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War Poetry Response
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War Poetry Response

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After reviewing the poetry on the War Poetry sheet, complete the following response. 

Choose two poems that you feel most comfortable with and analyze the following for each poem individually: 

  • What are the two most significant literary terms that appear in the poem to you? 
    • Which literary terms stood out the most to you? Which ones helped you understand the poem the most?
  • Include two quotes from each poem that showcase one literary term each. Explain which literary term they represent. 
  • Explain how those literary terms helped you understand the author’s perspective on war.
    • What is the author’s perspective on war? What is a message you took away from each poem?

To quote a poem, place backslash marks between each line break

Example: “What if I didn’t shoot the old lady/running away from our patrol” (Ehrhart)

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In the poem Bosnia Tune by Joseph Brodsky, the two most significant literary terms I found were Repetition and imagery. 

My first example of repetition is "People die as you elect new apostles of neglect self-restraint, ect.--whereby people die." Brodsky 13-16)  This supports repetition because even though this is just one paragraph it talks about people dying through the whole poetry 

My other example of imagery is “As you sip your brand of scotch, crush a roach orr scratch your scratch…”(Brodsky 1-2)  This supports imagery because even though we wish not to see it we can still kinda imagine it and what it looks like.


This sums up the poet because the poet kinda says that basically everyone dies someday and that no matter what's gonna happen at the end of the day people will die especially in the war.

In the poem Camouflaging by Yusef Komunyaykaa, the two most significant literary terms I found were metaphor and imagery. 

My first example of metaphor is “From saigon to Bangkok, with women left in driveways reaching in from America.”(Komunyakaa  12-13) This supports my reason because throughout the whole poem there is a lot of imagery but on this spot specifically because women aren't actually left in driveways.

My other example of imagery is “We hugged bamboo and leaned against a breeze of the river,...”(Komunyakaa 8-9) This supports my reason because I can imagine all this happening in my head and it's also something kinda different so it also makes it easier to imagine.

Overall the poet shows that even though we can assume that the people are dead it still show how like peaceful they can make it sound even though there are still people fighting above them

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In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov, the two most significant literary terms I found were imagery and hyperbole.

“But water still Comes bloody from the taps, and my pet cat In his disorder vomits worms which crawl Swiftly away” is an example of imagery because it’s painting a picture for the reader.

“I heard the dust falling between the walls.” is an example of hyperbole because it’s being exaggerated. The person in the story can’t actually hear dust falling between the walls.

This poem is sending the message that the war is never over for soldiers.

In the poem camouflaging the Chimera by Yusef Komunyakaa, the two most significant literary terms I found were imagery and plot. 

“We hugged bamboo & leaned against a breeze off the river, slow-dragging with ghosts” is an example of imagery because it allows the reader to picture what is happening. 

“We tied branches to our helmets. We painted our faces & rifles with mud from a riverbank” is an example of plot because it allows the reader to understand what is happening in the story. It gives the reader an idea that they’re trying to stay hidden.

This poem allows the reader to understand what the soldiers did to stay hidden.

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In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov, the two most important literary terms I found while reading it were Imagery and Juxtaposition.

Juxtaposition. "I tried to wash the dirt out of My hair and from under my fingernails, I dressed in clean white clothes and went to bed." This is an example of Juxtaposition because it is talking about one thing, him washing his hands which leads up to him getting in white clothes and going to bed.

imagery. "He keeps a soldier's dead blue eyeballs...hard as chalk, and blue as a skate. He clicks them in his pocket while he talks." This is an example of imagery because it is making us see what the eyeballs look like by describing them and telling us what sound they make.

This poem is sending the message that war never just goes away and people hold on to it in their own different ways.

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In the poem Camouflaging the Chimera by Yusef Komunyakaa, the literary terms I found were Juxtaposition  and Imagery. “We aimed at dark-hearted songbirds” ( Komunyakaa 14) is an example of juxtaposition because songbirds are known for being beautiful and nice birds. But in this story it talks about them being dark-hearted so the same thing but they are going in different directions. “We tied branches to our helmets. We painted our faces and rifles with mud from the riverbank”(Komunyakaa 1-3)  is an example of Imagery because you can easily imagine the people in the story putting mud on their face and branches on their helmets. The main message of the poem is that war is not what it seems; there are things that change and you see things differently during and after the fact. 


