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Reading Response #2

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"Jem, I ain't ever heard of a n***** snowman" jem used dirt to make the snowman dark, this is an example of discrimination. scout says thit because he doesn't quite understand the term he is using due to lack of education provided by his young age. 

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More is needed here for your response. 

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"Why don't you get a colored man?" (Lee Pg.83) this is an example of cultural discrimination. Jem says this in a really casual ways which shows that these things are said often around where they are and it is not uncommon for people to talk down towards or about people who are black. They grew up learning to talk about people who are different and were not taught that it is wrong. the moments leading up to this moment consist of mrs maudie's house burning down and everyone coming together to help clean things up after the fire but once it turns to later in the morning mrs maudie is left to take care of some things for herself jem comes over and is wonder why she is not having a black person do it for her and even asks her if he could help he instead which could also signify that women are not taken seriously. this part of the story helps me understand that in maycomb anyone that is different is bad. people think that arthur radley (boo radley) is crazy or mental and they talk about him only from what they have heard rather that actually knowing him and then drawing a conclusion from that. as well as the part in the story where mrs maudie is talking about how the foot washing baptists think pleasure is a sin so women by nature are too. from this i understand that maycomb is not a very accepting or good place for anyone who might be of different religion, race, gender. 

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"Jem, I ain't ever heard of a nigger snowman" (Lee) I think that this is cultural discrimination because that word is not ok to use, and scout being young doesn't recognize that that is an inappropriate word to use but she says it because everybody else and all of the adults says it so she thinks its ok but when she gets older I think shell learn what that word really means. 

My first reading response didn't connect with my second at all because they were about two completely different families my first was about the cunninghams and my second was about the finches but I predict that Jem and scout are going to get in trouble for saying the N-word by Atticus and get grounded Page(75) 
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Jem and scout had gone outside to make a snowman and they both mixed dirt and snow together to make a snowman which gave the snowman a "darker skin tone" and Jem says "I ain't ever heard of a ****** snowman" he had said that as a joke but just like when scout didn't understand that her teacher wanted her to stop reading at home still shows just how clueless scout is to everything. (Lee pg 75)

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“Mr. Radley shot at a negro in him collard patch.” “Oh, did he hit him?” “No,” (Lee 61). The type of discrimination I think is displayed in the moment is racial / cultural discrimination. I think this because In this quote I see that Mr. Radley was to automatically assume that the one in his collard patch was black, and then when he said he shot at what he thought was in his garden someone asked if he hit what he thought it was and when he said no the person sounded disappointed just because they thought the specimen may be black. I would say that many opinions from the time period might have influenced these feelings and opinions of Mr. Radley. I think a conflict that is very apparent in this town and time is instantly blaming and being against people who are dark skinned because a problem will happen in the town and the moment a dark person is involved, almost every person in the town is pointing their finger at the closest black person.

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"Jem, I ain't ever heard of a ****** snowman."(Lee 75) This is a example of cultural discrimination. This relates to my first prediction because it can be assumed that the community is smaller and not very diverse by race. This can be said because Scout said it naturally not knowing it is wrong to say because similar things are said so often.  

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 "Don't you believe a word he says, Dill," I said. "Calpurnia says that's nigger-talk" (lee pg 40). this is cultural Discrimination. because Calpurnia is saying that you shouldn't believe him because that's how black people talk. Dill said that scout will die in 3 days.  this has absolutely nothing to do with my last RR

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"Mr. Radley shot at a Negro in his collard patch." (Lee 61) This quote demonstrates discrimination because Mr. Radley thought that he was shooting at someone who is colored when it wasn't. He individually discriminated because he automatically thought that it was a black person and only a black person would do that.

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"Jem,I ain't ever heard of a ***** snowman." (Lee 75) Scout doesnt fully grasp the idea of discimination and that shows when she is talking to jem. this is racial discrimination and she doesn't know what it is escept that some people dont like it.

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"Mrs.Radley had been beautiful until she married Mr.Radly and lost all her money. She also lost all her teeth, and her right forefinger." (Lee pg44) In this quote, we are shown how all the kids gossip and mock the Radleys. They make up things that they don't even know if they are true or not. This is individual discrimination. We see the kids do this through these few chapters and from the beginning of the book with the radleys. 

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"Jem, naturally, was Boo: he went under the front steps and shrieked and howled from time to time." (Lee. 43) This is an instance of individuate discrimination. Jem, Scout, and Dill are making up a game based on their neighbor that they all think is some kind of freak human with tons of nasty rumors surrounding him. This moment adds to the overall conflict of the story because it's yet another moment of assuming something about someone based purely on what the word around town is. 

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"Mr.Radley shot at a negro in his collard patch" lee (63) what is happening here is Jem scout and dill were snooping around the Radleys and Mr.Radley didn't think at all and just assumed it was a black person and shot. then proceeds to say "shot in the air scared him pale if anyone sees a white n***** that's the one" lee (63) the way Mr Radley talks about black people as if they are animals or something shows this is racism 

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Add one more sentence in reply that explains how this relates to your prediction from your first response. 

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i foreshadowed scout was gonna have trouble with her teacher but shes is having trouble with not just her teacher 

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" Jem, I ain't ever heard of a ****** snowman." (Lee Pg.75) this is blatently discrimination, this shows cultural discrimination. Scout says this to Jem because he doesn't understand what he is saying is a strong word. Jem decided to put dirt and sticks on the snowman to make it look dark colored, therefore she found this funny, but I don't think she knew what she was doing deeply understanding the meaning 

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" Jem, I ain't ever heard of a ****** snowman." (Lee Pg.75) This is an example of Cultural discrimination, on the first snowfall that Scout and Jem have ever experienced Jem thought it would be funny to put dirt on his snowman to make it a darker skin tone. Scout doesn't understand the history or meaning behind the work and thinks it's just another word people use. This connects by showing that Scout doesn't understand that she isn't supposed to say some things because of the way she was raised and the type of place they live in. 

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" Jem, I ain't ever heard of an n***** snowman." (pg.75) This quote shows what discrimination is because of the words Scout used, the way that Scout says it to Jem and the fact that she was trying to make a joke out of it by throwing dirt on the snowman to make it seem like it's a darker skin tone. That is a good example of cultural discrimination because they are making fun of people who have different skin tones. It helps me understand that in this book, people are very racist and don't really care about how other people emotionally react to it, nor think about what they say and how it could be offensive. Although, Scout is young and the racism was what she grew up with. So I don't completely blame her for that.

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"Jem, I ain't ever heard of a n***** snowman."(Lee 75) This relates to cultural discrimination. Jem put dirt onto the snowman to make it look darker because he thought it was funny not realizing what it actually meant. Scout didn't realize that the term she was using was not okay and that it was used for people or different skin tone. This impacts the story because it is showing how kids see racism and not understanding what it actually refers too. 

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"if anybody see a white n**"(lee 61)this is an example of cultural discrimination because he said n**which is racist and on top of that hes also threatening them although he did have a reason to be mad they were trespassing in rr#1 i predicted radley was going to do something to scout and her familial and he did

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