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Visions of War Reading Response #1

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Mash takes place in the Korean war and it starts off with a few medics transferring stations for a month and they are not happy about it. When they get there they are met by the commander or sergeant and are chewed out because they were late. Duke and Forrest made a few friend’s when they got there and they were all medic officers and they hated the 4077 Mash because it's where they are. Then painless was going to be sent somewhere else to a different base and he was trying to find a way to commit suicide.

“The gooks had indeed hit kelly hill the casualties were rolling in, and  the five men on the 9:00PM to 9:00 AM shift had their hands full. When 9:00 AM arrived, it was clear that the most and best work had been done by Hawkeye Pierce and Duke Forest. Among other things, the two, functioning as if they had been working across the table from each other for years, did two bowel resections, which means removing a piece of bowel damaged by such foreign bodies as fragments of shells and mines.”(18 Hooker). Hyperbole and plot because it is talking about at 9pm all of the injured soldiers were coming in to be taken care of and there were all types of wounds and casualties. This affects the plot because we know their job is hard to think about but imagine actually taking care of these wounded soldiers.  “I thought you guys oughta know,” he announced.

“Know what?” “Im going to commit suicide.” There was a moment of silence. Finally Trapper John learned from his sack and grasped Walts hand. “Well miss you, Walt,” he said, “ I hope you'll be happy in your new location.”(47 Hooker) Plot,character,paradox and understament because he seemed happy until he wanted to commit suicide when he had to transfer bases and everybody else took it is a normal thing and even helped get the black capsule. “What that?” he asked. “The coffin for y'all ,” the duke informed him. But I'm not even dead yet.” Yeah but you are a pretty big guy,” Hawkeye said “We don't want to have to lug you around after you take the black capsule. We figured you could get in the box and then take it. Really painless, it'll be a helluva lot more convenient.” Painless looked doubtful. (52 Hooker) Plot and character because pianless is committing suicide but and they already have the coffin ready for him and they supported helping him commit suicide  and he is one of the main charecters early in the story. “Trapper, you remember how we used to wonder what a kid like hon-jon might do if he had a chance to get an education?” “Yeah,” Trapper answered dully. If we squeeze him through, I'm going to get him into Androscoggin College.” (68 Hooker)  Character and plot because trapper is going to send hon jon to a college when he recovers from surgery and it shows what kind of people are in the service and it was just something I didn't expect in the novel.


I am choosing this quote because it gives a sense of what the story is going to be about and how they handle it, “The gooks had indeed hit kelly hill the casualties were rolling in, and  the five men on the 9:00PM to 9:00 AM shift had their hands full. When 9:00 AM arrived, it was clear that the most and best work had been done by Hawkeye Pierce and Duke Forest. Among other things, the two, functioning as if they had been working across the table from each other for years, did two bowel resections, which means removing a piece of bowel damaged by such foreign bodies as fragments of shells and mines.”(18 Hooker) and I think that this quote shows plot the best because this is what MASH is all about, taking care of wounded soldiers and what they are feeling taking care of these soldiers. I think that this quote shows plot and understatement the best because it shows what the soldiers are really going through but they don't really complain and it shows where these solidres are mentally.  “I thought you guys oughta know,” he announced.

“Know what?” “Im going to commit suicide.” There was a moment of silence. Finally, Trapper John learned from his sack and grasped Walts hand. “Well miss you, Walt,” he said, “ I hope you'll be happy in your new location.”(47 Hooker)

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In the first 100 pages of Sparta not much happens, he comes back home from Iraq and struggles with nightmares, family conflict, routine, changing surroundings and old relationships. He struggles to understand his on-and-off relationship with his ex-girlfriend and towards the end musters up the courage to call her and set up a meeting between them. He ends up having a confrontation with a stranger on a train and some arguments with his brother involving his desire to deploy. 

#1 During the beginning of the story there’s an important emphasis on Conrad’s relationship with his family, especially with his brother and sister. His brother Ollie is thinking of joining the military similar to Conrad but he quickly shuts the idea down, Conrad tells him “‘I’m saying you shouldn’t do it,‘“ (Robinson 79) This is a perfect example of the juxtaposition between a citizen's view of war and a veterans. Despite Conrad’s constant inner dialogue about war’s nobility and himself being proud of his service blindly objects to Ollie’s own desires to follow in his footsteps. This subtly points to his subconscious trauma over his time spent in Iraq. 

