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War Poetry Response
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War Poetry Response

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 The poem Bosnia Tune By Joseph Brodsky is my first poem, the two most significant literary terms that stuck out to me right away were Hyperbole and Perspective.“People die as you elect new apostles of neglect” this is a good example of hyperbole because it explains to us that people die. The quote does it in an over the top way to really get the point across, but not everybody dies in war making it more significant that when people do die it's a big deal. This helps me understand the author’s perspective on war because it shows how the author thinks of war and how people will die in war because of the way war works and how people have to act in a war situation. “In towns with funny names hit by bullets, caught in flames, by large, no knowing why, people die” is an example of perspective because it tells us a lot about what the author is thinking. It gives us an idea of what is going on in the authors head about war. The author is trying to make sense of why people were dying. This helps me understand the author's perspective of war because This quote shows me what the author is trying to see and what the author is trying to say, he is trying to see war through his words. The message I got from these about war is that when you go into war people will always die


In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov, the two most significant literary terms I found were Metaphor and Perspective.“And now there are cockroaches in the house, They get slightly drunk on DDT,...” This is an example of a metaphor because when you look at the name of the poem, we can infer that he is not really talking about cockroaches, instead he is referring to himself and how he feels. This helped me understand how war is seen by another person and how it made him feel afterward. He wrote about it and chose to share his feelings in a big way. “They say the war is over. But water still comes bloody from the taps, and my pet cat in his disorder vomits worms…” This is an example of perspective because these are the things he still sees even after the war is said to be over, in his head he is still at war and there are still thoughts he is battling about the war. This helped me understand how war is seen by the author because it shows that even though the war is physically over, he still has to go through a battle every day in his head because of what they went through. 

The message from the poem about war is that even though the physical war is over, for everyone involved they still have a lot to battle.

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In the poem The last lie by:Bruce Weigl the most common lit terms are imagery and simile. 

"Waving one hand across her swollen,bleeding head" (Weigl) This quote shows imagery because when I read this I could see a little girl wiping her bleeding head. 

"And fingered the edge of another can like it was a seam of a baseball." (Weigl) This quote shows simile because the author was comparing two things and making a mental image. 

In the poem Beautiful Wreckage by:W.D. Ehrhart the most common lit terms are imagery and paradox. 

"What if I didn't shoot the old lady running away from our patrol or the old man in the back of the head." (Ehrhart) This shows imagery because the author is using words that help create an image in your head. 

"What if none of it happened the way I said? Would it be a lie? Would the wreckage be suddenly beautiful?" This quote shows paradox because the solider is wondering what if this wasn't happening. 

I think overall war doesn't just stop or go away it will always be there. 

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In the poem Beautiful Wreckage by W.D. Ehrhart, the two literary terms I chose were imagery and paradox.

¨In Vietnamese, Con Thien means place of angels. What if it really was instead of the place of rotting sandbags, incoming heavy artillery, rats and mud.¨ This is an example of imagery, because the words used in that quote made me visualize what he was talking about. This helped me understand that he was not for war in any way with the disgusting way he talks about his time there. It also helps me understand that going to war you might see some very gruesome things, maybe some things you can't unsee.


¨Beautiful Wreckage¨ this is an example of paradox, because you wouldn't think wreckage could be beautiful. What a paradox is, is two words that get put together but are nothing alike. This tells me that he might have been questioning beautiful places, like heaven if it was actually real or not. He was so confused seeing both sides of life, the good(Beautiful) and the bad.(Wreckage) This helps me understand that just because something gets ruined or destroyed that it still cant be beautiful.

In the poem Redeployment byHarold Nemerov, the two literary terms I chose were metaphor and simile. 


¨A soldiers dead blue eye balls that he found somewhere–as hard as chalk, and as blue as skate.¨ this quote uses ¨as¨ twice showing that its comparing two things that gives you a better visual on what he's saying. It says his eyeball was hard like chalk but also blue like a skate. So when you picture this you see a guy in the military who collects souvenirs off his fallen enemies and studies them. This just kinda helps me understand that war really messes may mess with your head or how you think.


