someone at the VA hospital and they prescribe me medication to help with his possible  ptsd. 


“Sat down to put on his running shoes. He remembered putting on his boots in Sparta”(Robinson 273) -pov- character

Without Conrad's pov  we wouldn't know him putting on his shoes reminded him of Sparta.

Many things that Conrad does now remind him of his past in Sparta 

“Something heavy crashed against his back, and Conrad whirled, crouching, his hand raised and ready, his heart racing”(Robinson 283)-pov, understatement 

This shows that since Conrad came back from war little things a been feeling like a bigger deal then they are and Conrad is trying to pretend like they aren't a big deal he is trying to belittle them 


“He was old and had no wear to be” (Robinson 306) -understatement, character 

“OK dog let go”(Robinson 260) - pov


The message about war in this part of the novel  is war effects how people do everyday things

The message about war has not changed between the last to parts of the book because i feel like the whole book is talking about war effects  peoples everyday life 


My opinion about his book is that it starts of a little hard to follow but then it gets better it is easier to follow in the middle of the book and tords the end its a little confusing but overall it is not that hard to read 

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In the end of the book Catherine is pregnant and they move to a nice wooden house that is on a mountain. Catherine has been worried about her baby's size because she has a narrow pelvis and her doctor warned her about childbirth and how difficult it would be. Catherine and Henry go out for a beer because Catherine wants to keep the baby small. Catherine agrees that someday she wants to get married to Henry so that the child will be legitimate. They continue to live a nice life together. However Catherine goes through an agonizing delivery and the nurse tells Henry that the baby is dead. Catherine then has a hemorrhage and also dies. 

-As it commenced to burn, the ants swarmed out and went first toward the centre where the fire was ; then turned back and ran toward the end.When there were enough on the end they fell off into

the fire. Some got out, their bodies burnt and flattened,and went off not knowing where they were going. But most of them went toward the fire and then back toward the end and swarmed on the cool end and finally fell off into the fire. I remember thinking at the time that it was the end of the world and a splendid chance to be a messiah and lift the log off the fire and throw it out where the ants could get off onto the ground.But I did not do anything but throw a tin cup of water (Hemingway 350) This quote shows a metaphor because henry is comparing the ants burning to soldiers of war .


-“The day was cloudy but the sun was trying to come through”.” (Hemingway 340) Symbolism. Foreshadowing. This quote shows symbolism because Henry sees the sun as a symbol of hope, and foreshadowing because earlier in the book Henry often looked to the conditions of the weather as a reason for hope. 


-I’m not brave any more, darling. I’m all broken. They’ve broken me. I know it now. . . . But it’s awful. They just keep it up till they break you. . . . Darling, I won’t die, will I? . . . Because I don’t want to die and leave you, but I get so tired of it and feel I’m going to die…Sometimes I know I’m going to die…I won’t die. I won’t let myself die. (Hemingway 345) Repetition, metaphor, hyperbole


-“What if she should die? She won't die. People don't die in childbirth nowadays. That

was what all husbands thought. Yes, but what if she should die? She won't die. She's just having a bad

time. The initial labor is usually protracted. She's only having a bad time.” (Hemingway 342) Foreshadowing. Repetition.


-The message of war that is most emphasized in the book is its cruel realities and that strong and good relationships can be formed through tough times, even war. The book includes lots of foreshadowing and using a lot of symbols of hope that represent Henry and Catherine's relationship.


-There are still no winners in war, and everyone experiences loss, be it emotionally or physically, all that succumb to war lose in the end.


This was a good novel although it was hard to follow due to the outdated literature in it, I liked how it connected two very different things, love, and war despite them being polar opposites. I also liked how the author showed growth in the relationship between Catherine and Henry and involved conversations that led you to assume what the other was thinking. I would recommend this book to other students who enjoy romance/hardships. 

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Henry believes that the battle is done for him without his soldiers, an army to return to, or the people he recalls, like the priest and Rinaldi. Henry travels to Stresa by rail. Henry and Catherine should row to Switzerland, Emilio says. Henry and Catherine relocated to a log home on a mountain outside of Montreux by the fall. Catherine's concern over the baby's growth has grown as a result of the doctor's warning that her pelvis is small. The couple relocates to Lausanne in March in order to be closer to the hospital. They remain there for three weeks at a motel. Catherine begins labor at three in the morning one day. She is brought to the hospital by Henry, where she is given a room and a nightgown. The doctor advises a C-section procedure as the best course of action.  A newborn boy is shortly brought out by the doctor. Henry responds that their son is OK when Catherine inquires about him. He receives a puzzled look from the nurse, who ushers him away before explaining that the infant had been strangled by the umbilical cord before birth. Catherine began to hemorrhage after giving birth, and she eventually passed away.

