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Reading Response #4

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"You've let things go on too long, Atticus, too long" (Lee 155). This quote happens after a fight between Scout and Aunt Alexander and Alexander doesn't understand what Calpurnia has done for Jem and Scout and what a major impact she had in raising them to become wonderful children.  "I just can't help it if Mister Jem's growin' up. He gonna want to be off to himself a lot now', doin' whatever boys do, so you just come right on in the kitchen when you feel lonesome(Lee 132)." This quote says that whenever they children feel lonely they may come to talk with Calpurnia because she understands that the neighborhood doesn't have anyone of the same age around and it's always nice to talk with someone when growing up.

Similarities: Both Aunt Alexander and Calpurnia want the absolute best for the children as they are growing up

Differences: Aunt Alexander is the type to teach with an Immediate truth no slow approach and with a serious demeanor while Calpurnia has the soft approach and show full compassion in the children and she takes the time to slowly ease the children into the said thing they are learning so they may remember it in more detail.

Having both in her life may cause some more leniency to one person in this case Calpurnia because of the approach she takes teaching them but having Alexander teach as well as may passively teach them that not all life is sunshine and roses and sometimes things may take a harsh measure on yourself

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"She made me wear a petticoat and she wrapped a pink sash tightly around my waist. She went over my patent-leather shoes with a cold biscuit until she saw her face in them..... "What's all this for, Cal?" "I don't want nobody sayin' I don't look after my children" (Lee 134) Scout is getting ready for church here, and Cal want's to make sure they are dressed like they should be. Scout also says something about how it looks like they are going to Mardi Gras, when in reality, they are dressed like they should be, they are just not used to it. 

"Aunt Alexandra fitted into the world of Maycomb like a hand into a glove, but never into the world of Jem and me. I so often wondered how she could be Atticus's and Uncle Jacks sister..." (Lee 149) She often wouldn't talk to Jem and Scout during her first month of her stay. When Scout would appear in front of her, dirty with mud, Aunt would regret to request to speak to her. 

The similarities are they are both trying to teach Scout to be more ladylike, and want her to do the best she can. Cal dresses her "fancy", when is reality, it is just normal. Aunt is disappointed when she sees her covered in mud, and doesn't want to speak to her. 

The differences are how they speak to Scout about it, and the things they care about. Cal is much more caring, and nicer. She is much for softer when speaking to Scout, and she doesn't give off the vibe that she is angry. Aunt on the other hand, is a lot more rough when speaking to Scout. She is not nearly as soft, and you can almost sense that disappointment/anger when reading. 

Scout benefits from having both these women in her life because she gets a soft and a rough side. It's a lot easier to improve  yourself when you have good complementing the bad. 

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" "Where'd you go to school, Cal?" asked Jem. "Nowhere. Let's see now, who taught me my letters? It was Miss Maudie Atkinson's aunt, old Miss Buford--" "(Lee 141) Cal offers Jem and Scout a new perspective on life for black people at the time, which I feel will be especially important the more we get into the trial part of the book. Scout and Jem assumed they could all read and afford books because they didn't know any better, so it's good for them to learn from a first-hand perspective. " "And don't try to get around it. You've got to face it sooner or later and it might as well be tonight. We don't need her now." " (Lee 155) Aunt Alexandra doesn't like Cal and her influence on Scout, which is shown in how quick she is to shut down the idea of Scout visiting her. Both of them want her to grow up properly and to somewhat conform to society's expectations, but while Alexandra tries to stifle her Cal is helping her learn more and get more out there to experience more of what the world is like. 

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"How'd you and Mister Jem like to come to church with me tomorrow?" (Lee 133) A lot of things open up in the mind of Scout when she learned what going to church with Calpurnia was like. Like how they work together as a community, how they sing hymns not out of a book but by repeating the Reverend. Those are just some small things, its after church that is really how Calpurnia shows involvement in Scouts life. She's right there to answer all her questions and to tell Scout things like; "It's not necessary to tell all you know. It's not ladylike- in the second place, folks don't like to have somebody around knowin' more than they do." (Lee 143) after this conversation between the two, they have a moment of heart to heart. "Cal, can I come to see you sometimes?" ... "See me, honey? You see me every day." ... "Sometime after work? Atticus can get me." "Ant time you want to." she said, "We'd be glad to have you" (Lee 134) This whole church experience showed us a glimpse of Scout and Calpurnia's connection. Calpurnia definitely cares for Scout, almost like mother and child