¨I dressed in clean white clothes and went to bed.¨ this is a metaphor because if you look at it, it sounds like he's on his death bed or had just died. This quote helped me understand that he might have passed away more peacefully, since his nerves have really been rattled when he was in war. Or maybe he even felt a sense of accomplishment that helped him accept his death.

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In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov, the two most significant literary terms I found were imagery and hyperbole.

“But water still Comes bloody from the taps, and my pet cat In his disorder vomits worms which crawl Swiftly away” is an example of imagery because the author is describing the scene to us through words.

“I heard the dust falling between the walls.” The author is using hyperbole because you cant actually hear dust hitting the ground unless it's in a specialized room with sound magnified

In the poem Beautiful Wreckage by W.D. Ehrhart, the two most significant literary terms I found were imagery and understatement. 

“What if I didn’t shoot the old lady running away from our patrol, or the old man in the back of the head, or the boy in the marketplace?” This is repetition because he keeps on saying what if he didn't kill all those people.

“Instead of the place of rotting sandbags, incoming heavy artillery, rats, and mud.” this is very vivid imagery because it describes the place that this person was in.


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I choose Redeployment and Bonia tune for my 2 poems. In the poem Redeployment I think the 2 most important literary terms are Hyperbole and Metaphor because both literary terms helped me understand the poem more like the soldier was having flashbacks from PTSD. And this is why I think that it is just an ex soldier with PTSD, ¨But water still comes bloody from the taps.¨ and this showcases Metaphor because he is seeing blood come from the sink when really it is just water, my second quote is ¨The end of the war. I took it quietly Enough. I tried to wash the dirt from under my fingernails, I dressed in clean white Clothes and went to bed. I heard the dust falling between the walls.¨ This is an example of hyperbole because he is not really hering dust falling he is just remembering what it was like back before the war ended. I think that the author used these literary terms because it makes the poem sound like a soldier with PTSD and maybe the author was trying to get the message out about soldiers with PTSD and how they are still affected even though the war is over, but the war isn't really over in their head. Then in Bosnia Tune I think the 2 most important literary terms are Hyperbole and Imagery because both literary terms helped give me a better understanding of the poem. ¨Time, whose sharp, blood-thirsty quill parts the killed from those who kill, will pronounce the latter tribe as your type.¨ This is an example of a paradox. This quote is an example of hyperbole ¨Too far off to practice love for thy neighbor/brother Slav, where our cherubs dread to fly, people die.¨  These literary terms gave me an idea over the author's perspective is War is not understanding no matter what people do or die. There always negative consequences in war.

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in the poem (Redemployment) the most important parts are: bloody and blue eyeballs.

Quote 1. "They say the war is over. But water still Comes bloody from the taps and". this was a metaphor, this quote i understood that also if the war over is never end.

Quote 2. "Who keeps a pleasant souvenir, he keeps A soldier’s dead blue eyeballs that he found Somewhere--hard as chalk, and blue as skate. He clicks them in his pocket while he talks ". this was a hyperbole, with this quote i understood that no matter who you are when you are dead you are just a victim and nobody will remember about you.

This poetry say that no matter that the war end… unforgettable what happened and is never a good thing the war


The other poem is Bosnia Tune, the most important words are people and death.


Quote 1. "People die" 

This was a repetition, and here we can understand that no matter what will happen everyone will die.


Quote 2. In small places you don’t know of, yet big for having no chance to scream or say goodbye”.

This is an understatement, I think it is important because the actor says small places that someone has, (can be a house or a family place that you don’t enjoy at the moment) but is important because when you are near to death you can’t go back there and in that moment you understand how important was.

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In the poem Beautiful Wreckage by W.D. EHRHART, the two most significant literary terms I found were paradox and understatement. 

“What if I didn’t shoot the old lady running away from our patrol, or the old man in the back of the head, or the boy in the marketplace?” is an example of an understatement because the author is saying that this isn’t a terrible situation when in all reality it is horrible. This shows that when you are sent off to war you are forced to forget about your feelings. 

“Would the wreckage be suddenly beautiful?”(Ehrhart) Everything that has been talked about previously surrounding death and violence clearly shows this is the opposite of beautiful. Overall the message of the poems seem to be that war is hard on your mental state.