1. “ ‘i feel like a criminal. I've deserted from the army.’ ‘ darling please be sensible. It's not deserting from the army. It's only the Italian army.’ “ (Hemingway 251) — character

2. “ ‘is he all right?’ ‘yes,’ i said ‘he's fine.’ i saw the nurse look at me strangely… ‘may I speak to you?’ i said to the nurse. She came out in the hall with me… ‘what's the matter with the baby?’ i asked… ‘he was dead?’ ‘they couldn't start him breathing. The cord was caught around his neck or something.’ “  (Hemingway 326-327) — plot

Henry didn't know what was wrong with the baby because he was so worried about Catherine that when he went in he said that the baby was okay when he had, in fact, passed away before birth. This helps me understand the story more because he was so worried about Catherine that he didn't even think or really care about his baby. He felt nothing for the baby which he thought was weird. This part of the story is a really big event because they had been so excited for this baby and in the end, he ended up dying henry had felt nothing for him even though he cared so much for the baby before he was born.

3. “ it seems she had one hemorrhage after another. They couldn't stop it. I went into the room and stayed with Catherine until she dies. She was unconscious all the time, and it did not take very long to die.” (Hemingway 331) — character, plot

After Catherine has the baby she later ends up hemorrhaging and she wouldn't stop that she eventually ends up dying. This is a big part of the story and also the ending of it. After she dies the book ends with henry walking to the hotel by himself. He seems ultimately destroyed because he just lost both his kid and the love of his life. This helps me better understand the story because even after everything he's gone through it seems he can't get a break from loss and hurt.

4. “ I rowed all night. Finally my hands were so sore I could hardly close them over the oars. We were nearly smashed up on the shore several times.” (Hemingway 271) — imagery


 The overall message that I got from this part and the rest of the book is that ultimately war is tiring, heartbreaking, and full of love and loss. 


The message that I got from this part is a little different from the last part because it ties all aspects of the book together. This part had a lot of loss and the other part had more love.


There were a lot of parts that I liked about this book but there were some that I didn't like. For instance, they find out they are pregnant and go through a bunch of stuff together just for them to lose the baby and for Catherine to die. This leaves him ultimately heartbroken and now alone with no “wife” and no child. I really liked the love aspect of this book, it really helped me get through it and enjoy the book. I would recommend this book to people that like war/romance-related books or just real-world things because it pulls a lot of all those aspects into it.

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Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk

To explain what happens in the beginning of Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk it’s about how the Bravo squad is handling the final half of the game and how Billy is working out a relationship with Faison. He also struggles with making a choice between running away from war or going back into war with Bravo because of his sister. His final choice was to stick being loyal to his friends, and heading back into war instead of dipping to live a life outside of war. 


“Billy sat down backstage and talked through Shroom’s death. Shroom lying there wounded. Shroom sitting up. Shroom collapsing in Billy’s lap, then his eyes zeroing in on Billy with such urgency,” (Fountain 218). - imagery, character, plot, paradox 


This quote helped me better understand the story because it talks about how the traumatizing event with Billy watching Shroom die effects him on his PTSD and trauma. We get more details into what happened with his fellow Bravos members and gives us a plot. The plot connected to Shroom’s death just because it’s such a moment between the two characters, especially because Billy had a strong bond with Shroom. Now Billy suffers going through this traumatic experience watching his brotherhood friend die in war.


Boom-diddy boom-diddy boom-buddah-dit-BOOM.” (Fountain 231) - Onomatopoeia


“ is he supposed to redeploy with such sights in his head? …he dreads it but the harsh words need to be said, you’re going to die, just get that part of it over please, but no one, no one will do it.” (Fountain 232) - p.o.v, understatement.


This quote helped me better understand the story because it shows on how war is effecting his health and the way his thinking is different from ours. It shows the fear he’s facing in war, and how he thinks he’s going to die. He’s suffering from this war. Pov is a good example here because we get information going on in his head on what he’s thinking about during this event. He thinks he’s going to die, and just wants it to be over with. He’s suffering and we get to see his pov on him suffering. 


“Everything else falls away and he’s happy, free, the sting in his eyes is all speed and upward motion. It feels like escape velocity. It feels like the future.” (Fountain 240) -smilie, hyperbole, understatement, paradox.


War seems to be most emphasized by understatement and pov because we get to see the direct effect on the soldier by his pov on war, and we get to see that effect on his pov with the little information we may receive on his pov and how he’s suffering. This does not change my message about war because we are able to see the effects on how soldiers struggle from showing emotions coming back from war. We’re able to see in Billy’s POV the understatement he faces on not showing and expressing his emotions. My reflection for Billy Lynn was I didn’t like how slow it all seemed and there wasn’t much happening. I also didn’t like the romantic connection with Billy and Faison. However, I liked the fact that the Bravo team had their own special bond to another and the loyalty. It was easy to follow, and easy to find literary terms. I would recommend it for future students if they liked a slow pace book.

