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Reading Response #7

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"Mr. Bob Ewell stopped Atticus on the post office corner, spat in his face, and told him he’d get him if it took the rest of his life." (Lee 198)  This quote exemplifies individual discrimination. Bob was an Opp towards Atticus. They had different views in court and battled in court against each-other. In return Mr Ewell does not like Atticus resulting in this action. This defends the people that defend black people.

"Tell them—tell them they must never
do this again. Times are too hard." (Lee 195)

Since the african-american comminity is under great deal of stress with this trial, a white man defending a black man, They wanted to help Atticus all they could.  This could be put under the catogory of institutionilized discrimination. They delivered a bunch of food to him and he got emotional. 

These quotes give a tone of a community V.S. Community vibe. You have a white community of out-of date people racist who want Tom in jail, and a black/white community that are coming together to free Tom. Like the people that delivered food to Atticus, want to help. Bob, who spit in Atticus face wants to hate and knock them down.

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“”Too proud to fight, you n*****-lovin’ bastard?” Miss Stephanie said Atticus said, “No, too old,” put his hands in his pockets and strolled on.” (Lee 248) This is cultural discrimination because the word he uses insults a large group of people based on their skin color and culture. This shows that Mr. Ewell doesn’t like black people and thinks that they are lesser than everyone else. “In our courts, it’s a white man’s word against a black man’s, the white man always wins.” (Lee 251-252) This is an example of institutional discrimination because they are saying that the courts don’t treat black people as nicely as white people because they are black. This shows how the town still generally thinks about black people as a whole with a few people being the exceptions. This builds the tone that Tom was doomed from the start and had no chance of being a free man again.

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"...this morning  Mr. Bob Ewell stopped Atticus on the post office corner, spat in his face, and told him he'd get him if it took the rest of his life," (Page 247 Lee) The type of discrimination that is shown here is individual. That is because Mr. Ewell directly did this to Atticus because he tried to help a black man. Atticus moral is to always do the right thing and be nice, but I feel that if these interactions keep happening, he may begin to fight back. "There's nothing more sickening to me than a low-grade white man who'll take advantage of a Negro's ignorance." (Page 253 Lee) The type of discrimination that is shown here is is Individual. Atticus is explaining to us how because of how little education and how ignorant black people were in that time, white people believed it was okay to take advantage of them. Atticus moral is to do the right thing, and he shows this by supporting Tom Robinson, and not following the trend of the other white people in his community. These quotes buiid off of each other to create a tone of hatred. These both really go to show how terrible this community is and show just how much hatred is in this community for the black people living there. 

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Choose a new quote that doesn't look at individual discrimination. Explain what type it is and why and how it fits into your same tone. 

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"Tom Robinson's a colored man, Jem. No jury in this part of the worlds going to say, 'We think you're guilty, but not very'" (Lee 250) This is cultural discrimination because these people believe that Tom Robinson raped her just because he is black. They still see it as black and whites are not equal. 

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"Atticus was leaving the post office when Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him."(Lee 248) This shows individual discrimination because Ewell is targetting Atticus only because he was defending a black man. Ewell targets anyone with a different opinion than him. Atticus wants to do the right thing, making him much more prone for dad things to happen to him at this time. 

"What was one Negro, more or less, among two hundred of 'em?" " (Lee 269) This shows Cultural discrimination. Atticus describes what he believes is the thought process of the guards who killed Tom. this shows how the guards felt that his death didn't matter because he was black.


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"Atticus was leaving the post office when Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him."(Lee 248) Atticus was facing individual discrimination because of the trial. Mr. Ewell was targeting Atticus because he didn't believe what Atticus was doing was the right thing to do.Mr. Ewell was looking for revenge against anyone and Atticus's morals were always be the one to do the right thing."Tom Robinson's a colored man, Jem." (Lee 250) This is cultural discrimination because some people in the town still believe that colored people and white people are not equal. Other people such as Atticus want to prove them wrong and help in anyway they can. This affects Jems morals because he doesn't understand how much harder colored people have it compared to him and his family.