In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov, the literary terms I found were Paradox and Imagery. “They say the war is over, But water still comes bloody from the taps” (Nemerov 1-2) is an example of Paradox because water isn’t bloody so it's going against itself saying that even though they say the war is over the water still comes out bloody but that isn’t possible so it's a paradox.  “He keeps a soldier's dead blue eyeballs that he found somewhere--hard as chalk, and blue as skate. He Clicks them in his pocket, While he talks.”(Nemerov  8-10)  is an example of imagery when reading this part of the poem you can literally imagine a pair of blue eyeballs in someone's pocket being clicked together as he talks. The message of this poem is that the war may not be over even if you think it is. 

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In the Poem Beautiful Wreckage by W.D. EHRHART, the two most significant literacy terms I found were Repetition and Point of View.

"What if I didn't shoot"(1), "Or What if the boy"(5), "What if it really was"(14) This is an example of Repetition because it's showing the words "What if" is used in a different spot of each stanza. This helped me understand the different thoughts he was thinking because he was questioning different scenarios. 

"What if I didn't shoot the old lady" (1) "What if none of it happened the way I said?"(21) This is an example of Point of View because he is using the words "I" instead of you and your. This helps me understand more about the character because without it I would have to guess who shot the old lady, boy, or old man in the back of the head. 

In the Poem The Last Lie by BRUCE WEIGL, the two most significant literacy terms I found were Imagery and Simile. 

"Waving one hand across her swollen, bleeding/head," (10-11) and "And fingered the edge of another can/Like it was the seam of a baseball/Until his rage ripped" (20-22) This is an example of Imagery because it provides details that I can envision in my head. I can picture someone gripping a baseball and a swollen, bleeding head. This provides a different level of understanding in the Poem because it provides great detail with telling a story.

The Simile portion refers to the "Like" and "As" used in the stanzas, "As if she thought it were a joke"(18) and "Like it was the seam of a baseball" (20) The comparison of a baseball helps play a role in the imagery. When the girl laughed "As if she thought it was a joke," This provides the reader with how she is feeling. At first, we didn't know how she felt after getting a can thrown at her head but now with that sentence, it helps the reader know she isn't upset. 


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In the Poem, Beautiful Wreckage by W.D. EHRHART the message received as a reader was when thinking; "what if," there are so many possibilities in a war that can affect a person. The character was questioning everything. 

In the Poem, The Last Time by BRUCE WEIGL the message received as a reader was mostly visual. The author uses good examples of imagery to help show how even though the little girl was getting bullied in a time of war she was looking at the positive of getting food. It shows that not everyone is miserable but looks for the good. 

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In The Last Lie by Bruce Weigl the literary terms point of view and character are especially crucial to conveying the message of the poem. 

When observing point of view we immediately notice our narrator, our narrator is important because they establish the relationship of the unaffected, they are condoning actions without necessarily supporting them, they are a bystander watching a situation unfold. That’s why when we see “I grit my teeth to myself to remember that girl / smiling as she fought off her brothers and sisters,” (14-15) we are hit with understanding of the perspective. This is a memory from a bystander, a painful look back on events when deployed, our understanding of POV is crucial to our frustration at the situation, if we were any other character in this event our perspective and therefore retelling of these events would have been drastically changed. 

As a bystander in this poem we can observe our other characters from the most objective lens and this leads us to think and wonder as an audience on a character's actions more than we might if we were in their perspective. We as an audience understand the significance of “And the guy with me laughed . . . Until his rage ripped / again into the faces of children,” (18.21-22) because we lack understanding of why the man with the can decided to do these things. By asking ourselves questions like ‘Why is he laughing?’ or ‘Why is he angry?’ Our writer helps the audience immerse themselves into the experience of our narrator and setting.

The writer's choice to include these literary terms help the reader comprehend that war is so much more than death. 


In Beautiful Wreckage by W.D. Ehrhart we see the use of repetition and paradox help the reader better understand the themes of the poem. 

The phrase “What if-” ( is used over 5 times within the poem and is a perfect example of repetition. In this case the repetition is used to build a hypothetical, to bring the reader to an alternative place and tell an alternative story, this represents the narrator's dissension for their memory or perhaps their actions within it. By avoiding blatantly telling the audience the story we understand the denial and aversion of the subject and can better comprehend our own narrator's thoughts and feelings on what had happened. 