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Joe has lost all track of time due to him counting constantly whenever he is awake and when he is dreaming. He begins to think there is no hope for him and that his nurse will forever think he is just crazy. Until christmas day he gets a new nurse. This nurse is more understanding of him and realizes that there is a fully functional person inside that body of his. She decides to draw Merry Christmas with her finger on his torso to let him know what day it is. That makes Joe wonder if she'll be able to figure out that he is tapping in morse code. As Joe begins to tap constantly for her she eventually after some time figures out what he is doing. She goes and grabs another doctor that knows how to understand morse code. That new doctor asks him a very important question, “What do you want?”. This question makes Joe get very emotional about what he truly wants. He wants people to spread his body and picture around the world so that every person who is thinking about becoming a soldier can see what the consequences of war are. Then as horribly true this probably is, the doctor decides to drug Joe. With the intent of keeping him silent, so he won’t scare soldiers away from fighting.  

“And then as his mind sharpened and began to think instead of only to feel he stopped his tapping and lay still. Something very important was happening. He had a new day nurse”(Trumbo 195). Imagery-Plot

“It was like a dazzling white light in the midst of darkness. It was like a great beautiful sound in the midst of silence. It was like an enormous laugh in the midst of death. It was christmas and someone had broken through and was wishing him merry christmas”(Trumbo 199). Simile-Alliteration-Plot-Imagery

“Carry me in my glass box down the aisles where kings and priests and brides and children at their confirmation have gone so many times before to kiss a splinter of wood from a true cross on which was nailed the body of a man who was lucky enough to die”(Trumbo 231).-Plot-Alliteration-Character 

This quote helps us understand that Joe wants the rest of the world to see what will happen to you if you decide to go to war. He wants the people to see that sometimes the injuries that you sustain from war can be even worse than death. The idea that people will go to war without contemplating the repercussions, is idiotic to him.

“He saw a world of armless mothers clasping headless babies to their breasts trying to scream out their grief from throats that were cancerous with gas”(Trumbo 240). Hyperbole-Plot-POV-Imagery 

Joe thinks that if we keep the world going the way it currently is, the world will become very dark and collapse. He exaggerates the injuries of the people to emphasize that going to war only ends with people having debilitating injuries or death. That going to war will not bring peace to the people, it will only make mankind worse than it already is. 

We see that throughout the story Joe's message about what gets darker and more repulsive as the novel progresses. His message about war is that you need to understand what the consequences of war are before you enlist yourself. We also kind’ve got the idea that he really dislikes the leaders of the word. He hates that they can just say whatever they want and the people will do whatever they say to live. 

I would say that his perspective on war hasn’t really changed since the last third of the novel. You could maybe say that his same message is just stronger than it was before. After the doctor doped him I think that really set him off about the world. His struggle with consciousness and feeling has remained the same throughout the whole novel. One second he’ll be in a thought and the next second he loses consciousness and he’s in a dream. 

I have pretty mixed reviews about this novel. I thought that the stream of consciousness can be pretty hard to follow sometimes. Especially when Trumbo will completely have a change in thought halfway through a paragraph. Since you're in his head you get really good literary terms. Trumboo does a really good job of giving imagery to exactly what Joe is feeling. This book is great for doing English assignments, but I feel like some of the content in this book could be a little too graphic for some students. But I’m sure Mr. Young does a pretty job evaluating which students can and cannot read this book.



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In the last third of the book Fobbit (255-369), we find out that following the demotion of Captain Shrinkle there is stress in the Bravo Company with less time to slack off. Shrinkle begins to get sloppy in his work, discouraged and angry at those around him. There is a mosque bombing that the characters gloss over and a bomb scare in another place of worship. Captain Shrinkle is found out to be dead, previously mistaken for someone else, some celebrate and others are irritated with the work of someone that high ranking dying. The story ends with a mortar impending towards Gooding and co.


  1. “one person “pointed a finger at another person claiming he was carrying explosives . . . and that led to panic”” (Abrams 277)-- POV, understatement


  1. ““Hey look who's here,” they’d say “Rambo from Iraq” and that was the best a Fobbit could hope for, wasn't it?” (Abrams 307)-- POV, metaphor 

This quote is all about the separation of the Fobbits from the others in the army.


  1. “But the mortar cared. It cared where it hit, who it struck, how it spent its final moments of life before the death that brought wholesale death to others.” (Abrams 315)--Character, Plot


  1. “No one deserved to be “obliterated”. Not even the worst officer in the United States Army.” (Abrams 322)-- Plot, POV

This quote helps show character growth in what were previously shallow characters in how once a joking thing becomes real.

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Still missing your overall message about war, how it changed from your previous post, and your reflection of the book overall. 

Reply to this post and then resubmit on Google Classroom. 

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In the last third of the book Fobbit (255-369), we find out that following the demotion of Captain Shrinkle there is stress in the Bravo Company with less time to slack off. Shrinkle begins to get sloppy in his work, discouraged and angry at those around him. There is a mosque bombing that the characters gloss over and a bomb scare in another place of worship. Captain Shrinkle is found out to be dead, previously mistaken for someone else, some celebrate and others are irritated with the work of someone that high ranking dying. The story ends with a mortar impending towards Gooding and co.