"Yessum, and she promised me I could come out to her house some afternoon. Atticus, I'll go next Sunday if it's all right, can I? Cal said shed come get me if you were off in the car." "You may not." ... "I didn't ask you!" (Lee 154) This starts some drama leading to Scout having to apologize to her Aunt after yelling at her. Her Aunt cares about her but believes that Scout as a growing women shouldn't rely on Calpurnia. "Atticus, its all right to be soft-hearted, you're an easy man, but you have a daughter t think of. A daughter who's growing up." "That's what I am thinking of." "And don't try to get around it. You've got to face it sooner or later and it might as well be tonight. We don't need her now." (Lee 155) Honestly feels racially motivated if you ask me smh. Anyway, Calpurnia and Alexandra both have ideals on how to raise Scout that are different but still try to benefit Scout as a growing girl.

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"Any time you want to," she said. "We'd be glad to have you." (Lee 143) After church Scout asks if she can have a visit with Cal at her house. Cal is delighted to accept the offer and let her go. Cal has been hard on Scout in Scout's eyes and this is her way of returning a favor or reward her in a way. "I didn't ask you!" (Lee 154) Scout wants to go to cals and she whent and asked her dad and her dad said no becuase he doesnt know the parents or where she lived and scout kind of got mad at atticus and aunt alexandra becuase they told her no and she raised her voice and they both have rules no roaming around as she pleases they tried to teach her to keep her mouth shut and carry her self as a little lady. I think that this benefits scout because her mom died when she was really young and her aunt is like her mother figure now and teaches her how to carry herself and be proper 

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""Jean Louise, stop scratching your head""(Lee 144) (Alexandra) 

""Nowhere. Let's see now, who taught me my letters? It was Miss Maudie Atkinson's aunt, old Miss Buford"".(Lee 141) (Calpurnia) 

S- They both want the best in life for scout. They both push her to be the best. 

D- Alexandra complains and makes scout feel bad while Calpurnia brings in stuff from her past to make Scout a better person she shares stuff with Scout.  

Having both of these women in Scout life will give Scout the honor of having hardship but also kindness. Her aunt pushes her to be the best while Calpurnia is nice about it and tells Scout what she needs to hear without being rude and she uses her own experiences to help with that. 

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"Any time you want to, she said. We'd be glad to have you." (Lee 143)    "You've got to do something about her, Auntie was saying. You've let things go too long Atticus too long." (Lee 155)

The quotes are showing how Cal is/has impacted her life because Cal is always there for her and Whenever Scout needs someone at any time so it shows how much of a good person Cal is and how much of a mother figure she is. 

Difference ~ They don't have the same ideas on raising Scout and they think differently about how the kids could be the best versions of themselves because Aunt Alexandra wants Scout to be more ladylike and Cal is more laid back with Scout and what she wants to do which in my opinion is better because it is what actually interest Scout and not just fake so other people think what you aren't 

Similarities ~ Aunt Alexandra and Cal both just want what is best for Scout 

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  "We don't have any," (Lee 137). This quote demonstrates how an African American church varies from a white church, and it shifts Scout's viewpoint. By taking Scout and Jem to church, they discovered how African Americans worship in a different way than Scout was used to. Some members at the church didn't like Cal bringing Jem and Scout, two white children, to an African American church at first, but Cal made sure they were well-behaved.  After the church service, Scout discovered that the lack of hymnals is due to the fact that most African Americans are unable to read, which flipped Scout's perspective because she now realizes that not everyone can read as well as she or Cal can. She's learned more about the African-American community, which may have a greater impact on her and her viewpoints than she anticipated. 


