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Reading Response #4

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"You're not gonna change any of them by talkin' right, they've got to want to learn themselves, and when they don't wan to learn there's nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language." (Lee 143) Calpurnia seems to teach Scout kind of like how Atticus does, she tells it how it is and explains it to them. Whereas Aunt Alexandra just tells Scout what to do and not to do without any real explanation. "Jean Louise, stop scratching your head," (Lee 144) 

Similarities: Both women want Scout to grow up to be a good person and want to teach her well.

Differences: Alexandra doesn't have any interest in really connecting with Scout, she just wants to teach her how to be a proper lady. Cal on the other hand connects with her because shes taken care of her and Jem for a long time and she shares her own thoughts and stories with them. 

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"Nowhere. Let's see now, who taught me my letters? It was Miss Maudie Atkinson's aunt, old Miss Buford-"(141) This quote is Cal talking to Jem and Scout at church about how most colored folks don't know how to read. Cal bringing them to her church was a very different perspective for them because churches were very different back then. The whole time they were at the church Cal was sticking up for them and being kind just showing them another way of life. I think this moment really affected what Scout thought because she realized how different colored people were brought up and it was absolutely shocking to her that most of them could not read. "'ve got to do something about her,...You've let things gon on for too long, Atticus, too long."(155) this quote was read right after scout got angry at her aunt. all because Aunt Alexandria wants her to act more "lady like" 

same- they both want to be in scouts life, they want to be involved. 

different- calpurnia seems to be more understanding that Aunt Alexandria.

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"I can't help if mister Jem is growing up he's gonna want be off by himself a lot now doing whatever boys do so you just come on right in the kitchen when you feel lonesome" (lee 132) in this quote cal is saying your always welcome to spend time in the kitchen with her and saying its gonna be more difficult to spend time with him he's a boy and he is gonna go off without her. 

"you've got to do something about her, aunty was saying you let things go too long" lee 155

this is signifying that scout is not acting ladylike and needs to be more old fashion.  

they both want what's best for scout but the aunt wants her to be more old fashion and cal wants her to be herself and who she is. 

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"Nowhere. Let's see now, who taught me my letters? It was Miss Maudie Atkinson's aunt, old Miss Buford" (Lee 141)." This quote shows how Jem and Scout have a new perspective on lots of things. When Cal brought Jem and Scout to church with her the children saw many different things than when Atticus brought them to church. Scout found out that most African Americans don't know how to read or write which was very surprising to her, she also saw how different they do church compared to others. They showed her a different perspective on things and allowed her to learn something new. This may have brought new respect towards the African Americans and allowed her to see how everyone does things differently.  "You've let things go on too long, Atticus, too long" (Lee 155). Scouts aunt had moved in with them a few months ago and wanted to be a "womenly" figure in Scout life. She thought Scout was very "boyish" because she was advangerous and liked things that she supposely shouldn't like. Aunt Alexandra blames this on Cal for not having her act girly and sees Cal as a bad influence or nausance on Scout, but what she doesnt understand is that Cal has made a great impact on Scouts life and has helped keep her safe and make sure she always has help when needed. 

S- They both want the best for Scout and want to help her grow, they want to care for her and keep her safe.

D- Aunt Alexandra is very strict and thinks that Scout needs to be more girly and act more like a "women" where as Cal is very nice and understanding and wants to teach Scout more abou the African American Community.  

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"Nowhere. Let's see now, who taught me my letters? It was Miss Maudie Atkinson's aunt, old Miss Buford" (Lee 141)." This just gives a little shock to Scout and Jem because they wouldn't have guessed that so it made them think. by them going to church with cal it gives them a new perspective on what churches can be for different people. Lots of people were shocked that cal would bring them but after a little everyone started to calm down. The church shocked Scout because she didn't expect so many people to struggle or not even be able to read. This gives Jem and Scout a new respect for everyone. "You've let things go on too long, Atticus, too long" (Lee 155). Scout was listening in on Atticus and aunt Alex. Aunt Alex doesn't like that cal has been leading Scout's life. But aunt Alex doesn't yet realize that cal has been a big and great impact on scout's life by protecting and teaching her. Scout's adventurous and likes to do things other girls may not like but that's what makes her unique and Aunt Alex doesn't like it. both want scout to grow up successfully and the "proper" way. But they have very different ways of doing this like cal wants to show her every community and to keep her mind open and respectful. aunt Alex wants nothing to do with the sort and wants her to be a simple woman. 

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“I’m sorry, Aunty,” I muttered. “Now then,” he said. “Let’s get this clear: you do as Calpurnia tells
you, you do as I tell you, and as long as your aunt’s in this house, you
will do as she tells you. Understand?”(pg.122). You should always treat your elders with respect. Regardless of your differences of opinion.

"Aunt Alexandra managed to smile in a way that conveyed a gentle
apology to Cousin Lily and firm disapproval to me. When Cousin Lily
Brooke left, I knew I was in for it."(pg.119) Alexandra, the same way, wants Scout to conduct herself as a young lady and listen to the authorities when she is being spoken, without question or back-talk.

