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Visions of War Reading Response #2

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-First, summarize what happens in this part of your novel. Make it at least four sentences.

-Second, find 4 quotes from the second third of your novel to analyze. Quotes should be moments that stood out or seemed significant to YOU. (There aren't specific quotes that fit this assignment best, and using the same quotes as others reading your novel will look suspicious.)

           -In your analysis, explain which literary terms each quote could be identified as---list any and all literary terms that apply. 

           -Choose two quotes to go into a deeper explanation of what they helped you better understand about the story and how they helped

            showcase a specific literary term. 

-Third, tell what message about war seems most emphasized through your literary terms. Keep in mind, this is different than just finding a theme. Your ideas need to directly correlate to the impact that the literary terms have on your understanding of events. Make sure that your message has the word ‘war,’ or something similarly connected, in it. 


To exceed: Respond to someone else’s post with a comparison of a quote from your novel with a quote from theirs. It must be a different quote from each of you. And, you must discuss how similar your messages about war are based on the example from the quote. 

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In  the second third of Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk Billy and Bravo are taking a tour around the stadium with Norm (the owner of the cowboys). Bravo meets with the cheerleaders that they have been waiting so long to meet and Billy meets Faison, who he builds a strong connection with early. Billy struggles with the fact that he will be leaving back to Iraq in two days and he feels that he just found the love of his life. Bravo continues on and meets the Cowboys and gets autographs. After they gather up for the game and join Norm in his suite with his other rich friends. 


  1. “Norm merely smiles for the cameras, which click away like parakeets cracking seeds.” (Fountain 144)---Character, Simile, Imagery


    2.“I think God wanted us to meet today” (Fountain 151)---Plot, Perspective, Character, Hyperbole, Understatement. This quote helps show how Billy has been through tough times in life, but he believes that he found the girl that he wants to spend the rest of his life with. This moment emphasizes the story because Billy has to leave in two days and he will have to make the decision to keep her in his life or leave her behind. I think this quote showed plot the best. 


   3.“Surrender now and save yourself a world of hurt, for our might football players cannot be stopped, they are huge, so strong, so fearsomely ripped that mere bombs and bullets bounce off their bones of steel” (Fountain 184)---plot, perspective, character, hyperbole,imagery


   4.“A migraine or something worse, something tragic and fatal, a brain tumor, cancer, a massive stroke” (Fountain 200)---plot, hyperbole, understatement. This quote helps show that Billy tends to overthink things since he has come back from the war. He is affected by this and it causes him to have flashbacks to the war and all the bad things that happened. This quote shows how Billy will probably be affected more by the stress of the war and going back to Iraq. This quote really showed hyperbole and how Billy exaggerated his migraine. 

Overall the examples show that coming back from war can affect you mentally or physically

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The theme of it affecting you mentally and physically is extremely large in my book as well. In Sparta Conrad (the main character) struggles with PTSD from his time in war and repeatedly deals with flashbacks, but the message of war further extends to his family and friends in the book as well. Clair (Conrad's ex-girlfriend) continually disagrees with Conrad's choice of lifestyle and says to him "Everything is kept from civilians. They keep everything from us , but I also kind of have the feeling they also blame us for not understanding them. But how can we?" (Robinson 269). Her understanding of the military is so completely changed through the lenses of media and patriotism that she is not only detached from war but from her boyfriend who was deeply affected by it. 

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Billys comes back from a flashback to watch the game and meet a cheerleader. She is a cheerleader for the Cowboys. He proceeds to start a connection of sorts.

  1. “Then courage, coooOUURRraaage.” (Fountain 111) hyperbole
  2. “I am a changed man, Billy solemnly told himself.” (Fountain 86) Plot, perspective
  3. “marketing…..branding…. goodwill…….Balance sheet……. Depreciation….%’s over time.”Perspective, character, hyperbole
  4. “Billys attention  swings back to the cheerleaders and he does his experiment, walking his gaze down the row of women.”(Fountain 131) Character
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Add to this by:

-Adding at least one sentences of summary

-analyzing two of your quotes for what they help you understand

-explaining what message about war your quotes and literary terms seem to emphasize. 

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Billys comes back from a flashback to watch the game and meet a cheerleader. She is a cheerleader for the Cowboys. He proceeds to start a connection of sorts. Billy and the rest of the Bravos are also told about a movie deal. But are unhappy about the money offer. So Billy and one other person go to the guy giving them the deal and ask for more but get no ware with the deal.