#2 Conrad throughout the story tends to show random feelings of aggression, many of which he acts upon. He purposely tries to intimidate a subway goer because he thinks the subway goer “He kept glazing over at Earbuds, drilling him with his eyes,“ (Robinson 121) Despite his understanding that these thoughts, feelings and actions are irrational he continually acts upon them. This shows his impulsivity, which is just one of the traits Conrad shows is instilled in a war environment. Many soldiers (especially that of his rank) are forced to make aggressive, split-second decisions and struggle to adapt to the new environment they are in. 

#3 Conrad’s intimidation and greed for fear are apparent in the way he thinks and talks about citizens, his character shines through most in his interactions and reactions to the people around him. Continuing on with the train situation he comments after the man moves away uncomfortably. He thinks to himself “the guy should be afraid of him.” (Robinson 122) the military (and specifically war) in this novel is intentionally painted as a hostile environment that gives soldiers unhealthy expectations of life and relationships. Conrad, despite his self awareness, expects from others and himself far more than he should, similar to that of a military leader or sergeant. He emulates the behaviors he had in war and not the behaviors he had in his “previous life.” In a way, Conrad feels frustrated with others for not understanding a darker side of the world while also feeling frustrated of himself for not mattering as much as the military promises. 

#4 "He held her against his chest, stroking hard. "Purr Goddammit.'" (Robinson 71) - Paradox, Character, Juxtaposition 

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The Book The Sun also rises Is about a group of friends back in the mid-1920s. There Is Robert Cohn who is the main character of the story basically, and the story is being narrated by his friend/best friend Jake. They were book writers and publishers from America who moved to Paris for the amazing opportunities they could get there with their profession. Along the way, Cohn became more successful than Jake but he was also more irritable and hated Paris. They were both their women at the time and Jakes went away with another man. He fell into what you could say was depression and just drank and dined with friends day after day. 

1) POV-"Cohn had two friends, Braddocks and myself."(Hemingway 13) This quote just tells me more about the story because now I know that Robert Cohn is in it but it's not from his eyes or him speaking it's his best friends. 

2) Paradox-"I'm not interested in bull-fighters. That's an abnormal life."(Hemingway 18)

3) Repetition-"I'm sick of Paris, and I'm sick of the quarter...I don't care for Paris."(Hemingway 19,20) This quote just tells me that Robert does not like Paris and throughout chapter 2 he says that, it shows he will probably end up leaving soon. 

4)Metaphor-"Hello, Brett, I said. Why aren't you tight?"(29)

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In the first third of Fobbit, written by David Abrams, we follow multiple characters; Chance Gooding Jr, Vic Duret, Abe Shrinkle, and Eustace Harkleroad, who all operate on FOB (Forward Operating Base) Triumph. We start with Gooding, a PAO (someone who gives official info to the media) writing a summary about an explosion, then move to LTC Vic Duret, who is in a situation with a terrorist who crashed a VBIED into the back of a tank who won’t die until the last second when he begins to reach for something and a Sergeant shoots and kills the terrorist who was actually reaching for the Quaran, not a bomb. A little bit later in the story, Duret gets briefed about a possible suicide bomber who is wearing snow pants, a heavy parka, and a jester’s hat. Shrinkle, who is on the scene, sees the man dancing in circles around a gas station and decides to draw his pistol and kill the man. The man turned out to be mentally retarded.