In the last Stanza our previous preconception of the entire poem is questioned, “What if none of it happened the way I said?” (21) This paradox confuses the reader and makes them question the ideas presented earlier. This idea of denial comes further into question as the last of the poem plays out and the audience as we ourselves wonder if the narrator is lying to us or to themselves. Denial, a commonly understood phase of grief and mourning is accentuated by the use of paradox in our narrators own reflections. 

The use of paradox and repetition help tell the reader that the effects (represented by memories) are permanent and the grief (represented by denial) doesn’t end.

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In the poem Bosnia Tune by Joseph Brodsky, the two most significant literary terms I found were Repetition and Paradox. 

“Time, whose sharp, blood-thirsty quil parts the killed from those who kill, will pronounce the latter tribe as your type.” This is an example of a paradox because it is a statement that contradicts itself. It is saying you kill or don't kill but at the end of the quote it ends up stating that you will kill.

“People Die…… People Die…….People Die……..People Die…….People Die……..People Die.” This is an example of repetition. Through seven stanzas six of the end with “People Die”.


In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov, the two most significant literary terms I found were Understatement and imagery.

“The War may be over. I know a man who keeps a pleasant souvenir, he keeps a soldier's dead blue eyeballs that he found somewhere. Hard as chalk and blue as skate.” This is an example of understatement because this quote doesn't show you how to feel about this old man keeping the old eyes he picked out of another person. This is done to save you (the reader) some of the mental hurt of feeling of the situation.


“The War may be over. I know a man who keeps a pleasant souvenir, he keeps a soldier's dead blue eyeballs that he found somewhere. Hard as chalk and blue as skate.`` This is also an example of Imagery because the author decides the dead eyeballs in such a way that you can picture them clear as day.

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Explain what each poem helped you understand in terms of messages about war. 

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In the poem Bosnia Tune by Joseph Brodsky, the two most significant literary terms I found were Repetition and Paradox. 

“Time, whose sharp, blood-thirsty quil parts the killed from those who kill, will pronounce the latter tribe as your type.” This is an example of a paradox because it is a statement that contradicts itself. It is saying you kill or don't kill but at the end of the quote it ends up stating that you will kill. Message: War causes us to change and see through a different lense.


In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov, the two most significant literary terms I found were Understatement and imagery.

“The War may be over. I know a man who keeps a pleasant souvenir, he keeps a soldier's dead blue eyeballs that he found somewhere. Hard as chalk and blue as skate.” This is an example of understatement because this quote doesn't show you how to feel about this old man keeping the old eyes he picked out of another person. This is done to save you (the reader) some of the mental hurt of feeling of the situation. Message: War is never ending.

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In the poem “The Beautiful Wreckage” by W.D Ehrhart, the most significant literary terms I found were juxtaposition and understatement. “What if it really was instead of the place of rotting sandbags, incoming heavy artillery, rats, and mud.” is an example of juxtaposition because the author is comparing what the location looks like now with what it looked like in the past. This helped me understand the transition of the environment from during to after the war. It shows me that the author thinks war leaves an everlasting effect not only on the soldiers but on the environment as well. “What if I didn’t shoot the old lady running away from our patrol, or the old man in the back of the head, or the boy in the marketplace?” is an example of an understatement because the author says it like it’s something minor when it’s not.  This shows that the author thinks war makes soldiers numb. It shows me that in war you need to get rid of your feelings to be successful. The overall message of the poem seems to be although war ends its effects are long-lasting. 


In the poem “Bosnia Tune” by Joseph Brodsky, the most significant literary terms I found were imagery and understatement.” In small places you don’t know of, yet big for having no chance to scream or say goodbye, people die”is an example of imagery because the author is describing the environment. This helped me understand the location of the poem a little more- saying it's in places you don’t even know of. It shows me that the author knows death is everywhere in the world, at all times. This helped me understand that war is everywhere. “In towns with funny names hit by bullets, caught in flames, by and large, not knowing why people die” is an example of an understatement because the author doesn’t give enough information for the reader to understand what led to this. It shows me that the author thinks war hurts innocent people. It shows me that war doesn’t care when innocent people get hurt. The overall message of this poem seems to be that war kills innocent people. 

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In the poem Beautiful Wreckage by W.D. Ehrhart, the two most significant literary terms I found were Juxtaposition and Imagery.

