Last seen: May 24, 2023
Maverick, I love your perspective on the EST, I also wrote about how McMurphy is confused of why they all stay and put up with the harmful treatment, ...
I agree with how you stated that McMurphy's rebellion was a source of entertainment for the ward. They went so long having dull and repetitive days, u...
McMurphy “lets up” on Nurse Ratched because he has learned in these chapters why all of the patients are on the wards. He realized that the “freedom” ...
Although I am for Nurse Ratched to win, I like how you talked about the changes that McMurphy has brought to the ward and the effect he has on rallyin...
I completely agree that McMurphy is seeming to be a disruptive and bad role model for these physicatric patients. I agree that these patients could no...
During this section of the novel, I am beginning to gain some understanding of Nurse Ratched. She is thinking big picture, and she has held a strong a...
Great job! It makes me curious on the staff's intent of the therapy. You well stated how it can be seen as a cure, and in healthcare I would hope they...
Great explanation! I also had no idea what electroconvulsive therapy was! So cruel.
In the past, mental institutions were very prison-like. They were very cold, dull, undesirable, and were seen as a punishment. There was a switch in 1...
Love this! It makes me curious what the real effects of the sleeping pills are. Do they make it so he can't see something that is really there, or mak...
Do you feel like McMurphy has the potential to win back those small battles, to beat the system that's dominating them?
When describing McMurphys smell, Chief makes the observation that he smells different than everyone else on the unit. Everyone else had been there lon...
I was also inferring that McMurphy was going to do some sort of rebelling/fight for freedoms! Also, I agree that most patients are a little naive and ...
Do you think that McMurphy getting other's input on the meetings and learning about their system could lead to patients fighting back?
B.) From what we know about Chief and how he describes time passing in chapter 6, we can infer that his perception of time and feeling is construed. H...