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Reading Response #8

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I was shocked by the way we met Boo because they always portrayed him throughout the book. We got introduced to Boo Radley from a little girl's point of view who didn't even know him and just knew what her brother had said to her. I wasn't surprised that they did bring Boo back but I was surprised how they did it. I didn't think Boo would rescue them from a situation like this, and I think why Scout was so surprised was because she was always told he was a bad man. "But Jem figured that Mr. Radley kept him chained to the bed most of the time" (Lee 12). This quote was before we knew a lot about Boo, this is a perfect example of how they portrayed him to us and why it would shock us to see him at the end like this. Boo was also seemed to be a black man but we find out that he was actually a white man who was living with a black man, I think that why we didn't see him a lot was because of how much discrimination was going on already from Tom that it was easier for them to hide Boo. This also shows that the kids could've seen Boo more than they thought but they didn't know what he looked like so they just didn't know. 

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I was surprised at the way he was reintroduced, I didn't expect him to save them although in all of their encounters he never seemed to want to cause harm.

"Boo was our Neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good-luck pennies, and our lives. But neighbors give in return. We never put back into the tree what we took out of it: we had given him nothing, and it made me sad."boo Had covered Scout up when there was the fire at Miss Maudie's house. even after they'd gone out trying to bother them, he showed non-harmful intentions. Up until the gifts and the fire I had thought he might not be bad after that.

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When I discovered that the guy that probably saved Jem and Scout was Boo Radley, I was very surprised I had the same reaction as Scout. I was surprised because in the book we lost the boo radley’s story After that Atticus told them to stop searching for him.

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Scout and I had very similar responses, we were shocked when Boo Radley came into the picture. Since he was such a mystery the whole book I'd just assumed they weren't going to show him. "His lips parted into a timid smile, and our neighbor's image blurred with my sudden tears. "Hey, Boo I said" (Lee 310)." This part of the story helped me see Boo as an actual person. Prior to this moment we never really got to see him as a person- he was more of an entity in the background.

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I kind of had a feeling that Boo Radley was going to show up in the story at some point but i thought it would be in a less serious situation. I was a little shocked like scout was when she realized who had just saved her and jem. I had a feeling that Arthur Radley was going to be introduced when scout said "But I still looked for him each time I went by. Maybe someday we would see him."(Lee 278) while I was reading that sentence I kind of knew that there would be more of boo being mentioned but i did not think he would become an important piece in scouts story. My view of boo radley in the beginning was not a lot different than it is now. at the start of the story i realized that boo probably was not who everyone was making him out to be and that if scout and him met that is would be a sweet interaction between them that kind of puts everything at rest and does not leave the reading wondering why those parts of the story were included if they were unrelated to a part of the story.

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"The Radley Place was inhabited by an entity the mere description of whom was enough to make us behave for days on end." (Lee 7)I have always seen Boo Radley as a person who wants to be by himself and alone all of the time. Me and Scout's reactions were very similar in the way that we were both surprised to see Boo Radley. 

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When they revealed Boo I wasn't that surprised, because Scout set up how she would talk to him if she ever met him. My reaction wasn't as extreme as Scout's reaction, as she cries upon seeing him. "I imagined how it would be: when it happened, he’d just be sitting in the swing when I came along. 'Hidy do, Mr. Arthur,' I would say, as if I had said it every afternoon of my life. 'Evening, Jean Louise,' he would say, as if he had said it every afternoon of my life, 'right pretty spell we’re having,  isn’t it?' 'Yes sir, right pretty,' I would say, and go on." (Lee 278) This quote is what had me expecting Scout to meet Boo at some point later in the story, reinforcing my reaction. This quote helped me understand that Scout is now eager to meet Boo, rather than at the beginning when she was scared to go knock on his door. My feelings haven't changed about Boo since the start of the novel, that he was just an old man that wanted some quiet by himself but secretly watched everything, in a way.


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I wasn't shocked that Boo Radley was just a somewhat normal-looking guy. Scout and Jem just imagined him to be scary because they are kids. Scout and I had the same reaction. Scout and Jem thought he was a monster that ate squirrels and now they see that he is pretty harmless. "Arthur Radley just stays in the house, that's all... Wouldn't you stay in the house if you didn't want to come out?" (Lee). This makes me think of Radley as an introverted person. So no one knows anything about him so all there is is assumptions. I thought in the first few chapters what Jem and Scout thought of him. My feelings have changed because he saved Scout and Jem. 

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I was surprised we actually got to see him.  but scout started to cry she was so happy to finally see him. "If I had gone alone to the Radley place at two in the morning, my funeral would have been held the next afternoon."(lee 65). this makes boo Radley sound like a boggy man so I figured we would never meet him. 

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I didn't have much of a reaction to Boo appearing in the ending of the book. I'd say Scout's reaction was rather similar to mine, she didn't seem to be shocked by his appearance when he was at her home. She seemed happy that he saved Jem but didn't at all seem concerned about his appearance or that she was seeing him probably for the first time clearly. A quote that shows Scout's reaction is here “Hey, Boo,”(Lee 310), this quote that Scout says how she casually takes in the information that he is there and doesn't seem to have a highly negative or positive reaction just acknowledgement. This quote helped me understand that Boo isn't a threat and that he didn't seem threatening or scary. Scout's reaction shows me he is friendly and approachable. In the beginning of the book there isn't much known about Boo like what he looked like and acted like so I didn't have much of an acknowledgement or opinion of him because he didn't seem to be relevant to the story. Now that I've gotten through the book he seems more relevant and has more of a personality and I can see he doesn't want to be seen by others but that doesn't make him mean, maybe just shy.

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My reaction was very similar to Scout's because we were both shocked.  I was hoping that they would get the chance to meet, but I didn't think they would actually meet so I was surprised when they did.  I definitely did not expect Boo Radley to be a white man.  I was not expecting him to be as nice as he was either.  I was expecting Mr. Radley to be scary and intimidating because of this quote from earlier in the book: "Mr. Radley shot at a negro in his collard patch" (Lee 61).  

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I wasn't very surprised Boo Radley showed up, most of the beginning of the book he was talked about so I assumed he'd show up at some point in the book. When I read Scout's reaction, I feel like she was kind of shocked, which I was not, so our reactions weren't similar. "I expressed a stray desire just to have one good look at Boo Radley before I died." (278 Lee) This quote helped me understand that at some point Boo was bound to show up. My opinion of Boo Radley stayed the same throughout the entire book, he was a lonely, shy man who didn't like people much.

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