  1. “Then courage, coooOUURRraaage.” (Fountain 111) hyperbole, Billy is basically going into auto pilot and having a hard time adjusting to the things and people around him after the war and all the structure from it.
  2. “I am a changed man, Billy solemnly told himself.” (Fountain 86) Plot, perspective. Coming back from the war Billy feels he has changed. He zones out and finds himself looking at the dull and negative side of everything.
  3. “marketing…..branding…. goodwill…….Balance sheet……. Depreciation….%’s over time.”Perspective, character, hyperbole. Here again we see Billy spaceout and start thinking of other things.
  4. “Billy's attention  swings back to the cheerleaders and he does his experiment, walking his gaze down the row of women.”(Fountain 131) Character Billy proceeds to look for a particular cheerleader he has a connection with.

Message War is all changing. Hyperbole shows us this. Cause when Billy goes into an autopilot mode. He also finds himself looking at everything through a negative angle and not enjoying things. Everything seems so dull and boring in his head.

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It takes place in the hospital at first then eventually continues following Joe's struggle with having lost his limbs. Essentially not extremely eventful, showing how he copes with the fact he can't see, can't move, can't really do anything, etc... He also feels useless at many points and is going through a downward spiral of depression.

1. "A guy could stand a lot when he was awake. But when sleep came he deserved to forget everything. Sleep should be like death" (Trumbo, 95). -Simile, Perspective, Plot.

2. "Lying on your back without anything to do and anywhere to go was kind of like being on a high hill far away from noise and people" (Trumbo, 109). -Simile, Perspective, Juxtaposition, Plot.

3. "So did all those kids die thinking of democracy and freedom and liberty and honor and the safety of the home of stars and stripes forever? You're goddamn right they didn't. They died crying in their minds like little babies" (Trumbo, 117). -Simile, Juxtaposition, Plot.

4. "You're dead mister and you died for nothing. You're dead mister. Dead" (Trumbo, 119). -Repetition, Plot, Perspective.

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-An analysis of what two of your quotes helped you better understand

-A message about war that your quotes and literary terms helped show you

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Quotes 1 and 3 best helped me understand that war is challenging for everyone using the literary terms simile and plot. Saying sleep should be like death, or that the kids died crying like little babies in their minds. Comparing death to other things, advancing the plot, and showing just how much of a struggle war is for anyone.

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The  2/3 of slaughterhouse-five is when billy is captured by Germans and is brung to a British camp where he gets medical attention and is fed. He explains how they were all piled into box cars where there wasn't much room to move around. He refers to them as livestock. While being transported he has multiple flashbacks explaining his past life as well. after spending a deal of time at the British camp where they gave billy better clothing and better food, to later be transferred to the city of Dresden

quote 1 plot      "The germans soldier sorted out the prisoners according to the rank" (Vonnegut 66)

quote 2 plot paradox    "Now he was at the hospital. The doctors agreed. He was going crazy. They didn't think it had anything to do with the war. They were sure billy was going to pieces because his father had thrown him into the deep end of the Y.M.C.A swimming pool when he was a little boy." (Vonnegut 100)

quote 3 plot      "...billy had seen the greatest massacre in European history...firebombing of Dresden" Vonnegut 101 

quote 4 plot paradox        " You lads are leaving this afternoon for Dresden-a beautiful city I'm told." Vonnegut 146

the message of war is hard to tell because the book changes between flashbacks and present and future are difficult to see a common theme happening other than his trips on the Tralfamadore. And from 1/3 to 2/3 of the book I didn't really see a change or difference in a common theme or message.

Slaughterhouse-five for me seems difficult to follow sometimes due to the plot changing so often. It switches from past to future to present multiple times each changes and it gets confusing to decipher.

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In the second part of the book Hawkeye,Trapper, and Duke are really tired and over worked.They start to act weird and the colonel wants to send them to a psychiatric service. All 3 of them talk about going and decided to go because they needed break from the 4077th Mash. They also discuss what they were going to the doctor so they all had the same story. Duke and Trapper said that they were going alone with Hawkeye. 