  1. “They were Fobbits because, at the core, they were nothing but marshmallow. Crack open their chests and in the space where their hearts should be beating with a warrior’s courage and selfless regard, you'd find a pale, gooey center.” (Abrams 1) Perspective, Character, Metaphor. This quote helped set up the tone and feeling of the story to come, describing how the characters could act in certain tense situations. This quote showcases Metaphor because it compares the Fobbits to being marshmallows at their core where “warrior’s courage” should be.
  2. “He reached for his pistol. Sounds magnified as if he was in an empty room with himself: the unsnap of the strap, the grainy rub of the barrel against the fabric of the holster as it whistled free from his hip, the click as he took the pistol off safe, the tick of the trigger, the thunder roar of powder and bullet” (Abrams 114) Imagery, Simile, Hyperbole, Plot. This quote helps me better understand what is going through Shrinkle’s head as he draws his gun to shoot the suspected suicide bomber. He begins to analyze every sound that he is hearing and could be interpreted as him deciding whether or not to kill the man. This quote showcases Hyperbole, emphasizing every movement and sound that Shrinkle makes as he draws his pistol.
  3. I decide to press on, waste as much time as possible circling Saddam’s alphabetical lake. I’m due at the palace in an hour but I try to push it off as long as possible. Just more of the same crap waiting for me at the cubicle: churning out more tree-killing reams of press releases for jolly ol’ Lieutenant Colonel Harkleroad.” (Abrams 92) Character, Plot, Imagery, Metaphor

    4.“The knives whittle, the boots tap on the plywood floor, the voices swell and ebb, swell and ebb. ‘What's this about a court summons?’ ‘And then you put it in your mouth while I…’ ‘No, no, it ain’t too bad- we haven’t hit an IED in almost a week.’ ‘ She took her first steps today? Day-um!... I know, I wish I could have been there, too.’ ‘I'm fine, really!... No, really, Ma, that ain’t necessary… Ma, really, I- … Okay, put her on… Hello Jangles. Is you being a good widdle kitty?’” (Abrams 51) Plot, Imagery, Character, Perspective

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  1. “Most lives were lost before the Mariness reached the beach that day. They drowned. They didn't know how deep the water was” (Carpenter 1) Imagery, Plot, Understatement


  1. “He has been missing for nine days.” (Carpenter 4) Understatement, Plot, 

This quote helps develop the plot because at first it seemed like he had just been in war fighting still and she was looking back on what they would do when he came back from each deployment but her sons had been missing for 9 days. Understatement is great here too with how it doesn't really go in depth with why or what happened to him for him to be missing for 9 days and still counting.


  1. “Her son had been missing for two days. They said that they had a general idea of where he was” (Carpenter 19) Plot, Understatement 

The plot has gotten better because now we have an idea of where he could be and that he's been missing for 2 days now and they have a lead on where he is, but they can't disclose anything else to her about his whereabouts.


  1. All anyone could talk about the entire rest of the night was those boys, bobbing in the water, blindfolded.” Imagery 
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The book starts off similar to the book the cats cradle, by the same author. The main character is a united states veteran who comes home wanting to write a book, he wants to write about his experience in the war as well as other friends experiences.


"He is in a constant state of stage fright, he says, because he never knows what part of his life he is going to have to act in next." Chapter 2, pg. 23 metaphor this is a metaphor because it compares his life to being in a movie

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to always tell the difference." Chapter 3, pg. 60 paradox

"The nicest veterans in Schenectady, I thought, the kindest and funniest ones, the ones who hated war the most, were the ones who'd really fought." Chapter 1, pg. 11 paradox because they hated war but were also the nicest and the best to talk to.


"The legs of those who stood were like fence posts driven into a warm, squirming, farting, sighing earth. The queer earth was a mosaic of sleepers who nestled like spoons." Chapter 3, pg. 70 metaphore

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In the first third of Sand Queen by Helen Benedict, Kate and Naema are introduced. Kate is an American soldier and is stationed at a prison campsite where she meets Naema. Naema is from Baghdad and has been going to the checkpoint/prison campsite everyday to try and find her brother Ziki and her father. Kate relies on Naema because she can speak English to relay messages to the other women that are trying to find their husbands and sons. Kate has been harassed by her platoon members ever since she joined and was assaulted by one of them towards the end of the first third of the novel. All throughout this moments of foreshadowing and flashbacks have been shown that have tied together pieces of each of their lives and given them each a more complex story.

