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Reading Response #8

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My reaction was similar to scouts. To me, it seems scout was supposed to see him but wasn't like going crazy and asking him a bunch of questions. The book explains his character much how I did a frail build, very pale skin, thining hair. I Imagine he be pretty pale and skinny because the book explains that he was never seen witch tells the reader he's not outside much or active or seen in town. the book explains " .....white hands...had never seen the sun.".....he's cheeks were thin to hollowness" was dead and thin" (Hansberry 310)

Through the book my thoughts on what boo stayed the same because he was never seen outside or was never explained to be outside. The book never mentioned boo other than a breve summary in the beginning.

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When Boo Radley made his appearance, I was shocked. Just how everything happened was shocking. My reaction was kind of similar to Scouts. Boo never leaves his house and then saves Scout and Jems life, it was honestly a good way to end the book. " "I was fairly sure Boo Radley was inside that house..." (Page 43 Lee) Boo stayed inside so much that Scout questioned if he was even alive or if he would ever show his face again. I thought that Boo Radley was an underappreciated man. He was nice to Scout and Jem almost from the beginning because he put little knick nacks in the tree. I thought he was an old man that hated kids and wanted to be left alone but in fact, he was young and was willing to do the right thing for the right people. 

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It was showing to see Boo Radley because he wasn't around for awhile. My reaction is similar to Scouts. We were both surprised to see him. It was surprising to see that Boo Radley saved Jem and Scout from Mr. Ewell. Mr Ewell was going to hurt them to get back at their father. "The Radley Place was inhabited by an entity the mere description of whom was enough to make us behave for days on end." (Lee 7) Boo Radley was just someone would didn't really like being around other people and just wanted to be alone/ Left alone.

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My reaction to "seeing" boo for the first time was overall surprised, I think it was about the same as Scouts. "Jem have a reasonable description of Boo: Boo was about six and a half feet tall, judging from his track; he dined on raw squirrels and any cats he could catch"(Lee 14). From Boo going to this guy that there scared of from them being saved by him is what made it so surprising to me and most likely scout. This quote and the events of this story really helped me understand to not let stories get to me because that's all they are is stories. Now with everything that has happened I definitely am not scared to meet Boo Radley as much as I was in the beginning so yes my views on him have changed since the beginning and I mean that for the better.  

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I personally wasn't really shocked by how he looked because you would expect someone that nobody has seen to be pale and semi-deathly looking because he has been inside for years. and I definitely guess he never took any vitamins or enough to help with no sunlight. Scout definitely seemed to be shocked and startled by him because she finally saw him and then he looked all pale and not great. "They were white hands, sickly white hands that had never seen the sun, so white they stood out garishly against the dull cream wall in the dim light of Jem’s room." (Lee 247) this just gives a great explanation as to what he looks like. in the beginning, I definitely thought he would make a return in the end because why else would you talk about him then just not show him at all. and I thought he would look close to what he is now because he has been inside for a while, so in conclusion, I thought it would turn out like this.


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When they introduced Boo Radley I was a little shocked but was expecting him to make an appearance since the comment about being under the tree by his house was made. They felt like someone was behind them following them but they were  unsure about it. Scout and I were both shocked to see Boo Radley but felt like eventually we would see Boo Radley play a big part in the book. "I was fairly sure Boo Radley was inside that house..." (Page 43 Lee) This quote goes to show us how Scout felt towards Boo. She thought he was in the house and was unsure if she'd even see him. After Boo came out you could tell that he was different than expected, this shows that he is brave and willing to step in and help others. 

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My reaction was similar to scouts. To me, it seems scout was supposed to see him but wasn't like going crazy and asking him a bunch of questions. The book explains his character much how I did a frail build, very pale skin, thining hair. I Imagine he be pretty pale and skinny because the book explains that he was never seen witch tells the reader he's not outside much or active or seen in town. the book explains " .....white hands...had never seen the sun.".....he's cheeks were thin to hollowness" was dead and thin" (Hansberry 310)

Through the book my thoughts on what boo stayed the same because he was never seen outside or was never explained to be outside. The book never mentioned boo other than a breve summary in the beginning.