"Certainly of there are mermaids in this river, we'd be just plain foolish not to grad a few of them" (Hooker 141)

"I've arranged for you to go the the 325th Evac tomorrow for a few fays rest and to be seen by the psychiatric service" (Hooker 142)

"We tell the headshrinker nothing except name,rank, serial number and we want to get fixed up with the epileptic whore." (Hooker 145) 

  "i'll talk gibberish to him, all you guys got to do is be very serious, impress him with your virtue, and emphasize that I've been effective and valuable until now" (Hooker 145)

Quotes 3 and 4 show me that the doctors are doing everything they can do to get a break from the 4077th Mash. There willing to tell the headshrinker that Hawkeye is going "crazy". Because of these quotes help me better understand the literary term Character. 

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Bill along with Jake Barnes board a bus to rise to small town Burgette. They sit on top of the bus and take in the countryside as they ride along and drink wine. Jake digs for worms early in the morning and fishes with bill. They spend this week fishing and drinking wine.

"Were you ever in love with her?" "Sure." "For how long?" "Off and on for a hell of a long time." "Oh, hell!" Bill said. "I'm sorry, fella." "It's all right," I said. "I don't give a damn any more."

This is character development. Him not giving a damn correlates to the war and his injury.

"Brett was gone, I was not bothered by Cohn's troubles, I rather enjoyed not having to play tennis, there was plenty of work to do, I went often to the races, dined with friends, and put in some extra time at the office getting things ahead so I could leave it in charge of my secretary when Bill Gorton and I should shove off to Spain the end of June."

Even though he is part of the 'lost' generation, he seems to fill his time, but it does not seem he fills his time with anything special. This is an example of Plot.

"It was like certain dinners I remember from the war. There was much wine, an ignored tension, and a feeling of things coming that you could not prevent happening."

This is another example of plot. Jake is part of the lost generation. This correlates to the feeling of emptiness and not being able to do anything about whats going on. Like Jake not being able to fix his injury.

"Some dancers formed a circle around Brett and started to dance . . . They took Bill and me by the arms and put us in the circle . . . Brett wanted to dance but they did not want her to. They wanted her as an image to dance around."

This is an example of insecurity. Jake is encountered with dancers and Brett, but it constantly comes back to the point of Jakes injury from the war leaving him Infertile.


Quotes 1 and 4 give an understanding of how war stays with you, it never leaves. Like when at the dinner table in quote 3 it is like a juxtaposition, immediately comparing war with having a night out to eat.

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There is a moment in Sparta that's very similar where Conrad actually goes to a restaurant and begins to panic because he couldn't see the door and it was too loud and crowded. You are very right in saying that war affects every single aspect of a persons life, even something as simple as going out to eat. The book describes his thoughts as "Conrad smiled but never answered. He hated this." (Robinson 40)

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  1. “ Its the fucking media who put all this stuff out there, they are blowing up everything out of all proportion.It is they who are responsible for the deaths that occur over there, day after day, and they should fucking well take the blame.” (Robinson 175)- plot, character, perspective


  1. “He didn’t like the thought that this war had changed men inside, twisted them somehow so they couldn’t fit back home.”(Robinson 172)- point of view


  1. “No one knew what was coming. This had never happened before. Carrera looked like a beaten dog, his eyes slit behind his BCG’s.”(Robinson 216)-  plot, point of view, simile, imagery

This quote shows just how far they push people in the military. The person in charge made Carrera put his hands down his pants to make sure he “actually had balls”. This adds to the plot because it shows how they were treated in training, perspective because it's what Carrera was personally put through, simile because they compared how he looked to a beaten dog, and imagery because they were describing what the moment was like.


  1. “Indecision is a decision”, Conrad said “You’ve got to decide.”(Robinson 253)- paradox, character 

This quote was Conrad talking to his sister who is uncertain about getting an apartment with her longtime boyfriend. This is an example of a paradox because its says being unsure about something means that you are sure which are opposites, and is an example of character because it helps show who Conrad is as a person. 


This section of my book's message is- Even though soldiers leave the war, the war never leaves them.

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Add at least four sentences of summary of what happens in this specific section of your novel. 

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Conrad is trying to get used to being back around/with Claire. During this process he loses his temper multiple times, scaring her in the process. His family has picked up that he’s not his normal self and is concerned about him. He leaves Claire's apartment to move in with his sister for the time being to give Claire some space.

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In the second third of Billy's Lynn’s Long Halftime walk they are basically ending their victory parade and are about to go back to the war.  The biggest part about this area of the book is this is when the halftime game is and also when he says his final goodbyes to his family before he goes back.  The halftime show part isn’t mostly important because of the halftime show more as it is for what happens during the game and the conversations that take place. 