“Colored lamp shades hung low from the ceiling, making pools of soft light over the mismatched coffee tables-”(Benedict 9) -Imagery, perspective, plot

“His only comfort was that when he appeared at his door, hugging his guitar to his chest as desperately as he had once hugged his baby blanket,”(Benedict 32) -Simile, perspective

“‘You do know I’m Tyler, right?’ She does now.”(Benedict 47) -plot, perspective, character- This quite stood out to me because it happened during a foreshadowing moment and it is very vague and made me think about what could have happened for this to result as well as wonder if this could have anything to do with naema. This helped me understand more about where the story could be going and is giving an unknown aspect while switching with current times and pastimes and it is giving a depth to the story and its themes.

“I remember once Zaki was feeding a newborn goat just as Granny called us in to supper. He tucked the kid inside his shirt, where it fell asleep, lulled by his warmth, and came in… All that is gone now. The goats slaughtered for their meat.”(Benedict 68) -Juxtaposition- This quote is during a chapter where naema is telling the story and she is talking about how her life has changed because of the war. What I took away from this is that the war took a lot away from people enough so that they had to use everything they had while they could, which meant killing the farm pets for food in her family. It's such a drastic change in emotion starting with the happy memory and having it turn into a sad and possibly pained event.

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In the first part of my novel, we learn that Sara’s son Jason, is missing in war. As she fears the worst, she reflects on her and Jason’s life. She occupies her time remembering Jason’s father, her past, and Jason’s childhood. At the end of the first part of the novel, Sara finds out that the military found Jason, and that he’s alive.


  • “...having grown up without a man in his life, he was now determined to pass the world’s hardest test to become one” (Carpenter 34). Character, plot. This quote helps show how strong and determined Jason is. He refuses to give up, no matter what the obstacle is. 
  • “Sometimes when she runs, she will reach the point where she feels she cannot go on, but then she thinks about her son” (Carpenter 5). Character. This quote helps show how Sara feels about her son. Even though she feels like giving up because of Jason missing, she thinks about her son and chooses to fight for him.
  • “Sara had not lost a son on 9/11;she lost him later to something she could not provide at home” (Carpenter 16). Perspective
  • “They’re reminders of a different time, when there was more hope on all sides” (Carpenter 76). Perspective.
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Billy Lynn is a 19 year old national hero, traveling a victory tour with 7 other soldiers, known to America as “Team Bravo”, or “The Bravos.” The Bravos are back in America, they arrived in Dallas to be special guests at a Cowboys game. At the game, they find their seats in the stadium and later dine in a fancy restaurant. They get much praise from everyone they meet, which can both please and annoy the men of Bravo, knowing that these civilians have no idea what exactly they are saying to these men that have seen the worst. Billy thinks a lot about the world they live in and the people that live in it, and sometimes he wonders if it's the wars that's given him this sense of worldly knowledge or the fact that he's only just beginning his life as an adult.


“Mango pulls Billy aside, and right there under a photo of Tom Landry shaking hands with Ronald Reagen, he whispers, ‘Wanna get high?’” (Fountain 69) Imagery, paradox. 


“The war is f***ed? Well, duh. Nine-eleven? Slow train coming. They hate our freedoms? Yo, they hate our actual guts?” (Fountain 11) Understatement, metaphor, perspective.  

This is a good quote that shows the relationship between soldiers and citizens, where the soldiers have to listen to so many people telling them the things they already know. It shows how the Bravos are so used to all the War, freedom, and terrorist talk that they can just toss out the facts breezily even though they are very serious. It helps us understand that for these men, that kind of talk is just a scratch at the surface, the things that haunt them are way deeper. 


“You’ve got your business and we’ve got ours, so you just keep on drilling, sir, and we’ll keep on killing.” (Fountain 66) Understatement, Repetition sound, Perspective. 


“‘What I mean is he likes being an asshole, he enjoys it. Some people you get the feeling they can’t help it? But he works at it. He’s what you’d call a proactive asshole.’” (Fountain 75) Character, perspective, plot. 

The conversation in the quote happened before Billy went to Dallas, when he visited his family before going back on tour. It shows what his family thinks of his father, and many other quotes in the chapter prove that what they think is true, and Billy’s father is truly an asshole. He doesn’t even talk to his son the entirety of his visit, despite his steep American patriotism, and the fact that Billy is somewhat of a war hero. It shows what kind of person he is and how it must have been difficult - or at least different for Billy growing up with that kind of parent, and how that might have shaped him or some of his choices.

