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Genesis 39

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1. Read and review the article by accessing the link below.

2. Respond to this post by explaining 

            a. What this helps you understand better about the book. How do the events/characters mirror what Tom Robinson experienced?

            b. A quote from the article that stood out as important to your understanding. Make sure the quote is cited using ( and is integrated into another sentence. 

            c. How this connects back to a specific moment in the book---this may be where you wish there was more detail, or where you feel like the historical context was clear. 

                       i. Quote and cite this moment. Make sure your citations include the author's last name and page number. 

             d. How this relates to one or more of the adversities (ageism, abuse, sexism, and racism). 

3. Respond to someone else's post about what was similar or different in your understandings. This response does not need to be from the same article---it can be any of the three. 


To exceed: Include a new quote from To Kill a Mockingbird in your response to someone else. 

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This helps me understand that people who do good, get good back, “23The keeper of the prison paid no attention to anything that was in Joseph 's charge, because the Lord was with him. And whatever he did, the Lord made it succeed”( Even though Calpurnia is working as a maid, she is treated like part of the family. People may judge the Finch’s for treating her and talking to her more like she’s family rather than a maid, but they believe that she is a person and deserves to be treated like one, “‘Well, I’m sure Cal knows it. Everybody in Maycomb knows it… Anything fit to say at the table is fit to say in front of Calpurnia. She knows what she means to this family’”(Lee 178). This connects to racism because Aunt Alexandra was telling Atticus to not talk like that in front of Calpurnia because she is a colored person. Atticus didn’t care about that and then told her that if it can be talked about around the table then it can be talked about Around Cal.

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theres similarities and differences in our understandings, I believe that we understood it the same way but you took an approach of showing the kindness hidden in that time while I tried to show the obvious big picture.

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I feel this helps to understand TKAM in the way that when Joseph was accused of lying with his master's wife through being set up. "19As soon as his master heard the words that his wife spoke to him, "This is the way your servant treated me," his anger was kindled." ( The moment that he was accused since he was considered a servant although he was a man of God he was punished without reasoning or proof. this directly links to when Tom Robinson was accused of assaulting and raping Mayella Ewell without valid proof but since he was considered a slave or a less important person there didn't need a reason to convict him."Judge Taylor was polling the jury: guilty,guilty,guilty,guilty"(Lee 240) it helps to show the pure racism that society was built up on.

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I don't really think him being a man of God had to do much with how he was punished. perhaps it saved him from execution however as a Hebrew he faced the same racist beliefs as Tom did. I do agree that the two instances were very similar. 

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we had the same quote for the bible. I also agree with you that the adversity that connects to this is racism since at the time people believed a white mans word over a black mans 

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Genesis 39 helps me to understand TKAM better by giving another example of blatant framing of an innocent man for no other reason than self-pity. In both stories, the lower class man is accused of sexually assaulting a woman who in reality, had made advances on him and then formulated a story to get him in legal trouble once rejected. A quote that relates to TKAM that I liked was Genesis 39:19: "As soon as his master heard the words that his wife spoke to him, "This is the way your servant treated me," his anger was kindled."(Genesis 39:19) This quote relates to TKAM in the way that the second the person of higher status accused someone socially lower than her, she was immediately believed. The same thing happened to Tom Robinson when he was instantly thrown in jail once accused. I feel this connects to when we are learning about the story that got Tom Robinson thrown in jail. More specifically, when Mayella Ewell said "Fore I knew it he was on me. Just run up behind me, he did ... he chunked me on the floor an' choked me'n took advantage of me." Tom Robinson's situation is blatant racism but I believe that Joseph's situation is more class related than skin color. After all, his skin color was never really mentioned, more just so him being a servant.

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this article better helps me understand not only understand the situation that Tom is in, but how it has related to other situations shown in other literature, and the bible being used is such a strong thing to use, however, the scene in which "Joseph twists out of his cloak and escapes outside to safety." ( is nearly the exact same from the scene where tom runs from the Ewells home trying to avoid temptations and the Ewells oldest daughter trying to seduce him, talking with Atticus and saying "then you ran? "I sho' did, sch" "Why did you run?" " I was scared,suh." (Lee 222). In this toms situation could be related to the adversity of racism, as he was black so he was already discriminated against, but also, because he was black, as he was running from the Ewells home he was called slurs and was threatened with death. .even to the point that once tom was in jail i group of men showed up to kill tom in jail, and was only stopped by scout.

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This help me better understand the book because of how joseph was treated just like how tom was since they were both accused with out any proof of doing said thing. As soon as his master heard the words that his wife spoke to him, "This is the way your servant treated me," his anger was kindled” ( the quote was important because his master believed his wife without any actual solid proof which is also what happened with tom since tom was also accused of commiting a big crime without anyone having solid proof that he did it. “I seen that black n word  yonder ruttin’ on my Mayella!” (lee 196) this qoute was from ewell basicly saying tom did it even tho there was no dna evidence of him doing it. This relates to racisim since ewell is just saying that tom did it and he doesnt believe anything tom says since he is considered lesser than ewell because of his skin color

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Joseph's predicament is a very familiar scenario to Toms. Where a man is accused by a woman that he had touched her. When she had put herself upon him and been rejected. In her embarrassment, anger or detection of her injustice. She pins the crime on the man in both cases. Resulting in his temporary incarceration. 

 Now Joseph was handsome in appearance.

7And after a time his master 's wife cast her eyes on Joseph and said, "Lie with me." 8But he refused and said to his master 's wife, "Behold, because of me my master ‘ … ‘he has put everything that he has in my charge ‘ … ‘ he has kept back nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. …” “10And as she spoke to Joseph day after day, he would not listen to her, to lie beside her or to be with her.”  ( 


Joseph did not intend to sleep with his masters wife and openly rejected her despite this she still pursued him. 


11But one day, when he went into the house to do his work and none of the men of the house was there in the house, 12she caught him by his garment, saying, "Lie with me." But he left his garment in her hand and fled and got out of the house. “ 

14she called to the men of her household and said to them, ‘ … ’ 17and she told him the same story, saying, "The Hebrew servant, whom you have brought among us, came in to me to laugh at me. 18But as soon as I lifted up my voice and cried, he left his garment beside me and fled out of the house." ( 


She accuses him the same way that miss. Mayella Ewell accuses mr, tom robbinsons. Saying that it was he who had put himself upon her when it was the other way around. Spinning a lie out of embarrassment and guilt, perhaps even anger just like the pharos wife in chapter 18 pg,s’ 210+212-213. (TKAM)


These incidents relate to sexism, and racism in tandem. It is a battle between whether or not the words of the woman are reliable as well as the physical capacity of a larger dark skinned male to inflict harm upon a smaller and weaker white woman. However because of the racist beliefs of the deciding party it is chosen that the defendant is guilty.  

Joseph being a hebrew and slave to the egyptians and tom a black man former slave of the whites.

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This better helps me understand To Kill a Mockingbird because both To Kill a Mockingbird and Genesis 39 explore themes of mortality, integrity, and injustice. an important moment from genesis 39 that shows abuse is when Potiphar's wife physically grabs joseph and tries to force him into a situation against his will wich is an act of abuse " And she caught him by his garment saying lie with me but he left his garment in her hand and fled and got him out" ( Genesis 39:12) 
