TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble
Joined: Sep 1, 2021
Last seen: May 31, 2023
Topics: 0 / Replies: 21
RE: Visions of War Reading Response #3

The third part of slaughterhouse-five was about Billy talking about how he got sent to Dresden 2 days before the bombing. After the bombing, he descri...

2 years ago
RE: Visions of War Reading Response #1

Quote, number 1 (I get drunk.....breath like mustard gas and roses" Vonnegut 4 ) and the second quote (.... Every single boxcar became its own organis...

3 years ago
RE: Fire and Forget Reponse

I chose Tips for a smooth transition. “This is how it’s been since he’s been back, a sudden mauling as if Colin is a teenager with no control over h...

3 years ago
RE: The Things They Carried

“The upper lip and gum were gone. The man’s head was cocked at a wrong angle as if loose at the neck was wet with blood.”(Obrien 126) This is imagery ...

3 years ago
RE: Visions of War Reading Response #2

The 2/3 of SlaughterHouse-five is the time that Billy got captured by the Germans and was brought to a British camp, where he gets treated for his inj...

3 years ago
RE: War Poetry Response

In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov, the two most significant literary terms I found were imagery and hyperbole. “But water still Comes blood...

3 years ago
RE: Reading Response #5

Jem starts to get more and more frustrated and upset at scout for trying to talk to him. Jem really doesn't understand what's happening at the moment ...

3 years ago
RE: Reading Response #7

1: Bob Ewell was targeting blacks because he wanted to hide the fact that he abused his children, he already knew that he would win the case by puttin...

3 years ago
RE: Reading Response #8

I think that a lot of people were surprised when boo actually came out of the house. I'm pretty sure that Scout was not expecting for him to save her ...

3 years ago
RE: Reading Response #7

1." Mr.Bob Ewell stopped Atticus on the front office corner, spat in his face, and told him he'd get him if it took the rest of his life" (Lee 247) th...

3 years ago
RE: Reading Response #6

"I had a feeling that I shouldn't be here listening to this sinful man who had mixed children and didn't care who knew, but he was fascinating"(Lee 22...

3 years ago
RE: Reading Response #5

"No son, those were our friends"(Lee 166) Scout and Jem's relationship is getting a little rocky, with Jem understanding what is happening and is gett...

3 years ago
RE: Reading Response #4

"I just can't help it if Mister Jem´s growin up. He's gonna want to be off to himself a lot now, doin whatever boys do, so you just come right on in t...

3 years ago
RE: Reading Response #3

"Scout, simply by the nature of the work, every lawyer gets at least one case in his lifetime that affects him personally. This one’s mine, I guess. Y...

3 years ago
RE: Reading Response #2

"Jem,I ain't ever heard of a ***** snowman." (Lee 75) Scout doesnt fully grasp the idea of discimination and that shows when she is talking to jem. th...

3 years ago
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