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We begin the story off by learning a backstory about Jake’s friend Robert Cohn. Robert was a boxer. He had a wife emphasis on “had” because when he lost fifty thousand dollars his wife ended up leaving him. Cohn meets Frances who convinces him to go to Paris with her. Cohn wants Jake to move to South America with him. Jake says no and has a drink with Cohn in hopes to get rid of him. We end up meeting a prostitute Georgette. They go to a bar and that is where Jake meets Brett and they kick it off and end up leaving the bar together. He kisses her twice in one night, crazy right. We find out that Jake is digested by homosexuality. Brett makes Jake anxious about his own masculinity. Then we find out that Brett has plans to marry a very rich man named Mike Cambell. Jake isn’t happy to hear about this and says some mean stuff about Brett. Later that night he wanted to meet up with her to talk but she stands him up. 

Imagery is going to be very important in this book because it helps us have a better understanding of the characters' environment and how people function around them."Then I sorted out the carbons, stamped on a by-line, put the stuff in a couple of big manila envelopes, and rang for a boy to take them to the Gare St. Lazare. I went out into the other room and there was Robert Cohn asleep in the big chair" (Hemingway 20)

Understandment plays a big role as well because throughout the first chapter I feel like details are left out which leaves me second-guessing or having to guess what may have happened. Like when Jake talks about the war; "'What's the matter with you, anyways?' 'I got hurt in the war,' I said. 'Oh the dirty war.'" (Hemingway 24)

Juxtaposition, this book has humor and this is a good example of how they talked back then and the humor; "'Happy Hell!'" (Hemingway 23) Happy and Hell definitely contradict themselves because usually, people don't associate happiness with hell. 

A character in this story is Brett Ashley who happens to catch the attention of Jake and Robert. I would say she has an effect on Jake because he ends up leaving the bar with the lady he originally went with, Georgette. Brett seems to be just confident in herself and I think that Jake likes this in women. He ends up kissing Brett Ashley 2 times within the same night; “The street was dark again and I kissed her.” (Hemingway 33) and “We kissed again on the stairs and as I called for the cordon the concierge muttered something behind her door.” (Hemingway 42)


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Quote, number 1 (I get drunk.....breath like mustard gas and roses" Vonnegut 4 ) and the second quote (.... Every single boxcar became its own organism..." (Vonnegut 70) He’s saying that when he gets drunk he feels like his mouth smells like mustard gas and roses. This is pretty weird but alcohol does that to your mouth. It adds a smell that can be unpleasant especially if you throw up. The second quote explains how he visualizes things and compares them to other things. Quote 3 “The boy’s eyes were as beautiful as eve.” (Vonnegut 53) this is an example of hyperbole because he is comparing the boy’s eyes to eve. Quote 4 “Living like wooden creatures.” This is similar because he is comparing how people are living to something that is inanimate.

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The book that Im reading The sun also rises is about a man named Robert Cohn, he is a novelist and graduated from Princeton university he married a rich woman, they traveled to Paris to continue his writing career. In Paris he met up with his friend Jake Barnes  who is also a writer, Jake was in war and is now going through the life struggles of after war. Jake picks up a prostitute in Paris names Georgette and they join Cohn and Frances and some others and they go to a night club and they meet a woman named Brett, Cohn is attracted to her but she ends up leaving the club with Jake. Jake tried to kiss brett but she pulls away and says that she cant stand it. Jake has a lot of problems that he goes through because of the war, He has lost all the ability to have sex and he is very insecure about him as a person. Jake falls into a depression and all he does is drink and dines with friends day in and day out. 

Repetition- ¨Im sick of it, and Im sick of the quarter¨ (Hemingway 19) This quote shows repetition because throughout the beginning of the of the book Jake repeats how he hates Paris and he wants to leave.

Juxtaposition- ¨ Happy Hell!¨ (Hemingway 23) This is a good example of  Juxtaposition  because its showing how they talked back then and how they are combining being Happy and being in hell. 

Character - ¨This whole show makes me sick¨(Hemingway 29) This is a good quote for character because it shows that Cohn is a kind man and he was making sure that his friends were okay. he pulled Jake to the side to talk to him and ask him about his life. 