Similarities-Both agree that they want her to behave like a young lady. And listen to people when she is being spoken too, and to apologize for the things that she does and for the things that she says. 

Differences-Alexandra is more outgoing, but wants to fit in with all the other girls. Calpurnia gets to the point and always speaks her mind, because she doesn't care what other people think about her.

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"Nowhere, Lets see now, who taught me my letters? It was miss Maude Atkinson's aunt..." (Lee 141) This shows how oblivious scout is to real world problems and how he was shocked about how only 4 people in the African american church knew how to read. "You've got to do something about her..." (Lee 155) Scout over heard Atticus and Auntie Alexandra having a conversation. Auntie Alexandra doesn't like the fact that Cal is a part of Scouts life even though they both care for her deeply and want the best for her. Auntie Alexandra wants her to be more lady like and Cal is trying to teach her about what problems are going on in the current world.

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"You've let things go on too long Atticus, too long." (Lee 155) Aunt Alexandra told this to Scout after Scout had yelled at her. Aunt Alexandra was no longer letting her go to Calpurnia's house. Aunt Alexandra is determined to make her act more like a lady and wear dresses and playing with more "girl" toys. 

"Nowhere let's see now, who taught me my letters? It was Miss Maudie Atkinson's aunt." (Lee 141) After Calpurnia took Jem and Scout to her church they could understand how different the African American church is to theirs. How differently they do things, and what they use and don't use. The kids were able to experience a change in what they normally do. 

Aunt Alexandra and Calpurnia both have good intentions of taking care of Scout and looking out for her. They both want Scout to have respect and grow up well. 

Aunt Alexandra wants Scout to completely change her ways and Calpurnia lets Scout be herself including the way she acts and dresses. 

Having both of these women in Scouts life could easily benefit her if she isn't uncomfortable having them around. Although it isn't needed for Aunt Alexandra to want to make her dress and act more lady like, she still is a good caretaker of Scout. 

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““Where’d you go to school, Cal?” asked Jem. “Nowhere. Let’s see now, who taught me my letters? It was Miss Maudie Atkinson’s aunt, ole Miss Buford—”’ This showed scout how other people learned, and how and where the colored folk, and through this experience of them going to the church and seeing it first hand they can see how life and certain things are very different for people of color. 

 ‘“’ve got to do something about her,” Aunty was saying. “You’ve let things go on too long, Atticus, too long.”’ (Lee, 123) She is mad at Atticus for letting Scout off her leash and letting her be her own person in a sense, meanwhile, she wants Scout to be a girly girl. 


They both want the best for scouts and they both are trying to help. Calpurnia is more relaxed and wants the kids to find their own way but with guidance, and she is always teaching them things 

Aunt Alexandra is more of a traditional person, She sticks to the roles they may perceive as how men and women have to act and be. They both will help scout through her life in it, but aunt Alexandra and scout are going to butt heads a lot due to the differences in lifestyle. 

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"how'd you and Mister Jem like to come to church with me tomorrow?"(Lee 133). Calpurnia influences scout by getting her to come to church instead of staying home.  "speak to your Cousin Lily" (Lee 150). Aunt Alexandra influenced scout by getting her to talk to her cousin even tho she didn't want to.

similarity: both influence scout to do something, they're both there to help

diff: one scout wants to do the other she does not, Calpurnia asked Aunt demanded.

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"why do you talk nigger-talk to the - to your folks when you know it's not right?" (Lee 143). This impacts Scout's thinking because she starts to realize that the black community does not have the same resources as white people. She learns that they can not read and talk properly and that the only reason Cal can is because she’s fortunate. 

"you must try to behave like the little lady and gentleman that you are" (Lee 151). This impacts Scout's thinking because she realizes that Aunt Alexandra is proud of her reputation and that she should probably start behaving so that she doesn't ruin her family's reputation.

The similarities in these quotes are that Scout realizes how fortunate she and her family is and how to act in different situations. The differences are that Scout is learning when she talks to Cal where her behavior with Aunt Alexandra is just obediance.

This helps Scout because she is learning how to act in certain situations and how reputation works

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A quote I found that shows how Cal impacts Scouts thinking is, “It's not necessary to tell all you know. It's not ladylike in the second place, folks dont like to have somebody around knowing more than they do. You're not gonna change any of them- and when they don't want to learn there's nothing you can do but keep your mouth shut or talk their language.”(Lee 143). A quote where Aunt Alexandra impacts Scouts thinking is, “She asked me to tell you, you must behave like the little lady and gentleman that you are. She wants to talk to you about the family and what is meant to Maycomb county through the years, so you'll have some idea of who you are, so you might be moved to behave accordingly,”(Lee 151). I believe Cal’s approach to trying to influence the children's actions is more life realistic and she tries to teach them important life lessons about people and how to act in different situations. I think that Aunt Alexandra takes a more old fashioned approach to teaching these kids what she deems as valuable life lessons. I think they both mean the best for Scout even if they have different approaches to doing so. Both Cal and Aunt Alexandra try to protect Scout from some things she doesn't understand like the riots in town. I think Having Cal in Scout's life benefits her because Cal has taught Scout many things around the house like basic manners and when her older brother needs alone time and helped her understand things that she didn't understand before. I think in some cases Aunt Alexandra benefits being is Scout's life by at times showing her manners to have around particular people and how she should act in certain situations.

