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Reading Response #3

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"I drew a bead on him, remembered what Atticus had said, then dropped my fists and walked away... it was the first time I ever walked away from a fight." (lee 88). the consequences of her choice are she will be called a coward by kids at school. she could have fought but then Atticus would have punished her. as a child its a big deal to walk away from a fight but as an adult it's not as big a deal.  this choice leads to scout getting made fun of because she walked away.  the conflict of the story is raceism and the dad defending a black man. i think that jem and scout will have to indure the back lash from there dad defending the black man. i think this because it has already started in school.

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Nice choice of quote. This is definitely one where Scout is making a difficult choice, especially under the circumstances.  

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“Francis looked at me carefully, concluded that I had been sufficiently subdued, and crooned softly, “N*****-lover…” This time, I split my knuckle to the bone on his front teeth.”(Lee, Pg. 96) The positive of this choice is she get gets to defend her father, the negative is she is disobeying her father, making them look bad and hurting a family member. What she could've done is just walk away and be the bigger person. This is what her father wanted and wouldn't have caused drama. Since their kids, she can't go to jail for punching him, if they were adults he could've pressed charges and she could get a fine and/or go to jail. This has an impact because it makes her uncle talk to her and makes people disrespect them. 

I think the moral of the story is to treat people like you want to be treated, people wouldn't leave Jem and scout alone, but most of the time they were able to ignore it.

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""N**** lover..." This time, I split my knuckle to the bone on his front teeth."(Lee 96). 

There was a semi-negative effect of Scout getting in trouble with her uncle for punching her cousin. She thought that her cousin got what he deserved and she used her language appropriately as well as her actions. She felt as though her uncle only sat down and listened to her cousin's side of the story instead of hers. I believe that in this situation whether she was an adult or a child that she would have acted accordingly but I think an adult might not have swung unless they had a strong temper or the other person swung first. The choice by Scout that happened in this moment I think goes to show how Scout has a much different opinion/ perspective than a lot of people in the town of Maycomb. I think the conflict in the story is the town's strong view of race in this town. Since so many people in the town have such a strong opinion of the matter it causes big uprisings in the town to anyone who opposes their opinion. So with Scout and Jem being the children of Atticus it almost brings them into the uproar of the Tom Robinson case that the town is oh so upset about.

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In chapter 9, Atticus asks Scout to not get into any fights. When one of the schoolboys decides to give Scout a hard time about her father, she gets ready to fight him. Then she remembers what her father said. Scout chooses not to fight him for Atticus' sake. " Somehow, if I fought Cecil I would let Atticus down"(Lee 88). 

-What are the consequences (positive or negative) of their choice? Scout gets called a coward but feels proud that she listened to Atticus. 

-What were their other options and what consequences could those have? She could have fought and gotten in trouble and let Atticus down

-How does being a child change their options? Or, what would their options be if they were an adult? If she had chosen to fight (as an adult), there would have been more serious consequences than just getting in trouble with the teacher and her father.

-What does this moment's choice help lead to in the story? Or, how does this moment/choice impact what comes next? Atticus worries that this trial is going to hurt his kids, especially Scout because of her temper

-State clearly what you think the conflict of the story is. Predict what role you think Jem and Scout will have in the conflict in Part Two of the story. Explain why you think that. I think the conflict of the story is the racial tensions about Atticus defending Tom Robinson. Jem and Scout's role in this will be standing up for their father, and helping the town realize that they are wrong.

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"What Jem did was something I'd do as a matter of course had I not been under Atticus's interdict, which I assumed including not fighting horrible old ladies. We had just come to her gate when Jem snatched my baton and ran flailing wildly up the steps into Mrs. Dubose's front yard, forgetting everything Atticus had said, forgetting that she packed a pistol under her shawls, forgetting that if Mrs. Dubose missed, her girl Jessie probably wouldn't.

He did not begin to calm down until he had cut the tops off every camellia bush Mrs. Dubose owned, until the ground was littered with green buds and leaves. He bent my baton against his knee, snapped it in two and threw it down.”

Jem, at this moment, went on a destructive rampage against Mrs. Dubose for calling Atticus names, and Jem found it as a personal insult, in a way. 

After consulting with Mrs. Dubose from Atticus’s request, Jem tells Atticus that Mrs. Dubose wants Jem to read to her everyday, Jem is not one bit enthusiastic about this. Although what Jem did was very wrong and most definitely impulsive, he did not really have many options to direct his anger elsewhere. He is very young, and he does not know any better. That being said, if he were an adult at the time, things would be different. He probably would have found a more, less aggressive way to express himself. 

This moment is really important in the story for the development of Jem’s true character. We see the true side of Jem that he hides from the people around him, and we need this moment to understand just how frustrating these insults must have been, without being explicitly told so.

The conflict of the story seems to be that Atticus is defending a black man in court, which is very socially unacceptable. We see some of this with Mrs. Dubose’s targeted remarks regarding Atticus, saying that he “Lawed for n****** and trash. We see that Jem, as well as Scout, dislike the social segregation, and everyone around them seems to favor the opposing side, agreeing with segregation, and disliking blacks. I think Scout and Jem have this opinion because of Atticus, being a lawyer meant that you think everybody should have an equal opportunity, because everyone was equal. That is why Atticus does not mind taking the Tom Robinson case, because he views everyone equal. This view has been integrated into Scout and Jem’s minds.