“Con Thien means place of angels. What if it really was instead of the place of rotting sandbags, incoming heavy artillery, rats and mud.” This is an example of juxtaposition because they are comparing where they are in Vietnamese and how it is described to how it really is. It is supposed to be beautiful and a peaceful place, but is instead a place of war and mess. This helped me understand how war is seen by the author as they wish Vietnamese was really as described, instead of this place of violence it truly is. 

“What if I didn’t shoot the old lady running away from our patrol, or the old man in the back of the head, or the boy in the marketplace?” This is an example of imagery because this is said so that the reader can picture what the author is seeing, and understand what he has to go through everyday in order to keep everyone else safe. This helped me understand how war is impacting the character because it shows the terrible things that he has to do and witness everyday, and makes us realize these things can have a toll on you mentally. 

In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov, the two most significant literary terms I found were Metaphor and Perspective.

“And now there are cockroaches in the house, They get slightly drunk on DDT,...” This is an example of a metaphor because reading the poem and the title of this poem, we can infer that he is not really talking about cockroaches, and he is referring to himself and how he feels. This helped me understand how war is seen by the author as it shows how the war made him feel after, and the way the war had affected him. 

“They say the war is over. But water still comes bloody from the taps, and my pet cat in his disorder vomits worms…” This is an example of perspective because these are the things he still sees from his point of view, even though the war is said to be over. It may be over, but there is still a war going on in his head. This helped me understand how war is seen by the author because it shows that although the war is still over, they still have to go through a battle every day because of what they went through. The true war may be over, but not the war in his head.

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In the poem Camouflaging the Chimera by YUSEF KOMUNYAKAA, the two most significant literary terms I found were Imagery and Metaphors. 

“We tied branches to our helmets. We painted our faces & rifles with mud from a riverbank.” This quote represents Imagery because it paints a picture in your head. You can especially see them taking mud and swiping it on their faces. This quote helps me understand that in this poem, they are in the thick of it. Using mud as camouflage and tying helmets to branches. Almost to stay unseen, a tactic in war. 

“The river ran through our bones.” This quote represents a metaphor because the author is comparing the river and the bones. This quote helped me understand the soldiers in the river, holding still. Staying quiet, and slow moving. 

With deeper thought, I noticed the story is about the dead soldiers. The “camouflage” was the result of them sinking into the wilderness after death. And maybe the river is really flowing against their bones and flesh after some died in the river itself. Helped me understand that war is death, and the war is so surreal that death doesn’t feel real. It’s a process of understanding, and after looking deeper into the poem I come to the realization of death, which may be how fellow soldiers process the death of their partners. 

In the poem Bosnia Tune by JOSEPH BRODSKY, the two most significant literary terms I found were Juxtaposition and Metaphor. 

“As you watch the athletes score, check your latest statement, or kiss your child a lullaby, people die.” is an example of juxtaposition because at the same time there are people living a normal life at home while others are fighting for their life dying. It helps me understand that people live the life the soldiers are ACTIVELY fighting for. 

“Time, whose sharp, blood-thirsty quill, parts the killed from those who kill, will pronounce the latter tribe as your type.” is an example of metaphor because it is comparing time, and the way I see it, the porcupine quill. Helps me understand that in a painstaking war, time will determine who makes it out alive. 

The whole poem is a juxtaposition. While the rest of the world is doing everyday things, going about their lives, soldiers are battling the enemy and time surrendering their lives for the free.

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In the poem The Last Lie by Bruce Weigl, the two most significant literary terms I found were Juxtaposition and Metaphor. 

“She laughed as if she thought it were a joke and the guy with me laughed.” is an example of juxtaposition because it’s showing a similar expression of two different emotions. This helped me understand how war is impacting these characters by showing how emotions affect characters and their actions. It shows me that the author thinks war can make people show their true colors while others are blind to it. 

“And fingered the edge of another can like it was the seam of a baseball.” is an example of metaphor because it’s showing a character creating imagery by comparing a can to a baseball seam. This helped me understand how war is impacting this character by showing how much he hates these kids because of their needs; what caused him to be there in the war and how much of an impact he wants his hatred to make, even if it's against someone innocent. It shows me that the author thinks that war can get the better of people and change people for the worst. 

Overall the message of the poem seems to be that in war there is unjust cruelty in the world.