 "'ve got to do something about her." Aunty was saying, "You've been letting things go on for far too long, Atticus, too long" (Lee, p. 155.). Scout was overhearing a conversation between her Aunt and her Father in this quotation after Scout and her Aunt had a dispute. Aunt Alexandra doesn't like Cal since he's been a bother in Scout's life, or at least that's how she views him. But she doesn't realize or even try to comprehend how much Cal has influenced Scout's life in positive ways, such as taking care of her when she needed it most and making sure she doesn't feel left out. Scout isn't acting like any other girl, according to Aunt Alexandra. Scout is adventurous and is often teased by her elder brother whenever she does something 'girly,' and she doesn't want her brother to push her away simply because she does something he considers to be 'girly.' Scout doesn't want to do things normal girls do since it means her brother would stop playing with her, and being a tomboy is what defines her, but her Aunt is attempting to take it away from her.


Similarities: Cal and Aunt Alexandra share a desire for Scout to succeed. Cal and Aunt Alexandra both want to look after her and Jem while they live in the house.


Differences: Cal is really sweet and understanding; she is calm and listens to Scout without trying to scold or yell at her. Scout was being pushed to be someone she isn't and doesn't want to be by Aunt Alexandra. Cal wants Scout to learn about African American culture and the society in their own town, but Aunt Alexandra is opposed to Scout knowing anything other than her own opinions and how she sees the world.

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¨I just cant help it if Mister Jem´s growin up. Hes gonna want too be off to himself a lot now, doin whatever boys do, so you just come right on in the kitchen when you feel lonesome¨(Lee 123)

¨¨Lets get this clear: you do as Calpurina tells you, you do as I tell you, and as long as your aunts in this house you will do as she tells you.¨¨( Lee 154)

these quotes show how Cal and and the aunt are helping to raise Scout because Atticus tells Scout that she needed to listen to Cal And the aunt whenever there in the house.

Similarities: Both Cal and Aunt Alexandria want scout to succeed in life and they both want to help raise her to be the best she can be. They both take care of scout and spend time living and taking care of her.

differences: It seems like Cal was more nice and understanding towards Scout while aunt was more strict and was pushing Scout to be someone she didn't want too be. Cal took her too an African american church so she could see what is was like and teach her about the African american community while Aunt Alexandria is kinda against that and wants nothing to do with that.

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“I’m sorry, Aunty,” I muttered. “Now then,” he said. “Let’s get this clear: you do as Calpurnia tells
you, you do as I tell you, and as long as your aunt’s in this house, you
will do as she tells you. Understand?”(Lee 122). No matter what you should always treat any one of your elders with respect and not be disrespectful.

"Aunt Alexandra managed to smile in a way that conveyed a gentle
apology to Cousin Lily and firm disapproval to me. When Cousin Lily
Brooke left I knew I was in for it."(Lee 119) Alexandra the same way, wants Scout to act more like a lady and listen to people when she is being talked to and not back talk to anyone else.

S-Both agree that they want her to be quiet and listen to people when she is being spoken too. They want her to apologize for the things that she does and for the things that she says. 

D-Alexandra is more out going, but wants to fit in with all the other girls. Calpurnia gets straight to the point and always tells everyone what is on her mind because she doesn't care what other people think about her.

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"Lula stopped, but she said, “You ain’t got no business bringin’ white chillun here—they got their church, we got our’n. It is our church, ain’t it, Miss Cal?” Calpurnia said, “It’s the same God, ain’t it?” Jem said, “Let’s go home, Cal, they don’t want us here—” I agreed: they did not want us here."(Lee 136) This text shows Calpurnia is not afraid to be with the children. She stands her own strong belief for what she thinks is right. This can show Calpurnia cares about them and is not afraid to defend them. The difference between Calpurnia and Aunt Alexandra is Calpurnia is trying to teach Scout more mannerisms so she does not get in trouble. Aunt Alexandria is trying to get Scout to leave the tomboy fashion and appear more feminine. They both are attempting to help Scout.  

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"I just can't help it if Mister Jem´s growin up. He's gonna want to be off to himself a lot now, doin whatever boys do, so you just come right on in the kitchen when you feel lonesome"(Lee 123)

"Let's get this clear: you do as Cal tells you, you do as I tell you, and as long as your aunts in this house you will do as she tells you."( Lee 154)

Cal tries to tell scout that Jem is becoming a teenager and he's gonna start doing stuff with his friends and he won't have much time to spend with scout. Cal tells scout to visit her whenever that is happening so she won't feel lonely, cal is trying to make a friendship with scout, and she's becoming an influence on her.

Atticus is telling scout that she has to listen to her aunt because she is an adult and that she has to start listening to what she tells her to do.

