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Reading Response #1

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“He ain’t company, Cal he’s just a Cunningham.” Scout uses this remark to support her criticism of Walter’s eating habits. She doesn’t seem to perceive Walter as a fellow child like her, but rather as just a poor person. When she says, “He’s just a Cunningham,” you can tell how she feels about him which is not that fondly.

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"I rose graciously on Walter's behalf: "Ah-Miss Caroline?" "What is it, Jean Louise?" "Miss Caroline, he's a Cunningham. I sat back down. "What, Jean Louise?"(pg.22 Lee) This shows part of her neighborhood and community because it shows that there is a family(the Cunninghams) that is known as poor and doesn't take money or things from people that they can't repay back. This could bring conflict because miss Caroline will have to learn what every family is known for and would probably get upset with constantly having to figure it out.

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"Maycomb was an old town, but it was a tired old town when I first knew it. In rainy weather the streets turned to red slop; grass grew on the sidewalks, the courthouse sagged in the square. Somehow, it was hotter then: a black dog suffered on a summer’s day; bony mules hitched to Hoover carts flicked flies in the sweltering shade of the live oaks on the square. Men’s stiff collars wilted by nine in the morning. Ladies bathed before noon, after their three-o’clock naps, and by nightfall were like soft teacakes with frostings of sweat and sweet talcum."

This quote describes the town as being hot,muggy and the women of the town being sort of lazy

Its almost as if this quiet town is really boring to be in and not interesting at all

I belive the conflict of the story is going to be this tiny uninteresting town becomes very interesting but not in a good way


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"That spring when we found a croker-sack full of turnip greens, Atticus said Mr. Cunningham had more than paid him. "Why does he pay you like that?" I asked" (Lee 23) Mr. Cunningham had paid Atticus in goods not money. Scout doesn't realize that the Cunninghams don't use money, they use the goods they produce and that's why they are poor and would not be able to pay Miss Caroline back.

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Scout is going to learn that Atticus receives payment in different forms, not just cash. So this might lead Atticus doing this again in the future and Scout is starting to learn more about the community and how they work.

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"Now tell your father not to teach you anymore. It's best to begin reading with a fresh mind. You tell him I'll take over from here and try to undo the damage." (Lee 19). What the teacher was saying was that Scout is too smart and she needs to dumb down. The inference I made was that the teacher was jealous that Scout was getting an outside education. And had very good vocab.

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I predict the conflict of this quote is that Scout may get in trouble if the teacher finds out she is still learning more outside of school. 

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What I can predict about the conflict in the text is the kids at school don't get a very good education and seeing Scout more advanced than the other kids is making the teacher talk to her about it.

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"If you'll concede the necessity of going to school, we'll go on reading every night just as we always have. is it a bargain?" "yes sir!"(Atticus, scout pg 22) A teacher told scout she needed to stop reading at school and scout told atticus about it and he was like that just how it is and made a deal with scout that if she keeps going to school they can read at night like always. I think the teacher is going to find out about her reading still and do something bad or try and contact her father.

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"'Miss Caroline, he's a Cunningham.'... I thought I had made things sufficiently clear. It was clear enough to the rest of us.." Miss Caroline does not understand what Scout means by this, but by giving the quarter to Walter she was not going to get it back, because the Cunningham's were very poor. And we have to somewhat infer this because Scout tells Miss Caroline that she will no get the quarter back, but she does not understand that. 

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I predict that there will be these families that are known for their own habits, like how the Cunninghams' are extremely poor, and how the Ewells' never show up to school, and such.

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“He ain’t a company, Cal, he’s just a Cunningham-” (lee 25) In this we see how looked down upon the cunninghams are by scout. She is very rude but ignorant to it. she just thinks the Cunninghams are some poor family with really nothing to give, But Adicus from the other hand realizes how good they are in other forms instead of money he deals with them through food, wood, animal products. scouts family from the looks of what I have read is pretty well of and from her perspective she is above the cunninghams. due to just the financial situation of the two families. the area she is from is very economically diverse. 

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We can use this to predict or infer future events through this story. We will see some racial, and social prejudice. Not from the scout herself but through other characters. From what she said in this quote people from her area must talk down on people like that. That's the only way she would have learned it since Atticus isn’t like that at all.   

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"There’s some folks who don’t eat like us,’ she whispered fiercely, ‘but you ain’t called on to contradict ’em at the table when they don’t."(Lee, Harper. “To Kill a Mockingbird.” 1960. Pg. )

in the quote, I can infer that at this time many people are poor and can't provide a lot for their families. this is why calpurnia whispered said some folks don't eat like us. also this give the story a differn't view point of what could be happining outside of the main part of the story. 