Quote 1 “THEY ARE HUGE.THEY could be a new species, throwbacks to some lost prehistoric age when humans the size of Clydesdales roamed earth.”(pg.172 fountain)  P.O.V, imagery, perspective, metaphor.  This is an important and significant part because not only is someone saying the football players are big but rather Billy is and that's coming from someone in the military.


Quote 2 “‘So what it does, you know, yo’ M4. When you pop somebody.’ Billy laughs…”(pg.177 Fountain) Perspective, POV.  I find this an important part of the novel because the football players are just trying to learn a little more about the war and the way they talk and ask questions billy finds kinda funny because it's not necessarily commencing sense but more the way of how they are asking the questions.

Quote 3 “This is crazy,’ she whispers when they come up for air. ‘I could get kicked off the squad for this.”’(pg.153 Fountain) P.O.V, imagery, perspective.


Quote 4 “‘I think it’s wonderful yall are being honored today,’ the woman enthuses.  ‘Thank you,’ says Billy.” (pg.201 Fountain) P.O.V, perspective, imagery 


I think this gives a message about war that even though they have gone to war its still not necessarily the “biggest guys' '' you will see as we see that Billy is even intimidated by the football players.


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Joe can't move or really use any of his senses. he counts the days and nights while passing through his thoughts and memories of times when everything was better. At this time the readers are realizing he is a test subject. there is one doctor that really likes him and he loves her because she is the only one who gives him company. 

"The first part of the night was the longest"(Trumbo pg 76) in joes perspective after he gains consciousness his first night was very bad but mainly the first part because he realises he won't be able to do anything again. 

"he shot straight up like a man on a stove and came running and hollering out of his office"(Trombo pg 78)Hyperbole

"he had to stop the fear that made him want to yell and holer and laugh and claw himself to death with a pair of hands that wear rotting somewhere in some hospital dump"(Trumbo pg 80)pov-hyperbole

"He would never run jump or stretch out when he was tired"(Trumbo pg 81) from joes POV he will never be able to do anything again that he enjoyed in his past life. because of his injuries, he can't do anything making it seem like he is a completely different character.

message of war- some would rather die than face the consequences of them going to war

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Visions of War Reading Response Example

Hawkeye had lost 2 patients in this part of the novel because he thought he had taken care of his patient but he didn't realize that there was something that he did not see and it kind of affected him mentally because these were the first patients that have ever died after Hawkeye operated on him. There are just a lot of wounded soldiers coming in for like a week straight and they are busy for like 14 to 18 hours out of the day. Hawkeye didn't sleep for 3 days because he was busy taking care of wounded soldiers.and towards the end of this part of the novel hawkeye is getting flippy because he is irritated by the extreme heat and all the swampman are getting hallucinations because they aren't drinking anything and it is hot out. Me lay and his wife adopted the baby that they had to perform surgery on.

¨Get somebody to adopt him .¨ Me Lay looked miserable. He lit a cigarette and sipped his drink.

¨That idea has been popping into my head since we operated on him,¨he said finally,¨But how can I do it ? Am I supposed to call up my wife and say I'm sending home a half-breed bastard from a Japanese whore house?¨ ¨You don't have to,¨ Trapper told him. Hawkeye called your wife last night. The deal is set. All you have to do is arrange the details.¨ (100 Hooker) My literary terms for this is Plot,Character because this shows what type of person Me Lay is: Adopting someone else's kid as your own to give him a better life and it shows Me lay has a kind heart.

¨The surgeons  said he was ready,¨ Ugly said. ¨These guys have been doing OK, so I haven't been arguing with them . . .¨ ¨Then don't argue with me ,¨Hawkeye said. ¨So you're right ,¨ Ugly said , ¨But i'll tell you this. ¨You Are getting pretty hard to live with,Pierce.¨ ¨And that kid on the table may be pretty hard for someone to live without,¨ Hawkeye said. Then he got into the case and took it over. He concluded it as quickly as possible. (120 Hooker)¨ This shows how the pierceś character understood what Ugly was saying and went and did surgery on the kid because he knew that he could do it better and the kid would have a higher chance of surviving surgery. 

