Last seen: Jan 13, 2022
I believe that discrimination stays similar in both To Kill a Mockingbird and A Raisin in the Sun. All of the characters in each novel are affected b...
The article that I chose is "Hair Has Nothing to with Competency". I chose this article because it shows how people with textured hair often get disc...
I believe that the type of discrimination that impacts To Kill a Mockingbird the most is cultural discrimination. "Mr Bob Ewell stopped Atticus on th...
I believe that the type of discrimination that impacted A Raisin in the Sun the most is cultural discrimination. "I am sure you people must be aware ...
My reaction was very similar to Scout's because we were both shocked. I was hoping that they would get the chance to meet, but I didn't think they wo...
"Mr. Bob Elwell stopped Atticus on the post office corner, spat in his face, and told him he'd get him if it took the rest of his life." (Lee 247) Th...
"I had a feeling that I shouldn't be here listening to this sinful man who had mixed children and didn't care who knew it, but he was fascinating. I ...
"Son, I said go home. Jem shook his head." (Lee 173) This is when Jem and Scout sneak out and decide that it would be a good idea to follow Attticu...
I like how this chapter has ties to chapter 8 (It's Greek to Me). It provides a very interesting take on Greek stuff like mythology. I agree with yo...
Mythology is still very relevant even in a modernized world. Mythology has to do with a ton of modern brand names and car vehicle names. The modern w...
"Nowhere. Let's see now, who taught me my letters? It was Miss Maudie Atkinson's aunt, old Miss Budford---" (Lee 141). This was after Calpurnia took...
"He did not begin to calm down until he had cut the tops off every camellia bush Mrs. Dubose owned." (Lee 118). This quote shows that he has no self...
"Jem, I ain't ever heard of a n***** snowman." (Lee 75). This quote is a very good example of cultural discrimination. Scout is saying this to Jem w...
"People moved slowly...There was no hurry..." (Lee 6). "...he's a Cunningham...It was clear enough to the rest of us." (Lee 22). These quotes hel...