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My first quote is "Atticus was leaving the post office when Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him."(Lee 248) This highlights individual discrimination, for a while, Mr. Ewell hasn't liked Atticus especially because he was on Tom Robinson's side, and since siding with a black person especially about rape, you tend to get shunned by your peers. "What was one Negro, more or less, among two hundred of 'em?" (Lee 269). This is culturally discriminating against the black community, this quote is referring to when Tom got shot, saying the guards probably didn't care considering he was black. These quotes don't relate to each other all that well, but they do connect in the way that they both have this racits tone to them, and both are about discrimination. 

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"Mr.Bob Ellwell stopped Atticus on the front office corner, spat in his face, and said he will get him back even if it takes the rest of his life" (Lee 247) this is an example of individual discrimination because bob Ewell dint like that he got exposed for assaulting his daughter. "Tom Robinson is a colored man" (Lee 250) this is cultural discrimination because the jury is gonna vote in favor of Mr.Bob Ewell just because he is white no matter what he did or said so the jury is biased anyways and is gonna send him to jail just because they can. The tone is just Racism because both quotes support the tone of the book being racism.

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"Atticus was leaving the post office when Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him." (Lee 248) This is an example of individual discrimination because Mr. Ewell was targeting Atticus. In this situation Ewell was trying to get revenge because Atticus was against him in court. But I don't think this changes Atticus's moral at all because he's always about doing the right thing. "In our courts, when it's a white man's word against a black man's word, the white man always wins." (Lee 251-252) This is an example of cultural discrimination because it tells us how in their society, white people have an advantage over black people. Atticus doesn't like how it's so one sided and he also knows that not all white people act that way. I think the tone of these two quotes are a little different. One of them is targeting Atticus, while the other quote is targeting black people. They're also similar because they are both examples of discrimination.

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"Atticus's eyes filled with tears."(Lee 244) This quote shows the cultural discrimination Atticus felt from the trial. The African American community in Maycomb recognized this and left food for him. This is an example of Cultural Discrimination because the court case went the way it did because Tom is black and because of the case Atticus was going through hard times, The black community saw how Atticus was behaving and decided to leave some food for him on his doorstep. "In our courts, when it's a white man's word against a black man's, the white man always wins. They're ugly, but those are the facts of life." " (Lee 251-252) This quote from Atticus is a clear example of the cultural discrimination that was normalized in society at that time. From the last part of the quote, where he says they're ugly facts, we can tell that Atticus doesn't approve of the way it works but is still able to acknowledge that it is how it is

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"Atticus' eyes filled with tears. He did not speak for a moment. Tell them I'm very grateful, he said. Tell them-tell them they must never do this again. Times are too hard.." (Lee 244) This shows cultural discrimination, this is how Atticus felt after the trial. This is targetting the African American group because Atticus is a lawyer and is defending a black man, which was looked at as a social stigma. "Atticus was leaving the post office when Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him."(Lee248) This is individual discrimination because Ewell is targetting Atticus because of the trial. I think the tone of these is unfair and sad because Atticus is trying so hard ad keeps trying but it doesn't matter to him. 

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1. "" Too proud to fight, you n*****-lovin' bastard"" (Lee 248) . In this quote individual discrimination is addressed here because Bob went up to Atticus and yelled and spit into his face and said this quote all because he defended a African American.  2. ""In our courts, when it's a white man's word against a black man's, the white man always wins""(Lee 251-252). In this quote cultural discrimination is addressed because they are saying whenever an African American and white man goes against each other the white man will always win. I think the first quote really shows us that someone's morals were set by a certain standard about African Americans and for the second one shows us that people's morals where that whites were above of African Americans in this time frame. I feel like the quotes work off each other to create a serious tone because Atticus is being called these names and being spit on for defending someone and then talking about African Americans and white also create a very serious mood in this part of the story. 


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"Atticus was leaving the post office when Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him” (Lee 248) This is cultural discrimination against Atticus because he defended a black man. This shows the morals in that he did this to his face just because he was accosted with a black man in court. 