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“Let’s get this clear: you do as Calpurnia tells you, you do as I tell you, and as long as your aunt’s in this house, you will do as she tells you. Understand?”(Lee 122) They're just trying to teach Scout that she should be treating everyone with respect no matter what and how they are because being mean to anyone may get you in more trouble in the end. They do not want Scout to become mean, rude or disrespectful to anyone no matter who they are and that is all they're trying to teach her. Alexandria just wants her to get out of her tomboy phase and make her more feminine. They both just want whats best for her.

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“...Calpurnia would do until Dill came. She seemed glad to see me when I appeared in the kitchen, and by watching her I began to think there was some skill involved in being a girl.” (Lee 132) This shows how Calpurnia changes how Scout views being a girl and makes her think that there is skill involved in being a girl. “”...You’ve got to do something about her,” Aunty was saying. “You’ve let things go on too long, Atticus, too long.”” (Lee 155) This shows a big difference between Calpurnia and Alexandra. Calpurnia is more of a better influence on Jem and Scout because she is acting as more of a parent-like figure, teaching them things and bringing them to church. Meanwhile, Alexandra is more of a bad role model because she is just teaching them to judge others based off of their predecessors or other factors they may not be able to control. They both are good for Scout because they mean well and want her to do good in life.

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“I’m sorry, Aunty,” I muttered. “Now then,” he said. “Let’s get this clear: you do as Calpurnia tells
you, you do as I tell you, and as long as your aunt’s in this house, you
will do as she tells you. Understand?”(Lee 122) Teaches scout to be more respectful and more lady like in a way, act more like a girl.

"Aunt Alexandra fitted into the world of Maycomb like a hand into a glove, but never into the world of Jem and me. I so often wondered how she could be Atticus's and Uncle Jacks sister..." (Lee 149) Aunt Alexandra would be dissapointed in scout as she would act like Jem and do boy things an dget muddy and dirty and not act like a lady

S-They both want to incfluence and push scout more and more to be more lady like, respectcul, and to grow up to be a respectful young girl

D- They are different in the way to adress it Aunt Alexandra is more easy going and stuff but Culprina gets to the point fast and establishes herself as someone that Jem and Scout need to listen too.

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"Lula stopped, but she said,'you ain't got no business bringin' white chillun here--they got their church, we got our'n. it is our church ain't it, miss cal?' calpurnia said 'its the same god, ain't it?'" (lee 136) this situation showed scout that she should not let older people push her around and prevent her for getting the same opportunities as others. after they had gone to the church i noticed how cal was not embarrassed by them even though not everyone took a liking to the children being there. this must have had some impact on scout even if it is small.

"'... You've got to do something about her,' Aunty was saying. 'you've let things go on too long, atticus, too long.'" (lee 155) this talk between atticus and aunt alexandra shows exactly how she is trying to change jean louise into a submissive and put together young girl. alexandra only is thinking about the family and the reputation in town, she is not thinking about the wellbeing of scout or jem and she only wants to make them look better to the others in town so one day she can give them off to another.

Aunt alexandra and calpurnias ideas about raising the children are very different. aunt alexandra seems to favor the ideas of putting together a forming a bride to be, trying to make jean louise act differently to fit into how everyone thinks a girl should dress and behave. another difference is how she doesn't want scout to to go outside and play like the other boys in town would. aunt alexandra does not accept that scout does not want to be forced to act like other little girls and just wants to be herself and not worry about what people think of what she is doing. where as calpurnia encourages this side of her. she does seem to try and make her act properly but cal is not trying to force her to be something she is not. cal is teaching scout how to become a strong woman rather than the prettiest or most desireable.

the similarities between these women's way of bringing up scout are few but one could be how they both are trying help scout. their ideas of how to do that are different but in the end they both think that they are just trying to help. they both also seem to only want safety for scout.

having both these women in her life is really beneficial to scout. they are both teaching her new things every day even if it is just sticking up for yourself. cal has taught her so much and has always been there for scout when she needed her. she cares for them extremely well when atticus is not there so a lot of their developmental years have been molded by these two women and it shows in the children, especially scout. alexandra is good for scout because she is going to make her stronger because her persistent trying to change scout is not going to be enough in the long run. as well as just having another woman in the house could help scout learn more about herself and her values that she developing.

