Last seen: Feb 27, 2025
I think this is a good example showing that they are looked at differently because people are getting mad at them because there not used to getting re...
I think this clearly shows that they didn't fit In because of their struggle with cultural difference.
Why did they end up vandalizing the school? I do agree with you saying that the reason he did not get looked at different is because he had people lik...
I agree with you saying he doesn't fit in because it seems like he really doesn't act like people in the United States do and he doesn't really unders...
we both said Atticus was the most effected just because of how hard he tried during the trial.
I believe that Atticus was the most affected by this trial. Atticus believed it was his ethical duty to defend Tom Robinson, regardless of the racial ...
this is really similar to mine because we both understand that Harper Lee didn't understand somethings that were going on.
This article about the Scottsboro boys really helps me understand that when Harper Lee was a kid, she really couldn't understand what kind of things w...
this is really similar to mine because we both said this was the most impactful moment and had the same evidence to back it up.
I think the most impactful moment that shows racism was when Mrs. Dubose said a racial slur talking about Atticus lawing for a black male. “mr Dubose ...
this relates to mine because we both said women were becoming more independent
this article helps me understand the book more because it tells us the types of new roles they had to take on, and how they are becoming more independ...