  1. “one person “pointed a finger at another person claiming he was carrying explosives . . . and that led to panic”” (Abrams 277)-- POV, understatement


  1. ““Hey look who's here,” they’d say “Rambo from Iraq” and that was the best a Fobbit could hope for, wasn't it?” (Abrams 307)-- POV, metaphor 

This quote is all about the separation of the Fobbits from the others in the army.


  1. “But the mortar cared. It cared where it hit, who it struck, how it spent its final moments of life before the death that brought wholesale death to others.” (Abrams 315)--Character, Plot


  1. “No one deserved to be “obliterated”. Not even the worst officer in the United States Army.” (Abrams 322)-- Plot, POV

This quote helps show character growth in what were previously shallow characters in how once a joking thing becomes real.


The overall theme is still relatively the same as the last section, that you're with me or against me, and that war just isn’t fair. The book shows several unlikeable characters with incomplete arcs living their life as on base.

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"There are no characters in this story and almost no dramatic confrontations, because most of the people in it are so sick and so much the listless playthings of enormous forces. One of the main effects of war, after all, is that people are discouraged from being characters. But old Derby was a character now." (Vonnegut, 164)

 "Rumfoord was thinking in military manner: that an inconvenient person, one whose death he wished for very much, for practical reasons, was suffering from a repulsive disease." (Vonnegut, 192)

"Everything is all right, and everybody has to do exactly what he does." (Vonnegut, 198)

"If what Billy Pilgrim learned from the Tralfamadorians is true, that we will all live forever, no matter how dead we may sometimes seem to be, I am not overjoyed. Still--if I am going to spend eternity visiting this moment and that, I'm grateful that so many of those moments are nice." (Vonnegut, 211)


Number #1~"If what Billy Pilgrim learned from the Tralfamadorians is true, that we will all live forever, no matter how dead we may sometimes seem to be, I am not overjoyed. Still--if I am going to spend eternity visiting this moment and that, I'm grateful that so many of those moments are nice." (Vonnegut, 211)

Lit Term #1~Plot~ This quote, to me shows plot as a Lit term the most. It shows how much he forgets about the war. He makes these stories in his mind and describes them throughout the book. He was in the war. Some people imagine that the people are still alive and happy but he thinks that he time traveled and met aliens. The message about war in this quote is about how some people cope in war by pretending that the people they killed or the people they have seen die are still alive or they are now living a better life in a different time and/or a different place. It has changed Billy’s mind set making him think using his coping mechanism that is known as the Tralfamodorians to tell him in the basic way it’s ok there's no need to be sad or worried everyone will be ok no one really dies. It reflects on his character and the plot after everything that really happened and what he thinks has happened this is the way he copes with it reflects on how the war has truly changed him.

Number #2~ "Rumfoord was thinking in military manner: that an inconvenient person, one whose death he wished for very much, for practical reasons, was suffering from a repulsive disease." (Vonnegut, 192)

Lit Term #2~Character~ This quote is just based on Rumfords thinking here. It really just shows the characteristics of how thinking changes while in the military. His thinking shifts to the military compared to how a normal person would be. It shows that he truly thinks this in the military manner compared to thinking in his own mindset. It shows how the character of Rumford has changed to think like this. The message about war here is how the thinking changes in Rumfords mind from being a person to thinking only what the military would prefer. It shows how the characters in the book change due to war. Billy Pilgrim time travels in his mind and Rumford thinks full military instead of thinking for himself. It reflects on how one's self can change because of traumatic events.

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Add 4 sentence summary, overall message about war, how it has changed since your last post, and the reflection of your novel in a reply to this post. Then resubmit on Google Classroom. 

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War Novel Reading Response #3


Summary of MASH Part 3: In the beginning of Part 3 they begin preparing for a football game between the 4077 MASH and 325th Evacuation Hospital. After the football game is concluded Col. Blake is distributing the winnings from the Red Raiders’ victory. Hawkeye and Duke argue with Henry the next couple days about the fact they have been there longer than most people of similar rank and abilities. They disappear for a few days and then reappear and then disappear again. Henry needs to keep them happy since they are up for termination in a few months. In the last chapter of the novel, it’s Christmas time. Everyone is preparing for the celebration but not Hawkeye and Duke, they are ready to get out of there. Trapper isn’t particularly happy about this because he still has six months left. 

Quote 1: “ And no place to spend it,” the Duke said.

“ Send it home,” the colonel advised.

“No,” Hawkeye said. “ I got a better idea.”

“What?” Henry said. 

“ You keep all the money, and send us home.”

No chance,” Henry said. 

“ But why coach?” Duke wanted to know. “ With all the time the Hawk and me put in before they sent us to y’all, we been over here longer than anybody but you.” 