In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov, the two most significant literary terms I found were perspective and imagery.

“They say the war is over. But water still comes bloody from the taps, and my pet cat in his disorder vomits worms…” This is an example of perspective because he still sees these things in his head. The physical war may be over but he is still battling a war in his head. 

“The War may be over. I know a man who keeps a pleasant souvenir, he keeps a soldier's dead blue eyeballs that he found somewhere. Hard as chalk and blue as skate.” This is an example of imagery because he describes the dead eyeballs for you to imagine.

Overall the message of the poem seems to be that war will always stick with you, you’ll never completely recover. 

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In the poem Bosnia Tune by Joseph Brodsky, the two most significant literary terms I found were Juxtaposition and Understatement. “In small places, you don’t know of, yet big for having no chance to scream or say goodbye”(Brodsky). This quote represents understatement because the author is trying to get a point across, but in a low detailed way. The author using understatement tells me that he's trying to have the readers take away that war is very real, people can die, and maybe he is understating it because he has PTSD. “My favorite example of juxtaposition is “As you watch athletes score, check your latest statement.”(Brodsky). I think this is a good use of juxtaposition because, in one half, the author is talking about people celebrating because they are winning and they are defeating the enemy, but he's also talking about the people who can’t celebrate because they died. The way the author looks at war and the point he's trying to get across is people die, there is always a side of war where people draw the short straw and die, it's inevitable.

In the poem Camouflaging the Chimera, the two most significant literary terms are Imagery and Simile. “As a world revolved under each man’s eye.”(Komunyakaa). This quote represents a simile. This helped me understand a message the author was getting that each man sees war differently, each man does different things and wants different goals, some want to be hero’s and some want to go home. “We hugged bamboo and leaned against the breeze off the rives” (Komunyakaa). This quote represents imagery because it gives you a picture of how the author thought about what he was doing hiding from enemies. I think the main picture here that the author is getting across is that each person sees war differently, each person goes through different things and has different experiences.

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In the poem Beautiful Wreckage by W.D. EHRHART, the two most significant literary terms I found were Imagery and Understatement. 

“What if I didn’t shoot the old lady running away from our patrol,/or the old man in the back of the head,/ or the boy in the marketplace.”(W.D. EHRHART) is an example of Imagery because this quote is being very descriptive. And it helps us understand what the person is going through. This helps me understand how war gave this man horrible PTSD. And how he's trying to show us what other people did or didn’t do. 

“What if none of it happened the way I said?/ Would it all be a lie.” (W.D.EHRHART) is an example of understatement because it doesn’t tell us what the lie would be. I think it shows that he’s angry but it doesn’t pinpoint anything specific. This helped me understand the author's perspective on war because maybe he doesn’t understand the war or the psychological things it does to you. 

The message I got from this poem is that people that go to war see a lot that stays with them for the rest of their lives. 

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Nice job with this part, but you need to analyze a second poem in the same fashion to get full credit. You can do this in a reply here or post again to this same prompt. 

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In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov imagery and hyperbole are two literary terms that i found in this poem. 

"I heard the dust falling between the walls." This quote is exaggerated because no one can actually hear the dust falling between the walls. you cant hear dust falling in general. 

"...A soldiers dead blue eyeballs that he found somewhere..." This quote to me is imagery. I can picture the man holding a blue eye.


In the poem Camouflaging The Chimera by Yusef komunyakaa metaphor and flash backs.

"The river ran through over bones" This is stating that the river was extremely cold for them. Rivers can't actually run through peoples bones. 

"We tied branches to our helmets. We painted our faces and rifles,with mud from the riverbank." This quote is pretty him remembering and having a flash back of them doing this. 





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In the poem Camouflaging the Chimera by Yusef Komunyakaa, the two most significant literary terms I found were Metaphor and Hyperbole. 

“We wove ourselves into the terrain” this is an example of a metaphor because it's directly comparing one thing to another. When it says they wove themselves into the terrain they mean they practically need to make themselves one with the nature around them in order to not be seen because if they didn't disguise themselves that well then it would be life or death for the soldier and platoon.