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When Boo Radley was introduced it was a little shocking but some what expected. Scouts reaction compared to mine I would say is similar, shocked to actually see him. "They were white hands, sickly white hands that had never seen the sun, so white they stood out garishly against the dull cream wall in the dim light of Jems room."(Lee 247) This quote helps understand how similar he really looked to how everybody else assumed. Very pale and scrawny, clear he has not had much activity. Since the beginning of the book I am surprised by how brave Boo is, I felt he would stay away from conflict and away from everybody.  

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My initial reaction was confusion as to why Arthur was appearing in the scene right when Jem has become injured.  Scout's first reaction to seeing Arthur was his body and skin complexion but all that change for her when she learned that Arthur was in fact the person who saved them from Mr. Ewell.  My reaction was more confusion as to why they would all of the sudden make Arthur appear and save the kids while Scout was grateful after because she was the one that experienced it all.           "The shutters and door of the Radley house were closed on Sundays, another thing alien to Maycomb's ways: closed doors meant illness and cold weather only (Lee 10)." This quote shows that the Radley family never wanted much interaction leaving them looking like the odd one out in the neighborhood.  My feelings and understanding of Arthur and who he really is, Arthur is a tough person to understand but once he showed up and helped Scout and Jem his whole personality changed and Scout now feels happy or grateful.

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I didn't think that they were going to introduce Boo Radley in the story, I thought they would have just kept him a secret. My reaction was just wow they actually showed him in the story, I guess Me and Scouts reaction were similar of just being surprised. “His lips parted into a timid smile, and our neighbor’s image blurred with my sudden tears. ‘Hey, Boo,’ I said.” (Lee 310) I was surprised that he saves scout and Jem from Mr Ewell who was trying to get back at Atticus because boo Radley never came out of his house. My perspective of Boo has changed a little bit to know that he does have some feelings to help Scout but I think he is just a person who wants to be alone. 

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"I was fairly sure Boo Radley was inside that house..." (Pg. 43) When Boo Radley made his appearance, I was quite surprised because I never thought that they were going to introduce him in the story. Just how all the stars fell in the book was a shocker. Radley never leaves his house and then saves Scout and Jem's life, it was a beautiful moment in the story. Boo was inside so much that Scout worried if he would ever show his face again. He was nice to Scout and Jem almost from the beginning because he put little knick-knacks in the tree.

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I was surprised when Boo Radley showed up, but I expected it since a book doesn't thread something this enormous along without completing it. Scout's reaction surprised me, but it made sense. I believe she was star-struck to finally see Boo Radley and didn't realize he had finally walked out of his house, and when she did, she was astonished and terrified to see who was there in front of her. I wasn't startled by his description because I expect someone who has locked himself up to be pallid and semi-deadly. When Scout first meets Boo Radley, she says, "The Radley Place was inhabited by an unknown entity, the mere description of who was enough to make us behave for days on end..." (Lee 7) When Scout first presents Boo Radley, Harper Lee gives us some mystery as to who this person is and when we subsequently learn about Boo Radley's past, we're on the edge because it sounds like something out of Scout's imagination, but the adults around us aren't buying it." Scout has a strong impression of Boo Radley and believes he isn't normal. Scout's outlook was going to shift when Boo offered her a blanket, and her growth as a person and the trial cemented that. Scout's initial reaction to Boo Radley at the end was significant since it demonstrated how she has come to embrace people beyond how those around her perceive them. To me, Boo Radley is heroic in that he has the courage to defend individuals who spread false information about him. Scout gradually realizes that Boo has his own positive qualities. Atticus, as he remarks at the end of the novel, "Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them."

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I'm surprised the most that we met boo at all, scout and I had a very similar reaction we were both suprised. 

"Hey boo, I said" (lee 310) in my eyes I think scout was more shocked about actually meeting boo and seeing who he is 

at the beginning of the book, I didn't think much of him and was doubtful of an encounter but now that we have seen him I understand. 