“ That’s right,” Hawkeye said, “and it ain’t fair”(Pg.184-185). Character, and POV. I chose character and POV because the quote does a good job showing what Hawkeye and Duke think of the current situation. They are going to be out soon enough but that isn’t good enough for them. They claim that they have been there longer than almost everyone except Col. Blake. That is their perspective on the situation.

Quote 2: “ Hawkeye donned a pair of gloves, accepted a syringe of Novocain from a corpsman, infiltrated the skin and the space between the ribs and shoved the needle into the pleural cavity. Pulling back on the plunger he got air, knew he was in the right place, noted the angle of the needle, withdrew it, took a scalpel, incised the skin for one-half inch and plunged the scalpel into the pleural cavity. Bubbles of air catheter with a Kelly clamp and shoved the tube through the hole. A nurse attached the other end of the drainage bottle on the floor, a corpsman blew up the balloon on the catheter and now bubbles began to rise to the surface of the water in the bottle. Hawkeye dropped to his knees on the sand floor and, as he began to suck on the rubber tube attached to the shorter of the two tubes in the bottle, the upward flow of bubbles increased as the lung was, indeed, expanding” (Pg. 192). I chose Imagery here because it’s a very detailed procedure they are going through. I have seen these procedures done in real life and this quote brought me right back to it. 

Quote 3: The lieutenant scuffed his feet and asked, “ How long have you gentlemen been in Korea?”

“ Eighteen months,” Duke informed him. “Seems like just yesterday we came.”

The lieutenant left and rejoined his group. “ They’re nuts,” he told them.

“ Jesus,” said one of them, “I hope we don’t look like that after eighteen months.”

“Hawkeye,” Duke said, “y’all hear what that boy said?”


“ Do y’all attach any significance to it?” 

“Not much. We’ve done our jobs. I’m not ashamed of anything. I don’t care what anyone thinks” (Pg.206-207). POV and Character

Quote 4: “Grover,” Hawkeye said. “I think you got a fast ball like Harriet Beecher Stowe” (Pg.208). Simile

Overall Message: The overall message I got from the novel is that War takes a toll on everyone that has a role in it. These doctors enjoyed their lives before they went to Korea. They had their comfy jobs in hospitals with sanitary conditions. But gave that all up when they were forced to go to Korea. They drank and they smoked to forget about the traumatic things that they saw.  They did the jobs that specialists would have to do in a “normal” hospital. They went through so much and I could never endure that much emotional and physical pain.

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Repetition: “That would be a dash and two dots. The letter d. He tapped out SOS against his pillow. Dot-dot-dot dot dot dot-dot-dot. SOS. Help. (Trumbo 163)

This repetition was the vet trying to get someone's attention because he needed help. He couldn't speak and needed the nurse's attention. He had no idea the date or where he was.


Repetition: “To talk to Lucky to be with Lucky to lie with Lucky was like finding peace in a heathen country it was like breathing the air of a place you love when you're sick and dying for a breath of it.


This example of repetition shows how the character feelings about Lucky, and how they felt talking and being around Lucky.

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“Mango laughs and sits back. He checks out the game clock and groans. Being honored feels a lot like work and it's worse out here on the aisle, sitting point for the Bravo-citizen interface. “ (juxtaposition)


“It must be that every cheerleader has been given a special charge, for as soon as Bravos step off the stage each soldier is received by exactly three cheerleaders, a moment that packs the force, if not the content, of divine intercession.”( page 140) (simile) 


“A jack and coke arrives for Billy. How did they know ? Somehow they knew. He nods and sips his drink and makes agreeable sounding noises as people express their thoughts and feelings about the war”(page 197) This quote is showing understatement. When reflecting on this quote it is giving an idea on what the character is thinking while being delivered their drink.And his thoughts during the game occurring. 


“Billy is cold where the warmest part of him should be, as if meaning maturely registers first in the most delicate instrument he has, his balls. He's scared.” (page 235) Hyperbole is what is stated in this quote. An example of something, his balls, that are usually the hottest part of his body when it should be. Due to this discomfort of coldness, he then is scared.

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  1. At the end of the book Joe is signing with his nurse to be let out. The nurse goes and gets the doctor and they inject him with morphine. Joe nods away and goes into his mind. He realizes the doctors don't want people to see him for what he is.

“He could almost hear the wail of pain that went up from his heart. It was a sharp terrible personal pain the kind of pain that comes only when someone to whom you have never done any harm turns on you and says goodbye goodbye forever without any reason for doing it.”(Trumbo 198) imagery 


“Every moment of his life since he had awakened into the darkness and dumbness and terror every moment of it had been concentrated upon the time some day some year when he would break through to them.”( Trumb0 199) character


“And the nurse … He could imagine her running through the halls. He could hear her clattering like a noisy ghost through the halls of death.” (Trumbo 184) imagery this quote shows imagery because he is planting a seed of imagination in the reader making you imagine what he is imagining


“He wasn't a thief or a drunkard or a liar or a murderer. He was a man a guy no worse no better than anybody else. He was just a guy who'd had to go to war who'd been bad hurt and now was trying to get out from his prison to feel fresh cool air on his skin to sense the color and movement of people around him. (Trumbo 199) character is shown through this quote because he is going insane and wants out showing his character

  1. war is high risk and low reward emphasized through imagery and character. 
  1. The message that war is the short end of the stick hasn't changed since the last section  because through the usage of imagery you can gather that joe and other people he has been to war with have negative effects and injuries.


