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Reading Response #7

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"Atticus was leaving the post office when Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him." (Lee 248) This is definitely individual discrimination because he is only after him because of the trial and how he is angry at all the people who have testified against him. But Attiucs isn't like that he always likes to do the right thing which is why he doesn't exactly give the reaction back. "There are lots of reasons. For one thing, Miss Maudie can't serve on a jury because she's a woman."(Lee 252) Institutional discrimination because it is directed at women specifically. Jem doesn't like the fact that women can't be on juries because he knows women that don't lie and are not judgmental like Miss Maudie. 

I believe that the tones of these quotes just goes to show how unfair things are in the community and how negative it is. 

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"They've done it before and they did it tonight and they'll do it again" (Lee 243). This is an example of cultural discrimination. The town is targetting black people by sending them to jail (even though they are innocent) because they think that because you're black, you're automatically guilty.

"Because-he-is-trash, that's why you can't play with him (Lee 256). This is an example of individual discrimination. Aunt Alexandra won't let Walter Cunningham play with Scout because he is poor.

I think these quotes build a tone of pride. The town is too proud to admit that a black person could be innocent. Aunt Alexandra is too proud of her title to let Scout play with Walter. Both times someone is losing out because of pride.

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"In our courts, when it's a white man's word against a black man's, the white man always wins. They're ugly, but those are the facts of life." " (Lee 251-252) This quote clearly portrays cultural discrimination. Atticus knows that in court a white man's word will always go over a black man, but that doesn't mean he thinks it's okay or right. Atticus knows the ugly truth of this without people constantly reminding him of it but he still tries to prove the court wrong.  '...Atticus was leaving the post office when Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him... "Too proud to fight, you ******-lovin' bastard?"' (Lee 248) This quote shows individual discrimination but also a little cultural discrimination. Mr. Ewell freaks out on Atticus for defending a black man in court. Why this also ties into cultural discrimination is because the town clearly doesn't like black people because of their race and the color of their skin. During this time it wasn't normal for someone to defend a black man especially being a white man, this makes it so a lot of people don't agree with Atticus and the choices he makes. 

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"Atticus was leaving the post office when Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him(Lee 248).'' This is individual descrimination Mr. Ewell did because Atticus was against him during the process.

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"According to Miss Stephanie Crawford, however, Atticus was leaving the post office when Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him"(Lee 248). This shows individual discrimination against Atticus from Mr. Ewell because he is angry that Atticus 'chose sides' and chose to try and fight for Tom. As well as not liking that he did not ruin the Tom Robinson case and Atticus actually tried to make people look at who the real bad guy is and which would basically expose Mr. Ewell. Atticus shows his morals with the way that he responds to Mr. Ewell's evil actions. Atticus does not sink to his level and fight back with angry words or violence he simply stood there and let him express his feelings while keeping a calm composure.

"in our courts, when it's a white man's word against a black man's, the white man always wins. They're ugly but those are the facts of life"(Lee 251 and 252 cultural). This shows more cultural but it could be institutional because of the mention of court systems. Atticus' intention was to express it in a way that tells Jem that the color of a person's skin could change the verdict. Whether there was cold hard evidence proving a white man guilty then a black man can still be convicted just because of his skin color when he was born. I think this shows how the town values their person views towards race over keeping people safe.

I think both the quotes prove that everyone in town obviously sees things differently and likes to make it known when they are against something. This creates a tone of tension and possibly just anger. Everyone seems to be angry about something that is happening in the story which is putting everyone on edge, it seems to make the tension more uncomfortable.

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“'I do. I guess it’s to protect our frail ladies from sordid cases like Tom’s. Besides,' Atticus grinned, 'I doubt if we’d ever get a complete case tried—the ladies’d be interrupting to ask questions.'” (Lee 252) I believe this quote is cultural discrimination because at this time it was culturally accepted that women were inferior and couldn't handle a court trial that involved rape. I feel that this quote reinforces the town's morals as a whole because in Maycomb it seems that women were just supposed to sit and watch the kids and dress "ladylike". 

