In the poem, Bosnia Tune by Joseph Brodsky, the two most significant literary terms I found were imagery and repetition. I chose Imagery because he describes different things that people do in daily life in a way that creates a picture in your mind while also getting the point of the poem across, and also using the imagery to get his point across. An example of imagery in Bosnia Tune is, “In towns with funny names/hit by bullets, caught in flames/by and large, not knowing why people die” (Brodsky 5-8). This is an example of imagery because the author is describing the small towns being affected by war while still getting the point across that people die no matter the situation at hand. Repetition is used when the author wants something to stick with you, for example in Bosnia Tune “people die” (Brodsky 4). The author says this just before every line break, he does this so it sticks with us until the end of the poem which basically says that no matter what your time will come to an end and you will die. I think that the author is trying to show that while people do this or that, people die in war or doing other things and you don’t care until it happens to you.
In the poem, Beautiful Wreckage by W.D. Ehrhart the 2 most significant literary terms I found are point of view and repetition. You see the point of view in the way that the author speaks he uses a lot of “I” in his “what ifs?” for example, “What if I didn’t shoot the old lady” (Ehrhart 1). Obviously talking in the first person the author is telling the horrors of war through his reflections on his life, you see this in the “what if I” meaning first person. Repetition is also very important in this poem because the author is what iffing life, what if this or what if that, to show his regrets and his time serving in the war, “Or what if the boy-but he didn’t/have a grenade” (Ehrhart 5-6). This shows the second what if in the poem, it shows the things that anyone would wonder after doing regrettable and or maybe bad decisions, or maybe any decision “what if I didn’t do that” or “what if I did this instead” we all do this just not usually about as serious of a topic as war of he messed up things that people just have to do to survive war. That is all that the author is doing reflecting on his life and thinking about the what-ifs that are inevitable.