  1. I hated this book, it was hard to follow making assignments about the book harder.
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Reading Response 3

In the last part of my book it starts with the Bravo team going onto the field and in the locker room to meet players and staff. It talks about some of Billy’s childhood tendencies as well. He also has a run in with one of the cheerleaders, her name is Faison, and grows a connection to her. The halftime walk occurs in this part too, it is a very bad experience for Billy, he has ptsd flashbacks and horrible anxiety because of the size of the crowd he was in and the lack of coordination and planning of the walk. 

“There's too many people running around, too much bug-eyed panic ,all the freak-out flavors of an ambush situation without any of the compensating murderous release. Firework crews to their left and right keep shooting off nasty little rockets that hiss and sizzle like RPG’s.” (Fountain 237)  This quote gives you a POV of Billy and IMAGERY of all he can think of in his head over sounds we wouldn’t think twice about, better yet fireworks normally bring joy to people. It details how even just a crowd of people can trigger Billy’s PTSD. Billy is only used to these situations ending in blood or fighting like overseas.

“Someone pushes Billy onto the catwalk, then pulls him up short of the opening. The noise out there is just tremendous. He looks to his right and sees more Bravos similarly positioned, and at this instant he instantly wishes he was back at war. At least there he basically knew what he was doing, he had his training for guidance and the entire goddamn country wasnt watching to see if he’d fuck up” (Fountain 238) Through everything Billy and Bravo team has gone through and experienced, everything that has changed them for the rest of their life, Billy feels safer and more comfortable over seas deployed compared to being acclaimed and praised at this football game. Never messing up which was instilled in Billy and the soldiers since the beginning of their service is prevelant in his mind at all time, even when messing up wouldnt necessarily be as bad as overseas.

Message about war: These soldiers are never fully home, what happened on deployment stays with them and is always taking a piece of their thought about everything.

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Joe is trying to find a way to live while stuck in his new state. He keeps track of time passing and dreams of his past life. He tried morse code to his nurse, but she didn't understand.  A new nurse comes and finds someone who can understand morse code, but they wouldn't listen. Joe is still in and out of consciousness where he spends his time thinking of his past. 

“Flor da lee. Flor da lee. God save the king. Come on up honeybunch lonesome wanta try something new parley vous fransays? A gallon of red wine like water and sourdough bread and maybe please god I find an American girl who don't talk heathen languages.”(Trumbo 176) P.O.V. and Character

“This will be a sensation in the show world and whoever sponsors my tour will be a new Barnum and have fine notices in all the newspapers because I am something you can really holler about. I am something you can push with a money back guarantee. I am the dead-man-who-is-alive…”(Trumbo 226)  This quote shows hyperbole because Joe is over-exaggerating when he talks about people showing him around like he's in a circus. A lot of the time people will over-exaggerate like this when they are mad and stressed out like Joe is. It's understandable that he says this because I’m sure this is exactly how he feels. 

“She had already thought of a way to speak to him he knew that she would pay attention when he tried to speak to her.”(Trumbo 209) plot

“He had a vision of himself as a new kind of Christ as a man who carries within himself all the seeds of a new order of things. He was the new messiah of the battlefields saying to people as I am so shall you be. For he had seen the future he had tasted it and now he was living it.” (Trumbo 240) This quote shows metaphor when Joe says that he was the new messiah of the battlefields. The Messiah is mostly seen as calm, hopeful, and holy. Whereas the battlefield is violent, unforgiving, and deadly.

This section was different from the last. In the last section, Joe struggled a lot with his new life. He couldn't understand it and felt no desire to live like this. He thought that he would never be able to accomplish anything ever again. In this section, Joe found himself able to communicate with others through morse code. This means he has finally accomplished something. 

Overall it was a good book. The book was told from Joe's P.O.V. and his dreams/memories which was interesting to read. Some people may have trouble reading it or may have trouble following it because a lot of the time Joe is telling his story through memories. Literary terms can be hard to find because most, if not all, of my quotes would go with P.O.V. and character. You have to dig around a little if you want to have a good literary term. I would recommend that if you choose this book for an assignment you should get some tabs. Use the tabs in places you want to remember, write about, and mark where you find good literary terms. Keep track of the literary term you're marking.

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Billy survives a plane crash and time travels back to Dresden for a few days, where he was put in a meat locker. Afterward, he travels forward in time to a conversation with her daughter where billy gets blamed for miss pronouncing a word and tries to figure out what moved him about seeing the barbershop quartet. Billy then travels back to Dresden two days before the end of the war, where he cries his first tears; he travels back with his daughter to a hospital and travels back to tralfamadore where billy sees Montana. And towards the end, billy and O’hare are digging up bodies and there's a bird questions him with one last chirp.

