Last seen: Feb 28, 2025
i agree tom suffered alot but still proved he was innocent in a diffrent way
i think Atticus was the most impacted during the trial. Because he is fighting for a black man in Alabama. Which is also where the prejudice in a town...
i agree on how racism is so prevelant
the scottsboro boys trial can most positively correlate to what harper lee grew up to see and experience prejudice.which could be harper lees way of s...
I like how we did the same thing but used a different quote and event that happened in the book
racism was very important and prevelant to the story. It lead to a lot of frustration among Atticus children. they got made fun of for atticus being a...
I feel we had a similar understanding about the loss of value and risk that was to borrow money from others in fear they couldn't pay because money wo...
in the book there is a lot of subtle yet not subtle hints on the great depression with it showing how scout thinks there's nothing to buy or no money ...