In the poem Camouflaging the Chimera by Yousef Komunyakaa, the two most significant literary terms I found were Juxtaposition and Imagery. 


“We tied branches to our helmets. We painted our faces & rifles with mud from a riverbank, blades of grass hung from the pockets of our tiger suits.” is an example of imagery because it shows us how the soldiers camouflage using resources around them and describes how they used the resources. This helped me understand how war is impacting these characters by describing to me what situations they’re in and what they’re needing to do to camouflage themselves from the enemy. It shows me that the author thinks and really visualizes what he’s writing about. 


“We aimed at dark-hearted songbirds.” is an example of juxtaposition because it symbolized how often in war soldiers must kill human beings that they are told are evil on the inside, but really they’re still killing a living person. This helped me understand how war is impacting these characters by helping me view how they see the enemies. It shows me that the author really thinks that it’s not just black and white with enemies. 


Overall the message of the poem seems to be that the experience of war and how a human adapts to nature to accomplish their military goal.

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In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov, the two most important literary terms I found were imagery and association.

“Somewhere--hard as chalk, and blue as skate.” is an example of imagery because it is describing something and in this example he is describing a soldier's eyes that have been removed from his head. He mentions how they have hardened and are a shade of blue to give the reader a baseline to what this scene looked like from his perspective. This helped me understand how war can affect people and show their real motives. When reading that stanza it made me realize that a man took another soldier's eyes out. Whether or not they were being kept as some kind of trophy or as a remembrance of a friend the image used paints a picture which is the purpose of imagery.

“And now there are cockroaches in the house,/They get slightly drunk on DDT,” is an example of an association between the cockroaches that have moved into the house and how they aren’t dying despite being poisoned. This is an association because it is comparing how the cockroaches are surviving anything just like the war that doesn't seem to actually end. I feel like this was used to express how continuous the war has been and how nothing seems to end it for good.

The overall message of the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov is that war never really dies completely after the fighting stops and everyone just tries to move on as best they can.

In the poem Beautiful Wreckage by W.D Ehrhart, the two most significant literary terms I found were Imagery and Repetition.

“Instead of the place of rotting sandbags, / incoming heavy artillery, rats and mud.” is an example of imagery because it is using descriptive words to describe an image or scene to a reader. He is sort of trying to express a scary or dangerous place to the reader but in the earlier stanza he is talking about the meaning of Con Thien and saying it is the place of angels. This shows possibly what it was and how it has changed after battling and violence.

“What if I didn’t shoot the old lady///Or what if the boy--but he didn’t////////What if it really was//What if the angels were in ames and ski,” is an example of repetition because the author is using the same sentence over to create and image for the reader that gives a bigger meaning that just saying what means alone. He is asking and questioning about how different things might be and how he might feel if he hadn't killed those people, if he even did in the first place. He is creating an unknown in the story to make the person reading it think about what is being said. He is using the ‘what ifs’ as a way of expressing how he did not want things to happen the way he did and he is showing emotion and regret about the violence that occured at his hands.

Overall the message of the poem could be that regret is overwhelming especially when you didn’t really have the option of choosing your life vs theirs.

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Beautiful Wreckage. Lit terms are Repetition and Paradox. 

"What if the angels were Ames and Ski?' What if none of it happened the way I said?"  (Stanza 5 line 1)

There are a total of four 'What if?'s in this poem. This is repetition, it really highlights the many different things that can happen. This author provides a perspective on how you can easily just forget about the wreckage and all the bad things.

It is an example of a paradox. The author says "What if none of it happened the way I said? Would it all be a lie? Would the wreckage suddenly be beautiful?" (Stanza 6 line 1-4)  All of the death and violence contradicts with this statement of how it could be beautiful. 

The authors perspective/view on war involves repetition by showing how war repeats itself and war never changes. Some soldiers may deal with war using paradox in the way they speak, for example when the author compares the death and violence of war to being beautiful. 

Redeployment ALit terms Imagery and juxtaposition

"I know a man who keeps a pleasant souvenir, he keeps a soldiers dead blue eyeballs" Stanza 2 line 1) Juxtaposition is present here because physically if you are in war you can become dirty, but you can emotionally become dirty as well covered with the stains of war.

This is a strong example of imagery, it is very descriptive of how the eyeballs look and how dead they are.  This imagery helps understand the raw scenes that get imprinted into your head like a picture that you cannot erase.