“But we waited til the moon touched metal, till something almost broke inside us” this is an example of Hyperbole because  the author talks about metal touching the moon, which isn't really going to happen they are just over exaggerating to mean they will wait till nightfall to start shooting their bullets and the metal “touching” the moon is probably the bullets shooting across the night sky. When they say “till something almost broke inside” they probably mean they waited and waited for the right moment till they physically couldn't wait anymore. 

The overall message of the poem seems to be that war isn't always about action and fighting and sometimes it's just about waiting for the right moment, otherwise you could get killed.


In the poem Beautiful Wreckage by W.D. Ehrhart, the two most significant literary terms I found were imagery and understatement. 

“What if I didn't shoot the old lady running away from our patrol” this is an example of imagery because the author is describing a clear image of an experience he had in the war of having to shoot down an elderly lady because she was running from him and his patrol. This shows me the types of things that this soldier had to witness and participate in during war. 

“Would the dead rise up and walk '' this is an example of understatement because to talk about the dead rising you would think would be more concerning but it's said so bland like it was an ordinary thought. This shows me how much a soldier really puts off to keep their mind in check if it even is, how they almost compress these concerning thoughts into their own rational to be able to bare with them.  

The overall message of the poem is that soldiers try to keep themselves in check as well as they can when deployed so they can do their job even if that means compressing difficult thoughts and situations.

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In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov, the two most significant literary terms I found were War and Remains. 

“I know a man / Who keeps a pleasant souvenir, he keeps / A soldiers dead blue eyeballs that he found / Somewhere--hard as chalk, and blue as skate. / He clicks them in his pocket while he talks”(Stanza 2 Lines 1-5) is an example of Imagery because it shows figurative and metaphorical language that is used to improve the reader’s experience through their senses. This helped me understand how war is impacting this character by being able to understand how the eyes looked and what they felt and sounded like. It shows me that the author thinks there is a connection between the character and the eyeballs. 

“and my pet cat / In his disorder vomits worms which crawl / Swiftly away”(Stanza 1 Line 2-4)  is an example of Character because A person, animal, being, creature, or thing in a story. This shows that the author really thinks that when you’re a part of war, your emotions aren’t as important. In order to survive, people have to set aside their feelings and just deal with the situation in front of them as best they can. 

Overall the message of the poem seems to be that in war survival is more important than processing emotions.

In the poem Beautiful Wreckage by W.D. Ehrhart, the two most significant lit terms I found is Understatement and Imagery. 

“Or what if the boy--but he didn’t have a grenade, and the woman in Hue didn’t lie in the rain in the mortar pit with seven Marines just for food,”(Stanza 2 Lines 1-4) is a example of a understatement because the soldier is thinking back in the past, with regret of the final decision he made to kill the boy and woman. They are trying to cope with themselves by attempting to make the past a little easier on themselves by asking the question but keeping the possibilities still up in the air. 

“Instead of the place of rotting sandbags, incoming heavy artillery, rats and mud.”(Stanza 4 Lines 3-4) shows imagery, this can be said because the author puts the reader in the hands of the situation. It allows you to understand in a deeper way so you can picture the environment and what is happening around you. 

The overall message of this poem is with the hard decisions you have to make in split time comes remorse and guilt of the action. 

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In "The Last Lie" by BRUCE WEIGL the most common literary term that was brought up was Imagery. 

"Across the sudden angle of the road's curving I could still see her when she rose/waving one hand across her swollen bleeding head, Wildly swinging her other hand/At the children who mobbed her, Who tried to take her food." This would be imagery because it's explaining how she felt when the kids took her food and you could see she had a swollen, bleeding head. That's imagery because you can imagine that happening to someone and the surrounding she may be in. 

The message of this poem is that war hurts people physically. 


In "Redeployment" by HAROLD NEMEROY the most common literary term was Plot. 

"They say the war is over... The war may be over... The end of war." This would be Plot/Flashbacks because he is looking back on the war and how life was when war was present. He talks about a soldier that kept someones eyeballs as a souvenir and looks back at the past and how that soldier had did that. This is flashback because it talks about the things that had happened in the past and not the present. 

War was a very tough and hurtful thing personally for most people. It's emotional and very hard mentally to go through something like that. 