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You've done a great job with your content here. Please take a moment to look over your post before hitting reply in the future. 

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"..Nowhere. Let's see now, who taught me my letters? It was Miss Maudie Atkinson's aunt, old Miss Buford-."(pg.141 Lee) After Cal took Scout and Jem to her church, they saw all the differences between their church and an African American church. They didn't know how to read because most of the people grow up in families afraid to let their kids go to school.

"'ve got to do something about her,...You've let things gon on for too long, Atticus, too long."(155) Scout acts very boy-like and her aunt is trying to impact her personality. Scout's aunt isn't going to change the way she is and she should accept the way scout wants to look. These two women are trying to help Scout. Scout having both of these women in her life has both its pros and cons. Cal is just trying to get Scout to see a little more into her world and diversity where the aunt is close-minded and trying to tell her that there's one way women can live and the way Scout acts isn't in the normal and she should change he ways for her own good.

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"The idea that she had a separate existence outside our household was a novel one . . ." (Lee 143) Cal is showing her a whole different perspective about being a woman, that they don't just exist in their workplace and have actual lives.

"you've got to do something about her,...You've let things go on too long, Atticus, too long." (Lee 155) Aunt Alexandra wants scout to be perfect and lady-like. She hates what scout wheres and what she does for fun.

Similarity: Both cal and Aunt Alexandra want what they believe is the best for scout and want to be a positive influence.

Differences: Cal thinks she should be herself, have fun, and be a kid. But Aunt thinks she needs to be a proper laid, she wants to control her and change her into her perfect image.

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"Nowhere. Let's see now, who taught me my letters? It was Miss Maudie Atkinson's aunt" (Lee 141) This quote is when Cal took Jem and Scout to church and taught them about the history there. Cal told Jem and Scout that black people can't read. This is an example of Cal impacting Scout's thinking. "Your cousin Lily Brooke," said Aunt Alexandra. "She our cousin? I didn't know that." (Lee 150) In this quote, Aunt Alexandra teaches something to scout that she didn't know before. These quotes are similar because both Cal and Aunt Alexandra taught Scout something new. Also they're are trying to teach scout new things to positively help her. These quotes are also different because in the second one Scout was learning about her family. In the first one, Scout learned about the history of the church and about the black people that went there. Having these people in Scouts life can really benefit her because she gets to learn a lot about where she lives and the history behind it. Plus, anything that Scout learns from them, will help her to be successful in the future. 

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“Atticus turned his head and pinned me to the wall with this good eye. His voice was deadly: ‘First, apologize to your aunt.’ ‘I’m sorry, Aunty,’ I muttered. ‘Now then,’ He said. ‘Let’s get this clear: you do as Calpurnia tells you, you do as I tell you, and as long as your aunt’s in this house, you will do as she tells you. Understand?’ I understood, pondered a while, and concluded that the only way I could retire with a shred of dignity was to go to the bathroom,” (Lee 154)

At this part of the story, Aunt Alexandria’s presence in the household starts to change Atticus’s actions, as shown in the quote above. Aunt Alexandria is much harder on Scout about being more “lady-like” and we get the impression that Aunty does not approve of the way Atticus has been raising her.

 This, being very different from the way Scout is used to being raised, is very intimidating to her, because Aunt Alexandria seems like a person that you just can’t please; everything will always be wrong to her. 


“Next morning she began earlier than usual, to ‘go over our clothes.’ When Calpurnia stayed overnight with us she slept on a folding cot in the kitchen; that morning it was covered with our Sunday habiliments...She made me wear a petticoat and she wrapped a pink sash tightly around my waist. She went over my patent-leather shoes with a cold biscuit until she saw her face in them…’I don’t want anybody sayin’ I don’t look after my children,’” 

This moment is very important to show just how much Cal cares about how she raises Scout and Jem. She is very adamant about them representing themselves, with nicely prepared clothes. Something that also stood out to me, was when Cal called Scout and Jem ‘her children’, emphasizing her feelings for these children, considering them her own children


With these two different moments in the story, you can see the difference in how Cal and Aunt Alexandria influence these children, Cal being the preferred influencer. 

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Add a citation for your second quote here. 

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Lee 134

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