"I tried to wash the dirt out of my hair and from under my fingernails"  (Stanza 4 line 2) 

He is trying to scrub the memories away, he is trying to forgot about his past from the war. But he cant rid it out of him. Imagery

This author drives the point of the marks war leaves on soldiers. This is his perspective. I took away that each soldier has a different view and a different way of coping with war.

It seems many soldiers have memories and pictures in their head that will not leave and can be compared to everyday life.

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In the poem Bosnia Tune By Joseph Brodsky the two most significant literary terms I found were Hyperbole and Perspective.


“People die as you elect new apostles of neglect” is an example of hyperbole because it explains to us in an exaggerated way that people die, but not everybody dies from it making it exaggerated. This helps me understand the author’s perspective on war because it shows how the author thinks of war and how people will die in war because of the consequences they go through. 


“In towns with funny names hit by bullets, caught in flames, by large, no knowing why, people die” is an example of perspective because it makes the reader think about what the author is explaining and they can see the event happening in their head. The author uses descriptive details that the reader can understand which shows perspective. This helps me understand the author's perspective of war because It shows me that the author wants us to be able to see what he is writing through his reading and by doing that we can understand and see what is going on about war through his writing. 


Overall message of the poem is that in war people die

In the Poem Camouflaging the Chimera by Yusef Komunyakaa the two most significant literary terms I found were Plot and Imagery

“We tied branches to our helmets. We painted our faces & rifles with mud from a riverbank” is an example of Plot because it is the first stanza and it is introducing to the reader what the poem is going to be about. This moment explains to the reader what is going on and this makes us think about how the story will continue. This helps me understand the author's perspective on war because I can tell from how the author explains that the soldiers are getting camouflaged so they can stay hidden from the enemies. This shows me that the author's perspective is probably hiding in the war and sneaking around rather than fighting in the open fields. 

“We hugged bamboo & leaned against a breeze off the river, slow-dragging with ghosts” is an example of Imagery because it gives us a moment where the author wants the reader to be able to see what he is writing. He wants us to imagine seeing the ghost and that is when imagery comes into play. This helps me understand the author's perspective on war because It shows how the soldiers are in the wild near the river and they can see ghosts or the ghosts are the dead soldiers in war that they see. This helps me understand that the author may be going through flashbacks of war and how he was affected. 


Overall message of the poem is that in war camouflage is a man's best friend

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In the poem When I Am 19 I Was A Medic by D.F. Brown, there's a paradox right in the title, as well as hyperbole. Talking about being 19 as though it's a future-tense term and then referring to being a medic as past-tense. In his mind, it may be hinting he's still in the mindset of being 19. This poem has a lot of understatement, imagery, and metaphor.

"Each night I lay out all my stuff: morphine, bandages at my shoulder, just below, parallel, my rifle. I sleep strapped to a .45, bleached into my fear. I do this under the biggest tree, some nights I dig in saying my wife's name over and over" (Brown). Is an example of perspective and imagery as it gives the reader a bit of a mental picture of what happens to him at nights and what he does. There is also metaphor when he says he's bleached into his fear.

"Now they tell me something else-- I've heard it all before sliding through the grass to get here" (Brown). Is an example of understatement. I feel there's not enough information here. This guy is sliding through the grass to get somewhere then being told something else. If I didn't know it was about war, I probably would have questioned why he was sliding through the grass. But what was he told? Where is he trying to go?

Overall, the message of this poem is that war is traumatic.

In the poem Beautiful Wreckage by W.D. Ehrhart, there is another paradox in this title. Wreckage being beautiful.

"What if I didn't shoot the old lady running away from our patrol, or the old man in the back of the head, or the boy in the marketplace" (Ehrhart). Is an example of understatement and imagery because we can picture the scene, but there is no where near enough information. Why did you shoot the old lady? Why was she running away from your patrol? Why did you shoot an old man in the back of the head? Why a boy in a marketplace? Where's the background information?

"In Vietnamese, Con Thien means place of angels. What if it really was instead of a place of rotting sandbags, incoming heavy artillery, rats and mud" (Ehrhart). Is an example of imagery and juxtaposition. It gives the reader a mental picture of the scene and what the reality of their situation is, and juxtaposition with comparing this place of angels to their current environment of rotting sandbags, incoming heavy artillery, rats and mud.

Overall, the message of this poem is that war is not always pretty.

