Last seen: Apr 28, 2022
I don't believe there will ever be a time where discrimination is gone. I do believe that if we could stop the racial profiling in our essential worke...
Yes this is a dangerous thing because people will go and have it done unprofessionally which could cause more problems. But there are many of alternat...
racial profiling is a huge problem in our society! many of innocent people are being profiled as a suspect or criminal based on their skin color which...
agreed! gender equality is not handled how it should be in our society.
what do you think is going to be the best solution to keep discrimination from becoming a huge problem?
This article talks about how anybody can be discriminated against about basically anything. To discriminate against someone means to treat them differ...
To me, discrimination is judging/putting someone down based on skin color/race/facial features, hair color, etc.