“One bird said to billy pilgrim, ‘Poo-Tee-weet?’”( Vonnegut 215) onamonapia/Repetition

“So it goes”(Vonnegut 214) Repetition

“God grant me the serenity to things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can, and wisdom always to tell the difference” (Vonnegut 209) Understatement

“The cattle are lowing, The baby awakes. But the little Lord Jesus No crying he makes”(Vonnegut 197) Understatement

The book Slaughterhouse-five tells me that war is a repetitive thing that people have. For example, So it goes was a repeated term throughout the book and was used as a term of speculation.

The perspective of war has not changed throughout the book as it clearly states on what it wants to say. Like how the sound poo-tee-weet occurs throughout the book. Another term repeated throughout the book is the phrase “so it goes”, which reminds the character of what billy is thinking about when he thinks of that person.

I think that this novel is very good for sending the message about war to the reader. I would recommend this book to people who like things straightforwardly in a way that is not explained throughout the book. The literacy terms were extremely easy to find and the message was repeated throughout the book.

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Summary: Jimmy and Kate are getting closer. They slowly become more intimate but Kate feels guilty because of Tyler. Kate and Yvette have become great friends, her only friend at the camp. Kate and Yvette get sent on a different mission that is extremely dangerous. Yvette is put in the very first convoy, going directly towards the fire, while Kate is in the very back of the convoy and between them are 20 tractor trailers. Kate prays Yvette makes it out. 

A message  about war that seemed the most emphasized was that war is different for everyone, but it’s always a bad experience. People have different experiences and different lifestyles during war, but at the end of the day, it’s always a bad experience and war never brings people any good. 

My understanding about war didn't change because during the whole book, both Kate and Naema were going through a bad time and struggling. In every section there was always super graphic imagery and emphasis on character such as Kormick being a horrible person. 

I absolutely loved this novel. It’s hard for me to find a book that interests me. I love this book because it's fast paced. Kate seems to always be in danger of some kind or going through trouble which I liked because it was interesting. The profanity in the book kept me in tune because it grabbed my attention. It was easy to find literary terms like imagery and perspective. I would definitely recommend this to other students, especially the ones who may struggle with AD(H)D. 

“...setting off an explosion that shreds themselves and all around them to pieces. This is one of the reasons our hospitals are filled with babies without arms and our graveyard with disembodied heads and limbs.” (Benedict 115)--Imagery.

“Get back here you fucking bitches! Kormick yells after us, but we keep moving, sure he’s right behind us…My ears are roaring with fear I can’t hear anything else. I expect to feel Kormick’s hand clamp down on my shoulder any minute, his rifle stick into my neck.” (Benedict 224)--understatement, character, perspective. 

This quote portrays character and understatement because Kormick is a manipulative abuser. Kate feels impending doom just because a person is behind her. She’s absolutely terrified that he’s going to get a hand on her. He’s a psychological and physical abuser because he does things and is so aggressive that Kate is purely scared of him and doesn’t know what he’s going to do once he gets to her. 

“‘Kate, I got something to tell you’...His name is still there in Naema’s handwriting, Zaki Jassim. But next to it, in a different writing is scrawled: July 9,2003, shot in attempted escape. Deceased July 10…Jimmy stares at me. ‘It doesn’t bother you that we shot a thirteen-year-old kid?’” (Benedict 282)--character, understatement, perspective.

The quote shows perspective because when they were at Camp Warhouse, they ended up accidentally shooting Naema’s little brother Zaki, causing him to die. But Kate doesn’t care because “they killed Yvette”. 

“Yvette!...She’s lying twisted and broken, her head thrown back, neck arched, her limbs in all the wrong places--she looks like a giant hand has crumpled her up and tossed her to the ground.” (Benedict 258)--imagery, simile


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"There are no characters in this story and almost no dramatic confrontations, because most of the people in it are so sick and so much the listless playthings of enormous forces. One of the main effects of war, after all, is that people are discouraged from being characters. But old Derby was a character now." (Vonnegut, 164)

 "Rumfoord was thinking in military manner: that an inconvenient person, one whose death he wished for very much, for practical reasons, was suffering from a repulsive disease." (Vonnegut, 192)

"Everything is all right, and everybody has to do exactly what he does." (Vonnegut, 198)

"If what Billy Pilgrim learned from the Tralfamadorians is true, that we will all live forever, no matter how dead we may sometimes seem to be, I am not overjoyed. Still--if I am going to spend eternity visiting this moment and that, I'm grateful that so many of those moments are nice." (Vonnegut, 211)

Slaughterhouse Five is about Billy Pilgrim, a man in the war. He then jumps down while a germany attack happens and becomes unstuck in time. He goes on to see his future lives and eventually also meets aliens. They tell him that no one really dies even though it may seem like that at times. This is all just to show how his psyche is coping with the trauma of war which happens to be the message. It helps show that war makes people sometimes make things up to cope.