"Mrs. Merriweather faced Mrs. Farrow: 'Gertrude, I tell you there’s nothing more distracting than a sulky darky. Their mouths go down to here. Just ruins your day to have one of ‘em in the kitchen.'' (Lee 264) I believe this quote is also cultural discrimination because it was also accepted at the time that blacks were inferior and white people did not like black people. This quote also reinforces the morals of Maycomb and is shown by not only the way they treat the black people but how they are segregated from the rest of society.

Both of these quotes give off a tone that people believe there are roles that people need to know where they stand in society in Maycomb. In Maycomb if you are a female you are expected to stay at home with children and act "ladylike", and if you are black in Maycomb you are outcasted to stay only with people of your own color and cannot mix with the whites.

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"Atticus was leaving the post office when Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed at him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him."(Lee 248). This is individual discrimination because Mr. Ewell personally attacked Atticus. This shows how Bobs' morals are not good because he wasn't afraid to do this to Atticus. "why don't people like us and Miss Maudie ever sit on juries?"There are a lot of reasons, Miss Maudie can't serve on a jury because she's a woman--"(Lee 252). This is gender discrimination because he said she shouldn't serve on the jury because she's a woman. This shows the morals of society and how they treated women poorly. These quotes build off each other because they are both talking about the jury. I think the tone is serious. I think the relationship between these two quotes are they are both attacking a person or group, making it serious.

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"were in the colored balcony"(lee 245)  this is cultural discrimination because there are segregated sections. this quote reinforces the town's racist morals. "Mr. Bob Ewell stopped Atticus...spat in his face, and told him he'd get him if it took the rest of his life."(lee 247). this is individual discrimination because Mr. Ewell is targeting Atticus.  this reinforces that Mr. Ewell is a hateful person. these two quotes don't build off each other but it sets a tone of worry because the court case caused Mr. Ewell to want to hurt Atticus who knows who else might want to hurt him now.

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"In our courts, when it's a white man's word against a black man's, the white man always wins." (Lee 251-252).This quote shows cultural discrimination. The type of people this quote is targeting is the people in the town of Maycomb during the time period of the 1930s. Most people in this town at this time were very racially biased so when it came to a case of white man against a black man of course they automatically would go toward the side their strong bias supported.  This quote shows the town's morals. The town's beliefs are that blacks are no good and are the easiest to blame because they aren't superior. "Atticus was leaving the post office when Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him."(Lee 248).This quote shows cultural discrimination because Mr. Ewell assaulted Atticus for defending a black man in court. The group of people it is targeting is the black community because Mr. Ewell accused Tom Robinson of raping his daughter as a cover because he knew people in the town would believe him over Tom, he did this purely so people wouldn't know his daughter tempted a negro. This quote shows Mr. Ewells morals. Mr. Ewells believes that white people are better than black people and white people should want nothing to do with blacks.The general tone of the people doesn't really change, even after Atticus presented his arguments and evidence, people 's mindsets still didn't change. The relationship between these quotes is that white people see themselves as better than black people.

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"Mr. Bob Elwell stopped Atticus on the post office corner, spat in his face, and told him he'd get him if it took the rest of his life." (Lee 247)  This quote is an example of individual discrimination because Mr. Elwell is specifically targeting Atticus.  Mr. Elwell specifically targets Atticus due to the fact that he testified against him in court, so he wants his revenge.  This quote does not affect Atticus' morals because Atticus is the type of person that always keeps his cool and tries not to react to something straight away.  "Tom Robinson's a colored man, Jem." (Lee 250)  This quote is an example of cultural discrimination because it is implying that they think it is bad to be colored.  This quote affects Jem's morals because it influences the way that he views colored people.  

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"Atticus's eyes filled with tears." (244 Lee) This demonstrates the cultural discrimination that was felt when the trial ended the way it did because of skin color.

"... Atticus was leaving the post office when Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him."  (248 Lee) This is individualized discrimination, Ewell approached him and took his anger out directly on him because he didn't like that he had a different opinion than him. When Ewell did this I think he let go of his morals because he didn't respect what Atticus did and thought, so, he just acted.

These two quotes provide an angry or sad tone in the story, when I say that, I mean that's just how people act when they are angry or sad, you can cry or you can yell, it really just depends on how you interpret the situation.


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