¨He took a big pull on the scotch and said, ¨For christ sake, colonel don't you realize that I blew this one? I almost killed your buddy with bad surgery. I got him out of trouble, but he never should have been in it!¨ (122 Hooker) This shows character because the duke is upset at himself because he failed the kid as a surgeon and the kid almost died because of bad Surgery.

¨The duke had already opened a can of beer, but he wasn't drinking it, he was crying into it. ¨And a yankee too,¨ the duke said, to cover his embarrassment when he looked up and saw dago red. ¨You know something¨? The way I'm goin´ I shouldn't even be operating on yankees.(124 Hooker) I think that this quote shows character and plot because  it kind of gives the reader a sense of how these soldiers are feeling. I think the author's message in this story is more about the mental health of these soldires because one commited suicide in the beginning of the Novel and the duke is going through sometihng in his head because the patients are dying that he is operating on or he missed solmetihng when he was preforming surgery.

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In this section of the book bravo is getting a tour of the stadium and during that tour they meet the cheerleaders. Bravo is getting ready to go to Iraq and Billy is having a hard time getting his head wrapped around the fact he is leaving again. Billy said goodbye to his family. While getting a tour of the stadium Billy meets a cheerleader. 

  1. “ He glows, which isn’t to say he’s a handsome man but rather shimmers with high wattage celebrity, and therein lies the problem, the brain struggles to match the media version to the actual man who looks taller than the performed  mental image, or maybe broader, older, pinker, younger, the two versions miscongrue in some crucial sense which makes it all a little unreal, and anyway billy is freaking”.  (Fountain 110)- Imagery, metaphor, plot, and character 
  2. “I like to kill my enemies and listen to the lamentations of their women”. (Fountain 134)- Imagery, point of view, and plot. This quote helps understand the book more because these soldiers went to war and in time after everything they heard and saw they are starting to finally lose themselves. This soldier likes to kill his enemies and listen to the women.
  3.  “But it takes time, you know? To build that kind of trust. It doesn’t happen after one or two dates or a couple weeks, it takes time, a real commitment to honoring each other”. (Fountain 155)- Juxtaposition, plot and character. This helps the story because Billy and this cheerleader are talking and she wants a relationship but Billy is leaving for war in just a couple days and he could have this great relationship but he’s going to serve his country and its hard for him to leave again.
  4. “Billy says no. He just wants to sit here with binoculars and watch everything. The game doesn’t interest him at all but the people do, the way the stream, for instance, rises off the players like a cartoon rendering of body odor”. ( Fountain 211)- simile, metaphor, character, plot and point of view.    

Overall these quotes help get the message, every time someone goes to war they lose a part of themselves they can’t get back. 

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In the second third of the Mash the doctors continue to work hard to take care of all of the patients. But then the heat became too much for them and they needed a break so they decided to play some golf. Then the surgeons got overwhelmed and Hawkeye started acting weird. Hawkeye never took anything seriously and he was trying to catch a mermaid. 

“As the tempo of the war picked up again, the wounded soldiers kept coming by ambulance and helicopter, and the Double Natural was too busy and too hot.” (Hooker 136) Imagery, plot, perspective. This quote helps to understand the meaning of plot and imagery. Imagery is shown by describing specific details that are happening. Plot is shown because the quote is developing the story-line.

“It’s gotta end sometime,” Henry was saying. “It’s gotta end sometime.” “All actions and all wars,” Trapper John said, “eventually do.” (Hooker 111) perspective, plot. This quote helps to understand the meaning of plot and perspective. There’s plot in this quote because it shows that the doctors are in the middle of a war which is a part of the storyline. Perspective is shown because this quote is said in the perspective of the doctors.

“Ugly John probably worked harder than anyone else in the unit. Theoretically his responsibilities consisted only of supervising the anesthesia service.” (Hooker 117) Character, plot

“Regardless of what the army had to say, the man to take care of his son was Dr. John F.X. McIntyre, now stationed at the 4077th MASH somewhere in Korea.” (Hooker 80) Character, plot

Overall these quotes send the message that war conditions are tough.

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In the second third of Fobbit, we start with Duret being briefed on something that happened that had to do with his men, specifically Shrinkle, who threw a thermite grenade into the cab of a US fuel truck that had crashed to avoid hitting goats crossing the road. The thermite grenade did not fully ignite the truck, but it only sizzled, and after the firemen doused out the flame, they found a dead local underneath the truck. Duret sentences Shrinkle to “R&R”, and later to manage the base’s gym. Shrinkle ends up having a British alter ego that he uses when he goes to talk to the Australians in the pool. Sergeant Gooding trains Kyle Pilley, a soldier who after being shot, got back up and chased after the sniper who shot him and zip-tied him, to get ready to go on news networks. Pilley ends up being blown up by an IED before he even talks to the media. 