Number #1~"If what Billy Pilgrim learned from the Tralfamadorians is true, that we will all live forever, no matter how dead we may sometimes seem to be, I am not overjoyed. Still--if I am going to spend eternity visiting this moment and that, I'm grateful that so many of those moments are nice." (Vonnegut, 211)

Lit Term #1~Plot~ This quote, to me shows plot as a Lit term the most. It shows how much he forgets about the war. He makes these stories in his mind and describes them throughout the book. He was in the war. Some people imagine that the people are still alive and happy but he thinks that he time traveled and met aliens. The message about war in this quote is about how some people cope in war by pretending that the people they killed or the people they have seen die are still alive or they are now living a better life in a different time and/or a different place. It has changed Billy’s mind set making him think using his coping mechanism that is known as the Tralfamodorians to tell him in the basic way it’s ok there's no need to be sad or worried everyone will be ok no one really dies. It reflects on his character and the plot after everything that really happened and what he thinks has happened this is the way he copes with it reflects on how the war has truly changed him.

Number #2~ "Rumfoord was thinking in military manner: that an inconvenient person, one whose death he wished for very much, for practical reasons, was suffering from a repulsive disease." (Vonnegut, 192)

Lit Term #2~Character~ This quote is just based on Rumfords thinking here. It really just shows the characteristics of how thinking changes while in the military. His thinking shifts to the military compared to how a normal person would be. It shows that he truly thinks this in the military manner compared to thinking in his own mindset. It shows how the character of Rumford has changed to think like this. The message about war here is how the thinking changes in Rumfords mind from being a person to thinking only what the military would prefer. It shows how the characters in the book change due to war. Billy Pilgrim time travels in his mind and Rumford thinks full military instead of thinking for himself. It reflects on how one's self can change because of traumatic events.

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"There are no characters in this story and almost no dramatic confrontations, because most of the people in it are so sick and so much the listless playthings of enormous forces. One of the main effects of war, after all, is that people are discouraged from being characters. But old Derby was a character now." (Vonnegut, 164)

 "Rumfoord was thinking in military manner: that an inconvenient person, one whose death he wished for very much, for practical reasons, was suffering from a repulsive disease." (Vonnegut, 192)

"Everything is all right, and everybody has to do exactly what he does." (Vonnegut, 198)

"If what Billy Pilgrim learned from the Tralfamadorians is true, that we will all live forever, no matter how dead we may sometimes seem to be, I am not overjoyed. Still--if I am going to spend eternity visiting this moment and that, I'm grateful that so many of those moments are nice." (Vonnegut, 211)

Slaughterhouse Five is about Billy Pilgrim, a man in the war. He then jumps down while a germany attack happens and becomes unstuck in time. He goes on to see his future lives and eventually also meets aliens. They tell him that no one really dies even though it may seem like that at times. This is all just to show how his psyche is coping with the trauma of war which happens to be the message. It helps show that war makes people sometimes make things up to cope. The change of perspective in the book is how Billy sees the world at the beginning compared to the ending when he has learned all the stuff he has. But you can also see the change from the trauma from the beginning and the ending.

Number #1~"If what Billy Pilgrim learned from the Tralfamadorians is true, that we will all live forever, no matter how dead we may sometimes seem to be, I am not overjoyed. Still--if I am going to spend eternity visiting this moment and that, I'm grateful that so many of those moments are nice." (Vonnegut, 211)

Lit Term #1~Plot~ This quote, to me shows plot as a Lit term the most. It shows how much he forgets about the war. He makes these stories in his mind and describes them throughout the book. He was in the war. Some people imagine that the people are still alive and happy but he thinks that he time traveled and met aliens. The message about war in this quote is about how some people cope in war by pretending that the people they killed or the people they have seen die are still alive or they are now living a better life in a different time and/or a different place. It has changed Billy’s mind set making him think using his coping mechanism that is known as the Tralfamodorians to tell him in the basic way it’s ok there's no need to be sad or worried everyone will be ok no one really dies. It reflects on his character and the plot after everything that really happened and what he thinks has happened this is the way he copes with it reflects on how the war has truly changed him.

Number #2~ "Rumfoord was thinking in military manner: that an inconvenient person, one whose death he wished for very much, for practical reasons, was suffering from a repulsive disease." (Vonnegut, 192)

Lit Term #2~Character~ This quote is just based on Rumfords thinking here. It really just shows the characteristics of how thinking changes while in the military. His thinking shifts to the military compared to how a normal person would be. It shows that he truly thinks this in the military manner compared to thinking in his own mindset. It shows how the character of Rumford has changed to think like this. The message about war here is how the thinking changes in Rumfords mind from being a person to thinking only what the military would prefer. It shows how the characters in the book change due to war. Billy Pilgrim time travels in his mind and Rumford thinks full military instead of thinking for himself. It reflects on how one's self can change because of traumatic events.

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