Pov - ¨I got hurt in the way,¨ I said. ¨oh that dirty war¨ ( Hemingway 24 ) In the book they dont come right out and say how the war hurt him it leaves you guessing alot this quote shows how he was showing his point of you.

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“Sometimes when she runs, she will reach the point where she feels she cannot go on, but then she thinks about her son, the runs he’s endured. Multimile runs, on the beach, at night. Wet.” (Carpenter Pg 5)

This quote shows the realization that Sharah makes when she is running. She realizes that her son is going through so much more than her, so a simple run she should be able to bear. This is a great example of character, she would not stop because her son can’t, so she can’t. This quote also shows juxtaposition. Where it shows just how different the two lifestyles are. To her, her life is pretty rough, but to her son, her life is so much better. This quote was put this way to show just how rough life was in the military.


“‘Forget Harvard,’ Jason said. He was standing in the doorway to the kitchen. They ate in silence until Sarah said, ‘What do mean, ‘Forget Harvard’?’ ‘I’m not going there,’ he said. ‘I’m going to apply to the Naval Academy.’” (Carpenter Pg 15)

 This quote shows plot, character, and understatement. This is a big surprise for Sarah, and to her, it seems like a waste, where he was supposed to go to Harvard. Jason feels very strongly about his country, to where he would pass up Harvard for fighting for his country. This is  a big understatement, because we have no clue why he randomly decides this, and it does not make much sense at all.


“The exercises make me think about the paintball games at home. Remember those highly orchestrated all-day ‘wars’ we played in the woods…….I remember everybody sitting around discussing their ‘guns’ and their ‘victories’ and their ‘victims’. We were in sixth grade.” (Carpenter Pg 69) Juxtaposition, Character, Plot


“‘Sarah, they have Jason. He is alive. You need to get on a train to Washington…”(Carpenter Pg 86) Understatement, Plot

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Add a four sentence summary of what occurs at this point in your novel. 

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In the first part of my novel Eleven Days by Lea Carpenter, we learn a lot about Sara and Jason's life before Jason decided to join the military. Sara does a lot of running in the first third of my book. Sara talks a lot about certain things Jason would do when he was younger or tell us about certain things that she was doing now to try and connect to what Jason is going through. 

- "Sometimes when she runs, she will reach the point where she feels she cannot go on, but then she thinks about her son." (Carpenter 5) Character 

This quote shows how much Sara's son means to her. She continues to run for her son to show him that she is there and she cares and is proud of him. She keeps pushing for him. 

- "Elephants would have been easier. There was a new generation of soldiers and sailors born that September day. Sara had not lost a son on 9/11; she lost him later to something she could not provide at home." (Carpenter 16) Perspective, understatement.

- "As she reaches the top of the driveway, she can see a new car out front. It's not a police car, but it has government plates. There are 2 men standing by it. One of them in uniform. They have come to bring her news. (Carpenter 23)

- "...having grown up without a man in his life, he was now determined to pass the world's hardest test to become one." (Carpenter 34) Character, plot. 

This quote shows how determined Jason is, though he didn't have a father figure or man in his life to show him what to do he still refuses to give up no matter what gets in the way.



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Sand Queen is written from two P.O.V.s; Naema a  native from Baghdad whose brother and father were taken into custody by the United States army. The other is Kate, an American soldier sent to deal with the wives and sisters of the detanded. Kate has been in conflict with some of the men on her team  slowly coming to an understanding with Naema. 

 “The sky  hard and blue,  a plastic lid clamped over the desert. Flies buzzing around my eyes and crusty lips.Thoses knitting needles still stabbing my head made worse with the weight of my helmet” (Benedict 38)  imagery and metaphor This quote helps show the feelings Kate is having as a us soldier in the desert it helps explain just how hot and dehydrated they are  but Kate’s still working the hardest she can to prove she belongs there.   

“ What makes green grass grow?

Blood,blood,bright red blood.

What makes the pretty flowers bloom ?