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"'Its right hard to say,' she said. 'Suppose you and Scout talked colored-folks' talk at home- it'd be out of place, wouldn't it? Now what if I talked white-folks' talk at church, and with my neighbors? They'd think I was puttin' airs to beat Moses.'" (Lee 143)

"'It's like we were goin' to Mardi Gras,' said Jem. 'What's all this for, Cal?' ' I don't want anybody sayin' I dont' look after my children,' Mister Jem, you absolutely can't wear that tie with that suit. It's green.'"

    The first quote shows how different Scout's point of view is on Calpernia and how she acts different around her friends and neighbors and she affects Scout because she opens Scout's eyes to different point of views and thinking of being in another's shoes. The second quotes shows how Calpernia affect's Scout by being just like a mother figure and helping her and Jem get ready to go to church the same way a mother would to her own children.


"'Atticus, I'll go next Sunday if it's all right, can I? Cal said she'd come get me if you were off in the car.' 'You may not.' Aunt Alexandra said it." (Lee 154)

"'She asked me to tell you you must try to behave like the little lady and gentleman that you are'... Stunned, Jem and I looked at each other, then at Atticus, whose collar seemed to worry him. We did not speak to him. Presently i picked up a comb from Jem's dresser and ran its teeth along the edge. 'Stop that noise,' Atticus said. His curtness stung me." (Lee 150)

The first quote shows how Aunt Alexandra effects Scout with how she acts like a very stern mother figure, one who puts her foot down. The second quote shows how Aunt Alexandra effects Scout and Jem indirectly through Atticus by making him say things to them. This effects them because it causes them to temporarily be afraid of Atticus because they think he has changed.

Cal and Alexandra's quotes are similar because they both step in and act as mother figures. Their quotes are different because of how they handle the mother role differently, Cal is a loving mother while Alexandra is the authoratative mother.

These women help Scout by acting as a mother figure in her life and having someone who puts their foot down also doesn't hurt if it is done right.

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“How’d you and Mister Jem like to come to church with me tomorrow?” “Really?” “How about it?” grinned Calpurnia… “It’s like we're going to Mardi Gras,” said Jem. “What's all this for?” “I don’t want anybody saying I don't look after my children,” (Lee 133-134) Calpurnia’s impact on Scout is definitely a lot more positive and motherly than Alexandra’s impact, which is more negative. While, yes, Aunty’s and Scout's relationship grows. Right now, they have more negative interactions where Alexandra tries to take Calpurnia out of her life, who is essentially a mother to them.  “Atticus, I'll go Sunday if it's all right, can I? Cal said she’d come get me if you were off in the car.” “You may not.” … “I didn’t ask you!” … “’ve got to do something about her,” Aunty was saying. “You’ve let things go on too long, Atticus, too long.”... “Atticus it's right to be soft-hearted, you’re an easy man, but you have a daughter to think of. A daughter who's growing up.” (Lee 154-155) These two quotes show that while Calpurnia is a sweet caretaker, taking the kiddos to church after dressing them up is all nice. Alexandra is more of an old fashioned idealist of what it means to be a woman and how Scout shouldn't really rely on Calpurnia and should start taking responsibility as a woman.

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"Don't you study about other folks' business til you take care of your own." (Lee). Calpurnia saying this helps Scout know not to judge people unless you yourself are perfect. "After All, if Aunty could be a lady at a time like this, so could I." (Lee). Scout saying this shows how much of a strong female role Alexandra is to her. They are both raising her to be kind and strong at the same time. The differences are Calpurnia is an African- American living in their home that is a cook and housekeeper which gives her completely different viewpoints than Alexandra. And Alexandra is a white woman that is trying to teach Scout to not be a tomboy. Having these women in her life help her learn what it's like to be a girl and it's good that she has a mother-like influence. 

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"We decided that it would be best for you to have some feminine influence. It won't be many years, Jean Louise, before you become interested in clothes and boys-" (145 Lee)

"Let's get this clear: you do as your Calpurnia tells you, you o as I tell you, and as long as your aunt's in this house, you will do as she tells you. Understand?" (154 Lee)

Similarities - They both want what they think is best for her and they want her to be successful in life.

Differences - Calpurnia wants Scout to learn more about life while Aunt Alexandra just wants her to be more feminine. Calpurnia wants Scout to be herself and Aunt Alexandra wants her to be what society says she should be.

They both just want Scout to be the best her she can be.

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