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In the poem Beautiful Wreckage by W.D. Ehrhart, the two most significant literary terms I found were juxtaposition and understatement. 

“In Vietnamese, Con Thien means place of angels. What if it really was instead of the place of rotting sandbags, incoming heavy artillery, rats and mud” is an example of juxtaposition because it is talking of the same place while comparing it to explain the reputation of the name with the actuality of the location. This helped me understand how war can have an impact not only on people but also the world. Con Thien most likely used to be a beautiful place, given its name. But after the war took place, it turned into a dump. 

“...what if the boy - but he didn’t have a grenade” is an example of understatement because the author doesn’t really show what is happening. We do know that the boy was killed so the author was most likely trying to get across that in order to survive, people have to set aside their feelings and just deal with the situation in front of them as best they can. 

Overall the message of the poem seems to be that war changes the appearance of life. 

In the poem Bosnia Tune by Joseph Brodsky, the two most significant literary terms I found were juxtaposition and understatement. 

“As you sip your brand of scotch, crush a roach or scratch your crotch as your hand adjust your tie, people die” is an example of juxtaposition because it is talking about how we go about our daily lives without a care in the world and at the same time people are dying. This helped me understand how oblivious we are. We live day to day in a great country while at the same time people are starving and dying because war cripled their country. 

“In small places you don’t know of, yet big for having no chance to scream or say goodbye, people die” is an example of understatement because the author doesn’t really show what is happening. We can assume that the poem is talking about somewhere overseas in a small town. But because of the killing in war, they have no chance to say goodbye to their loved ones because they are in a desert.

Overall the message of the poem seems to be that life goes on and so does war.

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In the poem The Last Lie by Bruce Weigl the two most significant literary terms I found were imagery and juxtaposition.  

“I grit my teeth to myself to remember that girl/Smiling as she fought off her brothers and sisters./She laughed” (15-17) this is juxtaposition because he is feeling sorry for her getting hit in the head with a can but she is laughing and is happy because she got a can of food.  

“Waving one hand across her swollen, bleeding/head,” (10-11) this is imagery because he gives extra detail on how she looked from being hit with the can. 

These both help to show that everyone has different opinions and reactions to different situations. The girl is happy getting the food no matter getting hurt or fighting her brothers or sisters. His groupmate is having fun throwing the food for the people at their heads on the way by. And our author is remembering the whole thing and feeling sorry for the girl even though she is happy.

In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov the two most significant literary terms I found were imagery and association.

“He Keeps/A soldier’s dead blue eyeballs that he found/Somewhere--hard as chalk, and blue as skate./He clicks them in his pocket while he talks.” (8-10) this shows imagery because he is giving large details which give us an idea of what it looks like having an eyeball in your pocket just like that man.

“And now there are cockroaches in the house,/They get slightly drunk on DDT,” (11-12) this is association because it is associating that even when the bugs are poisoned they only get slightly drunk just like even when he tries to wash out the memories of war they are only slightly gone.

These both help me see that the author has a great effect from events that happened in the war and no matter how much he tries to wash out or get rid of the memories they always are there.

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In the poem Beautiful Wreckage by W.D. EHRHART the two most significant literary terms I found were Juxtaposition and Imagery. “What if I didn't shoot that old lady running away from our patrol” (Ehrhart) This quote had imagery and understatement. Imagery because it explains that the old lady was running away from the patrol and had been shot and understatement because they didn't explain why they had shot her for running away from the patrol, what was the old lady doing. “What if the angels were Ames and Ski, or the old lady” (Ehrhart) this is a really good example of Juxtaposition because it goes back to the beginning of them shooting the old lady and now he's questioning what if the old lady was an angel. I think the message of war it was trying to give is that in war you have to make split second decisions even if it's wrong or right in the end. 

In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov the two most significant itinerary terms I found were Metaphor and Juxtaposition. “Now there are cockroaches in the house, They get slightly drunk on DDT, Are fast, hard, shifty--can be drowned but not without you holding them under for some time.” (Nemerov) This quote is really good at using metaphor because I don't think cockroaches are really cockroaches. I think there were soldiers he had to kill when he was in war. “Now there are cockroaches in the house…can be drowned but not without holding them under for quite some time” (Nemerov) I think this quote kinda goes with the title of the poem “Redeployment” because maybe this person still feels like he’s still in the war fighting. a great example of Juxtaposition I think the message in this poem is War is always with you.