Guts,guts gritty grimy guts.”  (Benedict 43)  imagery 

“The sun was already low in the sky, the air was still windless,so the water lay flat and silent as a sheet of silver, reflecting the rose and salmon pinks of the sunset without even a ripple.” (Benedict 76)


“ I nod in agreement. We are only too familiar with betrayal by friends and colleagues, with spying  and denouncements, rivalry and ravage. We have been living with this corruptive poison for decades it is what keeps the powerful secure” (Benedict 88) plot   This quote shows in better detail how Naema is feeling about their men being taken. She's starting to lose the positive hope she had in the beginning. I feel she's gaining a more negative P.O.V. each page.

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Billy starts off the story in the hotel room hungover and ends up drinking more. Then his squadron climb into a limo to head to the game. After that, Billy and Mango are sent to find Major Mac who has seemed to walk away. After roaming for a little while Billy and Mango fight over if a leather jacket is actually leather. After that, the two head back to there seats. After this they go to lunch to a “rich” person's place.

  1. “TerrRist/freedom/evil/nina leven/nina leven/nina leven/troops/currj/support/sacrifice/Bush/values/God.”(Fountain 2) Perspective and Character. Billy finds rich people sickening considering he is at the lowest of the lowest he's a grunt in the Infantry this is what he considers to be the lowest of the lowest he makes very little money and he's unhappy with where he finds himself, along with struggling with extreme p t s d he finds himself wandering in and out of mindfulness.


  1. “Billy gets how shitty the place makes him feel, the quick sink of depression in his gut, but he thinks its just an allergic reaction to rich people.” (Fountain 51) Perspective and character. 
  2. “Fake it until you make it he reminds himself.”(Fountain 52) Character.


  1. “ was all random.” (Fountain 53) Perspective. In this quote Billy's talkin about how living isn't by chance or luck it's just random just stepping foot in the wrong spot is random and that's what makes him feel alive not actually living amongst regular people in regular Society he finds that living is not knowing if the last step you took is the wrong step.
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The present-day part of the book starts off with Johnny or (Joe) waking up in hospital, completely covered in bandages and deaf. After that, Joe starts to wake up and go unconscious again, having flashbacks to his life in Colorado and his move to Los Angeles. As he continues to slip in and out of consciousness, he keeps having flashbacks about his high school life he realizes a terrible truth. Joe has no arms, mouth, jaws, teeth, or really a face. 


“The guys sitting around in the can just looked at each other and didn’t say anything. Everybody who came from the Mission had a line. Everybody had been way up in the money and then wham something had happened and then were in a mission.” (Trumbo 68)-Onimonipia, Point of view.


“Sometimes he was drifting on top of white clouds frightened at his smallness in the mist in a thing so big as the sky.”(Trumbo 56)-Point of view, Character. This quote is the author writing about what Joe is feeling laying in his hospital bed, this quote connects back to the whole idea of the first third of the book, it's because Joe is finding out all these things he's missing from his body, he feels empty, he's just there.


“He had to stop this. He had to stop things from fading away then rushing back.”(Trumbo 80)-Paradox, Character. This is Joe talking about the flashbacks he is having during his time in the hospital. This helps relate to the story because it really shows how Joe’s perspective is now that he can't see or hear, and his struggle with all these flashbacks from when he was younger.


“At the bakery he walked all night long…He hardly ever gon tired.”(Trumbo 65)-Paradox

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Following the lives of Duret and Shrinkle they deal with suicide bombers. Duret has some serious PTSD he’s dealing with throughout the first third. While Shrinkle seems to see the war almost as something he has to win at, like a challenge, yet when he shows moments of him being human he seems conflicted. “Ross dead Ross dead Ross dead… crackling and sizzling.” (Abrams 17) During Durets first appearance he seems to have a PTSD attack, he displays repetition and he repeats the name of his friend and reminding himself that he’s passed and also displays imagery as he is remembering the details of his friends brutal death. “...he thought, this war was going pretty good so far.” (Abrams 81) When Shrinkle is talking he treats war like a competition or a sport, this is a great example of a paradox because he says the war is going pretty good but it’s literally war. People are dying and SHrinkle deals with suicide bombers on a daily. “Bob Hope, dead. Pops, dead. Ross, dead… Ross dead Ross dead Ross dead'' (Abrams 100) Once again Duret is having a PTSD attack and displaying repetition as he repeats names of friends who have now passed.“Every now and then, hajji would lift one of the gas nozzles and sing into it like a microphone.” (Abrams 111) This is a simile from Shrinkle, they’re singing into gas nozzles like a microphone when they're very much not microphones.