"Atticus's eyes filled with tears. He did not speak for a moment. Tell them I'm very grateful, he said.  Tell them --- Tell them they must never do this again. Times are too hard” (Lee 244) This is another example of the aftermath of cultural racism. Atticus was getting harassed I'm sure along with the family of tom robinson. Quotes like these create a heavy dark tone in the story.

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"Atticus was leaving the post office when Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him."(Lee 248) This is individual discrimination. this was all done simply because they are facing each other in court. this was just for Mr. Ewell to feel better and to show that he doesn't only win in court but also outside of it. "In our courts, when it's a white man's word against a black man's, the white man always wins. They're ugly, but those are the facts of life."(Lee 251,252) This is both cultural and internalized discrimination. this is targeting the fact that most people believe that whites are superior to blacks even in the court of law. they made it clear that equal rights weren't a thing and that they were better in the court. it just proves that blacks couldn't win even if the evidence was stacked in their favor. it gives an instant tone of power because that is truly what they had. it proves that in this community if you aren't the majority then you will lose in anything, either if it's rights or just walking around town.

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"every one of them ought to be riding broomsticks aunt Rachel already does." (lee 247) this is what I perceived as individual discrimination because he is picking on someone and essentially calling her a witch. 

"What was one negro, more or less among two hundred of em?" (lee 269) now this is more than just discrimination this is just pure ignorance, this is cultural discrimination, kinda signifying that they're more of a herd of animals than people i read this 

both these quotes are forms of discrimination but each one of these quotes represent what someones thoughts on a group of people 

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Clearly state what you think the tone both of these quotes help create and why. 

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it helps explain these people's plain ignorance in how they think of the black community, the tone of this quote is very almost calm when they say this no one goes against what he said. and the first quote the tone is that no one really likes these ladies. 

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"Atticus was leaving the post office when Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him."(Lee 248) This is a example of cultural discrimination because Atticus was defending a black man. "In our courts, when it's a white man's word against a black man's, the white man always wins."(Lee 251-252) This is a example of internalized discrimination because it is showing that whites are dominant to blacks. It is very clear the difference of culture is not treated fairly, this shows with the court case the black people will not have a fair trial. This gives a tone of force because they had the power to win the case. This shows if you are not the dominant majority then you have very little chance of being in favor. 

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“‘There’s something in our world that makes men lose their heads-they couldn’t be fair if they tried. In our courts, when it’s a white man’s word against a black man’s, the white man always wins. They’re ugly, but those are the facts of life.’ ‘Doesn’t make it right,’ Jem said solidly. He beat his fist softly on his knee. ‘You just can’t convict a man on evidence like that-you can’t.’ ‘You couldn’t, but they could and did. The older you grow the more of it you’ll see…’” (Lee 251-252) 

Jem and Atticus are discussing the verdict of the trial, Tom Robinson is found guilty, and will be lynched. Atticus, as always, accepts the verdict, as it is the final decision, and does not argue too much about it, because there is nothing he can do about it.

The racism, based around, and towards the black community, is an example of cultural discrimination, because it is the community creating the discrimination. We also see some institutional discrimination, because Atticus mentions that a case like this would not even get to court in most cases, they would just accuse the black man and that was that. It seems that the community created a social barrier that the government, and authorities, just have to go along with, or people would get upset.

This moment emphasizes just how people’s views in society are at this time. Most people would think nothing of it, just another black man, “getting what he deserves”, that kind of deal. This general mood is shared among most people in the town at this time, as expressed when the verdict was given, how many people said guilty, we did not see one person say innocent, despite the fact that Tom had more solid evidence than the Ewells, he is black, so he is guilty.

“‘What was the evidence of her offence? Tom Robinson, a human being. She must put Tom Robinson away from her. Tom Robinson was her daily reminder of what she did. What did she do? She tempted a Negro. She was white, and she tempted a Negro. She did something that in our society is unspeakable: she kissed a black man. Not and old Uncle, but a strong young Negro man. No code mattered to her before she broke it, but it came crashing down on her afterwards. Her father saw it, and the defendant has testified as to his remarks.”’ 

