Last seen: Feb 27, 2025
Our responses are similar because we both believe Jem was impacted the most. We both believe that the trial affected him a lot.
I feel that Jem was impacted most from the trial because he is trying to be like his father. But after the case when he realizes that the innocent per...
This helps me understand that people who do good, get good back, “23The keeper of the prison paid no attention to anything that was in Joseph 's charg...
Our responses are similar because we believe that even though Mrs. Dubose was a "bad person" her motive for Jem reading for her was good.
The most impactful moment was when Mrs. Dubose wanted Jem to read for her so it would distract her from waiting for her episodes to happen, so the rea...
Ours are similar because we both believe that unemployment was a big effect of the great depression, and we also believe that it is hard for Walter to...
This helped me understand that not everyone could afford the necessities for everyday life because it was too expensive. I understand that everyone in...