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In the poem Beautiful Wreckage by W.D. EHRHART the two most significant literary terms I found were Juxtaposition and Imagery. “What if I didn't shoot that old lady running away from our patrol” (Ehrhart) This quote had imagery and understatement. Imagery because it explains that the old lady was running away from the patrol and had been shot and understatement because they didn't explain why they had shot her for running away from the patrol, what was the old lady doing. “What if the angels were Ames and Ski, or the old lady” (Ehrhart) this is a really good example of Juxtaposition because it goes back to the beginning of them shooting the old lady and now he's questioning what if the old lady was an angel. I think the message of war it was trying to give is that in war you have to make split second decisions even if it's wrong or right in the end.

In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov the two most significant itinerary terms I found were Metaphor and Juxtaposition. “Now there are cockroaches in the house, They get slightly drunk on DDT, Are fast, hard, shifty--can be drowned but not without you holding them under for some time.” (Nemerov) This quote is really good at using metaphor because I don't think cockroaches are really cockroaches. I think there were soldiers he had to kill when he was in war. “Now there are cockroaches in the house…can be drowned but not without holding them under for quite some time” (Nemerov) I think this quote kinda goes with the title of the poem “Redeployment” because maybe this person still feels like he’s still in the war fighting. A great example of Juxtaposition I think the message in this poem is War is always with you. I think the best message of war is War may never leave you even if you're not there.

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"blades of grass hung from the pockets
of our tiger suits. We wove
ourselves into the terrain,
content to be a hummingbird’s target." Is an example of a metaphor. This is a metaphor because they are in ghillie suits and look like the terrain. "Content to be a hummingbirds target" is them being able to even trick a hummingbird into believing that they are the terrain.


"Gaffney didn’t get hit in the knee,
Ames didn’t die in the river, Ski
didn’t die in a medevac chopper
between Con Thien and Da Nang."

This is an example of character. This is character because it describes what happened to each soldier the narrator knew. while there being no character development, their deaths were developed

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Posts: 268

Your quotes and explanation of lit terms look good. But, you need an overall message about war for your poem. Then you need to repeat this process with a second poem. You can do that in a response to this or as a separate post. 

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In the poem  Redeployment there are Imagery and juxtaposition those two literary terms spoke out the most to me in the poem. ¨A soldiers dead blue eyeballs that he found/somewhere--hard as chalk, and blue as skate.(Nemerov) This quote in the poem shows imagery because it is using the 5 senses to describe something in the poem this helps when reading the poem because it helps the reader really feel and understand to a deeper connection. ¨ The war may be over. I know a man/ Who keeps a pleasant souvenir.¨( Nemerov ) This quote is a good example of juxtaposition because in the sentence the author starts talking about how the war is over then starts talking about a complacently different topic right after. That helps the reader get a better understanding by saying clearly what he is going to be talking about but then goes into detail about it. It helps me understand the authors perspective on war because they used those literary terms in a good way. 

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The message about war in the poem is that even though the physical war is over, the mental war will always stick with you you just have to work through it.

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In The Last Lie poem has the literary terms Imagery and  juxtaposition those two literary terms spoke out to me the most in the poem. ¨ Waving one hand across her swollen, bleeding head, wildly swinging her other hand.¨(Weigl) This quote is a good was to show imagery because it is again using the 5 senses to describe the moment in the book better then just stating it as a statement. It helps a lot in the poem when Im trying to understand. The other literary term that I saw a  lot of in this poem was juxtaposition. ¨I grit my teeth to myself to remember that girl/ smiling as she fought off her brothers and sisters.¨ ( Weigl ) This quote shows Juxtaposition because it is taking about two completely different things in the same sentence. This helps better understand because it explains what the author is trying to talk about in a different way. 

These quotes helped me understand the authors perspective of war because the literary terms helped better describe and make the point more clear. 

The message I got away from this poem was that in this world there is a lot of cruelty and mean people even in war.  

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