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"Francis looked at me carefully, concluded that I had been sufficiently subdued, and crooned softly, 'N*****-Lover...' This time, I split my knuckle to the bone on his front teeth."(Lee 96) This was a negative consequence because she got in trouble from it and was gonna stay in trouble since she never explained why she did it when asked. she could have tried to stay calm and not hit him but that would just most likely let him say more because she wouldn't do anything back. Her options are nearly the same if she was an adult. This moment's choice leads to having a talk with her uncle. I think that the conflict of the story is that they need to learn how to deal with others' insults in the right way and not let them affect them. jem and scout will most likely have a big role because they will continue to be treated like this and so they need to learn to control themself.

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i agree with this quote because this was a negative consequence with what she got in trouble for 

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"He did not begin to calm down until he had cut the tops off every camellia bush Mrs. Dubose owned" (Lee 118). Jem did not have to act out but instead, he did. He was punished by having to go read to Mrs. Dubose. If he had been older and more mature, I do not think he would have cut the tops off every camellia bush- he would have done the responsible thing and walked away from the situation, not letting things get to him.

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"I split my knuckle to the to the bone of his front teeth, my left impaired it flew in with my right" (lee 96)

what scout did was out of hesitation she didn't know what to do and she hit her cousin because of what he was saying, another option could have been to get an adult and deal with the situation civilly being a child she could get away with punching someone in the face without getting arrested, this progresses the story because we get to see scouts perspective on racism. the main conflict of the story I believe is how scout is growing up and is starting to get a grasp of racism and understands it more as she goes on to experience it. 


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""You gotta make me first!" he yelled. "My folks said your daddy was a disgrace an' that n***** oughta hang from the water-tank!" I drew a bed on him, remembered what Atticus had said, then dropped my fists, and walked away..." (Lee 88) There is both a positive and negative consequences to her choice of what to do. The positive is that Atticus will be happy with her choice of action and will most likely be proud of her for not fighting back, but the negative consequence is that Cecil will think that him saying this is okay and that will be no consequences for his actions and the bullying towards Scout will get worse. Scout could've fought back and stood up for herself going against what Atticus had told her, this would've most likely made Atticus angry or upset with her. Being a child makes her option different from being an adult because of understanding. When you are a child you don't fully understand everything like an adult would even if your opinion is right. I think this choice will impact Scout by bringing more bullying because she decided to not stand up for herself and let Cecil get away with it. I also believe that the conflict of the story is hatred or bitterness towards people of color and people who support them. I think Jem and Scout will play a big role in part two because they support their father Atticus and Tom Robinson.

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"******-lover ..." This time, I split my knuckle to the bone on his front teeth." (Lee 96) The consequences of her actions were mostly negative such as getting yelled at by her family, but her sticking up for what she believes to be right, is a positive thing. She could have tried to talk it out and be more mature about the situation which would have gotten her into less trouble with her family but wouldn't have really deterred Francis from saying the same thing, as he is still just a child and very immature. This spat between them could potentially foreshadow that Scout tries to stick up for her dad more or someone of another color, potentially showing that people can change for the better.

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"This time, I split my knuckle to the bone on his front teeth. My left impaired, I sailed in with my right, but not for long. Uncle Jack pinned my arms to my sides and said, "Stand still!"" (Pg.96) Scout and Uncle Jack got into a conflict. In which resulted in Scout getting physical and started to punch Uncle Jack, as she finds out this wasn't a good decision on her half. Scout's obviously a child, so she doesn't have experience handling these situations appropriately, she's not as mature and hasn't developed enough to handle this properly. So of course she would react violently or differently than how an adult would handle it! 

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"Francis looked at me carefully, concluded that I had been sufficiently subdued, and crooned softly, 'N*****-Lover...' This time, I split my knuckle to the bone on his front teeth."(Lee 96) 

      The consequences are going to be negative not only did she punch him but she punched him pretty hard. This is most likely going to egg them on more and is gonna cause more issues down the line. Being a child you're more prone to have less control over your actions and adults are Definity able to control it more if they are actually grown up and matured from when they were a kid. This contributes to the future problems that may arise with the trial. As they get farther into the trial things for the kids are more likely to become worse. More ridicule and bullying from the other kids and town folks.

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"This time I split my knuckle to the bone on his front teeth, my left impaired, I sailed with my right, but not for long."(Lee 96) Since Scouts cousin insisted on continuing to insult her father, she resorted to a decision that could've been avoided. The family sided with the cousin because he was hurt. She could've left the situation alone, or just told someone instead of fighting with him. Since she hit him, her consequence was getting pinned to the ground but if she would've taken the other direction they still would've been talking about her and her father in rude and unkindly ways. I think the conflict will be that everyone is against Finch's against everyone else. The kids have to deal with people being mean to them and also that Atticus is defending a black man which doesn't help their situation. 

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"he had cut the tops off every camellia bush Mrs.Dubose owned".(Lee 118) his dad found out and made him read with her every day with jem being a kid he had to do what his father said with him being a child he couldn't do anything but what his father wanted him to do if he was an adult he'd be punished for damage to personal property but since he was a kid he got a lesson out of his actions as well as punishment this could turn into a kinda rebellious phase causing them to go to the radley house and do something perhaps worse in part 2 scout may do something of this nature to help his father because hes already done something like it before 

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"He did not begin to calm down until he had cut the tops off every camellia bush Mrs. Dubose owned."(Lee 118). Jem acted in a negative way. Since he did this he now has to go read to Mrs. Dubose for a month every day. I don't think there were any other options for Jem. Jem and Scout being children changes it because there's not much they can really do. If he was an adult he would be able to control himself more. This moment shows how Jem is feeling and shows his lack of self-control. This impacts what comes next by showing how the kids are acting and giving the Finch family an even worse reputation. The conflict of the story is Atticus defending a black man. I think Jem and Scout are going to try and stick up for Atticus. I think since they are lashing out they are going to change.

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