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I think that a lot of people were surprised when boo actually came out of the house. I'm pretty sure that Scout was not expecting for him to save her and Jem. "Hey boo, I said." I think that this shows the expression of shock that she felt when she saw boo. I think that this was a reaction to seeing someone known as a ghost.

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Boo Radley was a complete mystery. I didn't know what to think of him. As we read, he seemed like a rude, protective man. I thought he might be black. The town is racist, it would make sense for him to be reserved in his own home, so as to avoid racial issues. I certainly did not expect him to be introduced by saving Jem and Scout. I was as surprised as Scout was."I was fairly sure Boo Radley was inside that house..." (Page 43 Lee) I think this shows how curious Scout was to see him. And at the end of the book, she was happy. My feelings about Boo did change a little. I never thought he would help others. After he shot at Jem I thought he was evil. I am relieved to be wrong. I think it's a nice finishing piece of Boo. 

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I'd always thought throughout the book that Boo Radley would come out at some point, but I honestly put him out of my mind with the trial being a major distraction, so it was somewhat of a surprise to me that he was reviled when the book was nearing its end. I thought it was him when Scout described Jem being carried, because he'd also come out when there was a fire in town and put a blanket around Scout- indicating that he watches whats going on around him and that he's kind enough to help if he can. Which is unlike Scouts reaction, as her realization that it was Boo washed over her later when they were all in her house. "'...Atticus, I swear to God he ain't ever harmed us, he ain't ever hurt us, he coulda cut my throat from ear to ear that night but he tried to mend my pants instead...he ain't ever hurt is, Atticus--'" (Lee 81) Although its a popular opinion around town (especially in the children) that Boo is an insane, dangerous man, I've always kind of figured that he was nicer than everyone thought just because that's how it usually works out with nasty rumors in fictional stories. 

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I was surprised to see Boo Radley show up because he was gone for such a long period of time. He always stayed inside his home and was never seen by anyone. My reaction was the same as Scouts more surprised because of him and who he was. He saved Scout and Jem by killing Mr. Elwell. Mr. Elwell had attacked the kids and that is when Boo came out and took care of it for them so they did not have to live in fear."His lips parted into a timid smile, and our neighbor's image blurred with my sudden tears. "Hey, Boo," I said" (Lee, 310) This quote helps support my argument because Boo is not the person I thought he was in the beginning I thought he was just some old man that just stayed inside his home because he did not like the community he was in so he just stayed inside and did not talk to anyone. But it surprised me that he was willing to risk himself to save Jem and Scout so they did not get hurt. That showed his soft side and how he actually cares for the children. Scout had started to cry because he had helped them and that showed me that Boo was a different person then I thought he was in the beginning.  

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My reaction was pretty similar to scouts, I thought Boo Radley was a black man because it seemed that they were hiding him the whole time for that reason alone, it surprised me he was a white man. "They were white hands, sickly white hands that had never seen the sun,..." (Lee 311) My view on him being black definitely changed but my thoughts on him being hidden was better known because of how white he was, as if he hadn't seen the sun in years. He may look like this due to a medical problem.

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I was completely surprised when I learned who saved Jem and Scout. He wasn't really present in the book except for certain situations regarding him. Although Scout and Jem didn't really talk to him all that much Scout acted like they had never missed a beat when he showed up. Both Scout and Jem were afraid of being caught by Boo so much that they would run past the house. She was never actually afraid when he would be at the house or in her room or with her injured brother. "You'd like to say goodnight to Jem, wouldn't you, Mr. Arthur? Come right in." (Lee 318) This showed how even though Boo was unaware it never mattered to Scout and how he was just a normal person to her. He shows us how he has the same morals and Scout because he saves both Jem and Scout. In the start of the book all we knew were bad things about him and come to show that he wasn't such a bad person and Scout realizes that too. 

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It does not surprise me that Boo saved Scout because of the relationship they have. Scout seemed to be confused about the situation but it does not surprise me at all. In chapter 8, we read "'Then whose blanket is that?'...we did exactly as Atticus had told us, we stood down by the Radley gate..." (Lee 81). We can infer that Boo gave her the blanket because he likes Scout and is trying to show it. I always felt that Boo was a good guy and my feelings about him have not changed.

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