“That’s about the time a VBIED explodes in the distance beyond the dust haze…  The laughter doesn’t dip, the baseball doesn’t waver in its trajectory between glove and glove. Life goes on, same as always. And sometimes, if you’re lucky, life tastes like coconut cream pie.” (Abrams 241) Perspective, Understatement, Simile. This quote helps me understand Harkleroad’s perspective on war, while also giving me a clue to what the message of war the author could be trying to convey through the story.


“How was he to know, eighteen years later, that that precise moment would be cupped in his mind as a golden memory? How was he to know he’d be drifting in a pool in a hot land three hundred miles south of a combat zone, listening to that same song and regretting all the chances that had slipped away from him?” (Abrams 201) Character, Imagery, Perspective, Juxtaposition, Plot. This quote helps me understand a little more about Abe Shrinkle’s past and why he does some of the things he does, like how he explains a little earlier how when the girl he asks to the dance asks him if he wants to smoke, he declines because bad “adult stuff” would happen, and shows how he likes to be a rule follower.


“He’d been listlessly combing through boxes and rereading letters, all the time trying to stifle his sobs. He figured it was early onset of PTSD but he felt powerless to stop it. BAM! BOOM! BAM! The fist continued to thunder on his trailer door. Abe sat quiet as a mouse on anesthesia.” (Abrams 174) Character, Onomatopoeia, Simile, Imagery, Perspective


“Duret sat at his desk, under the watchful gaze of Saddam Hussein’s taxidermied animals, working himself into a bone-cracker of a headache until finally, temples throbbing, he thought of something that would buy him a little time to sort it all out. One magic word: Qatar. Which rhymed with ‘R&R.’” Perspective, Hyperbole, Plot, Imagery (Abrams 153)

These quotes help convey the message that Everybody has a different perspective of war, even if they are participating in the war.

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Jason hates to fail and rarely does, but he is currently fighting a battle with adversity. Jason’s training begins to challenge him mentally more than physically, as he fails to clear a room and use “situational awareness.” Jason cares about every guy on his team and notices when Kipling starts to be anxious and is slipping away from the SEALS. Jason tries his best to guide Kipling and persuade him to stay, but he eventually drops out and even attempts suicide. Jason later struggles to decide whether he’s going to stay in the Navy, but his platoon chief uses wisdom to convince Jason to stay. After a very long wait, Sara finally gets to see her son as he comes to visit her, but only for a short period of time. Sara worries about Jason’s future plans in the Navy, but he tells her that she is overestimating the danger of his work. They go on a run and eat dinner together and in the morning, Sara wakes up to an empty bed with a letter written, “Don’t worry. And that’s an order. I love you.”(Carpenter, 123) Jason finds a girlfriend who is fierce and seems to be a great fit for him, and she is a daughter and a sister to two guys on the team. 

“When done at night, even with the finest new NVGs, an operator’s visibility is compromised, adding another layer of confusion. This is what war looks like, and we’re in it:”(Carpenter, 93)---Perspective, understatement, plot

“Leaving now is like-is like leaving the woods when the deer is dancing right into your sights.”(Carpenter, 113)---Simile, plot, perspective, personification

This quote helps me understand the internal pressure placed on many veterans like Jason when it comes to closing a career in the Navy. How many veterans feel obligated to keep serving because there’s still missions to complete, but the goal to be met seems to be waiting right in front of them. This quote shows a great example of a simile by comparing many missions in the Navy, to a long hunt for a deer.

“He would never forget an occasion and would move heaven and Earth as needed to not miss a game or even, in the rare case, a doctor's visit.”(Carpenter, 132)---hyperbole, plot

Jason’s godfather seems to be the prime example of a male role model that every young man needs in his life. This quote helped me understand that, even though Jason didn’t have his dad’s guidance, he was still able to shape himself into the respectable man he currently is. This is because there were many male role models in his life, whether it was a godfather, sergeant, or friend. This quote showcases a hyperbole that exaggerates the effort of a godfather, for the growth of a godchild. 