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In the poem “Beautiful Wreckage” by W.D.  Ehrhart, the two most significant literary terms I found were,  point of view and repetition. 

“What if I didn’t shoot the old lady” (Ehrhart 1) This quote is telling me that the poem is in first person by them using “I”. Having this in the first person shows what they think about the things they’ve done and shows us their emotions. 

The second quote I used was, “What if I didn’t shoot the old lady/// Or what if the boy-but he didn’t//////// What if it really was// What if the angels were Ames and Ski/// What if none of it happened the way I said?” (Ehrhart 1, 5, 14, 17, and 21) demonstrates repetition. This shows that he is questioning everything he’s done and wondering what could have been if he had changed what had been. Without these statements, I wouldn't have known that he may have regretted anything. 

The overall message seems to be regret comes ever if it's from something you didn't particularly have control over.


In the poem “The Last Lie” by Bruce Weigl, the most prominent literary terms are plot and imagery. 

The plot in this builds in the present and ends in what could be the past. “I grit my teeth to myself to remember that girl” (Weigl 15) This could be showing us that when he remembers that girl it kind of brings a bad taste to his mouth. 

“Until his rage ripped/ Again into the faces of the children” (Weigl 22-23) This is showing the imagery in the poem, it helps me paint a picture in my head of how they look and what’s going on. 

I feel the overall message in this poem is that even when you are on the same side in war there is still betrayal. 

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In the poem “Beautiful Wreckage” by W.D. Ehrhart, the two most significant literary terms I found were imagery and understatement. 

“What if I didn’t shoot the old lady running away from our patrol, or the old man in the back of the head…?” This quote is an example of imagery because it's using descriptive language that helps us visualize a scene.

“What if none of it happened the way I said? Would it all be a lie?” This quote is an example of an understatement because it doesn’t give us the “what” that the author is talking about. We don’t have much context and can’t conclude much from this quote.

These quotes help me understand that the author has a “what if?” perspective on war. The message I believe the author is getting at is that war is not planned, and there are many factors that can affect the outcome of not only war but the fighter in the war. 


In the poem “Bosnia Tune” by Joseph Brodsky, the two most significant literary terms I found were repetition and juxtaposition.

“ your hand adjusts your tie, people die.” This quote is an example of repetition because it appears at the end of each Stanza in this poem.

“As you watch the athletes score, check your latest statement, or kiss your child a lullaby, people die.” This quote is an example of juxtaposition because it describes to us a scenario where two opposing, or contradicting things are happening at the same time. 

These literary devices help me understand the author's perspective on war since they both reiterate the most prevalent problem of war. Death. The message that the author is trying to send us is that there is always going to be conflict and war. When we are protected in our homes and are doing daily basic things, somewhere there’s war. Somewhere people are dying.

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in the poem "Redeployment" the most common lit terms are juxtaposition

"The war may be over, Iknow a man who keeps a pleasant souvenir" (Nemrov) juxtaposition

".....pleasant souvenir he keeps a dead soldier's blue eyeballs, that he found...." (Nemerov) paradox

these two quotes help me better understand the story because it shows how through war points of view. Like with the soldier's eyeballs. He sees them as pleasant souvenirs, but others wouldn't see them as pleasant

In the poem "The Last Lie" is about a group of soldiers and the soldiers are giving the kids of the town c-rations but one soldier is throwing them harshly at them. the most common lit terms are juxtaposition and simile

"I grit my teeth to myself to remember that girl, Smiling as she fought off her brothers and sisters" (Weigl)

As if she thought it were a joke. And the guy with me luaghed" (Weigl)

theese qutes help me understand the peom better becuase the man and the girl are both laughing but for a diffrent reason.Showing that they are takeing the situation diffrently.


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In the poem When I Am 19 I was a medic by: D.F. Brown  The most common lit terms are Imagery and Metaphor.

"Each Night I lay out all my stuff: morphine, bandages, at my shoulder, just below, parallel, my rifle. I sleep strapped to a .45,"(Brown) Imagery 

This quote shows imagery because I can really see and understand what he is doing and what his surroundings are.

"Bleached into my fear."(Brown) Metaphor 

This quote is a good example of metaphor because he describes something with something Completely unrelated but they end up working perfectly together.

This poem is sending the message that war always stays in your mind and it doesn't just go away when you go home. 

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