Last seen: Feb 28, 2025
Yes, there were a couple instances were the two groups got upset with each other but there was one instance that escalated to the point were a fight b...
In my book “Out of Nowhere” by Maria Padian, The main character Tom lives in a predominantly white town in maine. The town that he lives in called Enn...
In my book “Out of Nowhere” by Maria Padian, it follows a guy named Tom Bouchard in a town in Maine called Enniston which is a predominantly white tow...
I also felt that Atticus was the most impacted because of his role in the trial.
In my opinion, the trial affected Atticus the most because he tried so hard to keep Tom out of jail just for him to be sent there anyways. Also the tr...
The article Scottsboro Brothers helped me better understand a couple of things from the book. The first thing it helped me understand was how serious ...
Who was showing ageism towards Scout and Jem here?
In my opinion one of the most impactful moment in To Kill A Mockingbird is when everyone finds out about the case and that Atticus is going to be defe...
I agree, the article also helped me gain a better understanding of her life was and how it connects to the book.
This article helped me to further understand Harper Lee's life and what she had to go through from her childhood up to now and how she showed this in ...