Last seen: Jan 31, 2025
“Tips for a Smooth Transition” “Do not touch your soldier when he is having nightmares- get out of bed, turn on the lights, call his name, from acro...
During chapter 12 and 13 they are in an intense football game. It lasts for pretty much the whole chapters and it is a very aggressive game and everyo...
During the second half of the novel the three doctors had to do a lot of back and forth. Going to Kokura and doing things there then coming back and h...
MASH: A Novel about three army doctors, a novel by Richard Hooker and W.C. Heinz, throughout the book so far a lot of the doctors aren't prepared for ...
"Ambush"“His one eye shut, his other eye a huge star-shaped hole.”(O'Brien 133) This quote shows imagery because the way it was worded is that he want...
In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov, the two most significant literary terms I found were p.o.v and imagery. “They saw the war is over. But wat...
While I'm growing up*Journey. “Dont Stop Believin.” Escape, 1981.In this song, it's about how not everyone is going to have the same things and how ev...