Atticus is using his remaining time in court to explain to everybody what had “actually happened”, as we do not know exactly what happened, but Atticus’s explanation is the closest to what had actually happened. He expresses that kissing a black man, in society, is unspeakable. These two quotes kind of work together to show exactly how society acts in this time period. Both quotes are said by Atticus, because in my opinion, he explains how society works in the most detailed fashion. 

The general tone of everybody does not change, even after his little speech in the Courthouse, everyone still says he is guilty, but to those who believe in racial equality, he has done something most people don’t have the guts to do, even if nobody listens. Everybody still hates Negroes, and everybody still thinks they all lie, they all steal, and they all are evil.

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"Atticus's eyes filled with tears."(Lee, pg.244) This quote shows the cultural discrimination Atticus felt from the trial. The African American community in Maycomb saw this and left food for him. This quote isn't much, but it really shows emotion, which makes it a huge deal! " Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him."(Lee, pg.248) This quote shows individual discrimination. Mr. Ewell acted this way he did and did this because he helped an African American man on trial for a lie him and his daughter told. These two quotes work together to create intense tension and emotion. 

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"'Because-he-is-trash, that's why you can't play with him. I'll not have you around him, picking up his habits and learning Lord-knows-what." (Lee 256) This is an instance of cultural discrimination, where Alexandra is being discriminatory towards people of a lesser class then herself and her family. This makes me wonder how Alexandra and Atticus could have possible be raised by the same people because their morals are so different. Alexandra is a very 'judge a book by its cover' kind of person, she has her mind made up about a person based on who their family is and what class their from. "'Gertrude, I tell you there's nothing more distracting than a sulky darky. Their mouths go down to here. Just ruins your day to have one of 'em in the kitchen." (Lee 265) Another example of cultural discrimination here, where a lady at Alexandra's brunch is talking about her black maid being down about the court verdict. This is really shallow of this woman because shes specifically saying that black people are unpleasant to look at or be around when they're sad, as if they don't deserve to have emotions or anything. PLUS it's not as if she said her work was any worse than it typically is, its strictly that she didn't want to look at her distraught housekeeper. Both of these quotes carry a tone of pressure and discomfort, knowing how people will talk and think about you behind your back if your not the ideal, white, well-off, cheerful person society wants. These quotes are both culturally discriminating but about two different groups of people; black people and people of a lesser class. The relationship held between them is that they are both shallow-minded thoughts. 

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Miss Maudie can't serve on a jury because she's a woman--" (Lee, 252) This is a great example of individual discrimination because it is talking about the fact that only woman can not be in the jury and this is discriminating the fact that only woman can not be in the jury because Jem was curious on the fact why woman can not be in the jury this relates to Jems morals because he does feel like woman should have the right to be in the jury. “Miss Maudie replied, recognizing Jem’s fatalistic noises, “you are not old enough to appreciate what I said.”(Lee, 246) This is also individual discrimination because Miss Maudie does not feel like a young kid like Jem would understand from an adult point of view what is going on when maybe he does understand and this would be individual discrimination because she feels like he should not understand so she tries to make the fact known that he does not know. The tone that I got off these two quotes would be that nobody really understands what is going on and the discrimination is not really necessary.  

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"In our courts, when it' a white man's word against a black man's, the white man always wins. They're ugly, but those are the facts of life." (Lee 251-252) I think it's cultural because it's a known fact that whites and blacks were not equal in this day and age. African Americans need to do something in order for their morals to change if not their lives will not change. "Mr.Ewell approached him, cursed him, and threatened to kill him." (Lee 248) This is individual because it shows just how much Mr.Ewell hates the fact that he helped a black man in the trile that Mr.Ewell is even willing to hurt someone over. I think this is a very painful tone because it shows just how hard it was to be on African american in this community or any community.

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