Last seen: May 27, 2023
"On The Rainy River" by Tim O'Brien “I would go to war--- I would kill and maybe die--- because I was embarrassed not to" (O'Brien, 59). This shows ...
The final part of Johnny Got His Gun involves Joe still battling having lost pretty much everything including his senses- no hearing, can't talk, can'...
Quotes 1 and 3 best helped me understand that war is challenging for everyone using the literary terms simile and plot. Saying sleep should be like de...
The main two literary terms that stood out to me from Tips For A Smooth Transition are character and plot. The story is about Evie, a military wife to...
It takes place in the hospital at first then eventually continues following Joe's struggle with having lost his limbs. Essentially not extremely event...
In the poem When I Am 19 I Was A Medic by D.F. Brown, there's a paradox right in the title, as well as hyperbole. Talking about being 19 as though it'...
In Dalton Trumbo's 'Johnny Got His Gun', at the very start of the book, the main character, Joe, has to go home to his family to find out his father d...
"Mr. Ewell was a veteran of an obscure war; that plus Atticus's peaceful reaction probably prompted him to inquire, '"Too proud to fight, you n*****-l...
Despite cross-examination being the most important part of a trial, it's not like Scout nor Dill are old enough to truly understand the events transpi...
Earlier this year, a man by the name of Robert Aaron Long, went on a killing spree at 3 spas in Atlanta, GA, killing multiple people of Asian descent....
Anyone different is an outsider is the mindset for the people in both books. Blacks may not be slaves still, as they were back in the 1800's, but that...
I personally feel it's about the same as for how people of color are treated in both stories. While there are some minor differences, they're both rel...
The form of Discrimination I see most prevalent in the plot for A Raisin In The Sun would be Cultural. One main event in the story is when Asagai is t...
After reading To Kill A Mockingbird, I came to the conclusion in my mind that Cultural Discrimination is the more prevalent and plot-moving type of di...
My reaction to this event was basically the same as Scout's. I was more surprised with how he was introduced but not with his actions in the sense of ...