TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble
Joined: Sep 11, 2023
Last seen: Feb 10, 2025
Topics: 0 / Replies: 18
RE: 3. Group D---crobinson25 (Replacement C)

You say that one of the people in your book, Miguel, is killed by a corrupt gang. Does anyone else get hurt by the gang just because they refused to j...

11 months ago
RE: 3. Group D---crobinson25 (Replacement C)

My book Exit west by Mohsin Hamid is about two lovers trying to stay safe in a war that is taking place in and outside their city. In some parts of th...

11 months ago
RE: 3. Group D - nperrier25 (teacher 3 replacement)

My book Exit west by Mohsin Hamid is about two lovers trying to stay safe in a war that is taking place in and outside their city. In some parts of th...

12 months ago
RE: 2. Group D - mlevasseur-robbins25

What is it like for Ezperanza living in a primarily white area in Chicago?

12 months ago
RE: 2. Group D - mlevasseur-robbins25

You say that the character Michael hasn't been through anything as close as Mina, what things specifically other than her dads death has she gone thro...

12 months ago
RE: 2. Group E - rblackwell25

Mostly in my novel “Exit West” by Mohsin Hamid, The main characters Saeed and Nadia don't usually voice their opinions to others but sometimes they do...

12 months ago
RE: 2. Group D - mlevasseur-robbins25

You referenced that Angela and Jamie feel guilt but Jamie shows it more. In my book it is sometimes said but it is usually implied in conversation and...

12 months ago
RE: 1. Group D - cdavis25

My book Exit west by Mohsin Hamid is about two lovers that relationship was also effected by violence. And it's hard for them because they are trying ...

1 year ago
RE: 1. Group D - cdavis25

My book Exit west by Mohsin Hamid is about two lovers trying to stay safe in a war that is taking place in and outside their city. In some parts of th...

1 year ago
RE: 1. Group D - mmurphy25

My book Exit west by Mohsin Hamid is about two lovers trying to be with each other while trying to deal with a war going on around them, and their exp...

1 year ago
RE: War Novel Response 3

MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors, a Novel by Richard Hooker and W. C. Heinz, ends being about everyone deciding football would be a good idea to...

1 year ago
RE: War Novel Response 2

MASH: A Novel About Three Army Doctors, a Novel by Richard Hooker and W. C. Heinz, so far, is about Trapper and Hawkeye being sent to operate on a ver...

1 year ago
RE: War Poetry

In the poem Redeployment by Harold Nemerov, the two most significant literary terms that I found were Metaphor and Character. “They say the war is ove...

1 year ago
RE: Fire and Forget Response

“Tips for a Smooth Transition/When engaging Targets, Remember,” This quote from Tips for a Smooth Transition does a good job of showing Imagery becaus...

1 year ago
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