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In the first third of my novel it takes place in Italy, the main character Fredric lives in a village surrounded by mountains, a lake, big trucks, and Italian soldiers lined up. Fredric is an American living Italian soldier because he speaks good Italian. The city is all damaged from the war, he then found this girl named Ms. Barkley and he talked about his experience in Italy with her, and Rinaldi (Fredric's friend and roommate) was telling Fredric how he wanted to marry Ms. Barkley but then Rinaldi starts talking to Ms. Barkley's friend, Helen. Ms. Barley was tall, blonde, she wore a nurse uniform, she had pale skin and gray eyes. We then get to a point where we see Fredric help other people out so they don't have to go back to the war. Then Fredric starts explaining that he only likes Ms. Barkley because he is lonely. The war then starts back up and he goes to say goodbye to Ms. Barkley and she gives him an st. Anthony but then he ended up getting hurt and it was taken. Henry ends up at the field hospital but later finds out he needs to be transferred to Milan. While Rinaldi visits Henry he leaves Henery with cognac and promises to send Ms. Barkley to see him. The doctors are nervous to ship him to Milan to get better treatment on his knee and leg. America declares war on Germany. Henry then arrives in Milan and is taken to an American hospital. Henry finally realizes that he is in love with Ms. Barkley and gets very sick after his operation. Over the summer Henry learned how to walk on crutches and Ms. Barkley and Henry discussed marriage. 

"The fields were green and there were small green shoots on the vines, the trees along the road had small leaves and a breeze came from the sea. I saw the town with the hill and the old castle above it in a cup in the hills with the mountains beyond, brown mountains with a little green on their slopes."(Hemingway 10) This quote is imagery because it helps me understand and see what the setting of this book is and has a lot of little details in it 

"I don't want to. I'm afraid I'll make you unhappy or worry you." (Hemingway 137) I would say this is an understatement because she never really explains why she is feeling like this and it doesn't give me a lot of information about why she is feeling like that.

“I did not care what I was getting into… I did not love Catherine Barkley nor had any idea of loving her. This was a game, like the bridge, in which you said things instead of playing cards. Like a bridge, you had to pretend you were playing for money playing for some stakes. Nobody had mentioned what the stakes were.” (Hemingway 30-31) Perspective, Simile 

“I was blown up while we were eating cheese.”(Hemingway 63) Understatement

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The first third of the novel talks about Billy Pilgrim, the main character and all about how he wants to write a book about war, about what he went through. It gave a bit of background on Billy and his family. And as it goes along, we find out about Billy's job as an optometrist, how he can time travel, and some scenes about the war he's been in. Some of the people he’s met, and it begins to show his relationships with them- including aliens, the Tralfamadorians.

“She didn't want her babies or anybody else's babies killed in wars. And she thought wars were partly encouraged by books and movies.” (Vonnegut 15)


“While Billy was recuperating in a hospital in Vermont, his wife died accidentally of carbon-monoxide poisoning. So it goes.” (Vonnegut 25)


This quote I think is heavy on the understatement. Showing how life goes on even after tragedies. And the quote “So it goes” is heavily used in this book. Tragedy will strike anywhere and everywhere, especially in war, and yet the world keeps moving. 

“The congregation had been theoretically spotted from the air by a theoretical enemy. They were all theoretically dead now. The theoretical corpses laughed and ate a hearty noontime meal.” (Vonnegut 31)


“But then this damn college kid, who was so weak he shouldn't of even been in the army, asked if he could come along. He didn't even have a gun or a knife. He didn't even have a helmet or a cap. He couldn't even walk right-kept bobbing up-and-down, up-and-down, driving everyone crazy, giving their position away. He was pitiful.” (Vonnegut 42) 


This quote isn’t the best example of imagery, but it does help me envision what is happening at the time. It also shows Billy’s perspective on the character. It gives us a better understanding of Billy as a character and how he sees this war and the people in it.

These quotes show how your experiences in war can change your whole perspective.

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