“The cloths were red and hid the blood. Somehow that cloth humanized them. Somehow that cloth said, These were once my eyes.”(Carpenter, 148)---imagery, plot, perspective, personification, understatement


The message created through these literary terms is that going to war requires support and guidance. There are many challenges faced during times of war, whether it be stress, disorientation, or pain. And without the support of friends, family, and role models, war would be nearly impossible to survive.

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  1. ¨billy hands him the ball and walks away with no lingering.¨(p190) O´Brien imagery and perspective are the literary terms I chose. I chose imagery because it talked about how he didn't stay to talk or anything, he just handed him the ball then left. The other term I chose was perspective because he could have not been feeling the moment, or was having a rough time, so he didn't feel like talking.
  2. ¨Her face is puffy, slack, a new thickness has filled out her cheeks and lips.¨(p153) O´Brien. Imagery 
  3. ¨The players seem so much more martial than any Bravo.¨(p174) O´Brien The terms I'm choosing are character and point of view. I chose the character because we know that Billy has some problems coming back from the military, and he looked at the football players like he wanted to be them. He wanted to be huge and strong considering they look bigger and stronger than any other bravo. It made him feel small. I also chose a point of view just because if we looked at it in his shoes maybe it would bother us with everything he's been through.
  4. ¨Swollen ass cheeks¨(p165) O¨Brien. Character is the term I'm choosing because even though he went through a lot he still has a little sense of humor that really adds to his character.


I think that even though he has his problems, he's still a normal guy, very straightforward, and has a sense of humor when he isn't stressed. This shows that when you go to war for however many years things change and some people might not be able to get used to that.

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The 2/3 of SlaughterHouse-five is the time that Billy got captured by the Germans and was brought to a British camp, where he gets treated for his injuries and fed. Later on, he has multiple flashbacks explaining his life before the war.

“The German soldiers sorted out the prisoners according to their rank” (Vonnegut 66) in this quote Billy has been captured and is being sorted out like produce for what rank they are.

“Now he was at the hospital. The doctors agreed. He was going crazy. They didn’t think it had anything to do with the war. They were sure Billy was going to pieces because his father had thrown him into the deep end of the YMCA swimming pool when he was a little boy.” (Vonnegut 100) This clues us in on what happened during Billy’s childhood. Making it known that he had a rough time with his father at home.

“Billy had seen the greatest massacre in European history, firebombing of Dresden.”( Vonnegut 101) we can see in this quote that billy had a dream about a bombing and he was scared to go to Dresden now.

“Your lads are leaving this afternoon for Dresden-A beautiful city I'm told.” (Vonnegut 146) There's really nothing that changed between the first part of the book and the 2/3 part of the book, with the book changing perspectives between future, present, and past. It makes it hard to discern what the theme for the book is. 

Slaughterhouse-five seems to be a medium book. It's not that hard to follow and to read what's happening although sometimes it can be confusing.

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In the second third of the novel, we see more training, and the everyday things he has to do. We see multiple people quit, and Jason also strongly considers it, but speaks to the Platoon chief, and decides not to.. We also see Jason go back home to surprise his mom, but leaves while she is sleeping in order to not have to say goodbye, although he leaves her a note. We also see him meeting and talking to a girl, and hanging out with her. 

  1. “ ‘Put the gun down.’ It is one of their guys pretending to be a hostile.” (Carpenter 94) Plot, Perspective, Character

This quote helps develop the story as we see Jason losing his focus a little bit, which can’t happen in the field he is in. We may see this take a toll on him, and be the reason he goes missing. He has a lot of things on his mind, and this is the first time we really see it affect him, and we can expect to see it more. This quote really showed what he was going through and how he was changing as a character. 


2 “ ‘That’s f****d up,’ said Jason. “Children leave behind their mothers.” (Carpenter 100)

Plot, Perspective, Imagery


  1. “Discovering someone who had been so unhappy was like discovering a bomb that had been ticking inside an Academy classroom.” (Carpenter 101)

Plot, Perspective, Character, Simile, Imagery

This quote shows a simile really well and helps us understand the situation, as we realize what it’s like finding out how upset someone is. They explain how they are like a ticking time bomb, and once they found out, the bomb basically exploded. This develops the story as we begin to realize people are dropping like flies, and that being in this field is difficult, especially for your mental health. 


