TheUtmostTrouble TheUtmostTrouble
Joined: Sep 13, 2023
Last seen: Jan 18, 2025
Topics: 0 / Replies: 14
RE: 3. Group E--llanglois25

In my book "The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros the main character Esperanza has trouble connecting with her own personal identity and her p...

11 months ago
RE: 3. Group E - avachon25 (Replacement D)

In my book "The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros Esperanza deals with being defined as an immigrant and only that. There are rarely moments w...

11 months ago
RE: 3. Group A - edrake25 (Replacement D)

Hi Edrake25, In "The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros the main character Esperanza deals with hardships and being defined as an immigrant. ...

11 months ago
RE: 2. Group D - mlevasseur-robbins25

In my novel "The House on Mango Street" the character Ezperanza doesn't feel guilty for having a better life than some immigrants. Frankly, because sh...

12 months ago
RE: 2. Group E - rblackwell25

Seeing our characters are similar in a certain way of just being hated for having experiences that people are jealous over show that most acts of viol...

12 months ago
RE: 2. Group E - rblackwell25

Our main characters are similar in a way of being insecure about being immigrants. It isn't a secret but it's something they don't like to talk about.

12 months ago
RE: 2. Group E - rblackwell25

Our characters are similar in the way of "hating their name". Esperanza, who is the Main character in my book, also suffers from depression but she do...

12 months ago
RE: 2. Group E - rblackwell25

Does Arsalan grow out of his shell as you read to book more and more? I would say that our main characters have similar qualities and traits when it c...

12 months ago
RE: 2. Group E - rblackwell25

In my book "The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros, the main character does deal with specific guilt because she feels as if she doesn't belong...

12 months ago
RE: 1. Group E - creynolds25

I agree with how Gogol was treated by the principle and was reassured of his decision to keep his name this way it is now.

1 year ago
RE: 1. Group E - creynolds25

In the book "The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros the Main character Esperanza struggles with fitting in with others in her age group. Espera...

1 year ago
RE: 1. Group E - lames25

In my book "The House on Mango Street" by Sandra Cisneros I have noticed the main character feeling like everyone thinks the main character, Esperanza...

1 year ago
RE: War Novel Response 1

War Reading Response IStubbs English III 09/26/23 “Eleven Days” By Lea Carpenter “But that September day when he called, he was shaken....

1 year ago
RE: Post your Playlist

Phoebe Bridgers. “Motion Sickness” Stranger In The Alps, 2017 This song has been on my spotify charts for around 3 years now. Phoebe sings about a p...

1 year ago