Last seen: Mar 3, 2025
The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri introduces Ashima and Ashoke, Indian immigrants adjusting to life in the United states Ashoke survives a fatal train acc...
I agree with you about how prejust they are towards black people
Harper Lee grew up in Monroeville Alabama, where she witnessed tons of racism similar to those depicted in her novel. The Scottsboro case involved 9 b...
I agree with what you said and thought you had some very good points with how community's and economy's struggled.
The Great Depression shapes the setting of To Kill a Mockingbird.the Finch family is relatively better off than others, but Atticus accepts goods like...
I completely agree I think racism and abuse is one of the most impactful moments because I wrote about racism too
One of the biggest moments that highlights racism, sexism, and abuse is the town’s discussion of Tom Robinson being accused of assaulting Mayella. Thi...
I also agree with you because Toms whole life was flipped upside down and he was falsely accused just because he's black.
Tom Robinson is the most impacted character. He faces racial prejudice and is unjustly convicted of a crime he didn't commit. His life has been turned...