  1. “When he had heard was that Kipling had requested dismissal for medical reasons and that, following an evaluation in which he was pronounced clinically depressed, suicidal, and at serious risk to himself and peers…”(Carpenter 102)

Plot, Perspective, Character, Understatement

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Add what you think is the message about war based on these specific quotes and literary terms. 

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The message about war seen in this third of the book that is emphasized through literary terms is War requires all your focus, one slip up could cost you. The term that shows this is character, as we see multiple times Jason losing focus, such as when one of his guys is pretending to be hostile. We also see this when multiple people leave and drop out, as they were unhappy, and their full focus was not there.

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The 2/3 of The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway. In this part of my novel Jake and his friends take off to a small town called Burgette to fish and attend a bullfighting show. They go and fish all day and drink and eat and hang out with their girlfriend Brett who they all have a little bit of feeling for. They continue to end their fishing days and then go to a seven-day festival that is all day and all night that leads up to their famous bullfighting shows. 

"The square was hot, and the trees were green, and the flags hung on their staffs and it was good to get out of the sun and under the shade of the arcade and that runs all the way around the square."(100 Hemingway) This quote is an example ofthe literary term Imagery. This quote helps me understand the story more because it shows and talks about the town they travled to and they spent the whole 2/3 of the book in this town, so it was important to know about it. 

"And as for this Robert Cohn, Bill said, he makes me sick, and he can go to hell, and i'm damn glad he's staying hero so we won't have him fishing with us."(108 Hemingway) This quote is and exmplae of the litery term Plot. 

"He was a very distinguished soilder, Brett said. Tell them about the time your horse bolted down piccadilly."(139 Hemingway)This quote is a exmpale of the literary term Plot. 

"Lookhow he knows how to use his horns, I said. He's got a left and a right just like a boxer."(144 Hemingway) This quote is an exmaple of the literary term Metaphor. I think this quote is important to the story because it shows the point of bull fighting. The story is mostly about there life travelilng and there ennjoyment with this particular sport. It compares there life in Burgette to there life in America a way we can undertsand. 

The message about war is that life goes on even if you fought in the war you will have a life after. 


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During this part of the novel Kate seems to be struggling more and more mentally with working at the checkpoint and living at the campsite with the other men and the few women. Its revealed that Kormick and Boner, the ones that tried to rape kate, raped third eye and it could still be happening but nothing is being done. More is happening with the prisoners and you get a glance into what life is like in there from Kate's perspective as well as Naema's a little bit. Kate is able to get someone to find Zaki and a message is able to be passed on to Naema and eventually their mother and grandmother. Naema and her family are struggling to find food and electricity as well as all the emotions that they are feeling over their families separation. Towards the end of this chapter Naema’s grandmother is having serious health complications and could die. 

“Far as I’m concerned, it never fucking happened at all.”(Benedict 96) -character, plot, perspective, understatement. This quote made a large impact on the entire situation with Kormick and Boner. Kate saying this shows how she choose to handle the emotions that can come after being sexually assaulted even if it was only an attempt that was prevented. Kate's response helps me understand how the power roles of the other male characters and how they might be making her feel like she doesn't deserve to not be treated like an equal just because she is a woman. Something else that adds into this quotes meaning is that if jimmy had not had her moved to a different job she could have been raped rather than just being assaulted.

“‘He raped me. Him and Boner together. Of course I’m not ‘all right.’’ ‘Oh God! They tried to do that to me, too!’” (Benedict 139) -plot, perspective, character. This quote helps me understand more about how the story is trying to express the trauma of being a soldier as women beyond the wars. The trauma that can be caused by being a woman at a lower ranking and having to overwork to try and prove your worth constantly to others. Third eye telling Kate she would kill her if she told anyone to help support the concept of not wanting to seem like a weak soldier that could not fight off an attack. These additions to the novel help with understanding what it could be like to have to take all of these bad things just to keep a reputation.

“They seem to come from a time and place as remote and innocent as when I was an infant.”(Benedict 143) -simile, character, perspective

“A father carrying a blood-smeared infant, tears rolling down his careworn face. A boy, limp and emaciated, pus oozing from the gashes on his leg. A dust-covered pickup with an unconscious teenaged girl in the back, her chest and neck charred and blistered.”(Benedict 219) -imagery, plot, perspective

The overall message of war shown through these quotes is that war exposes everyone to the bad things in the world whether you’re a good person or not, you'll still feel its effects.

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