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"According to Miss Stephanie, Boo was sitting on the living room cutting some items from The Maycomb Tribune to paste in his scrapbook. His father entered the room. As Mr. Radley passed by, Boo drove the scissors into his parent's leg, pulled them out, wiped them on his pants, and resumed his activities." (Lee pg. 11-12) Scout is talking about a neighbor of hers that stays inside never to be seen, and has many rumors told about him. She's never seen Boo, but still believes everything she's been told about him from her brother or the townspeople. I predict this kind of thinking and believing within the whole town will impact the conflict of the story because rumors have spread through the adults and all the kids and most of them believe it without needing any proof or firsthand knowledge, and if the town will believe every little detail they hear, that could affect whatever problem is to come. 

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“Jem was careful to explain that during school hours I was not to bother him, I was not to approach him.” (Lee 16). Jem basically doesn't want scout to talk to him or walk up to him in school because other people in school might associate him with her and her behavior and doesn't want backpack on to him, especially later on when the town finds out more information on Atticus’s court case Jem might be worried how Scout will react to people in school practically dissing her father. She is a lady, so she is expected to act like one. But she won't and Jem knows that, better than anyone so he might be preparing for something to happen in school and Scout getting into a fight. 

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"There's some folks who don't eat like us," (Lee 27) "...That boys yo' comp'ny..." (Lee 27) "He ain't company, Cal, he's a Cunningham." (Lee 27) In these quotes Scout talks to Calpurnia about how not everyone eats like they do, therefore the Cunningham's, they are poor, they have never seen a quarter before, this being said they have hard times having meals and even lunch at school. The prediction that I am going to make based on these quotes is that the cunninghams don't have money, maybe Scout would help out some way, maybe even help with lunch. Scout doesn't really like them based on their wealth, maybe she will start to change her mind. the other 2 quotes help give an idea on how people really view the cunninghams. 

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"He ain't company, Cal he's a Cunningham." (Lee 27) "It was clear enough to the rest of us." (Lee 22)

This shows the naivety of scout and that could lead to more trouble later on because she expects someone who just moved to know everyone and everything about the small town. I predict that this naivety of scouts will get her in trouble down the road by blindly following older people.

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"He ain't company, Cal he's a Cunningham." (Lee 27) "It was clear enough to the rest of us." (Lee 22)

This shows the naivety of scout and that could lead to more trouble later on because she expects someone who just moved to know everyone and everything about the small town. I predict that this naivety of scouts will get her in trouble down the road by blindly following older people.

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"Walter's one of the cunninghams, Miss Caroline" (lee 22).  this quote says that almost everyone knows that the water's family doesn't have any money. Miss Caroline is going to get upset because she does not know what they mean.

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".....he's a Cunningham."(Lee 22) This quote shows that the Cunninghams are well known, we can assume that the town could be a small community with most people knowing each other. We can make a prediction that there will be some sort of conflict between the people. 

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"Teach me?" I said in surprise. "He hasn't taught me anything, Miss Caroline. Atticus ain't got time to teach me anything," I added, when Miss Caroline smiled and shook her head. "Why, he's so tired at night he just sits in the living room and reads." "If he didn't teach you, who did?"... Miss Caroline apparently thought I was lying. "Now you tell your father to not teach you anymore."(Lee 18) I chose this quote because it explains that Scout is the fastest reader and the smartest reader in her class and Miss Caroline does not like that because Atticus is not a teacher. I predict that Scout will have Atticus still teach her and Miss Caroline will continue to be mad. 

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"Before first morning was over Mrs caroline hauled me up to the room patted the palm of my hand with a ruler, then made me stand in the corner until noon." (lee 18) I believe this is foreshadowing a problem between scout and the teacher she doesn't like that scout is a smart student and says she doesn't want her learning with her father scout is not gonna like scout for this. 

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"He ain't company, Cal he's just a Cunningham" (Lee 27). In the quote, Scout is showing the way she has been taught to think of Walter because of his family history. She is very smart in school for her age but even with this, she struggles to like/ get along with her teacher because she is very disruptive and talks a lot during class. In this quote, she is really showing the way she characterizes people and how she looks at them without getting to know them first, for example, with Mr.Radley, she thinks of him as a mean scary person even though she doesn't even know him. I think this will get her in trouble in the future because she doesn't get to know people before making assumptions, I also believe her talking/disruptiveness will get her in more trouble in the future.

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"He ain't company, Cal he's just a Cunningham." (Lee 27) Scout is describing Walter but she doesn't exactly understand what it means when other people use that phrase. The Cunningham's are described as poor in the neighborhood so that could be/is another explanation to her saying that. I predict that Scout will run into problems later in the story or the Cunningham's will. 

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