Last seen: Feb 27, 2025
In both of are book both are main characters are family orientated. and both try and help there family's seek refuge and fit in with the new world aro...
In my book The Grief Keeper by Alexzandra Villasante, this book is about a young girl trying to escape from a latin american country because of gang v...
In my book The Grief Keeper by Alexzandra Villasante, this book is about a young girl trying to escape from a latin american country because of gang v...
I agree that Atticus has a passion for his work and shows great intelligence during he case Especially with Mayella but confusing her in a way of tryi...
The person most impacted in part 2 of TMK is Atticus, Atticus is the most impacted by the trial because he is the person having to work through this w...
I agree With this because racism is such a big part of TMK and with the Scottsboro Brother Trial that white people thought they had control and didn't...
The Scottsboro brothers trail helped me understand the justice system better during that time. How racial the justice system was. This connects to Har...
We used the same moment, I think this moment stuck out to both of us because its a turning moment in the book were people start to degrading atticus f...
I would say the most impact moment in part one of the book would be at Christmas dinner with the Finches when Francis is commenting on how Atticus is ...
This article helps me understand the book better because it puts in perspective what women were going through during this time period” Women were beco...